Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Survivor of Sexual Misconduct of Philip Shields

From a reader:

As a mandatory reporter, it is my obligation to report any knowledge I have of sexual deviance with minors. In the state of Washington and Oregon, the same standards apply today as they did 20 years ago. Yet, the Global Church of God, which and evolved into the Living Church of God, did not report the child abuse. Further, they stonewalled me as a mother. What does stonewalled mean? It means when I called headquarters, the evangelists and ranking ministers refused to take my calls. It means when I went to my brother (the then acting pastor of the Global Church of God who has now move on to another affiliation) I was systematically diminished in the eyes of my friends. Those members who had previously said they would testify for me in a civil lawsuit, they all bailed. He, the minister at that time, said I did not need him as I had enough laymembers. In short, I had to sue Philip Shields on my own. My minister would not help me. The laymembers at that time told me no later. And even today, the wife of this minister is telling one of my children that they were ready to support me. But the reality is is that I was left completely alone to fend for myself. There was no minister or his wife to support me. They jumped ship. Is telling my adult daughter that they were there for me, when they were NOT, teaching my children to honor me? Well, respect and obedience to ministers and their wives take priority over the commandment to honor your father and mother. Yet, these ministers tout their service to God, as they lie about what really happened.

Anything that is said contrary to this is an absolute lie. If you believe the Bible, it says that you will stand before the judgment seat. What I testify is true. My minister and his wife bailed on me. As I watched those who hated Philip systematically bail as well.

Of course, I planned all of this myself. Right? 


  1. In my experience with the ministry of the Armstrong groups is that they are ALL full of hypocrisy & ALL are liars!

    1. why is Mr. Shields now cavorting freely in a group called "Hope Of Israel Worldwide" without ever publicly addressing whether he committed the offense(s)?

  2. IMHO, in all criminal cases, whether they be theft, sexual, property, etc. , go directly to the police and forget about dealing with church bureaucracies.

    Also be willing to forsake your so called "brethren" and "denomination", for the benefit of the truth, for they will abandon you. God in Heaven knows the truth, and will always be with you.

  3. One of Philip's current tactics is to follow me or anyone who would dare to oppose him and trail them. Often he makes his presence known as an anonymous poster. The posts rotate from one post which may be on the side of the poster, to another one who is on the side who is opposed. They key mark of the posts he makes is that they are extreme. Such as the post above. Most educated people realize that use of adjectives which are all inclusive are simply not true, such as the ALL above (note the call caps). He is constantly trying to create controversy and a smoke screen to cover up the real issue, which has been from the beginning and continues to be, that he is a sex offender and the girls and women who come into contact with him when he is on the hunt deserve to be warned in advance. The outcomes for the victims are to great to play patty cake with. The negative outcomes for the victims are too great to cover up for who and what he is and how the ministers in the church of God have historically handled these situations by covering up, stonewalling the victims, and labeling the victims. Do not forget that the leadership of the churches of God see absolutely no obligation, either morally or legally, to even begin to pay compensation. If they did that, as they put it, they are admitting that they did something wrong and that they might open themselves up for a lawsuit. So the big guns are turned on the victims to get them to be silent at all costs. It does not matter what the outcome is for the victims. They must be silenced. As one evangelist in the now defunct Global Church of God told me, they did not have any insurance to cover the medical bills for the victims. I was asked how much I had spent and they would send a check. I never received a check and I never made contact with that evangelist again. Further, the ministers did not make themselves available to testify to the truth of what happened in a civil lawsuit against Philip because this too would force them to admit something was handled terribly wrong and put them at risk for a lawsuit. Thus, contrary to what my children have been told about ministers being willing to support me in a civil lawsuit against Philip, the opposite is true. For after the fact, it would indeed shine a bright light on the bungled handling of the situation and the obvious gap in the lack of reporting by mandatory reporters.

    True servant leaders leave their followers at least in the same condition they found them. My family and I were in considerably worse shape than we had been in our entire lives, and that did not predict the future that was in front of us as friends turned on us, and Philip continued his ongoing stalking from the sidelines.

    I would not have believed it unless it had actually happened to me. I would not have believed that my best interests were not at the heart and core of the ministers who wore the title, servant of God. Jesus said we would know them by their fruit. There is no way to reconcile the devastation I received over time from multiple ministers with someone who would at least leave me in the same condition I was in when I was under their 'care', which is the mark of a true servant leader.

    Publishing magazines and giving sermons does not equal the work of God if little girls and women are harmed in the way my family was.

  4. Pervert Shields gave a worthless sermon at Dave Antion's feast site on the 2nd day this year. I would have boycotted had i known. Someone commented on the previous post from a few weeks ago that he had been removed from Antion's church a few years ago. If true, why is he now back?

  5. Anonymous said...
    In my experience with the ministry of the Armstrong groups is that they are ALL full of hypocrisy & ALL are liars!
    My Comment: The next step is to blame God for allowing all of these groups to use His name and the name of His Son to deceive the people He has chosen to be His people with false and deceitful actions and information. Another step is to claim that the Christian Bible is nothing but a fantasy put together by ancient people to explain all of the problems experienced by those who are human beings.
    I choose to believe the Christian Bible reveals that there is a God who reveals Himself to those who commit their life to learning from experiencing what ever path they have chosen to follow We may make many mistakes cause suffering , but broadcasting the suffering doesn't change the past. Using it to destroy a person who is currently using God's word wrongly needs to prove beyond hear say that the abusive nature still exists.

  6. Your brethren are not brethren but enablers.

  7. Anon-10/7@9:11...Why?
    Evil must be exposed if it's to be eradicated. Unsuspecting prospective followers need to be
    warned of danger ahead, etc. Just as wrong to cover up, shrug off, poo-poo it so as to do the
    evil deed itself. How many lives have been ruined, lost, marriages & families destroyed, and
    at what cost? The remaining lifetime of unnecessary suffering? Evil, false, lying preachers,
    self anointed prophets, etc need to be revealed for what they are. spiritual snakes searching
    for new blood.

