Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Are you "rubberwristed" and take dainty little walks and wear glasses? GHASTLY!

We like to mock Rod Meredith and his sick obsession with sex, but his spiritual daddy was just as sex-obsessed as he was. What is with the sick obsession COG leaders have with sex? So many of them were living immoral lives while they were lecturing members on sex.

Herb and crew wanted the perfect specimens of manhood filling up the college and church. Even people with glasses did not make the cut in the ideal white world of the chosen people.

COG magazine quotes courtesy of SHT


  1. Did herb and the crew want perfect specimens of manhood filling up church and college because they were closet gays ?

  2. During a sermon our minister would call "gay" men sissy boys.

  3. "Where has true masculinity gone?"
    It's been stolen by mentally castrating ministers who have robbed all members of their adulthood. Such misleading questions are the 'outer face' of abusive cults. They seem sooo good from the outside.

  4. Herbert, Garner Ted and company were constantly disparaging homosexuals and effeminate men. In light of their own sexual escapades, the hypocrisy is still palpable today. And, have you ever seen a picture of HWA? Talk about soft, chubby and four eyes!
    Moreover, it would be instructive for us to ponder the question from whence do masculine and feminine traits arise? If we truly believe that Almighty God created both genders (and that they were created in the Divine image), doesn't that mean that both masculine and feminine traits are part of God's persona and a reflection of "Him"? Is there something inherently wrong in being a caring/nurturing male or an independent/assertive female? How did testosterone and estrogen get to be in a human body? And, aside from ingesting artificial hormones or physically altering our bodies, do we have any control over how much testosterone and estrogen are present in our bloodstream?
    I'd rather be a "rubberwristed sissy" than an incestuous pedophile or a serial adulterer! HWA and GTA remind me of Hanz and Franz (Saturday Night Live) - addressing all of the girly men out there in the church, they just wanted "to pump us up!"


  5. Poor Steven Hawkings had no brain power due to his physical degenerate state. Body builders or NFL football players should be the smartest people on earth.

  6. Top mental agility is impossible with a degenerate soft body.

    Someone should have told Stephen Hawking about this.

  7. That explains a lot! Those articles were written in the spirit of evil...from devil. Certainly not from the fruits of the HOLY Spirit. Again, always focusing on the physical and dehumanizing those that followrd him. Hypocritical to the nth degree.

  8. And another thing...this is the example of the epitomy of bullying, bullies making bullies. What a bunch of bullchips!!!

  9. I thought of Stephen Hawking IMMEDIATELY when I read this bull.

    The entire article that these clippings originated from was more of a "What we're looking for At Ambassador College" kind of diatribe - telling teenagers to "man up" if you want to get into "God's Own College". Again - image and appearance were utmost on the minds of evangelicals - probably spearheaded by Roderick Meredith, who admitted one of the first things that he did when he got to AC was to scan the crowd to see if they were either intellectuals or sissies.

    What this did to the kids of the church was shamed them into hating who they were as a person, and as an individual. The only ones good enough for them were the deep voiced, manly men with the firm handshake who can be an athlete with the rest of them. The article even boasted of how athletic the faculty team was at AC. If you didn't cut the cheese, you weren't part of the herd.

    This was classic bully-talk from the jock squad. They welcomed and fed the exact same mindset that would pin someone to the locker,, and break their glasses in two. THESE were the leaders of the Church, and the ones who claimed to have the "keys to the Kingdom".

    These were the "jocks" who would take your lunch money, your lunch, and whatever else was in your pockets, promising something you'd never get, without a.....

    oh wait.

  10. Four eyed wonder???

    Many fitness pros and body builders , both male and female wear eye glasses. What a stupid statement!

    In many ways, the "Ambassador Ideals" sound like the same eugenic, master races standards that were promoted for being a member of the Schutzstaffel (SS) or in being the exempalry German!

  11. My name is Peter Gus and I survived armstrongism. Raised in the wwcg, I know David Treybig and Greg Sargent. These two are true child molesters. I still have family like Matthew Gus obsessed with this cult. petergus55@yahoo.com

  12. This is funny in a way. I had a very difficult time in gaining weight during my adolescent years. Skinny as a rail. The church was telling me the same things as the Charles Atlas ads about the bully who kicked sand in victims' faces that appeared in the comics. And, the athletes at public school were the ones who seemed to be respected, and to do well. My aunt bought us a weight training set, and I used it regularly. I also went out for track, eventually becoming our school's best miler. And, of course, I continued with both when I arrived at Ambassador College, and also throughout my life. I still do weight training today, and had run up to four miles per day up into my mid fifties, at which time I switched to bicycling because the impact of running was too severe on my lower back and knees.

    But, the odd thing was that as an AC student, pressure was applied to me to learn to enjoy opera, classical music, fine art and cuisine, and to adapt nerdish study habits. Also, the weight training and track were of no value. The only sport that counted at AC was basketball. So, even if you followed their directives, they were never done with you. What we have here is another example of how one would be best counselled to take Armstrongite ministers' advice with a grain of salt, because in the end, they were always going to pull the rug out from under you anyway, even if you were on patterns that they had instituted in your life. Fortunately, health and physical fitness are good things, and have enhanced my life. These things had appealed to me because they were a perfect fit with my basic nature, and I probably would have gotten into them even if my parents had not been part of the WCG.

