Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 27, 2018

What good was your brain when the church did all of your thinking for you?


  1. Ok. Vaccination should be made obligatory to save mankind from the "free riders" who do not participate and profit from the critical majority who do vaccinate.

    I would urge everyone to look at the critical situation this week in Indonesia where clerics said some vaccination might not be halal, causing immediate cases of inmense suffering for little children handicapped for life by easily treatable childrens disease.


  2. An article about vaccinating your DOGS? It seems to me there was an article written, also, about NOT vaccinating our children. Now why would he say one thing in this article and another in a different article about something much more important? And BECAUSE of that other article, we did not have our children vaccinated. I guess dogs are more important than children. Unfortunately we were one of the more devout hwa followers.

  3. ‎I personally believe many of the posting on this blog leaves God out of the activities of WWCG and the associated people. I also believe that many if not most of the people who were members of the WWCG were sincere dedicated people who had a belief in God and Jesus Christ. I also believe that the relationship with God (Father and Son) is with individuals; not a particular religious group. God's elect are connected through faith, hope, love, and prayer. We live in a world that has lost connection with the simple basics of the Christian Bible and people are continually disputing about whose right and whose wrong instead of depending on God to govern their life. I present this as some to think about.

    1. Wonder what you meant by "many leave God out of many of the posting on this blog leaves God out of the activities of WWCG and the associated people.

      Many people that left, were sincere as well dont forget that, sincerity is not enough as HWA would say himself. Many people are sincere but that doesnt stop the wolves from feasting on their naive minds, hearts, souls or even their bank books. Many mormons are sincere, Jehovah's witnesses, militant Islamic adherents e.t.c. The whole point, was damage done, were lives wrecked, was there injustices, were people taken advantage of, did people lose their lives falsely in the name of Christ. Imagine victims speaking out about sexual predators in a church and someone comes along and attempts to minimize the pain of the victims by defending the organization, its believe in God or even the nice people who attended.

  4. Pack , Flurry, Thiel , Weinland, Malm and others need to be vaccinated for Rabies!

    The symptoms match up for these guys,... (From Wikipedia) "signs and symptoms can include slight or partial paralysis, anxiety, insomnia, confusion, agitation, abnormal behavior, paranoia, terror, and hallucinations, progressing to delirium, and coma"

  5. 6.47 AM
    Spoken like a minister. In fact God does not "govern our lives." We are not Borg. God is not like the Borg Queen. Rather God is a God of self responsibility. It's there in the parable of the talents. Which is why the disputes about who is right and who is wrong.
    Your "let God govern our lives" always translates into being dominated by the ministers. This amounts to self abdication/self murder, burying ones talents in the ground.
    Resisting the Borg Collective is not futile.

  6. Seems to me ....that there's too much "diarrhea of the mouth & constipation of the brain"...by
    some of these ministers with their Delusions of Grandeur, legends in their own minds, etc.
    Tooo bad someone couldn't come along & zip up those lying lips. :-(