  8. Philip likes to take on multiple personas immediately after a post which develops more information about him. He thinks his efforts at confusion will distract readers. Ultimately, the use of pretty women on a post, or the use of misinformation to send a reader on a goose chase, or the conclusions that victims blame God for what Philip did, they are meant to distract from the central fact that this man was not stopped and continues to stalk his victims of sexual attacks from years past. This is what awaits his next victim, his next prey. I guess that there is some kind of moral obligation to try to warn others before it happens to their wife or their daughter????

    The current system the churches of God employ absolutely without reservation do not work.

  9. Good ethics would seem to dictate that sexual predators be purged from any organization, so that the environment would be safe for all who come into it. This would seemingly be especially true of an entity devoted to the spiritual guidance and nurturing of its members. It should be a Godly sanctuary.

    Why do churches fail to properly acknowledge or address perhaps the most heinous of crimes within their congregations, especially when it involves members of their own clergy? In the cases of the ACOGs, from the original right on down to the latest splinter, it is taught that the Spirit of God is available as an indwelling impersonal force exclusively through their group. Moreover, it is taught that the ministry has an extra level, and that amongst other extra powers, this imparts the abillity to discern when God is calling individuals into the ministry. If you take everything that is taught about their own ministry, the Holy Spirit would prevent them from ordaining a sexual predator into the ministry. Therefore, actually acknowledging and punishing such a predator would be tantamount to admitting that God's Spirit is either not present in their group, or occasionally makes mistakes. To protect a man-made organization, they go with a man-made solution. They sweep their dirt under the carpet. So much for getting rid of leaven (sin).

    This additional condition or situation should spawn deeper thinking amongst those who give their leaders a pass on their continually failing prophecies, another highly questionable area. But, it usually does not. These folks have been conditioned to allow ministers who teach the sabbath, holy days, tithing, and clean meats to make all manner of mistakes, indulge in cruel exercise of authority, and even to indulge in the worst sins known to man. These doctrines are supposedly what opens the door to a more complete rapport with God, and additional understanding which nobody else has. Obviously, they do not. Otherwise, these churches would not be a dangerous mixture of good and evil. A true church would be the whole Godly package.

  10. The post of 12:31 could very easily be Philip as well. He has the capacity to change. But the content is very reflective of yet another effort to create a smoke screen. For, the issue is not the doctrines of the church of God, but his predatory nature and all the tricks he uses in his bag of tactics, to undermine the victims of his sexual conquests.

    The posts that follow the main post I have made are most likely from him. The posts showcase his efforts to hide so he can continue in what has been a historically successful career of trying to prove to himself he is a man's man.

    The point of posting by me in the venue is because the leaders of the churches of God do not recognize legitimate forms of communication. The usual response is that the church leader does not respond. If the church leader does respond, there is no apparent redirect for other church leaders, who profess to me that they are qualified, and will not get their long intrusive noses out the affairs of my family. They want to be ever present, with no real financial support (God forbid it actually came out of their own personal pocket).

    For those who read here, from the various splinter groups of the church of God, incognito as it were (:)), your intrusion into my family is enough. Your lies and your failed practices are enough. May God give to you what was given to me. May you have the same
    'blessings' that were judged valuable to me and my family. For God is not mocked.

    If you have the intelligence to understand the logic of The Message to Garcia, then consider it, and how Jesus Christ must feel about the swath of destruction your failed policies have done to the little girls and women who actually had some trust in you.

  11. Anon 12:31 is right. Consider that, in his time as leader of the Living Church of God, Rod Meredith:

    • Ordained and kept on the payroll a known (confessed) pedophile.

    • Refused to discipline one of his married sons for molesting underage girls.

    • Selected Gerald Weston as the next leader of LCG.

    • Disfellowshipped at least a couple of members for speaking out about his rapey son.

    • Approved the baptism of a son unrepentant of molestations and other offenses

    • Acknowledged to insiders the homosexuality of at least two of his HQ employees, but kept those homosexual employees on the payroll.

    LCG members are not allowed to pick and choose as to which of Meredith's actions were inspired by God. It's a package deal. All or nothing. The same divine inspiration that chose Gerald Weston chose how to handle LCG sex offenses. To think otherwise is to deny the inspiration and authority of the LCG ministry.

  12. Philip is ever active and successful in his ventures to attack women and little girls in or out of the church of God. The sad story is, that his sexual deviancy is side tracked too often. Posts such as the one above is meant to show some degree of intelligence but focuses on other issues which belong outside of this thread. Philip is an expert, bar none, at getting people to follow his disgusting line of reasoning. He does not have an equal that I know.

    The above post is meant to side track the focus.

    The issue is his deviance with unsuspecting women and little girls, who often have no choice in the place where their parents take them.

    The ministers, who claim that they serve God, have been caught in misinformation to my children, which I consider lies. They actively seek to be a part of my children's lives. Of course, obviously, I am minimized in every way. They do not put their own financial assets on the line.

    Philip continues his sick progression of attack, with some success. For the targets of his 'stuff' often fall for it. And the followers of these leaders support the effort without question.

    All this could have been stopped. The police in Clark County told me they would have prosecuted Philip if they had had heard the support for the then Global Church of God in a timely fashion. There was enough evidence to prosecute him and put him on the sex offenders list. They hesitated because the church leaders did not support me when I reported him. Since them, my family has been told that the Clark Count Sherrif's department would not have prosecuted him.

    But, they would have, if the ministers had come forward when it was reported to them.

    Their silence still, to this day, enables him to march forward.

    And they would represent to me and my family that they are qualified to speak on behalf of Jesus Christ on how to handle a child molester, contrary to the natural love that a mother has for her daughters. Since when are they more vested in my children's well being than me?

    Their legacy...The Church of God has enabled a child molester to go free in this present world and they are willing to cover up their lack of professional integrity and let him run wild.

    They know what they did. They know why they did it. And they are not sorry.

