Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 6, 2018

The Browning of America

Wes White has given permission to post this excerpt from an earlier broadcast that he did.

The Browning of America
Wes:  I’d like to begin tonight’s segment by inviting you to go on a journey with me in a time machine.  Let’s go on a ride into history.  And we’re not going to visit a lot of different time periods– only two. We’re going to go back to the year 1500 AD and then we’re going to jump forward into time to our present time – about 500 years later. 

So again, just two time periods.  But…  we’re going to visit six locations around the world.

Are you ready?  Let’s go. 


First, let’s go to China.  Let’s get into our time machine and see what China was like in the year 1500 AD.  

Well, in so many ways, China was the most advanced part of the world 500 years ago. China’s dominance in manufacturing and commerce in the year 1500 were the very reason why Columbus took off from Spain in 1492.  Columbus didn’t sail west to find new lands.  He sailed west to find a shorter route to China so that Spain could establish direct trade with the richest nation on the earth at that time.   

Now, let’s stay in China, but let’s move forward in time to today.  What do we see in China today?  Well, a really similar situation.  Today, China has the largest economy in the world.  It creates tons and tons of manufactured goods that the rest of the world is anxious to buy.  
And just like China 500 years ago, today’s China exports all kinds of good to the rest of the world.  The world is beating a path to China to buy those goods.  If it weren’t for products from China, your Wal-Mart would probably go out of business.  

So what we saw of China 500 years ago is eerily similar to what we see in China today.
Middle East

Now travel back 500 years ago to the Middle East.   

When we get there, what do we see going on in the Middle East in the year 1500? Well, that part of the world quite medieval in its culture.  It was dominated by the Islamic faith.  That faith kept women in an inferior social position relative to men.  Its population was dynamic and growing to the point where it had actually expanded into parts of Europe.  And this population expansion caused a lot of friction with European leaders who wanted to the Islamic people pushed back to the Middle East. 

Let’s now move forward in time to today.  Don’t we see something really similar in the Middle East today?  Right now, the millions of Muslims who are moving into Europe from the Middle East have caused the proliferation of nationalistic movements in some European countries who want to see Muslim peoples pushed back into the Middle East. 

So 500 years later, many aspects of the Middle East don’t seem to have changed. 


How about Africa?  When we take our time machine to Africa in 1500 AD, we find a continent that’s has a predominance of Muslim Arabs in the northern part of the continent while the majority of the rest of the continent is dominated by the black race.   We also find that, in the year 1500, there’s no continental unity in Africa.  The continent is mostly composed of small, competing tribes and clans.  Economically speaking in 1500, we find that Africa is by no means booming.  There’s a lot of poverty.  

Then, as we move forward in time to today, we find a really, really similar situation in Africa, don’t we?  Not a whole lot of difference.  


And how about Europe?  Again, as we drive our time machine back to the year 1500, we find the European continent comprised of many nations, but they seem to be able to get along enough to have trade and commerce going back and forth.  In 1500, that part of the world was fighting to remove what they call “invaders” back to the Middle East. This whole conflict we see 500 years ago centered on both religion and race.  Remember that Queen Isabella of Spain isn’t famous today only because she financed Columbus’ voyage to the new world.  Isabella is also famous because she and her husband (in 1492) had run the Muslim Arabs out of Spain.  Many Europeans today long for another Queen Isabella.  

So. When we compare Europe 500 years ago to Europe of today, we find some really similar dynamics vying for control of that continent. 

South America and Mexico

How about Latin America – you know -- South America and Mexico?  As we travel back to the year 1500, we find that Latin America back then was inhabited by Native Americans.  500 years ago, these indigenous people had no desire to unify into larger nations.  Like Africa, South America was decentralized under many different tribes:  Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, and many others. 

Now let’s come back to our present time and look at its racial composition. Today, South America and Mexico are still inhabited primarily by the descendants of those Native Americans who populated the area in 1500 AD.   Demographically, South America and Mexico have the same basic racial population as it did 500 years ago.   Yes, a lot of European blood has been injected into the population of Latin America, but it’s still mostly of indigenous descent.  When we look at the politics, we see that South America is primarily a collection of many smaller nations.

North America

Let’s now move into North American.  As we travel back to the year 1500, we find that the central part of this continent is really similar to Africa and South America in the year 1500. The central part of the North American continent is composed of many different languages.  Different cultures.  

But, when we move forward in time to our present day, we find that something astonishing has happened to this part of the world.  When we move forward in time to today, we find three major nations controlling the North American continent:  Mexico, Canada, and the US.   So right off the bat, we find a completely different political structure on the continent.  

Further, we find something even more astounding.  In the area that’s now called the United States, we see a major change in the composition of the population.  Today, we see a totally different group living on this big piece of land than we saw 500 years ago. 

Question:  In what’s now called the United States, are the system of government and the people who live here in any way identical or even similar to what we saw 500 years ago on the same spot?  Absolutely not.

Again, in most places around the world, things today are fundamentally the same today as they were 500 years ago.  Except… in the land we call the US.

Today, the land upon which the US sets is controlled by a strong, central government. 500 years ago there wasn’t anything close to any kind of central government over this land.  The Native American tribes were separate from each other when it came to government.  They spoke many, many different languages.  Some of those languages weren’t even related to each other.  Some of these languages don’t even have a common parent language that they evolved from.  

And today, although there are indeed many languages spoken in this nation, the language of business and government and education in this piece of real estate is primarily English.  

And here’s the part that is so incredible.  Today, the population of the US is primarily (not totally, but primarily) composed of people who are descendants of Europeans.  

Unlike South America and Mexico where the population is primarily descendants of Native Americans, this North American nation we’re talking about is primarily composed of European stock.

And, in the scheme of history…this is startling.  What we see in the US today is unparalleled in man’s 6,000 years of history.  

As we compare the two snapshots of the overall world in 1500 AD and today, we’re tempted to say, “Things never change.”   And it’s pretty safe to say that because again, things in China, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin American, the demographics and governmental systems are really similar today to what they were 500 years ago. 

But this statement – that things never change – in no way applies to the middle of the North American continent.  

So, as we look at the United States, we gotta ask ourselves this question:  Is this European racial dominance going to last?  I mean, demographers, historians, and social scientists tell us that the European race is – comparatively speaking – getting to be a smaller, smaller – percentage-wise -- of the total population.  And they say that, over the next 100 years, the racial composition of the US is going to be completely reversed in that it’s going to get a lot closer to the way it was for thousands of years before Europeans started arriving in the New World over 500 years ago.  They say the country is eventually going to be dominated by the descendants of the aboriginal races that lived here for thousands of years before Columbus arrived. 

In other words, while they concede that the racial composition of this land will never go back to being 100% Native American, they project that the Europeans will eventually become a minority and the aboriginal people who live here will eventually equal or exceed the number of European descendants who live here.    

Important Interjection

Now, let’s make some important points here before we start contemplating the ramifications of this monumental population shift that’s already upon us.

First of all, the topic of race is always a difficult one.  The topic of race is so difficult that many preachers and teachers won’t go near it.  They realize that, once they wander into the topic of race, they’re walking into a minefield.  So they avoid it like the plague.

But, as you know, I don’t mind taking on difficult topics if I feel the ecclesia can benefit from frank discussion.  And I believe the SOS audience eagerly embraces these discussions --  and that they use Christian maturity without getting hurt feelings and without taking on needless offence. 

