Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, August 2, 2018

COG Pharisee Claims to Know How Jesus Became Human

From the Chief bastardizer of the law, James Malm:

Was Jesus God? 
  • Before being made flesh and being placed in the womb of Mary; he was the very Implementing Creator God! 
  • After he was made flesh, he had voluntarily  given up his Godhood and he became a 100% physical human being!
  • At his resurrection, this man of flesh was restored back to his original state as a spirit God! 
All of the imaginations of men that Jesus was half man and half God or the fantastic idea that Jesus was both 100% man and 100% God are simply nonsense. 
He was ALL God until he gave up has Godhood to be made flesh, and once made flesh he was a 100% physical human being, then after he died he was resurrected back to spirit and became a God again! 

How was this done? 
Think; vapor, liquid, solid; being different states of the same thing. 
God is spirit and spirit is pure energy, matter is made out of energy.  God the Father simply transformed the Messiah from pure energy to matter and then placed him inside the womb of Mary as the tiniest possible form of human being.  He then grew from that to birth and then to the age of 33 when he allowed himself to be sacrificed to atone for sin and redeem humanity from the wages of sin which is death. 

Lots of squishing and smashing going on heaven to get Jesus down to sperm size!

Jesus Christ the eternal High Priest gave up his divinity to become mortal flesh and offered up himself as the Creator of Humanity, who being worth more that all humanity and being without any sin; was a perfect sacrifice and needed be offered only once to atone for all the sincerely repented sins of all humanity. While the physical sacrifices of animals only served to keep people in the physical Mosaic Covenant and had NO spiritual promises, and animals needed to be killed on a continual basis.
Our High Priest, Jesus Christ will now live forever and will be able to make continual intercession for us, for all eternity.  His sacrifice being perfect, no longer has to be made again and again. He doesn’t have to be killed day after day, year after year. No!However, every time someone repents, that perfect sacrifice needs to be REAPPLIED to the repentant sinner.The difference is in the actual dying as opposed to the actual applying of the sacrifice. They are two different things.
Christ died, regardless of whether any man ever repents or not. He was dead and He was resurrected. That has nothing to do with whether men repent, or turn from sin or not. However, when men do sincerely repent, the sacrifice is now there and available to be applied to them. 


  1. "God is spirit and spirit is pure energy, matter is made out of energy. God the Father simply transformed the Messiah from pure energy to matter and then placed him inside the womb of Mary as the tiniest possible form of human being."

    A spin on Buddhism. Energy to matter, back to energy. So goes the cycle of Pi.

  2. I'd like to see James Malm simply become humble.

  3. A WCG minister once tol us "Man can change matter to spirit, but not spirit into matter". For "matter to spirit" he was referring to nuclear reaction.
    Ron Dart, equating Spirit with Energy, would quote Mr Spock from a scene in Star Trek TOS "It's pure energy".

  4. Spirit is energy? Perhaps in some scientific sense. My belief is that spirit is some species of sub atomic particles that are yet to be discovered. Or perhaps not discoverable by virtue of their 'physical' traits, ie, they don't interact with matter.

  5. James Malm asked: "...Was Jesus God?..."

    No, Jesus was not God; however, the Word was made flesh (John 1:14) if James Malm were to stick to the Bible scriptures.

    And the Word was not God either!

    Both the Word and Jesus had a beginning, something The God, the One known as the Father, does not have. I Timothy 6:13-16

    James Malm may want to consider whether or not he may be believing in and teaching idolatry: placing something, or someone, in place of God: The God.

    The following verses do not speak about any trinity, or a twinity (duality?):

    Isa 45:22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

    Isa 46:9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

    James Malm went on to write that Jesus: "...was ALL God until he gave up has Godhood to be made flesh, and once made flesh he was a 100% physical human being, then after he died he was resurrected back to spirit and became a God again!..."

    Idolatry again? Where is The God? Where is the One we know of as God the Father?

    Didn't Jesus say that of Himself He could do nothing? How did that work? Didn't Jesus say that His Father was greater? How so?

    Only one Being can lay claim to the following words, and it isn't the Word, or Jesus:

    "For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever." Deut 32:40

    No two anyone, or anything, can say those words. The words "I" and "my" are both singular, just like "I" and "me" in Isaiah cited above!

    So far, only One has said "I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever."

    Could Jesus say that if He really died for 3 days and 3 nights?

    And if the Word was made flesh, then the Word no longer exists: right?

    Okay, so James Malm and any former WCG hirelings (little HWA helpers), xcog leaders, etc., will answer such questions, but time will tell...