  13. Anonymous 2:59 I have to ask, why are you posting here? The issue is not Rod Meredith, or even the Living Church of God. The subject is Philip Shields and his sexual deviance. He is a master of disguises and he seeks to destroy little girls and women because he himself was molested and seeks to abate his deep seated turmoil by attacking unsuspecting women and children in a playground called the ignorant church of God. He has no conscience. And he posts where I post. I am the only one who has called him out.He follows me because he is used to cringing ministers afraid of a law suit. Or evangelists which preclude themselves from exposing him because they took his 'confession'. He knows his play ground. He knows the history. And tonight, he is gloating, because he has convinced yet another group/leader that he is a victim of sexual misconduct when in fact he is the wolf and perpetrator of evil.

    I do not see Philip, or his sick successes among the leaders of the church of God. Rather,I see Jesus Christ, and the eternal victory for those who waited on His justice, in His time frame, and when it suited His purpose.

  14. To the predator:

    Your stuff has gone on long enough.

    Your destruction has gone on long enough.

    May no more women and little girls be the victim of your sick stuff.

    And may those who had the power to stop you, and did not, may they enjoy the same 'gifts' that they bestowed on me and my family.

    The will of Jesus Christ be done.

  15. Anon 2:59....Great points! The issues in the Living CHurhc of God are a sign of its duplicity and hypocrisy. From what we had heard concerning Meredith's son was that one of them was gay. Meredith was so angry that he forced his son to marry and that is the reason the marriage has had so many issues. All done like GTA did, just to please Daddy in order to get a piece of the pie once Daddy kicked the bucket, The problem is neither GTA or Meredith's son got the piece of pie but rather ruthless men who cover up abuse and sexual issues o a daily basis.

  16. @ 5:40, the original article claimed that Rod Meredith employed and sheltered Philip Shields for a while (in the Global and Living ACOGs). Maybe you are so deeply hurt that you don't acknowledge anyone else's pain as important, but the fact is that the same man who enabled Philip Shields in GCG/LCG has a pattern of enabling other sexual deviants. If you don't understand this as an important part of the issue, I must conclude that you don't understand the issue and have instead made it all about your own pain.

  17. "..and have instead made it all about your own pain,"
    6.03 PM it is sickening to be attacking the victim. Shame on you!!

  18. Just curious: whatever happened to the checks and balances in any of the COGs that demanded the elders travel in pairs to never be alone with any woman or child? In the old days of the WCG, this was the rule. And why would any really decent elder or member, with any conscious at all, harbor the knowledge they had a pervert in their midst? Every single day I regret the years I put my trust in any minister. Every single day.

  19. Just curious: whatever happened to the checks and balances in any of the COGs that demanded the elders travel in pairs to never be alone with any woman or child? In the old days of the WCG, this was the rule. And why would any really decent elder or member, with any conscious at all, harbor the knowledge they had a pervert in their midst? Every single day I regret the years I put my trust in any minister. Every single day.

  20. why would any really decent elder or member, with any conscious at all, harbor the knowledge they had a pervert in their midst?
    They know that if they speak out, they will lose their eldership or membership. The fact that they prize their eldership or membership over not just the Ten Commandments but also Christ's magnification of the commandments is proof that they really aren't very decent.

  21. There are rules about visiting in pairs - but people break rules. They also inform other group leaders when there are problems to avoid the person taking their problem to another group. If this did not happen, then they were not following their own procedures.

  22. The mind of the predator of little girls in the churches of God is to hunt and take delight in the kill.

    Did you savor your most recent 'kill' by infiltrating a bunch of women who are survivors of sexual misconduct by their ministers but not able to perceive your expertise in this area yet?? For even these survivors do not understand the depth of the depravity that one such as you are capable of. This is addressed to the one who follows the threads here. The one and only predator of little girls.

    Did you really think that I had caved in?

    What is the next level of engagement?

    To the ministers in 'good standing' in the various churches of God, who come here but do not respond to tithe paying members...know this. The predator is on the hunt. The rules of engagement have changed, and the predator is not processing the response in the normal way.

    Side bar: Jesus Christ is the leader of the exposure, not me.

    Regular means of communication were excluded by the leaders of the Churches of God.

  23. Since I have started posting here, the number of 'junk phone calls' coming to the numbers that the predator knows about have decreased to almost none.

    I wonder if he thinks the government is monitoring the real source of my stalking friend??

    Also, the sexually deviant emails coming to me have almost completely stopped....


    But of course, the fearless leaders of the churches of God think that this kind of stuff for his victims is 'acceptable'????

  24. The predator will not stop his quest to stop me.

    What other victim has resisted this far and successfully sustained the ongoing assault to silence them, both from the predator and the leaders of the churches of God who both seek to silence the truth?

    I will keep everyone updated on the next twist in the convoluted saga. It has been my experience that the predator tries more of the same tactics, but with increased effort. There is not much originality in the tactics. Just the same old stale bread that has usually brought him victory in the past via his eager accomplices in the leadership of the churches of God who also seek to silence real victims. It is to the benefit of both that I go away....

    But, is Jesus Christ real? And is He pleased in this kind of 'stuff' going on in a church, which bears the name of God?


    I don't think the normal person with an IQ of 80 will have difficulty in figuring this one out.

    If Jesus Christ is the Savior, then where is the respect of the ministers for the members who have been savagely abused by sexual predators masking themselves as ministers in their midst? Is there no fear of God? Is it all about money and the reputation of the leaders and the given name of whatever local hero or group of heroes chosen at the moment? Is it all just some sick religious game, and those who play the roles prescribed for them are so locked into the routine that they cannot see that God is not a respecter of persons? That there is a real God? And that the divine comedy, if it were not so terribly sick in application, will end? With recompense to the players sitting on the side lines and approving of the prescribed methods of very sad 'church governance' at the time?

    I guarantee you, the leaders of the churches of God will not be first to my door to pay for medical and financial loss. Nor will there be an apology, because if that happened, there is liability for financial responsibility. Nor will members be there for you when you need their comfort. The maxim driving the advice to the members is, "Wait for the victims to come to you." The advice replicates the actions of abandonment and betrayal. Not once, but repeatedly over time. Over and over and over again. It is not actual murder, but the same methods employed by the Pharisees in the Bible.