  13. Stephen Hawking didn't count by their standards. "True" brain power, as they redefined it, meant buying into all of their crap, to the point that enforcing it at all costs made perfect sense.

  14. Did the people who wrote and read this rubbish stop even for a minute to consider that HWA was a pudgy little man who wore glasses?

  15. Hey bob theil, if you feel bad after reading those musculinty articles, don'nt feel bad. I like the way you look. One day I'll meet you in the jungle for a big time butt hurt.
    In the meantime, keep those buns sweet for me baby.


  16. Yet HWA and RCM wore glasses when they preached. WHY?!?!?!!?!

  17. Let me add to this regarding local ministers who thought of themselves as athletes.

    I am not athletic at all, but I was . . . yes, BULLIED is the right word, into participating in intramural sports in the local congregation. It was kind of the same thing as being prodded to be in that speech club, which was nothing but a means for the minister to insult and belittle everyone. As well, if you didn't participate in the athletic stuff, ministry treated you like you were less of a Christian than those who did.

    Hmmm. Was my disdain for athletics threatening my salvation?

    In one area, it was a poorly kept secret how much the pastor hated to lose, even in games that were just local members "fellowshipping" (ha!). He acted like a petulant child if his team didn't win, but also if the lay member acting as coach wouldn't put him in the game.

    Exercising the body achieved a greatly inflated importance in part, I am sure, because we'd all given up using our minds.

  18. Yeah, anonymous 1:46, I thought about it. HWA was pudgy, soft, wore glasses and had basset hound jowels that shook every time he spoke. The big bully! Bbbrrrrrbbbbbrrrrr (drool).

  19. In my horrible 13 yrs in the Worldwide Church of Armstrong, I saw Herbert Armstrong once, at a mandated Sabbath service 200 miles from my home.

    Got up early, trekked for several hours to the distant city, where HWA was to appear in a big convention center. By myself (wife and family were non-members) I took my seat, awaiting the slightly tardy arrival of the head of the church.

    Couldn’t believe what I saw. I expected a large, strong man to stride out onto the platform and begin speaking. Instead, I noticed some sort of activity over in a distant corner of the hall. A large white limousine drove through an opening, out on to the floor of the arena. A number of functionaries then pulled open a back door of the long white car, and out stepped Herbert Armstrong.

    Was this the guy? He was shorter than all the men who surrounded him. He looked a bit porky. And he walked slowly, as though somewhat debilitated. He was helped up onto the stage where he took his central seat.

    Later, he ambled over to the lectern, adjusted his glasses, and started expounding. For over an hour he preached; of nothing memorable or of any importance.

    There was nothing there; physically, intellectually, or theologically. Within the year, Armstrong died. My then-waning enthusiasm was further deflated by seeing and hearing the man in person. I began to realize I had been had by the man, his phony theology, and his organization.

  20. Your story collaborates well with another who saw HWA in the Television studios and had the same reality check on his expectations.

    However, I do have a question on your recollections. You said HWA ambled to the lectern somewhere around 1985 (within the year, he died). I don't recall that he had the strength to stand at a lectern for an hour and speak - even giving the Mystery of the Ages, he was sitting at a desk, and sat for every Transmission in his later years. Am I misreading or misunderstanding your memory? I wasn't there, I just cannot imagine a nearly-dead HWA standing at a lectern for an hour at 93 years old.

  21. You are correct. HWA did not stand at the lectern. Inaccurate memory (of Tkach Sr at the same hall a bit later). Armstrong, indeed, sat behind a desk. He had the energy to pound it a few times. But, no, he couldn't stand for any length of time whatsoever.

  22. At least when my parents were ensnared by HWA he was incredibly vital. At the 1958 Feast of Tabernacles, HWA not only stood at the podium, we were off to stage left, and clearly saw him jumping as he emphasized his points. In these jumps, his feet were 6-8" off the ground. As a little kid, I was amazed. I was also astonished when Rod Meredith hit the podium so hard that it knocked the mike out. It didn't stop him! He continued to beller on until the technicians fixed the PA system. These guys in their heyday were master showmen.

  23. I have a vague memory of watching Herbert rant, probably in the DC area. I do not remember what year it was, probably 1980-1981 as I was sitting on a blanket on the floor. Seems to me that he was standing then, but given the fragmented nature of the memory and my perspective from the floor, he may very well have been seated. Certainly he was seated a few years later in every clip I saw.

  24. 8:15 -

    HWA once gestured so wildly he knocked his lamp over. This happened at the FOT in 1980-1982, or somewhere in there.

    RSK -

    I believe that it was 1981. I, too, saw HWA around that time-frame - I think he was on a major city tour at the time.

  25. 8:15

    It seems most commenting have recollections of the 85 plus hwa. The younger Armstrong was more like the "travelling tent evangelists" of the 1930's.

    As was the overall church culture until the 1960's. Remember that picture of the 1960 jekyl island feast with the short sleeved.