Second point.  This presentation is NOT going to be some white nationalism rant about how wrong it is that the white Europeans are being pushed out of the way by people with darker skin.  We’re not gonna go there.  And Carl and Nancy, if someone in the Chat Rooms gets into any racist nonsense, please delete their comments.  We want to learn from each other by civil disagreement.   But we’re not gonna let anyone use this show to promote racial division.  

Remember that this show always teaches that every person who has ever lived on this earth was created for the purpose of becoming a member of the God Family. God loves every person who has ever been born because God wants that person to live eternally with him.  So I’m not going to be part of any movement that says we white people need to wake up because our country is being taken over by dark people.  That’s not what we’re about on SOS.  Our mission is to have Christian love for all people. 

Third point.  I’m not an expert on race.  For the 12 years I was in elementary school and high school, I never attended school with an African American.  Not a single one.  In the town I was raised in back then, we simply didn’t have any people of color.  

So I’m not even close to being an expert on other cultures and races.  And I admit it.  And this is why – over the decades – I’ve tried to do things like developing relationships with Spanish-speaking Sabbath keepers.  I try not to live in a white bubble.  Yes, I admit I have much to learn.  So, if I make an ignorant statement, please tell me I’ve goofed up so I can repent.  But then forgive me. 

All right.  Let’s move on. 

Let’s talk a little more about history.  Let’s try to understand how the US came to be where it is today and… why it’ll be where it is in the next 100 or 200 years.   
It’s important to note that, demographically speaking, Europeans didn't become the majority race in North America till sometime well after1800.  I think the European race became dominant in the US somewhere around 1875 – give or take 25 years in either direction.  Let me explain.  

Before 1789, the US was basically just thirteen squabbling, former British colonies clustered on the Atlantic coast.  Before 1789, Native Americans were the primary race of North America.  That statement is a no-brainer. 

After 1789, the US had become of nation with a strong centralized government.   By 1800, there were 16 states – the original 13 colonies plus Vermont, Kentucky and Tennessee.

In 1800, in spite of the fact that the US claimed ownership of most of the land south of the Great Lakes… and between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River – still -- in that big chunk of land, most of the areas were still populated by Native Americans and under the control of Native Americans So in 1800, the land called the US was mostly populated by Native Americans and most of the land was controlled by Native Americans. 

Then, in 1803, the US doubled in size by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France.  But the American nation was still in no way in control if that new land that it had just purchased.  That huge tract of real estate called the Louisiana Territory in 1803 was still populated and controlled primarily by Native Americans.   Remember that when Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore this new acquisition, there were very few Europeans living there.  Most of the European people who lived in the Louisiana Territory were in and around the city of New Orleans.  

Again, all throughout the early 1800s, this piece of real estate that we now call the US was populated and controlled primarily by Native Americans.   

            Then -- somewhere over the next 100 years -- the racial composition of this land was reversed.  The racial composition of this land became majority European stock. And, at that point, the land became primarily controlled by the descendants of people who emigrated here from Europe. 

So again, this switch took place somewhere in the late 1800s.  

And this was a seismic shift in demographics.  Something like this doesn’t happen very often in history.  I’m not sure the world had ever seen such a quick and dramatic change. Remember that this reversal took place over a huge piece of land and it took place over a period of time less than 400 years long.  

Again, this was unprecedented.  Now, we do see things like this happen in history on a smaller scale. 

Like in 721 BC when the northern tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by the Assyrians.  And then the Assyrians sent a whole new group of people to populate that newly-vacated land. Then, by the time Jesus comes on to the stage of history, those people who were living in the land that was once populated by the northern ten tribes of Israel – those people were called Samaritans. But they weren’t of Israelite stock.  They were primarily a Gentile people.

So we do see demographic upheavals like this take place in history. But I don’t think the world has ever seen such a major change happen like we saw take place in North American between 1700 and 1800.  This was demographically seismic. 

Now, people always ask the question:  How did it happen?

Well, I suggest that there were four reasons why the Europeans were able to replace the Native Americans on such a huge scale.  Let’s look at those four reasons:

So in 1800, the land called the US was mostly populated by Native Americans and most of the land was controlled by Native Americans. 

Then, in 1803, the US doubled in size by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France.  But the American nation was still in no way in control if that new land that it had just purchased.  That huge tract of real estate called the Louisiana Territory in 1803 was still populated and controlled primarily by Native Americans.   Remember that when Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore this new acquisition, there were very few Europeans living there.  Most of the European people who lived in the Louisiana Territory were in and around the city of New Orleans.  

Again, all throughout the early 1800s, this piece of real estate that we now call the US was populated and controlled primarily by Native Americans.  

            Then -- somewhere over the next 100 years -- the racial composition of this land was reversed.  The racial composition of this land became majority European stock. And, at that point, the land became primarily controlled by the descendants of people who emigrated here from Europe. 

So again, this switch took place somewhere in the late 1800s.  

And this was a seismic shift in demographics.  Something like this doesn’t happen very often in history.  I’m not sure the world had ever seen such a quick and dramatic change. Remember that this reversal took place over a huge piece of land and it took place over a period of time less than 400 years long.  

Again, this was unprecedented.  Now, we do see things like this happen in history on a smaller scale. 

Like in 721 BC when the northern tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by the Assyrians.  And then the Assyrians sent a whole new group of people to populate that newly-vacated land. Then, by the time Jesus comes on to the stage of history, those people who were living in the land that was once populated by the northern ten tribes of Israel – those people were called Samaritans. But they weren’t of Israelite stock.  They were primarily a Gentile people.

So we do see demographic upheavals like this take place in history. But I don’t think the world has ever seen such a major change happen like we saw take place in North American between 1700 and 1800.  This was demographically seismic. 

Now, people always ask the question:  How did it happen?

Well, I suggest that there were four reasons why the Europeans were able to replace the Native Americans on such a huge scale.  Let’s look at those four reasons:So in 1800, the land called the US was mostly populated by Native Americans and most of the land was controlled by Native Americans. 

Then, in 1803, the US doubled in size by purchasing the Louisiana Territory from France.  But the American nation was still in no way in control if that new land that it had just purchased.  That huge tract of real estate called the Louisiana Territory in 1803 was still populated and controlled primarily by Native Americans.   Remember that when Jefferson sent the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore this new acquisition, there were very few Europeans living there.  Most of the European people who lived in the Louisiana Territory were in and around the city of New Orleans. 

Again, all throughout the early 1800s, this piece of real estate that we now call the US was populated and controlled primarily by Native Americans.  

            Then -- somewhere over the next 100 years -- the racial composition of this land was reversed.  The racial composition of this land became majority European stock. And, at that point, the land became primarily controlled by the descendants of people who emigrated here from Europe. 

So again, this switch took place somewhere in the late 1800s.  

And this was a seismic shift in demographics.  Something like this doesn’t happen very often in history.  I’m not sure the world had ever seen such a quick and dramatic change. Remember that this reversal took place over a huge piece of land and it took place over a period of time less than 400 years long.  

Again, this was unprecedented.  Now, we do see things like this happen in history on a smaller scale. 

Like in 721 BC when the northern tribes of Israel were taken into captivity by the Assyrians.  And then the Assyrians sent a whole new group of people to populate that newly-vacated land. Then, by the time Jesus comes on to the stage of history, those people who were living in the land that was once populated by the northern ten tribes of Israel – those people were called Samaritans. But they weren’t of Israelite stock.  They were primarily a Gentile people.