    If the advice was good for me, and for my restoration to a member who is thriving and in good standing in the local congregation, then I would think this same standard would be excellent for those who so quickly implemented it towards me and my family.

    May the joys of the decisions of church of God leadership rest upon those who executed it upon my family and me as well as other victims in this sick saga. And may they know, that when it comes to them, that Jesus Christ really was no respecter of persons. And that He had not turned a blind eye to what they did. And to those who watched and approved, may you enjoy what you approved at that time. For you who would be leaders have intelligence enough to know what is right and what is wrong, and as you watched, your silence gave approval, just like the watching Germans of WW2 approved the slaughter of the Jews.

  25. If the accusations are true (and I have no reason to doubt them) why is this man still in possession of his male parts? He best stay far from anyone that I know if he prizes them!

    Kevin McMillen

  26. Couldn't agree more Kevin. The other glaring issues is, why is David Antion allowing this pervert to speak? Since David is or used to be a champion of families with his counselling business, this is a glaring oversight on his part.

  27. To Anonymous:

    It was no oversight by Mr. Dave Antion. He knows and has been warned.

    Indeed, even the most 'honored and educated' of those leaders in the professing churches of God are taken in by Philip ever repenting. This man, David Antion, was made aware of the exploits of Philip.

    Here is the link to prove that indeed Philip has wormed his way into yet another congregation of a church of God.


    Click on the button for schedule of events.

    It may not stay up long but I have printed it and saved it as proof. You need to look quick before it comes down.

    And no one thought he wanted to be a minister again???

    And to get another chance to hunt???

    Endorsed by a minister of the Church of God with special emphasis on healthy family relationships.

    If anyone doubts that the ministers of the churches of God return him to the position of pastor over and over and over again, just look at this.

    The extremely sad shame is that in the area of psychology, they are mandatory reporters as well.

    The ministers of the collective churches of God would have you believe they have the best interests of little girls and unsuspecting women at heart. This evidence right here cried loud and clear that they do not. For Mr. Antion was warned and has chosen to stake his reputation and his organization on his decision. He cannot call foul and say he was not warned, for he was.

    I wonder if Dave Antion wants all the victims to prove to him what Philip did. Their word is not enough, for Philip is 'a servant of God'! I wonder if he wants his family to be blessed with Philip's greatest 'gift' to the congregation? It is only a matter of time. Not if, but when. Ritenbaugh's group did the same thing, turning on the victims. And, in the end, Philip showed his true colors.

    If anyone has any doubt at all that the sexual predators in the ministry of God's church are not cut slack, and even exalted, by other ministers, while at the same time beating down the victims, demanding that the multiple victims prove what Philip did, all the while Philip is 'repenting', and wants to have a sandwich with you after he has hurt yet another family left in the wake of his swath of destruction, then you have closed your own eyes, and have no idea of who and what God is that does not even remotely touches on reality.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. The above post is something that PS would do. : )

    Any reader here, do you wanna have your daughter (9 or older) play? How about your wife?

    This morning my email was overloaded with emails from a nobody with attachments. He thought this would unnerve me. I just laughed.

    I guess members of the various churches of God would like their wife to get this kind of stuff? How about your daughter or granddaughter? For the act he commits is not the end of the gamut. He continues to stalk victims multiple decades after his first encounter of Church of God protected sexual assaults on attendees and their children.

    I wonder if PS has considered what a class action law suit of multiple victims against him and his supporting church of God leaders would do to finally stop this insanity? I wonder if the laymembers might require a level of accountability of the leaders? After all, the destruction to the families and their relationships and medical bills, do they not require restitution by the institution that enabled this man to continue? And he does continue.

    Victims can sue beyond the statue of limitations for damages done. And the organizations that enabled them to continue in their sexual deviance can be sued in conjunction with him. PS's hope is that no one will. The greater churches of God leaderships' hope is that they will not be called into court to testify to the truth of what they presided over. God forbid that someone would actually cry aloud and spare not for the sins of the collective ministers in the church of God for protecting leaders who are sexually deviant.

  30. Maybe some of the more aggressive readers of this site can contact the above poster, who just wants to play. Because, that is what it is to PS. It is a predatory game. And the next victim the stakes go up. Because the fix needs a higher level of engagement.

    If you have read the Screwtape Letters, you will understand the tactics and the mindset/goal. And at the same time, there is no originality. For the tool kit for the characters in the Screwtape letters do not change. The most common factor is level of engagement, not originality. The tactics remain the same. The level of engagement varies. Until.....

    The final maxim is, Jesus Christ overcame, just as we overcome and face the already defeated foe.

    The game now is to watch as those who assisted PS in his swath of destruction, what are they going to do? Will their tactics and mentality remain the same? Or will they admit the truth of what they did, repent, make restitution, apologize and make things right?

    Continue to watch this area, for Philip cannot resist posting here.

  31. Mr. David Antion did pull a sermon by Philip when he was warned by another brave minister of God about what Philip had done in the past. I checked, and Mr. Dave Antion still has his feast of tablernacles schedule still listed, with a very big APPROVING sermon by PS on Tuesday of his delightful celebration of the FOT.

    So I wonder what happened?

    What happened when he originally pulled the online video sermon of Philip Shields after another brave minister told the group about PS's past predatory success?

    What happened so that he was emboldened to not only let him give a sermon, but also keep it up? For, the ministers of God read sites like this. They do, even though they condemn sites like this.

    Message to Garcia....Mr. Antion and all those who support your cause...do you really think Jesus Christ has not heard the cries of the little girls and women who have been systematically stonewalled over time? Diminished? And revictimized?

    How do you guys think you will stand as true servants of God if a class action lawsuit is constructed? And you have to affirm your actions of cowardice towards little girls and women molested by predators in your midst? If you lie, you will disqualify yourself as a true minister of God. If you tell the truth, your cowardice in helping the perpetrators will be affirmed. There is a judgment for eternity.

    If the teachers in this world have a high standard of accountability, with jail, exclusion from the profession, and being labeled as sexual predators, what can any of you bring to me to justify your exclusion to the same level of sexual propriety towards women and children under your spiritual care?