  6. John
    Yours is the JW position that Christ is a created angel. How can a angel pay for everyone's sins?

  7. Christ was resurrected in a body. He ascended to heaven in a body that was touchable, able to eat,and had substance to it. He told Thomas, "I am not a ghost" or intangible object. Was he lying?
    Thomas could touch and feel a human like body.
    As human beings both he and Peter walked on water.
    After resurrection Christ walked through a wall.
    Which is harder? Walking thru a wall or on water?
    They are the same thing. Could the apostles have followed him through the wall?
    Yes, if they believed they could have just as Peter as a human walked on water.
    The church has no concept of what spirit is.
    We know that angelic beings could eat.They ate with Abraham. They were not putting on a show. Only Satan misrepresents himself.
    So Christs body was part of his spiritual resurrection and did not "disappear" as HWA said. No, Thomas saw that it was a man's body and again, Christ did not misrepresent himself.
    Paul said we don't really get what it is but it isn't a ghost like thing. It can appear and disappear, walk on water, eat, drink and go through walls if it wishes.

  8. 10.06 AM
    Nowhere does the bible say that Christ walked through walls. Yes, he can do it, but there is no record of him doing so. It does say that a resurrected Christ suddenly appeared in a house, but that's still not the same as 'walking through walls.' You will have more credibility if your statements are accurate.

    Acts 13.35 calls Christ the 'Holy One.' So how can Christ not be God? No created human or angel could ever be worthy of that title, right?

  9. Ever since Malm's girlfriend stabbed him in the back and left him high and dry at the altar, Malm has deteriorated spiritually by writing loads of nonsense.

  10. You will have more credibility if your statements are accurate.
    Wow. Nice. Thanks

  11. So, Malm is establishing his own collection and version of gnosticism. The Armstrong churches of god have always dealt in fakery. For years, they faked the gift of healing. They still do fake the gift of prophecy. But, above all things, they have always faked the state of being all-knowing, and have used that as support for making themselves the sole source for all things God. It would be wonderful if that could be true of any group, but for those not afraid to properly discern, it is certainly not true of any Armstrongite groups.

    James Malm is just like any other human being. He is not special, and does not have the ability to know the unfathomable.

  12. James Malm is just like Bob Thiel. They both set themselves up as God's spokesman. God no more using these two men than he is using a pig wallowing in pig slop as a prophet. Both of these emasculated men are frauds. Has either of them ever work an honest day's hard work. Has either of them ever had callouses on their delicate hands? I

  13. yes a blind squirrel will find an acorn every now and then...Malm slips up and says something true and it sets you folks on fire....kinda funny.

  14. AnonymousAugust 3, 2018 at 5:17 AM wrote saying:


    Yours is the JW position that Christ is a created angel. How can a angel pay for everyone's sins?..."

    How did you draw those conclusions? Jesus Christ was not some angelic being.

    Also, sin is in your life, so why do you think you will get around the wages of sin? Did you qualify somehow?

    Sin is in all of our lives. You will pay the wages of sin in your life: death! And so will I.


  15. 9:03

    Sin is in my opinion not necissarily "an act" or an "omission to act."
    Sin is the entire physical existence.
    Sin is EVERYTHING that separates us from God. Therefore anything physical is "sinful."
    Therefore the wages of sin are DEATH.

    The "Jesus" figure seems to have been some mystical go in between and therefore able to pay for the the wages of sin. To atone. AT ONE....meaning a 1000 dollar trade for a thousand dollar trade worth. To pay the EXACT price for anything that transpired in the physical realm.


  16. Anon August 3, 2018 at 10:47 AM said:

    Acts 13.35 calls Christ the 'Holy One.' So how can Christ not be God? No created human or angel could ever be worthy of that title, right?..."

    Title? Aren't Christians, sealed Firstfruits, also "holy ones?" Of course, that is assuming those Christians have received something holy from God the Father, namely receiving His Holy Spirit.

    What does Acts 13 say?

    Acts 13:35 says: "Wherefore he saith also in another psalm, Thou shalt not suffer thine Holy One to see corruption."

    That was quoted from Psalm 16:10, which says:

    "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption."

    No mention of God in either verse! What's with the title?

    Incidentally, the same author of Acts 13 earlier referred to Jesus as a thing: a holy thing! Where?

    Luke 1:35 says: "And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God."

    That "holy thing" shall be called the Son of God.

    John 1:1 shows the Word was God:

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with [[THE]] God, and the Word was God."

    But God was not THE God. The definite article belongs where it is shown just above.

    Again, neither the Word, not Jesus, could have said the following:

    "For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever." Deut 32:40

    Now, if you want to believe in some Twinity (Duality) or some Trinity, fine, go ahead and do so.

    But time will tell...

