Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Even Lee Majors Is Shocked!

2,500-3,500 hits a day
Who would have ever thought...


  1. Congratulations! What wonderful news. Keep up the great work.

  2. Once in a while, a little Packavellian hyperbole is actually appropriate! Congratulations. Now, if you had a dollar for every click, you'd be rich.

  3. There wouldn't be this many page views unless many of the articles and comments ring true. In the ACOGs, it's a crime to think for oneself and discern their many lies and distortions.
    Long live truth and openness.

  4. Many of the people who visit this site do so to find out what is actually going on in the world of Armstrongism. Much of this info is kept from them by their leaders. Keep up the good work of shedding the light on these abusive cults. The free flow of information is vital for people to be free.

  5. "Robert J. Thiel, prophet. A man doubly anointed. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic prophet. Bitter Bwana Bob Thiel will be that prophet. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster. But his bookcases will still be crooked."

  6. Long live the Free Press! -Johannes Gutenberg 1439

  7. Anon 6:00 - Brilliant! Yes, we have the theology!

    I remember when I posted something at a now-defunct COGcritique site when Dave Pack's website got its 1,000,000th "download". Then I found that his "counter" was a free-running pseudo-random estimation display.

  8. I'm gone to inform my little brother, that he should also go to see this webpage on regular basis to get
    updated from most up-to-date news.

  9. Congratulations! You are indeed doubly blessed! Keep up the good work!


  10. I appreciate this site and visit it at least once a day. Sometimes, I comment. Know that it is appreciated by some people.

  11. Great job hosting, moderating, and developing a great site where people of all viewpoints can comment and contribute to a common cause. There's no telling the exact impact this site has caused over the past years. But I'm sure it's more than anyone can know.

  12. Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say.

  13. Congratulations Gary on doing, using Herbert W. Armstrong own words to describe, "The most important Work on earth".

    Well, time has proven Herbert Armstrong to have embellished the importance of "The Work".

    Let's not forget to remember your predecessor - the late Gavin Rumney and Ambassador Watch. Like running in a track and field event (or even like seven successive church eras) the baton passed to you. Thanks for receiving the baton, and for all your time and your dedication devoted to "exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all its wacky glory!"


  14. I thought I'd hang on until the 144.000 number was reached.

    Now I consider taking a vacation when the 6.660.000 becomes reality.

    Oh well. the 7 million, 12 million and 40 million numbers might bear new significance.

    I will find an excuse to hang on until the gates of hell prevail.