    May Jesus Christ end this insanity soon.

  32. Just want to play is a new direction of the predator. He thinks I want to play with him. And, what I want is for him and his stuff to end. What I want is to never see another little 9 year old girl molested by him or others in the ministry of the church of God so that they can go on to do it over and over and over again. To him it is a game. To me it is moral responsibility towards God, for I ought to obey God rather than the dictates of men (leaders in the church of God who try to silence me.)

    If the teachers of the US have to undergo such a high level of scrutiny, why are the ministers of the Churches of God, no matter what group, why are they exempt? WHY?

    1. This is my mother posting this. Philip Shields did nothing to her. Not one time. She was married and and would call him on the phone. My mother named Linda called me a prude when I told her what he did to me. She would also pretend to be a man on the internet and have conversations with herself. She lied. She covered it up. She pretended to be a man once on a church forum. How sick is that? Philip Shields never did anything to my mom. She lies. She said he followed her. She said she sued him. She didn't. She and my dad, Les were friends with Philip. He never went after her. I was there. She made fun of me and instead of calling the police the tolde to tell a minister. Then she gaslighted me. She said it was my fault because I waited too long. That's not true. She laughed whe I told her. She called me a prude. Philip Shields and My dad Les French all worked together to set me up. They are one and the same. They have referred to themselves as "we". All three of them I have seen many times send emails to themselves on a compuserve forum Pretending to be other people.
      They hated me. She never sued Philip Shields. She laughed. she should have called the police the first time. But she didn't. Because she hated me. They both did. And then they acted like it was my fault. Then they did a fake investigation a few years later. like 5 years later. Whats the point of an investigation if you cover it up.

  33. Actually, it's not Philip. The difference between me and him is that I would only grope women who specifically requested it, and then they would have to be up to a certain standard. Plus they'd have to sign a non-disclosure form and show me their ID.

    This is the weirdest Comment section I've ever read. Didn't any of you people ever mess around in the past? Ever?

    I want to know, what exactly did PS do and to whom. Can you define "molestation"? Seriously. Was it just groping? Fondling? Penetration of some sort? Exactly who was violated and when?

    This is starting to sound like the Kavanaugh hearings, which were a shameful and ludicrous witch-hunt. I mean I would not touch that Christine Blasey Ford with a ten-foot pole. Ever. Drunk, sober, or otherwise impaired. I mean, come forward and spell it out. WTF happened exactly? When? To whom? Where? I challenge you. And whatup with medical expenses? For what?

    C'mon, man up. Gimme the goods.

  34. BTW, excellent video you should watch, and it's by a WOMAN:


  35. This thread is evidence that the message has been delivered. The 'just a mere woman' who should go away and crawl into her corner is done.

    For the normal means of communication did not work, nor will it even yet work.

    The will of God be done.

  36. ... and, just ran across a great article:

    "Is This The Beginning Of The End Of #MeToo? As Author Of 'Sh*tty Media Men' List Gets Sued, Sexual Assault Charge Against Weinstein Dropped Over Accuser's Credibility"



  37. It's irresponsible to give voice to this anonymous person who producing no names, no witnesses, no proof. It's called libel and you can be sued for it. Fortunately, the pendulum is swinging the other way. Obviously you guys just hate God's churches, flawed though they are. If you have a legitimate complaint, we need you know who you are, who was violated, when, how, where, and we need witnesses. This is still America, like it or not.

  38. To continue just a bit more, the above poster may not be Philip, but has the same general mentality. All you have to do is look at the quality of the content of his posts. He is willing to engage in exploits as well....

    The reason Philip does not pursue a lawsuit is because then the evidence will come forward, as it must in the legal system. And, thus, if 'Just Wanna Play' really wants evidence, then he should encourage Philip to sue the owners of this site and seek damages.

    And when the truth comes out, then the general public as well as any doubting Thomases will know.

    In the meantime, people such as the above poster have also been recruited from the churches of God in the past to help Philip in his stalking. They pose as friends of the victims so that even more damage can be inflicted on the victim. Just imagine how your wife, your daughter, or your granddaughter would fare from being befriended by such a 'friend' of Philip, bent on playing the game with the victim. Much like a wolf.

    I hope that Philip goes for the bait. But for now, his tactic has changed, and recruiting like minded 'members' of any professing church of God may be rallying to his defense. It makes for some rather revealing information and a good read for those who really want to understand what was unleashed on the little girls and unsuspecting women in God's church who took it on the advice of ministers and evangelists of God that he, Philip, was empowered by their organization to counsel for marriage as well as baptism and came with their personal recommendation. For I did keep the original 'stuff'.

    So whether poster, Just Wanna Play, is Philip, or someone who supports him, just look at the mentality. Look at the threats, which have weakened the most strong among the ministers of God. For the name of the org and avoiding a lawsuit through silencing the victims was more important that doing what was right by the victims.

    For any minister of God who reads here, Philip did not just go away. He still seeking a playground for his exploits. And more little girls and unsuspecting women who are going to him for counsel from a minister of God seeking to save their marriage, yes, they are still at risk.

    Eli was given a chance to stop his sons from having sex with the women in the congregation. Though it did take some time, God did deal with it. And the punishment was not only for Eli, but for his whole household. For the sin and the damages from the sin were so incredibly high for the women and their families in congregation of God at that time.

  39. Next installment, word for word transcript of the leading evangelist at the time endorsing Philip to do counseling of members at that time. Does this imply organizational accountability?

  40. Well said. I appreciate that post and I have no disagreement with it. You're right, I was wrong to make light of the situation. Yes, I have acted like an animal in the past, but I have cleaned up my act. I have a twisted sense of humor.

    Coincidentally, not ten minutes ago I was thinking about Eli and his sons and how it was just like HWA letting GTA and the ministry run wild. And that was very wrong of both of them and it set a wrong example and precedent in the church, as in, we can get away with this. Believe me, I empathize with your plight. And I have experienced the frustration of dealing with the corporate CoG's, and I don't like it one bit. I am an independent and am acting and speaking completely independently.