So we do see demographic upheavals like this take place in history. But I don’t think the world has ever seen such a major change happen like we saw take place in North American between 1700 and 1800.  This was demographically seismic. 
Now, people always ask the question:  How did it happen?

Well, I suggest that there were four reasons why the Europeans were able to replace the Native Americans on such a huge scale.  Let’s look at those four reasons: The first was population expansion by the Europeans.  Unlike today, at that time, Europeans had large families.  Europeans were outgrowing their continent across the Atlantic.  They had deforested their wooded areas.  They weren’t able to grow enough crops to feed all their people. So they pushed into North America.  

The second reason was the practice of forced relocation on the Native Americans.  Remember that Andrew Jackson’s Trail of Tears wasn’t the only time that Native American tribes were uprooted and forcibly moved off their lands and made to live in some other part of the continent.  Forced relocation was one factor in this demographic shift.
The third reason this population replacement happened was war.  

And the fourth reason this happened – and this was the biggest reason – was disease.   We can’t place too much emphasis on disease in shaping the population demographics in North America.  

Let’s go back to ancient times.  Right after the Flood, the people of the world were united at the Tower of Babel. Then God dispersed them all over the world…  for two reasons.  One was because He wanted the entire earth populated.  And the second reason is because of the one-world government rebellion that took place under the leadership of people like Cush and Nimrod and Semiramis.  So God confounded their languages and forcibly dispersed them so they wouldn’t remain clustered in what is now Iraq. 

From that dispersion out of the Mesopotamian Valley in the Middle East, people then migrated over the entire world.  

Anthropologists believe that people from Asia migrated to the North American continent from what is now Siberia.  Some of them may have come over the Pacific Ocean in boats. Anthropologists and archeologists are still debating this issue. 

The point is that – by the time Columbus showed up in North America in 1492 – the whole inhabitable world was populated.  But there were – for all intents and purposes -- two worlds: Europe, Asia, and Africa were the old world.  North and South America were the new world.   These two worlds had virtually no contact with each other for thousands of years. Each world didn’t even know the other existed. 

And during these thousands of years of separation, the old world inhabitants had developed some horrible strains of disease.  Here’s a list of diseases that the Europeans brought to the new world:

The plague, The plague, chickenpoxcholera, the common colddiphtheria, influenza, malaria, measles, scarlet fever, sexually transmitted diseases,typhoidtyphus, tuberculosis, and pertussis (whooping cough).  Again, these are diseases we find in the old world before 1492.  

But we don’t find them in the new world.  The new world people had never experienced these diseases before 1492. 

Why not?  Many scientists believe that the Native Americans had never experienced these diseases was because they were cleaner the Europeans.  The Native Americans bathed.  They practice better oral hygiene.  They understood the importance of hand washing.  For centuries in Europe, bathing was frowned upon by the church. Another topic for another time. 

The Europeans were basically nasty.  They stunk.  They didn’t wash their clothes on a regular basis.  And they were too hung up on alcoholic beverages – something that didn’t exist in the new world before 1492.

So, for a lot of reasons, Europe developed diseases that had never touched the new world before Columbus.  And, because the Europeans had experienced these many diseases, their bodies had developed high degrees of immunity to those diseases. 

Unfortunately, the Native Americans had developed no such immunities.  They never needed these immunities before the Europeans showed up. 

So, when the Europeans accidentally infected the Native Americans with their diseases…

And let me add something important.  I can find nothing in history that indicates the Europeans every deliberately infected the Native Americans.  I’m not saying it never happened.  I’m saying that I can’t find anything in history that indicates it was ever done deliberately. 

Back to our point.  When the Europeans accidentally infected the Native Americans with their diseases, the people in the new world died by the millions.  I’ve read estimates that said up to 90 percent of the Native Americans died because of exposure to these nasty Europeans and their diseases.  90%!  

Many times, Europeans would move into an area of the New World and they wouldn’t see any people for miles and miles around.  So they thought it was land that had never been occupied. What they didn’t know was… that that land had once hosted a teeming population of Native Americans that had only recently died of European disease.  

So these are the four main reasons why there was this great demographic shift from majority Native American to majority European.   The Native Americans were dying off at a rapid rate and the Europeans were moving in and having lots of kids.  

And that’s why, by the year 1900, Europeans had become the dominant race and the dominant culture in this land that we call the US. 

Now, here’s where the demographers come back into our discussion. Because this story isn’t over. It’s far from over. 

While it took the anthropologists and the archaeologists to explain the past, it takes the demographers to tell us what’s coming in the future.  And the demographers say that European racial dominance over North America is going to end somewhere between 2040 and 2100 AD. They say that, between the years 2040 and 2100, European stock will no longer be the dominant race of the land called the US.    Some of you may live to see this switch.  

The demographers point out that the descendants of Europeans are already the minority in as many as 21 states.  

Some real quick facts from an article by Sabrina Tavernise of the NY Times.  It appeared on June 20, 2018:
n  Deaths now outnumber births among white people in more than half the states in the country.    

n Fertility rates in whites dropped drastically after the Great Recession of 2008 and mortality rates for whites have been rising, driven partly by drug overdoses.  

n  The majority of the youngest Americans are already non-white. 

n  In California, 52 percent of all children are living in homes with at least one immigrant parent.

            So now, let’s get back into our time machine and now let’s go into the future.  Let’s take a look at the year 2100.  If the demographers are correct, when we get to 2100, we’re going to look at the US and see that the European race’s dominance of NA lasted only about 200 years!  That is, European racial dominance went only from the year 1900 to the year 2100!

Only 200 years!  And 200 years is nothing in the overall scheme of man’s 6,000 year history.  200 years is just a blip on the radar in man’s history.  

Now, I suppose that, in some ways, this development may shock us. But maybe we should look at this as civilization’s natural desire to be like it was in the past.  

Now, are we saying that this demographic reversal is a bad thing or a good thing?  No.  These are just the facts being related as accurately as we can.  We’re not putting any value on this demographic data.  It is what it is.  

Further, we must never forget that we don’t always know what God’s plan is in all this.  We’re just finite beings trying to look at the big picture.  And this is so difficult for us because we tend to obsess with the micro here and now…and ignore the macro overall.  


  1. Is this the most long winding anti-condom (anti conception) advertisement ever.

    It's not about race Wess. Its about the control of assets and labor through the multinational corporation.

    Regarding the founding philosophers of the EU I can say that they argued that war ensued between perceived differences of peoples, therefore some proposed the dissolving of ethnic national units into a new order. As an old fashioned person myself I 'm not sure if that is a good thing regarding the gene pool diversity. But from a theoretical viewpoint I came to the same conclusion. That in a one world government under a benign dictatorship, a one type population would be easiest to control, as long as they are happy with just enough share of the worlds assets to keep the little lady happy.

    "the grey" as the working class was called in the past since they all looked the same to the ladies in pink. ( the lookin down on black people only started in medieval times regarding theories on good and evil as in the hats of western movies)


  2. For those who may be consuming adult beverages, or partaking of medical marijuana on a Friday evening, you have not in fact taken leave of your senses! There is a huge section of material right below the map depicting the Louisiana Purchase that repeats itself three or four times, just before Wes gets into his four reasons for the demographic shift from Native American to European dominance of the new magic land.

    I found this dissertation to be thought-provoking, however, I’d just love to hear what contributions university students schooled in world history or international geopolitics might add in round table discussions. Kind of a peer review.

