Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

So-called COG Prophet Claims He Can Prove His Polytheistic God Exists

The self-appointed prophet of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" claims to know all about the polytheistic god he claims to believe in.  Another bad day in Arroyo Grande, CA.


  1. So I looked at the video and did a "quick scan" through it, without actually watching it, because I cannot stand Bob's videos at all. This cartoon thing he's working with is a cartoon in itself.

    So, I have a video I found that I think goes along with the video perfectly. It's only 6 seconds long. Which beats the attention span I have for the Thiel video.


    Hey, at least the COG's have the instruments to play this. ;)

  2. I scrubbed to halfway thru the clip, hit play, and there was that awful "voice" who just can't read the crap in a remotely convincing fashion. Had to stop it after ten seconds.

    I get the feeling whoever it is gets pages and pages of poorly written hackjob thrown at her by a jumpy Bob on a regular basis.

  3. This animation reminds me of scenes in the film God's Not Dead.

  4. Proof of God is usually highly personal, and not universal in value or nature. What is convincing to one person does not rise to the conclusive level for others.

    What happens with many who hear the Armstrong gospel is that the Armstrongites who teach it sabotage belief by also preaching that the followers must do so many obsessive things, and must be totally loyal and obedient to their Armstrong church, especially financially. And then, in a cliche response, the Armstrongites point the finger and accuse people who won’t bend over and join up of not believing in God because they don’t want to obey him.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Proof of God is usually highly personal, and not universal in value or nature. What is convincing to one person does not rise to the conclusive level for others.

    Well spoken...

    Concerning Bob's sure fire video, it is embarrassing that neither the man nor his actor types can read or even pronounce words well. It is not a small thing and calling the presentation juvenile and like a childish "Sunday School play" is being generous.

    Bob is convinced that "Life cannot spring from non-life" however it did over billions of years and deep time which 6000 yearer types will never be able to grasp. I have 2.5 billion year old banded iron that nicely tells the story of first life , co2 taken in to live and o2 given off as waste which rusted out the free iron in the oceans layer after layer, time after time until all the iron was rusted out and our atmosphere changed from the CO2 of volcanic upheaval to the O2 of excess production. Banded Iron chronicles the cycles and duel between free iron and cyanobacteria, Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and Oxygen formation as waste.

    It's beautiful rock and THE source of ALL the iron used on the planet to this this day and in the recent past by humans. The ironed up oceans, more greenish than blue at the time came from the millions of years of asteroid and debris bombardment of early earth which came from the cores of exploding stars over 13.87 billion years of star evolution and death. Every mineral in a vitamin came from exploding stars as well as well as your favorite iron skillet.

    Bob needs a rewrite of the book and a rewire of his mind , which we know will never happen

  6. Terrible video. Just terrible.