    My understanding of the current situation, what little I know of it, is that the man in question has been conducting himself as a man of God should, and wants to put the past behind him. He seems to have made a fresh start.

    So I gave you my email address because I wanted to know exactly what went down in the past, without you having to air it in a public forum. I was especially curious about which ministers died as a result of ignoring your plight! I know God can and does work that way, and it is a sobering thought. And I was curious to know what, who, when, where, and how. In other words, for you to be specific. Who did what to whom. Who was injured. Without being specific you have no credibility. No one can take you seriously.

    Actually, we don't even know who you are. For all we know you could a man, woman, group of people, or an AI computer. So if you want to be taken seriously, you have to come forward. Thus the email address. The ball is in your court and God Bless.

  41. Most important points from a letter to the brethren dated September 7, 1993 by an evangelist in the Church of Gdo, "....I just wanted to write you a personal letter regarding the duties and responsibilities of your Church Host, Mr. Philip Shields. As most of you know, he is a four year graduate of Ambassador College and spent 14 years in the WCG field ministry--nine of those years as Pastor of churches. He has given over 1000 sermons! So this experience and training certainly qualifies Mr. Shields to carry more responsibility than the average host. And I, personally, have known him pretty well for many years and feel he is dedicated to God and very sound doctrinally----plus having the extensive experience in the Work of which I spoke. So I want you to know that Philip Shields is authorized to bring a sermon about every two months, to take the lead in organizing Church services and activities and to counsel the brethren or newcomers as needed....."

    He was fully endorsed by this evangelist at the time. To give counseling. And the word counsel was underlined in the original letter, as are the words "is authorized" and "1000". Also note that the evangelist was aware that Philip was not a minister currently. Then why give him so much power, especially counseling, when he had obviously done something to get himself removed?

    Next will come a portion of a letter that came from the sheriff's office which points out the report that finally came to them went beyond the statue of limitations and thus criminal charges were not brought against said Host. The report was late because the minister in question did not want to report it in a timely fashion.

  42. From the Child Abuse Intervention Center, dated September 10, 1996, "...Based upon the report, it is our decision that the alleged incidents occurred outside of the statute of limitations. Accordingly, the State will decline pursing criminal prosecution for the reason stated above."

    The reason the police report was late was because my minister at that time refused to report it in a timely fashion. Thus, Philip escaped criminal prosecution at the hands of the ministry of God yet again. The police did not understand why my church would not support me.

  43. I have had 22 emails of a sexual or drug related nature in less than 24 hours. Earlier, I had 14 emails that were identical with attachments, usually trying to introduce a virus into my computer.

    On my other email accounts which this individual does not know about, I have no pornography coming in.

    Is this what a teen age girl can expect if she is molested by a man in 'authority' in the church of God, and actually stands up to defend herself? Is she going to have to prove it to everyone? And will the collective ministry of God continue to protect sexual misconduct by figures of service in their church organization by not reporting it?

  44. I never received an email from you, so I don't know what your email address is. I can see that what I suspected originally is true. I'm the one that's being set up or we're both being set up. OK, washing my hands of this whole deal. God bless!

  45. As of now, many of the responses to the posts laying out the exploits of Philip have been a nice portrait of either Philip, or his supporting buds.

    This is the usual style he has.

    The one tactic he has not chosen is to personally defend himself here. Actually use his own name. And defend why he should be giving sermons and seeking tithe money from people.


    Because, after all, that is the point. What are his qualifications to be teaching God's people how to live??? Let alone be around little girls in the congregation or unsuspecting women.


    And, why would a minister of God allow him to give sermons at the FOT? Especially when he had prior knowledge of his past????

    Is this an effort to encourage the violated women and children to 'reconcile' with Philip??? After all, one of the goals of Guardian Ministries is to encourage reconciliation, but for who? And are they, the survivors, to do it as Philip continues in his stalking efforts?

  46. Since this last post a significant attack on my computer network was launched. This is what a victim of abuse can expect if they even raise their voice a bit.

    No worries, as I smile at the desperate attempt to hut me and silence me. It is very much recoverable from.

    Nevertheless, the stalking methods are not limited to crazy posts. Stalking can include direct frontal attacks. The pattern of predators is generally, they escalate, until they have brought the victims/victim under their control.

    I am aware the terms of the 'game' may/will escalate. I also look to Jesus Christ to lead the path. For the battle is not mine, but His.

  47. Since this last post a significant attack on my computer network was launched. This is what a victim of abuse can expect if they even raise their voice a bit.

    No worries, as I smile at the desperate attempt to hunt me and silence me. It is very much recoverable from.

    Nevertheless, the stalking methods are not limited to crazy posts. Stalking can include direct frontal attacks. The pattern of predators is generally, they escalate, until they have brought the victims/victim under their control.

    I am aware the terms of the 'game' may/will escalate. I also look to Jesus Christ to lead the path. For the battle is not mine, but His.

  48. Being a survivor of sexual misconduct in the leadership in the church of God over time was evil and wicked. But even of more negative impact is what the organized leadership of the churches of God did in response to the wickedness. That does not need to be told over and over again, but what does need to be told is the fracturing of a victim's faith towards God from such evil and wicked treatment.

    The coverup by the leaders, the stonewalling, the lack of genuine acknowledging by those who tried to cover it up as being ungodly, the efforts by leaders to diminish the character of the victims: all of this contributes to an incredible spiritual upheaval that teaches the victims that God endorses cover up, teaching the victim that they are the ones to be blamed, teaching them that they are worthless, teaching them that they need to be spurned like an active murderer, teaching them to stuff it all in and to continue in church attendance with no real remedy to heal the incredible tearing at their hearts and souls. This was the greatest crime and evil. All one has to do is go to the web site, The Hope of Survivors, and see the testimonials of survivors and the incredible impact it has had on their lives and families. And to this day the same 'stuff' continues.