    Just one tidbit from my own thoughts. We live in an unprecedented era, an era in which instant communication and easy international travel has facilitated more rapid shifts of all kinds, not just demographic. It’s all part of the continuing evolutionary processes of humanity. The more advanced nations and continents have been subject to greater changes and transitions because technology has placed us on a logarithmic progression, instead of simple arithmetic one.

    Interestingly, people native to tribal areas of the globe have proven themselves to be very amenable to higher education, and in a few short generations, have demonstrated great intellect and have excelled in every field. I don’t believe that anyone has anything to fear from this “browning”. We have more to fear from the acceleration of the Holocene Extinction. I laughed uproariously the other day when I read about how lions had eaten three rhinocerous poachers! Serves them right!


  3. Does this mean that then Europeans are no longer the majority population then we are no longer considered descendants Manasseh? Does this mean that the prophecies that refer to the U.S. in prophecy are invalid?

  4. The fear that the former minority will treat you as you treated them.

  5. Wes noted:

    "Only 200 years! And 200 years is nothing in the overall scheme of man’s 6,000 year history. 200 years is just a blip on the radar in man’s history."

    C'mon Wes, you're better read and more intelligent than that!


    "The 200 years is nothing in the overall scheme of man's 200,000 year history."

    and too...this article is too long. :)

  6. The average IQ in black Africa is 70. In the Middle East it is about 85. In the Philippines about 80 I think. If whites are replaced by people like that, the IQ of America will drop drastically and America will be come a poor country. You will want to move to China or Japan where the IQ is 105.

  7. Wes sent this to me also. When I read the 6000 year history comment I trashed it. You can't take a man seriously when he throws science out the window.


    Wes, have you studied this issue or are you parroting a wcg history lesson???

  8. PS Wes tries hard to walk the line of reasonable Church of God beliefs. To me, he is quietly lamenting here the reality that White and European culture, which I believe he still views as British/Israelite in nature with all its associated "promises/prophecies/pretentions.

    Europe and the Middle East are well aware of the flow of time and populations. Sumerians, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Vikings, Celts, Romans, Goths, Visagoths, Harry Eyes, etc. Even Homo Habilis had to yield to Erectus and then Neaderthal to Cro-Magnon. That "Manifest Destiny" and Mound Builders as Israelites in the 19th Century because Native Americans could not possibly been so advanced as to build mound cities didn't help the high and chosen view European Americans had of themselves.

    I'm sure 300 years ago someone noted that someday bringing ship loads of slaves to work the land before mechanization made it obsolete might change the demographics but then said "well, that's not our problem."

    I suppose race wars and nasty messy transitions into reality lie ahead but they have always been and it doesn't take a genius to see it evolving now as in the past. It's the nature of the beast.

    And all this because of the adaptions of melanin in the skin because of moving from sun drenched Africa to gotta take vitamin D Europe and Scandanavia so my bones don't fall apart.

  9. Somebody needs to do some serious proof reading and editing.

  10. Diversity is disunity. Disunity is disorder. Disorder is destruction. Replacement immigration was brought in by the fifth column despite the vast majority being against it.

  11. Native Americans had to face the very thing Wes quietly laments. Pontiac, during the French and Indian Wars of the 1700's was the reaction and for a time kicked British ass until overwhelmed. The British were determined to Colonize where the French had no colonization goals on the continent which is why the Natives fought for them and not the British


    And Custer eventually also got what he deserved.

  12. I simply could not get myself to sit and read this whole article, because it felt like I was subjecting myself to a "Sermonnette", especially as I usually check this site just after waking up. In my worthless opinion, it would be better for such a post to be condensed as a summary instead of published in the current format. I agree with Dennis. Too long.

  13. While the overall trends mentioned in this article make sense, some of the facts are off.

    1. It is not correct to class Mexico and South America as Native American. Most of these people have Spanish ancestry. Some nations like Uruguay and Argentina are principally European. There are pockets of indigenous people but they are of little influence.

    2. Demographic domination does not translate into other forms of domination. In North America, Europeans dominate society economically, culturally, through ownership of the land base and through governance and will do so even after they are outnumbered. What we can expect is a large and growing underclass of people of color. The USA will more likely become a nation of Romans and Peregrini.

    3. As people advance and recognize that survival is not so much dependent on having a large number of children, birth rates will decline. Blacks are no longer replacing themselves in the US population. The demography of the future may be different than we think.

    4. I think Whites did give Native Americans blankets carrying smallpox with malicious intent. I did not take the time to find the historical references.

    5. And for the atheists among us, what would it tell us if Big Brother Evolution results in the dwindling of White America and the rise of Non-White America. Could that be a biological billboard message?

    What disturbs me about this lengthy article is that it could be a nice segue into the Nationalism (I would say "White Nationalism") of Steve Bannon and others on the far Right. Their base is in a panic over the trend of fewer Whites and more people of color in the USA. That is why they actively seek a coalition with the other Great White Power, Russia. For the far Right, it is time for White people to stick together in opposition to the teeming hordes and this crosses all boundaries, including cultural and political.

    1. The interesting thing about the white nationalists, NEO, is that as shallow thinkers, they tend to assume that diversity in skin color universally produces deep philosophical differences. They see skin pigmentation as cause and effect way out of proportion to its normal scope of influence.

      The guy a few comments above who constantly cites his bogus IQ averages (academics recognize the inadequacy of “standardized” tests) which he alleges apply to different racial groups fails to consider that there have always been large numbers of white people of below average IQ, and they have not brought down our nation or its unity. They have simply fit into a different level of the ecological system that is our national society, actually performing very necessary functions. So, it really doesn’t matter how “Suburban Whitey” (notice the carefully-crafted self-deprecating humor!) measures intelligence.

      Also, the melting pot concept has always accomodated and absorbed the waves of people coming to affluent nations for better lives, better opportunities. Do these folks make their marks on the existing culture? Hell yes. Everything around us is always a snapshot in time. Wes mentioned that in the area in which he grew up, he had no interaction with black people. Seems there weren’t any. It doesn’t matter. Sly and the Family Stone, James Brown and Ike and Tina Turner were still on the radio, adding their influences to the culture of that day. Another “minority”, the Irish had brought St. Patrick’s Day with them. We were also eating Italian foods. At that time, we may not have yet known that the a is pronounced “ah” in tacos, but within a few years, Taco Bells would be sprouting up even in Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota, making Mexican foods part of our natural culture.

      This “remarkable” metamorphosis was due to improved communication, more rapid and convenient travel, and the freedoms to indulge in both.

      I don’t know anything about business in Africa. But nck has shared that the Chinese are making heavy investments in the development of African nations. In our post colonial world, that continent had been left to die, up until very recently. In the ‘60s Che Guevara had worked very hard to foment a communist revolution in Africa, and had concluded that one of the problems in so doing was that there was no sense of nationalism. He had to have at least that as an anchor for his revolution. Imagine what advances and changes will come to that continent over the next 100 years if the Chinese continue to invest time and money. Again, we are living in a snapshot in time. Nations and continents can lie fallow for hundreds of years. Then, suddenly, there is change and growth.

      This discussion could be expanded on so many levels, and could go on for some time. Concern about cultural change is very chique in certain circles, and this plays well to the British Israel crowd who have much vested interest in the continuation of certain “special” white-English-speaking nations until their prophecies are fulfilled. It’s a mindset. That there could be multi-culturalism or diversity doesn’t fit into their understanding, therefore something must happen to derail it so that their understanding of prophecy can once again be correct.

