Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Bob Thiel - The Supposed Modern Day Prophet

For those who can't sit through the original. 
Aside from the awful presentation style, this shorter video calls out three points in his message that render his church effectively dead.


  1. This is the first video by the prophet I have ever been able to watch all the way through. Well done!

  2. Love the magic stardust sound at 2 seconds into the clip with the magical gyrating hand motion.

    Does anyone really believe Thiel looks and acts like a Prophet?

    I thought at the 26-second mark, Bitter Bob stretches so far back in his chair, I thought he was going to fall off it. Herbert Armstrong and Garner Ted Armstrong never had posture issues in front of the cameras. Why does this HWA wannabee clown have posture issues?


  3. I can't help but laugh at the "Preacher Antics" video on your channel of Doug Winnail. Now I feel like I can watch Thiel.


  4. Great Job! Thanks for the laugh! Well done!

  5. He's always got something unsightly behind him. Now it a door and some fake plants. I'm just waiting for someone to knock and/or try to come through it in the middle of his spokesman club.

  6. Every time I visit my doctor I see Bob and every time I see Bob I see my doctor! It’s hilarious! They seriously could be mistaken for twins! Interestingly my doctor is an SDA member. I wonder what other similarities they might have besides their looks, Sabbath-keeping, and being refered to as “Dr.” LOL!

  7. I just noticed that his voice sounds like Bill Clinton. The two shysters.

  8. Did he fart on the video? lol

  9. And so once again Bob Theil desperately tries to build up his imitation, Armstrongite splinter group by trying to convince some people out there to join him. It is so good that there people knowledgeable about the truth about Armstrongism who share information that the COGs like to ignore so that more people can be properly informed about Armstrongism.


    On other matters I recently learned that large parts of HWA's 1973 booklet, The Plain Truth About Easter, was actually plagiarized from Herman Hoeh's article, "The Astounding Truth About Easter," which was published in the April 1955 issue of The Plain Truth (pp. 3-6, 16).

    In that section all sorts of sensationalist claims are made about Easter, such as saying that the Passover was celebrated every week on Saturday by early churches.

    I remember being quite shocked and astounded by such claims when I first got deceptively recruited into believing Armstrongism. The booklet listed HWA as its author so I just assumed that HWA wrote that part of the booklet. I have now learned that section of the booklet was plagiarized from Herman Hoeh's 1955 article. Hoeh wrote that. Not HWA. HWA lied to his readers when he plagiarized Herman Hoeh's words into a booklet that listed HWA alone as its author.

    HWA is a thief.

    More on this topic may be seen here:


  10. Omg! That fart was hilarious! ROFLOL.

    1. Abandon all hope, ye who enter into that room!


  11. """More on this topic may be seen here:


    October 15, 2018 at 5:28 AM"""


    Is it plagiarism when it's written by an employee?

    Definitely not defending Herb, he plagiarized plenty of others.


  12. Is that a devilish HORN that is sticking out of Thiels head?? No wait, nope, just a door knob! ;-)

  13. Plagiarism and using ghost writers saturates American culture. Hollywood celebrities regularly come out with books supposedly written by them. But when one considers their leisurely lifestyle and the contents of these books, it's obvious others did the research and writing. Having red some of these books, I believe a team of writers spanning several years were responsible.
    This doesn't justify Herb and others following suite. It's stealing recognition and honor. The church has a history of hiding behind the skirts of societies sins.

  14. Kevin asked, "Is it plagiarism when it's written by an employee?"

    MY COMMENT - No, the employer owns the work product. If a corporation owns the copyright to a work product, then the employee can be eliminated from the byline in future editions. We saw this happen when Herbert excommunicated his son Garner Ted. Both originally shared authorship of the booklet "The Wonderful World Tomorrow...What will it be like" until Garner Ted was thrown out of the Church and then Herbert was given sole authorship of the booklet.

    One of the reasons why Garner Ted created The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelical Association was to hold the copyrights of his written works post WCG and CGI. He got booted out of two Churches leaving his written works behind with Worldwide Church of God and Church of God, International owning the copyrights. He learned his lesson after the two Church boots not wanting to leave behind his written works with yet a third church, the Intercontinental Church of God. So, he created the Association for control over his materials.


  15. Is it plagiarism when it's written by an employee?

    We had that problem in one department, where we wrote all the documentation and a new deputy manager decided to standardize the layout -- and put his name on each document.
    The result was that everyone with a question on a document went to him, and he was clueless -- punishment enough!
    Depending on your employee agreement, all work you do may be considered the property of the employer, so plagiarism may just mean you don't receive the credit due to you.

  16. The Bafoon actually farted in his world shattering presentation!

    He must've been a riot at spokesman club!

  17. The door caught my attention - looked like a hotel room door. Then I looked to the left of the door and saw a slot where the hotel key goes to turn on the power in the room. Looks like he got tired of all of the grief about the crooked bookcases and decided to book a hotel room (and a few ferns) to have a more professional set.

  18. Has anyone heard from one of his deacons and elders he mentions in the video? The ones he has, did he ordain them or did they come that way?

  19. Can anyone excerpt the part with the fart so we don't have to watch and listen to the whole peripatetic presentation? Wouldn't it just be a gas (literally!) if this video ended up going viral, not because of the message, but because it was whispered that there is a fart that somehow was allowed to remain in the final mix? Too bad he turns off the comment section. I tell you! Only in the wacky world of Armstrongism! HWA must be turning over in his urine-soaked grave!

    From here forward, Thiel's church will forever be known as the FCCOG. Farting Continuing Church of God.

  20. A former work boss had the habit of putting his name on documents that others spent weeks working on. He didn't even have the ability to write such reports. He robbed people of recognition and social status within the company.

  21. 7:06 wrote: "Has anyone heard from one of his deacons and elders he mentions in the video? The ones he has, did he ordain them or did they come that way?"

    some of Thiels deacons are apostate WCG deacons, others have SDA ties, and others are church hopping Armstrongites who jump ship to the church that gives them more money and computers. Some were ordained by Thiel, which makes their ordinations invalid because Thiel was never ordained.

  22. 10.29 PM
    Invalid ordinations? What difference does it make? God isn't with these slivers. He doesn't bless or answer the prayers of Pharisaic churches.

  23. """ Anonymous said...
    Can anyone excerpt the part with the fart so we don't have to watch and listen to the whole peripatetic presentation? Wouldn't it just be a gas (literally!) """


    Other embarrassing moments in acogdom.

    Does anyone else remember the feast video, not sure what year, when the camera panned the congregation and caught a man picking his nose and then eating his newfound "treasure"? That was in the early 80's I believe.


  24. Does anyone remember that interview with that British Korea expert on CNN. Suddenly his kid walks in and starts calling for attention than the mother crawls in to fetch the child.

    I watched the video.
    After I was done laughing after the farting sound I imagined "room service" coming in starting to water the plants, arranging a chunck of turkey, rearranging the pillows and straighten his tie, all the while with the non stop flailing of hands.

    I never listened or read anything from Thiel besides parts of what is offered on this blog. He looks like the genuine guy I really would take advice from if, well, if a farting problem would arise in my personal life. I can for the life of it not see an enemy in him. Perhaps because I never really pay attention to his productions. It's little things like the "key card" that put me off even before I would consider pushing "play". I'm very detail oriented regarding the premisses I talk to my customers.


  25. It would have been much better if he had set up in front of the closed drapes, don't ya think?