    And the leaders of the collective churches of God would suppose to represent themselves to the 'world' as representatives of God's government, kings and priests in the kingdom of God? I know the God that I talk to does not support the standards that have been reflected by the patterns of behavior evidenced by leaders in the church of God. Jesus Christ does not condone the systematic tearing apart of virtuous women by sexual predators hiding behind the mask of being a AC trained pastor. Jesus Christ does not condone leaving the torn victim to fend for themselves. Jesus Christ is not that way. He does not leave the person robbed of their spiritual and emotional stability (like the man by the wayside who was almost dead from robbers as an example in the Bible) but rather, Jesus Christ gets them away from the evil and binds up their wounds and hurts, and gently and calmly rebuilds what was stolen away, ripped apart, and driven out.

    The love of God can be found again by survivors of sexual and spiritual assault. But it does not come by attending with leaders who support the traditional way of taking care of the carnage brought about by pastors and leaders in the collective churches of God. It comes by getting away from them, and finding Jesus Christ one on one. For Jesus Christ is NOT like the ministers who would give PS voice at the Feast of Tabernacles, who has knowledge, and like a mixed up character in a Charles Dickens novel, has no root in the truth, but rather, has root in protecting their erroneous ways from the past, and teaching those who would follow them that this is God's way.

    For these leaders, seeing, they see not, and hearing, they hear not, by choice. They cry out to the world that they have the truth of God, yet live duplicity, as can be seen by the preaching of PS at a FOT.

  49. The time is Tuesday, September 25th at 10:30 AM. This is the time that an endorsed speaker by Mr. David Antion, whose name is Philip Shields, gave a sermon during the Feast of Tabernacles. The hosting organization is Guardian Ministries.

    The website, which is still up, is http://daveantion.com/feast-of-tabernacles.phpl. Just go there and click on the link for the schedule for the Feast of Tabernacles.

    Why on earth is this important? Why write about it? As so many of my loving companions from the past have said, "Why are you whining again? Just get over it."

    The reason is because this is exactly the same setting that sent me and my family into a cycle of sick and sadistic destruction to ourselves as individual people and to us as a family. A man of respect and reputation endorsed this PS. Once again. Even after they knew what his past was.

    There is no normal mother who would knowingly take her teen aged daughters to hear a child molester if they had prior knowledge.

    A normal mother is not out investigating the past of every minister of God on the Internet to see if the speaker at their church is a child molester or not. They usually take the advice of the ministers in charge that the speaker is a normal person that is not feeling up little girls at his pleasure.

    A normal mother is not seeking to do harm to her most precious children.

    A normal mother does not hate her children and does not knowingly take them to dangerous places.


    As I look at the landscape tonight, I know that that God is taking care of it. I know that God Himself has allowed this to continue to see what those who try to worm their way out of the lime light do. What will all those ministers in the churches of God do? All those ministers who knew what this PS has done?

    And I know, that the judgement they make, that is what will come upon them and their loved ones. What was good for me and my family will come down on them as well, and maybe even harder. For they had knowledge and they turned a blind eye. The collateral damage was acceptable.

    I trust Jesus Christ to make it all okay. And before it happens, the ministers should know. Someone did try to talk to them like the Bible said to do. Someone did try to go to their brother. Someone did try to get redress of grievances through normal channels of communication, but was met with stonewalling. Someone did try to really do it the way Jesus Christ told us to do it. Yes, I did. I tried multiple times.

    Jesus Christ says to you who are still alive and have been involved in the great PS cover up. He says to you, with what judgment you gave me and my children, this will come upon you and your families as well. If I am graced with so much evil, then you shall be as well. And when no one responds to your calls for help, please remember, that is what you did to me and my family when we sought your help. Remember the cold silence. Remember the lies that were told to my children to cover you so blaring mistakes. Remember, we did nothing to you. All we did was try to be in the church of God. That was it. We had no hidden agenda. We had no axe to grind.

    I do not even know if the leaders in the fragmented churches of God even know what a sincere member in their midst is any more. If they did, they would tremble for their very lives to hurt one of the little ones of Christ. But they do not.

  50. The location on the Internet is:http://daveantion.com/feast-of-tabernacles.php

    Click on Feast of Tabernacles, and then Festival Schedule. There you will see that on Tuesday, Sept. 25th, Philip Shields gave a sermon at 10:30 AM. It was hosted by an organization led by David Antion called, Guardian Ministries.

    What an ironic situation, if it was not so incredibly and deadly serious...the molesting of unsuspecting women and children (girls) by the speaker by testimony from several victims from the past.

    Is this the legacy of the collective Churches of God? That the ministers protected their deviant fellow ministers? That they demonized the victims? And they stonewalled anyone who dared to mention it?

    If it were not so terribly serious, and so desperately real, I would laugh.

    Have any of you read the results of the Catholic Church and the victims (mostly little boys) and how decades later they kill themselves because they could not deal with what happened to them? It does not matter if it is a little girl or a little boy, the suicidal tendencies are generated from the betrayal of trust by a man posing as a minister of God. It does not matter what denomination. This pervert, this man of the cloth, who harms a child and then goes on to use the most devilish methods to cover it up and demonize the victim, it is so incredibly wicked and evil. It is in opposition to God, the true God of love.

    In the group of churches who call themselves by the name of God, if you would agree to toss out a victim, further, to tell a victim to lie to protect the pervert, may God very quickly send you the same measure, and may you and all your family enjoy the same judgment. For if it were so delightful for me and my family to experience, why should God withhold such a delightful experience from you and yours?

    A voice crying out in a place where all of you ministers of God come and pay attention,but you will not respond through normal means of communication. For there you have total control. Here, you do not. Here, I can talk. And you will start to do something to stop the incredibly stupid ways you have embraced. I already know you will demonize me further. There is nothing new under the sun. That is entirely acceptable if you will begin to do what is right, and stop covering up sexual misconduct in your midst. If you will reach out to the victims and stop counting them as acceptable collateral damage to protect the precious name of your group or chosen leader.

  51. Even when I was 18 and went to AC, I could not figure out why the professor continued in his position, even after he had tried to get me drunk and to seduce me. I could not figure out why the presiding evangelist threatened to throw me out while the professor stayed. I was called a trouble maker then. And all I did was go on a summer event supported by AC.It was organized by them. I looked to the AC professor as a mentor and father like figure. And he looked to me as a sexual conquest.