      I just hope some of our readers realize where the numbers which we use everyday came from. They are called “Arabic Numerals”. Also, the algebra we all studied in high school is one of the cultural influences of the Persians. They invented it.


  14. 200 hundred years. In a few decades look at what China did.

    Bullet train






    Chinese manufacturing


  15. "Does this mean that the prophecies that refer to the U.S. in prophecy are invalid?"

    no, it means that the stranger that is among you shall rise up and subdue you....(because we've thumbed our noses at God)

    1. A stranger only remains a stranger if you exclude him and refuse to get to know him.

      And, yes, the prophecies which were misinterpreted, and twisted to appear to apply to the US don’t. This discussion is just the latest information in a continued series of education for those who didn’t realize that the jig was up in 1975.


  16. Anonymous said...
    "Does this mean that the prophecies that refer to the U.S. in prophecy are invalid?"

    There are no prophecies that refer to the US in prophecy. Never were. Never could be. The book was not written with it in mind ever. That is 19th Century Malarkey perpetuated into the 20th by the hangers on.

  17. Nuther Nonamous said:

    "no, it means that the stranger that is among you shall rise up and subdue you....(because we've thumbed our noses at God)"

    No sorry, doesn't mean that either...

  18. I’d like to recommend one kind of cool thing Wes could do. He didn’t choose a soundtrack for this discussion. I recommend Soundgarden’s “Spoonman”. Google it. Love it! Live it!


    1. BB,
      I admire your analysis of Armstrongism and have been able to understand those under its spell because of you. I wonder if I can contact you via email as I have a question that if asked on here would identify my family member still in the church.

    2. Sure, 2:09. I don’t want to post any of my email addresses here, but pass your question along to Gary for me to take a look at. He’s got my email address, and has passed along questions from other readers in the past.

      Good luck in your journey!


  19. This is not a scientifically accurate article. It's more of the same old COG 6,000 year nonsense. Yeah, there will be demographic changes. History is filled with them. "Race" is a word based in nonsense. We're all originally from Africa. Environment driven natural selection has separated us into variant types, but we're all basically the same under all the physical variations. I won't be around to worry about the demographic changes. Society will adjust -- if the human race survives. No Jesus is ever coming back to save our behinds. He's a Roman imperial fiction who wasn't even here the first time.

  20. The article is lengthy.
    Apparently, somewhere around 90% of Mexicans have Native American Ancestry see https://www.indexmundi.com/mexico/demographics_profile.html

    Guatemala is closer to 100% see https://www.indexmundi.com/guatemala/ethnic_groups.html

    About 97% of the folks from Honduras have Native American ancestry see http://countrystudies.us/honduras/54.htm

    About 74% of Nicaraguans see https://www.indexmundi.com/nicaragua/ethnic_groups.html

    About 88% of Colombians see https://www.indexmundi.com/colombia/ethnic_groups.html

    About 82% of Peruvians see https://www.anywhere.com/peru/questions/people-economy-government/what-is-population-ethnic-makeup

    There is an old Native American prophecy that predicts that they will one day supplant Europeans. Could that explain why some White Americans are so pissed over immigration from south of the border?

  21. I'm shocked to have been quoted by BB on Chinese investment in Africa.

    Therefore I feel obliged some extra information on that topic for the interested.
    (in the process boosting this blog in the eyes of mr google through the links)




    I'm sure those who are both part of a race and have high IQ's are able to find more on the topic for personal use.

    Controversial Kishore Mahbubani of Singapore University has argued that the shift toward China and India is just a natural return to their former status afther this strange interjection in history of the sudden rise of the Western Nations

    Remember Columbus was looking for Indians in India for riches. By accident stumbling on that hallowed place to be shaped and turned into the shining beacon on the hill supported by huge investments from the cities of London and Amsterdam and salesmen like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson making the case for a good return on investment.


    As you were.


  22. In the USA there are a higher percentage of blacks that are descended from former slave owners than whites. That's because of all the slavery that used to exist in Africa.

  23. Race is real. The people who say it is a social construct are lying. Race is more than skin deep. It affects your physiology and brain structure and temperament not just skin color. Different breeds of dogs are more genetically similar (from pit bulls to poodles) than the different races of man are.

  24. Arabic numbers came from the Hindus not the Arabs. Some people don't know jack. Keep listening to the mainstream so you remain PC-stupid and we can all have a good laugh.

    1. “Arab” and “Persian” are ethnic groups, 2:34. “Hindu” denotes a religion or family of religions. What you just stated was like saying that the Catholics invented pizza. LOL!


  25. There are plenty of books by professors that prove race is much more than skin deep and makes a profound difference in mentality, intelligence, crime rates, etc.

    1. “There are plenty...”

      That does not rise to constituting proof, 2:36. Far too nebulous. Can you cite just one such peer-reviewed professor for our edification?

      As an aside, I really got a kick out of your group in the Clint Eastwood movie “Pink Cadillac”. Born comedians!


  26. Ooh, this has made me think of some more music! My ex girlfriend used to paraphrase the old Billy Idol song to make them her own. She’d sing, “It’s a nice day for a brown wedding!”

    And speaking of Sly Stone, he’d always introduce Everyday People with “Don’t hate the black! Don’t hate the white! If you get bitten, just hate the bite!”

    Ya know, we were absolute fools to ever have believed that the USA (or Canada) was Manasseh! There were huge numbers of French settlers (falsely so-called Reuben by HWA), and massive numbers of Germans (HWA called them Assyrians although the Allemani were a Germanic tribe just as the Angles and Saxons, and Gauls). There were significant numbers of Native Americans, and the original Spaniards and Mexican population of the Southwest. Plus Africans who were originally brought here against their will. At one point, it had to be decided that English would be our national language, because that choice was up in the air.

    When William Penn founded Pennsylvania, he founded it as a place where all would be accepted and could live in peace. Actually, and fittingly, Philadelphia was our nations’s first capital.

    Recent studies have determined that German dna is the most prevalent dna amongst the US population even today.

    There were a lot of problems with British Israelism even before the mapping of the human genome. It started with the birth of Manasseh and Ephraim. Their mother was Egyptian. Frankly, we’re not told one way or another, but she could have been Nubian Egyptian.


  27. Thankfully when Christ returns within the next 20 years, all these gentiles will be sent packaging to their former countries of origin. Biker ('multi-culture man') Bob can join them. This anti God policy of giving away the Abraham blessings to the gentiles will be reversed, resulting in north America being a exclusive white country. Out of benevolence, the Indians will be permitted to remain. It will be heaven on earth. Hopefully, God will use me to help in this ethnic cleansing. It will be a joy.

    1. You say that as if it’s a punishment, 3:45. I can assure you, I’ll find great joy amongst my multi-cultural friends! Thanks so much for thinking of me!


  28. Anonymous 7/7 @ 3:45,
    You don't know that Christ is going to return in twenty years! And, if "all these gentiles will be sent to their former countries of origin," then I guess all of the folks with European ancestry will be going back to Europe (most of them don't have ANY of Abraham's blood coursing through their veins)! And, even if they did, wouldn't they be returning to the Middle East? By the way, if we are talking about ultimate origins, Africa is going to be very crowded! Also, if you think that the United States isn't a collection of MANY different ethnicities and cultures, then you need to read my book (An American Family Bible). Finally, I'm sorry, but it's inevitable that you will be disappointed on the ethnic cleansing thing - no joy for you!

