Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Rod Meredith: Obey God's Ministers, EVEN IF they abuse their office.

Good News: September 1953
courtesy of SHT


  1. After years of making many blunders, its sad to see the COG leaders haven't grasp the concept of humility . Mr.Meredith, in an lcg sermon, said it's wiser to blindly follow their leadership to the place of safety even if they are wrong. After all the years of giving wrong dates, misleading members they still have the audacity to demand blind submission and obedience. The sadder reality....they are still members who are willing to blindly follow the leadership despite all the traumatic lessons written in the history pages of COGDOM.

  2. This article by Rod is a excellent example of the principle that vagueness works to the advantage of evil, while precision works in favour of justice. It's tyrannical governments that have vague laws such as 'socially disruptive/anti government behavior' or 'insulting a government dignity.'

    Hence the God 'guiding his ministers' and 'their decisions will be Gods decision.' I believe there are some grains of truth (with qualifications) in such statements, but they also allow the ministers to lord/rob blind members of their God given natural rights. So no, for the most part, the ministers decisions are not Gods, since they are free moral agents, and have usurped both the rights of members, and Gods direct lead in members lives. A lead self servingly hidden by the ministers.
    The majority of the ministers decisions are their own, unsupported by God. God condemns this deceitful mishandling of the bible.

    God does not give the ministers the right to rob members of their lives. Rod richly deserves the lake of fire. Good riddance!

  3. I once heard an LE in Birmingham Alabama, (don't remember his name, but back in the early 90's), say that if one went to counsel with a minister and he told him to do something to do that the person knew 'for a fact' that it was wrong, then he should do as the minister instructed because two wrongs don't make a right! God would then bless that individual or family that followed those wrong instructions because they were submitting to the 'government of god".

  4. 10.16 PM
    Government is subordinate to peoples right to life. America's founding fathers understood this when they stated in the declaration of independence that the role of government is "to secure these rights" of "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
    The ministers are walking on the ceiling.

  5. A great deal of authority was invested in these men who were without any wisdom of the type that comes with experiencing life -- they only knew, vaguely if at all, how lousy, how horrible life can be, sometimes, for even the best of people.

    If they arrived at Herbert's "college" out of high school, they had their emotional growth frozen by the idyllic environment and the euphoria of having made it, somehow, to the center of things. They'd escaped the humdrum life of a church member, who had to risk a job to go to that meaningless, pointless autumn gathering, and risk their electricity being shut off because they were determined to reach sending in 10% of the gross.

    They were offered the opportunity to be on the other side of the authority that was over them as they grew up.

    Ooooo! I can be a minister and ASSERT such authority!

    Mr. Minister told me God wants me to make such-and-such decision, and ignore the obvious foolishness of it -- "Go out on Faith! -- a foolishness that was quickly pointed out to me by family members. In volunteering to become an Armstrong Slave, you push away people who've known you all your life, and know something about living life. You listen, instead, to people who've lived a life apart from real adversity, and apart from realities.

    And you have to follow them, because they say so, or else! If you can't live this life like they do, then something's wrong with YOU.

    You insensitive bastards -- and there are still some of you out there! -- have you yet come up against how worthless all things Armstrong are?

  6. "Here, member, drink this poisoned Kool-Aid that I am giving you. God promises that He will protect you if I am wrong, and if you disobey me you'll go to the Lake of Fire."

  7. I know of one group that has already gone to a place of safety in Zion Utah where the leader conveniently owned land he could sell the members.
    Where we got into trouble in WCG was following the ministry instead of God.

    The demons followed their leader.

    In the Church of God, the Father comes first, Jesus second as the head of the Church - we all report direct to Him.
    The ministers are there to help and instruct, and where necessary enforce discipline.

    The greatest leaders are bond slaves.

  8. Mr.Meredith, in an lcg sermon, said it's wiser to blindly follow their leadership to the place of safety even if they are wrong.

    If you follow LCG leadership blindly, you are more likely to end up in a titty bar or gay bookstore than in the Place of Safety.

  9. HWA in his last few years told us we were following a man - i.e. we should be following God.
    I agree with this teaching.

    1. I hope that wasn't a subtle attempt to defend HWA.

  10. 6.28 AM
    Exactly. If you had followed Gerald Waterhouse, you would have ended up in a gay bar.

  11. Then there was an FOT sermon RCM gave shortly after GTA's departure. He was reminiscing his early days at AC, and mentioned a class HWA taught. He said HWA told the class that he knew that if he went off track and started teaching error, they would blindly follow him. RCM said he put up his hand, and HWA said, "Rod, I know you wouldn't!"

  12. Should've renamed the WWCG the "I Say So" corp... have the picture of HWA replaced with that
    triceratops of that old TV prog Dinosaurs. RCM replaced by "Robbie".

  13. The lessons of Jim Jones still have not been learned. How many others will follow blindly and end up in the same place and why not? If they refuse to see what they are stepping in then why shouldn't they slip and slide in the s***?
