Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Galatians: The Most Ignored Book of the Bible by the Church of God

From The Bible Project that explores the Bible visually.


  1. I think we do a much better job explaining it than he does. And no we do not ignore the book.
    In reality the Law most people want to drop is the Sabbath which was given at creation.
    There were many other requirements that were given specifically to Israel plus others added by the Pharisees.
    Act 15 is about removing the requirement for circumcision and also most of the Levitical laws - still forbidden to eat blood.
    One interesting point is both Galatians and Acts 15 puts the kibosh on the primacy of Peter.
    Paul did not treat Peter as the leader but as a fellow apostle who need correction, and James made the final decision at the Jerusalem conference.
    Peter was a natural leader, but like all of us, made mistakes.

  2. again: the only part of the old testament what was abolished by Christ is the part pertaining to sacrifice for sin (see Hebrews 10); and even then the abolishment applies only to they what are led by the Spirit...

    "But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." Galatians 5:18

  3. There was and still is general discomfort in the ministry with both Galatians written by Paul and Colossians not considered to be Pauline by scholars. The is lots of COG apologetics for the concepts presented in them which would challenge practice and belief if taken at face value.

  4. "Anonymous said...
    again: the only part of the old testament what was abolished by Christ is the part pertaining to sacrifice for sin (see Hebrews 10); and even then the abolishment applies only to they what are led by the Spirit...

    "But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." Galatians 5:18Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)

    September 24, 2018 at 7:56 PM"

    Wrong! The entire Mt. Sinai covenant was abolished. It only was to last "til the Seed should come" per Gal. 3

    The added law was not just the sacrificial system, the added law was the entire Mt. Sinai covenant.

    btw, I'm still a Sabbath and Feast keeper, I believe they have been commanded since creation. So, if you don't understand why/what I said about the Mt. Sinai covenant ending when the Seed came then I suggest you seriously study Gal. 3 and the differences between the covenant of Promise and the Mt. Sinai covenant.

    Please don't waste my time by commenting until you do that study!

    Kevin McMillen

  5. "Dennis Diehl said...
    There was and still is general discomfort in the ministry with both Galatians written by Paul and Colossians not considered to be Pauline by scholars. The is lots of COG apologetics for the concepts presented in them which would challenge practice and belief if taken at face value.

    September 26, 2018 at 9:50 AM"

    They're discomfort stems from the historically piss-poor explanations which were inherited from the cog7th day.

    Anyone reading the first three chapters of Galatians and then concluding that chapter 4 verse 10 is saying these legalistic gentiles were going back to pagan holidays, well....that's just ignorant.

    As I said earlier the added law of chapter 3 was not just the sacrifices, anyone claiming that is just ignorant and blindly following their acog leaders without the ability to think for themselves.

    Like calling the eighth day feast the last great day when clearly the last day of the feast when Jesus called for anyone thirsty was the seventh day of tabernacless which pictures the millenium and Great White Throne judgement.

    The eighth day, the day that no one is in physical tabernacles plainly pictures when there is no more flesh and on into eternity.

    Today, if one goes by the Hillel calendar would be the "Last Great Day" the seventh day of tabernacles, and tomorrow the eighth day feast.


  6. "They're discomfort stems from the historically piss-poor explanations which were inherited from the cog7th day."

    Wow. I mean, wow!!

    I really do need to take the time and proofread before I hit send.

    I just read this since posting it and "they're" LOL AMAZING!!!! Sorry.