  29. 3:45 is one of the most damning examples of what Herbert Armstrong did to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, where Jesus himself proclaimed "Neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, all are one in Christ". I don't know what "Christ" he is expecting to return, but it ain't the one I read about in the Gospels. In fact, I find 3:45's attitude morally and spiritually reprehensible, repugnant and putrid beyond any scale known to decency and morality, and just common good sense. Every once in a while I see something like this which reminds me so much of why I detest and abhor the racist policies and doctrines that Herbert Armstrong and his ilk preached against the plain writings of scripture. Thank the LORD I escaped Armstrongism and it's evils - it's been a long, rough, hard journey for sure - but it's worth it knowing I don't have to believe the load of shit I just read at 3:45. Because I really can't stand the stench that permeates from that particular entry. It's nauseating and physically repulsive. And I for one usually don't cuss on this blog, but this is what I feel.

  30. When the Irish, Polish, Italians, etc. immigrated to the USA, each had their turn in being the illegal Mexican immigrants of their time. The average die hard WCG true believer relishes in destroying other cultures and people in the future. They make Adolph Hitler look like a boy scout. As for IQ, God clearly states in the Bible only high IQ persons can be saved!!! The WCG never looked highly toward educated people.

  31. Africans were always taking slaves of other Africans and treating them cruelly. The same is true of Native Americans and how they treated other Native Americans. Cannibalism was quite common in both cultures.

  32. Black and whites will never get along. They can't even agree on the facts of history. Neither can liberals and conservatives. America will split up into race wars or else the commies will totally take it over and bring in the gulags to suppress dissent. Obama knew that. That's why he wanted a homeland security force as big and well financed as the US military, the biggest military on earth by far. What do you think he was planning to do with that is he wasn't expecting a civil war?

  33. When the Irish, Polish, Italians, etc. immigrated to the USA, each had their turn in being the illegal Mexican immigrants of their time.

    I seriously doubt they were illegal. Also, they were all Europeans. Big big big difference.

  34. nonymous said...
    Africans were always taking slaves of other Africans and treating them cruelly. The same is true of Native Americans and how they treated other Native Americans. Cannibalism was quite common in both cultures."

    Cannibalism is also very common in the Christian Church where they eat both the body and drink the blood of the victim.

    Jn 6:54
    Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.

  35. Miller Jones and 4.23 PM
    Since you missed it, it was Abraham (rather than a gentile) who offered up his son (a type of God offering His son for humanities sin). Hence God blessed Abraham with certain birthright blessings, which included giving north America to one of Joseph's sons. For thousands of years, He kept other nations away, including giving the continent poor weather to limit its habitability. God did not do all this to have America become a de facto gentile nation, thanks to this present evil generation. Neither is a all powerful God hampered by the issue of determining who is of Israelite descent.

    God will fulfill His promise to Abraham by 'driving these gentiles into the sea' on Christ's return. They will be sent back to where they came from. I will use the resolve of Arnies Terminator to help make it happen. Their visit here will be terminated.
    Complain all you want 4.23 PM. God is stronger than you, so it will happen. America will be heaven on earth. One will be able to travel from sea to shining sea and not see one gentile. Multiculturalism will only exist in history books. I feel so warm inside thinking about it. Hallelujah and praise the lord.

    1. The joke is in you, 7/7/18, 8:31. You believe error. Or, more likely, you’re a troll. Jesus ministered to the multicultural Samaritan woman, and taught His disciples about the good Samaritan. Jesus is a multiculturalist. 2 bad 4 U.

  36. because of your sins, o israel, the stranger among you will rule over you...

    c f ben yochanan

  37. anonymous 6:47 PM "Africans were always taking slaves of other Africans and treating them cruelly. The same is true of Native Americans and how they treated other Native Americans."

    So cause these ones may have had conflict and treated each other poorly, justifies your, or your nation's right to do it too huh?! Ookie dokey.

    Remember that unprincipled principle for future reference. Giving a good long think of how the nation you live in treats others. Don't sanitize it either.

  38. I did travel Route 66 without meeting one gentile. So I took a detour over Durango Colorado. Over the Mesa Verde dwellings. I saw Shiva destructor and creator of the world at Los Alamos. Then crossed the Navaho nation to and fro and declared it all a sight/site to behold.

    Most of you Celts have been slaves at one time. If not by the Ingleeesh landlords than certainly processed through the largest slave port of its time at Dublin, ran by the Viking overlord traders.

    Magua here has a hard time having to pick sides between "the grand pere de francais", or those scottish lasses at albany. And scalping was a whole lot easier when wigs were in fashion, but hey "the grand pere de anglais" pays good money for that kinda funny habit of theirs. A warrior's got to do what a wariors got to do and thats taking care of a family.


  39. I already know what future - post 2040 - will be like:
    I live in Future America - an inner city area:
    People have high fences and bars on windows, barbwire.
    Cars all have alarms (some set sensitive and they go off whenever another car passes.)
    Everybody buys a Japanese car (sending what wealth the nation once had to the Asian monocultures.)
    Every youth installs a "sports muffler" on his foreign Asian car making theses quiet engines very loud (the Japanese engineers must be scratching their heads on this one.)
    Google assumes I speak Spanish, as my pop-up ads are in Spanish!

  40. Oh man 4:00

    You crack me up with that comment (on google).
    The yellow school buses will look like the ones in mexico, like vise versa.

    But you forget the most important. The Feast film will feature the YAs and NO king and I, No "the hills are alive" BUT we will have ...........


    Hundreds of flowers in full bloom.
    Hundreds of people in each room!
    Automobile in America,
    Chromium steel in America,
    Wire-spoke wheel in America,
    Very big deal in America!
    I'll drive a Buick through San Juan.
    If there's a road you can drive on.
    I'll give my cousins a free ride.
    How you get all of them inside?

    Immigrant goes to America,
    Many hellos in America;
    Nobody knows in America
    Puerto Rico's in America!

    When I will go back to San Juan.
    When you will shut up and get gone?
    Everyone there will give big cheer!
    Everyone there will have moved here!

    And we will have lots of Burritos in between services.......at Catholic Mass.


  41. Anonymous 4:32 PM said..."When the Irish, Polish, Italians, etc. immigrated to the USA, each had their turn in being the illegal Mexican immigrants of their time. The average die hard WCG true believer relishes in destroying other cultures and people in the future. They make Adolph Hitler look like a boy scout. As for IQ, God clearly states in the Bible only high IQ persons can be saved!!! The WCG never looked highly toward educated people".

    MY COMMENT - What a moronic and absurd comment. I have dead family members (as I am sure others here on Banned do as well) who were die-hard WCG true believers. They didn't exterminate 6 million Jews. In fact, they believed in the exact opposite - they believed in "Thou shalt NOT kill". Comparing them to Adolph Hitler is absurd. Get real!

    As for IQ, it is clear according to your own comment that you won't be saved. But, why don't you quote chapter and verse to support your absurd statement that "God clearly states in the Bible only high IQ persons can be saved".


  42. Hey dummy, I didn't say it was OK to take slaves. But why does everyone hate white people for slavery while everyone else gets to play the victim when they did things that were even worse? You can't see the obvious point because you have been brainwashed by the usual liars.

    1. 8:47: Are you really that dense? The explanation is simple and brainwashing has nothing to do with it. People hate the most recent example, or the example that most closely affected their own. US was founded on the backs of the enslavement of black Africans by white Europeans. That’s why that example and its lasting effects are part ot the national dialogue. It’s also why we discuss Hitler gassing all of those Jews and tend to have forgotten the Armenian holocaust which Hitler had used as his model. Or why we discuss oppression caused by HWA, and not what went on amongst the Moonies.

  43. Doing a favor for a foreigner does not make you a multiculturalist. Stop jumping to wild conclusions.

    1. 8:49: You don’t want to do “foreigners” who have been here for generations any favors. You constantly complain about their imaginary effects, and want to send them back where their great great great grandfathers came from. You even want to send back the hispanics whose ancestors lived in California while it was still a part of Mexico. Am I jumping to a wild conclusion by assuming that you are an ignorant prick that needs to spend some time in a reeducation camp?

  44. Because schools and Hollywood are political, history is often not what we were told it is. Here is a case in point:


    1. He (9:56) says as he slyly invokes the National Review, widely known as having conservative bias. Ah, yes! And Hitler loved puppies. Let’s compare more bad things with worse ones to make them somehow come out as good. Next thing you know, Dachau will mysteriously transform into a country club for the Jews.

  45. I am curious as to Wes’s reaction to our discussion of his ideas. Didn’t expect any on his sabbath, but maybe today?


  46. 11.37 AM
    You don't understand. God defines reality, not popular culture or the main stream media. God created the earth and man giving Him the right to dictate the location of races. It is not ownership by length of time as you claim. The mistake of allowing the Hispanics to remain in California will be corrected at Christs return. As Ann Coulter has pointed out, half of Mexicans live in America. They too will be sent back to Mexico on Christ's return.

    Where is respect for Gods great throne or His rights?
    Some people think they can manipulate or dictate to God. It's they who are in need of reeducation. Say after me kiddies 'God is in charge, and He can do whatever He pleases.'

    1. So much assimilation has taken place, 2:02 that everybody is everything. Where do I have to go to visit my son during the millennium? Will he and his family be sent to South America? Spain? What about his wife (Heinz-57 white girl) and kids? Is your “god” going to break up our family?

      You are not only just plain ignorant but you also couldn’t think your way out of a wet paper bag! You’ve got the IQ that you misrepresent people of color as having, so long as your thought processes are totally dominated by your prejudices. Nobody today is totally pure in their generations, and if they were, it would be an accident which grossly flies against probability. Or, maybe you are one of the people who believes that God is going to “heal” everyone and make them white?

      Put this in your pipe and smoke it! Truth and purity are found in clear vision of totality, not in myopic partial segments. Totality in humanity is the sum total of all the parts (races). It means once we all get together (Tower of Babel was punishment) we’ll finally once again have the full picture. We call this the “restitution of all things”. Each has their own unique talents and contributions. There are no extra parts to this puzzle, or disposable ones. THAT is the way God planned it!

      Why must you continue to blind yourself?


  47. Anonymous 2:02 assures us: 'God is in charge, and He can do whatever He pleases.'

    Evidence suggests that it pleased him to reshuffle people. What gives you the idea he wasn't in charge of the migrations in earth's past and isn't managing the ones going on now? Why do you think these are mistakes he is about to correct?

  48. "2045 in Prophecy" you don't have to be HWA or Six-Pak to predict this one:
    There's still no Millennium, but there are millennials who are get their comeuppance in spades!
    That'll teach them not to vote.

    2045: USA population 540 million and on a steep growth curve.
    You can still buy a Chevrolet..
    ..but GM now owned by Toyota (a seamless transition unnoticed by anesthetized consumers.)
    'America the Bronx' coming to a bodega near you. Remember back in 2022 when they abolished ICE?

  49. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was right to hope that people would be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. That is to say, we should pay attention to essential traits, not superficial ones.

    Yet on the superficial level, I think even Dr. King would have admitted that a roomful of people looks a lot more interesting if it includes persons of various ethnicities rather than a solid sea of pale. or swarthy, or in-between faces. And if you get to talking to those people, with their different backgrounds and experiences, the interest goes way deeper than the superficial.

  50. BB
    So when Christ returns He will lack the wisdom and understanding to sort out this race mixing mess that mankind has created. I don't think so Bob. God is the creator of different races, and will separate and maintain these differences on His return. Contrary to what you claim, it won't be too difficult for Him.
    God created the different races as a blessing. It appears you don't agree.

    1. Who is putting it on Jesus to sort out what you call the race mixing mess (it’s not a mess) in a way which conforms to the rules of Armstrongism? That is a false premise, and I believe the core of your problem. Jesus is not Herbert W. Armstrong and he is certainly not Gerald Waterhouse.

      How can you say that God created the different races as a blessing, and then want to segregate them to keep them from being a blessing to one another?

      God gives each of us a more or less specific alchemy from His huge menu of possibilities. The result dictates largely how we experience life. But, it is only a temporary vehicle through which we learn during our physical lives.

      Do you have any biracial or multitacial friends? Have you ever had any honest discussions with these friends to determine whether they would be willing to give up a large part of themselves, and half or part of their family? A multiracial human being’s very identity and strengths lie in being drawn from two or more cultures. You’d ask them to tear off one and to throw it away? That’s worse than asking them to give up an arm or a leg!

      If as you say, God did not intend for the different races to mix, don’t you think He would have designed fertility barriers into humans as he did with the animals? As you know some horny giraffe walking through the meadow isn’t going to have sex with a poor little bunny rabbit, making her pregnant with a litter of little girabbits. Scientifically, that can’t happen. So, if God really did not want mixing of the races, he would have made it totally impossible. Come on! He knew knowledge would increase, there would be global travel, and as civilization advanced, people of different ethnicities would consider one another exotic, would fall in love, and would have children.

      How brainwashed in their racism can people be???


  51. Retired Prof
    God scattered the races at the tower of Babel. So He would have been involved in the broad migration. God for example gave the less favorable continent of Africa to Ham because of his sexual assault on his father, Noah. But He intended the separation of races, since He believes racial differences are a blessing. What we see today is the anti God attitude of trying to destroy racial differences and create in its place just one race. Christ will put a end to this at His coming. Every race will be given its own unique homeland, which will one day be extended into the whole universe.

  52. BB
    Fertility barriers? There are many drives and biases in the human mind but no 'barriers' since we are made in Gods mental image. God is not a 'barrier' God. The 'barriers' are voluntary and are called the ten commandments. You seem under the sway of Herbs church culture of tyranny. Buying a German car does not mean one is bound to mix with them. Races can benefit each other while remaining separate.
    The Metapedia article 'effects of race mixing' paints a bleak picture of its consequences.

    1. I don’t believe that there are many people left here who even consider you to be a reasonable person, 12:22, based on your comments. I believe, on the other hand, that I have presented some really good thoughts and ideas, of value to the rest of the greater audience in our mutual recovery from Armstrongism. Your posts are becoming progressively more ridiculous and are reminiscent of past discussions with conspiratorialist kooks. I don’t have any more time to waste on you and your ludicrous, off-kilter world view, so will move over and we’ll see if someone else wants to take their turn. Hopefully, you gave Jesus a good laugh.


  53. 8:26

    On some levels you and I would agree on topics like "diversity" and perhaps why some cultures might be perceived as stronger than the other within a certain time frame. I mean a band of anglo saxon peasants from one time frame would have been crushed by the Zuly army from another time frame. Of course the Enfield rifle changed all that.

    On the case of Noah being assaulted. Perhaps you could consider


    Let's just consider for a moment that you are speaking the truth and nothing but the truth your honor. Even then, if some with genetic similarities (or peoples), might be assigned certain parts of the earth, they for sure might just not be "America", "Africa", "Asia". You yourself allude to this by even implying that the entire universe would be part of that inheritance. Perhaps we will re create atlantis if the waters will recede from the Pas de Calais as they filled it some 10.000 years ago.

    So even in your scenario I don't see new 'liberia's' arising (study the history of liberia) and for sure I don't see peoples shipped to "barren lands" as the Navaho has been assigned, or the late Oklahoma territories. They are very unfortunate mistakes of history.

    It might be so that BB and I will through some mystical loophole in the Eternals reasoning be running bars in some little street on Tattooine in a galaxy far far away. Mine with the occassional opera singer and fifties music and BB with some rock and blues in the weekends.

    I'm sure BB will not choose the lake of fire if offered the opportunity for a cool bar far away from any oppressive administrators. Also considering that Tatooine seems to be a place in need of some "cool runnings."

    I am particularly equipped to move millions to and fro, but will keep a very and extremely close eye on things that NEVER EVER women and children will be separated again from their husbands when any kind of transport is offered to areas to be cultivated. That has never played out well.

    Yes I love diversity and try and enjoy it as often as possible.

    For the rest I'm a simple man whose wife told him, just yesterday that the Burritos I prepared were excellent and my Afghan refugee colleague always wiggles her head when I ask her to say yes. I think those are the strangest things.


    1. I don’t know, nck. There is much remaining to be seen. I believe a lot of misconceptions about the Kingdom are going to be corrected for all of us.

      But, I have to say that the last time I encountered someone like 12:22, their barrage was caused by internal conflicts that person was having about fantasies to be with someone of a different culture. Eventually, of course, that person gave in, and the outlook immediately and radically changed. Who knows what is really going on deep in the recesses of peoples’ minds?


  54. I knew it ! ... Tanning Beds are an instrument of the "End Time Beast Power"!

  55. BB
    As pointed out before, your beliefs are always mainstream, never departing from the warmth of the herd.

    1. Yes and no.

      I) Hypothetically, you can only have uniculturalism in a theocracy in which the subjects are all of the same race. Those are what we would call lab conditions because they only existed in ancient Israel (forgetting for the moment Manasseh and Ephraim’s Egyptian mommy, and Moses’ black wife). Tomas de Torquemada attempted to enforce similar conditions during the Inquisition, resulting in state religions, but by and large, even the Romans had allowed the individual nations in the Empire to maintain their own laws and cultures, so long as citizens paid their tributes and taxes.

      Given current global conditions, multiculturalism is the best way to maintain fairness to all. How you see your millennium (HWA’s way?) may not actually be the way it turns out.

      2) Since when are bikers mainstream? You only know me by keyboard. It’s just that I’m not non-mainstream in the ways in which you’d like me to be. Nothing personal. I don’t join anyone’s clubs. Most people have their own personal weirdness, and some of it can be downright annoying. Yours is definitely annoying.


  56. anonymous 6:47 PM "Africans were always taking slaves of other Africans and treating them cruelly. The same is true of Native Americans and how they treated other Native Americans."

    Have you read about the history of Israelites as potrayed in the old testament? Remember how they were sent out to conquer and pillage other nations around them? They killed the men and took their women as slaves and wives (actually sex-objects) for themselves. If you believe in the British-Israelism crap, then that is what your people did.

    Fast forward to when Africans were taking slaves of other Africans. To them, they were different people/tribes just as the European settlers in America looked at the Native Americans (Indians) as other people/tribes and killed them and took their lands from them. Remember the trail of tears? Whats the difference of putting your fellow man in a slave ship with sending hoards of humans out on the trail of tears?

    Double fast forward to the last few years: muslim ban, immigrant bans, separating kids from parents, killing of unarmed black people, crimes against white people just because they are different. Whats the difference in this modern age (social, mental and financial slavery) as compared to the physical slavery and banishments that we humans have always dished out against each other?

  57. Anonymous said...
    The average IQ in black Africa is 70. In the Middle East it is about 85. In the Philippines about 80 I think. If whites are replaced by people like that, the IQ of America will drop drastically and America will be come a poor country. You will want to move to China or Japan where the IQ is 105.
    July 7, 2018 at 6:51 AM

    Your standard IQ test was designed based on the culture/society where it was designed. Go to the bush tribes of Asia, South America and Africa. If you are not smart enough to survive in their conditions (avoiding predators, finding food etc) then your IQ, according to them, is very low.

  58. 6:20

    I don't think this thread is about slavery. However I thought you raised an interesting point on the "what's the difference".

    The ancient Irish of 900 AD wrote horrific stories about the slavery perpetrated on them (East Coast raidings) by the Vikings, ALTHOUGH slavery had been an integral part of their society aswell.

    It seems the "new slavery" fell or operated outside of their own established norms of society and therefore it was deemed fearful or abhorrent, fueled by the alien ways and heathenism and means of acquisition by the Viking raiders.

    Therefore I can use my mobile phone with a clear conscience and eat chocolate, without really asking who produced that stuff. "The others" are outside of my realm of what constitutes civil society. Shareholders should push for immediate sustainability in their processes and consumers should at least make a start in paying the full price of their products, then boast about their achievements.


  59. “If whites are replaced by people like that, the IQ of America will drop drastically and America will become a poor country”

    The above statement is an example of some mighty ignorant redneck thinking. Assuming that the IQ ratings cited are even accurate, what kind of professional human resources director would fill positions which required a high level of intelligence and education with people whose abilities indicated positions as orderlies emptying bedpans in hospitals???

    Several years ago, powerful executives at companies in Silicon Valley pressured Congress to waive immigration quotas for countries like Pakistan and India, because they were experiencing difficulty in finding enough qualified Americans to fill all of the high tech positions which were open. Waivers were issued, and qualified East Indians and Pakistanis were hired. That is the way in which industry functions.

    The people who come to the US for better opportunities vary in intelligence from low end of the IQ scale to the high end, as does our existing population. They are placed in positions appropriate to their abilities. If they can’t cut it, they’re gone. Actually some are over qualified for the jobs which they end up accepting. I once worked with a man who had been a CPA in Guatemala. While he was obtaining the proper credentials in California, he was repairing time clocks. It took him a couple years to become certified, but he worked hard, and succeeded. On the other hand my ex-father-in law from South America was the Civil Engineer in charge of the Bunker Hill project back in the ‘70s in Los Angeles, including the Bank of America towers.

    Believe me, there is no danger of janitors from third world countries dumbing down white collar professions and making the US a have not nation. Someone must have a horribly low IQ themselves to even raise that as a possibility. We’re actually importing immigrants on the high end because there are not enough Americans qualified for high tech jobs. Asians are attending university at record levels and excelling to such an extent that President Trump is actually looking at the imposition of quotas.


  60. Replies
    1. I’m happy for you. But, now you need to tell us what generalizations were bizarre, you need to tell us how they were bizarre, and provide detailed rebuttals with facts. You don’t just get to make a smug and cryptic remark and then crawl back under your rock to hide.