    Where did all this come from? And why did the ministers brand me as the bad person? I could not understand it. It sent me into a deep nose dive in my life.

    Then Garner Ted and all his exploits.

    Then, post Garner Ted and the exploits of Philip Shields.

    Just a dumb sheep, who happened to believe that the ministers actually were going to treat me like a precious lamb of God and not an object to be approached in an unChristian manner as a sexual object for their lust.

  52. Tonight, there is no law suit over slander/libel by the star of this thread. Maybe a few more weeks need to pass for a law suit to hit this blog and myself.

    If it does not come, then could it possibly be true?

    Teachers are removed from their profession when they feel up their students or commit other acts of sexual misconduct towards the students they have been charged to serve in their academic and social development into adulthood. Many go to jail. Most are registered sex offenders.

    Why do the ministers in the Churches of God take exception to this best practice by the educational system in America today? Is this respecters of persons? Is this the gold standard of God, who is not a respecter of persons? Is the yard stick of the Eternal God of Heaven to give ministers who call themselves his servants exception to sexual propriety towards the children they influence and lead? Does no minister in the Church of God understand fiduciary responsibility? Have they never read that they are judged more sternly because of the potential harm they can inflict?

    They were afraid of PS. All these ministers. Yes, those original evangelists and their supporters. They were afraid. They trembled before the threat of a lawsuit. A lawsuit from PS, because he rattled his saber. Well, now PS can start suing. But he is not suing. Because what has been said is true. And a law suit might embolden those silent victims whom he has tormented for decades to find it within themselves to seek monetary compensation from him. He does have assets. And they can be attached. Because he can be sued for harming relationships. No statue of limitations there.

  53. I am considering a civil class action lawsuit against the assets of Philip Shields. His home, as given on his website, and checked with Zillow for value, is about $300,000. I am sure that there are other assets that can be discovered.

    I would love suggestions on how to locate the other survivors of his sexual misconduct to see if any would like to participate in a civil lawsuit. I am not seeking church of God ministerial support, for that never worked. This is targeting the offender and his assets. The churches of God, who covered for him, which include the present day spin off of the WWCG as Grace Communion, the present day spin off of Global as Living Church of God, and the present day spin off of Church of God a Christian Fellowship, the designated leaders involved in the cover up then. Also, COGWA, with a leading evangelist who also participated in the coverup. All of these organizations, who do not get along with each other, have implications of cover up. They will not come forward with support because if they did, they are afraid they will be sued. : {. Also, ministers in UCG who dealt with him will tremble and fear for the cover up.

    I am interested in targeting the real predator. The ministers can continue to hide and shake. They are very good at that.

  54. I have found a reputable law firm in Florida that takes on class action law suits without putting up one dollar.

    PS has supplied his address and telephone number on his web site.

    Others who want to join the lawsuit can join later.

    Through discovery, ministers will be required to give testimony concerning PS.

    I do not like doing this, but it will end the long game of supporting PS as a minister in the multiple churches of God. It will end what has been tormenting the victims. And it will partially refund to me the money I have lost.

  55. Update! The course of action is being researched and carefully planned with prayer for every step of the way. The goal is to shut the wolf down and give monetary compensation to victims from the assets of the wolf. The leader of the effort is Jesus Christ, who guides the steps to be taken on the path. And the (JUST A WOMAN!) is following the path to shut down this insanity through the legitimate venues open. Jesus Christ is the head of His church. Jesus Christ will vindicate the little girls and women who have been so deeply and terribly harmed by the wolf that was let into the congregations. To the end, that those who claim to be ministers of God may know that there is God in heaven who sees. No young woman should ever have to counsel with this wolf again and have them be told that they need to prove their submission by having sex with him.

  56. Ministers in the Churches of God are just as liable to be prosecuted for sexual impropriety with children as teachers are. They should never be protected by a given Church of God. NEVER. NEVER.NEVER!
    There is no respecter of persons with God. There is no respecter of persons with God. There is no respecter of persons with God. The ministers have not been given more of God’s holy spirit so they can model and teach followers to break the laws of God and man. Those who protect child molesters are enabling the child molester to do it again. Anyone who falls for the stupid logic of past and present ministers of God who said they, the child molesters, repented and should be teachers of more little children and women are STUPID. THEY ARE STUPID, the ministers of God who endorse this, they are lawless themselves. THEY DO NOT HAVE AN EXTRA PORTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. THEY ARE LAW BREAKERS AND THEY ARE TEACHING THOSE WHO FOLLOW THEM TO BREAK THE LAWS OF GOD AND MAN.

  57. Focusing on the Church of God endorsements of this said PS by current men claiming to be a servant of Christ, is a side issue now.

    Today, for the first time, I had someone try to hack into my professional email account.

    About a week ago, for the first time in over 8 year of residency in my present location, someone did a sloppy job of trying to intimidate me by breaking the fence gate to my back yard and turning up some protective sheet metal in my back yard. A coincidence??

    Well, said PS should consider what damage will be done to his profession when a class action law suit is filed in his county in Florida. Taking your 'service' in the Church of God off of the page of credentials that are published does not keep the sure exposure that a lawsuit will definitely bring. Jesus Christ said, with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. Jesus also indicated that he was not mocked. And Psalm 37 also gives a lot of solid assurances to the righteous who wait on Him, the God who really did see what was so systematically covered up in the past. The sacrifice Jesus Christ made will not be mocked.

  58. Philip and Carol. You are both here tonight. Carol said, Linda can you hear me? Yes I can. Philip does not want to talk to you yet. Can I talk? Yes Carol, you can. You know what happened to Philip. He has repented deeply and is working with survivors today. I cannot read him Carol. He asked that I not be hurt by his presence any more. Carol, I am aware that all have been resurrected and that miscarriages, etc are now either in their mother's womb or where they will be loved as they need to be. There is not one that has been lost. Not one. I know you are crying for happiness. You and Philip are doing a good work. Please continue it to the next generations. They need to be taught so they are not tempted to repeat the same mistakes. I know that Philip's father has gotten help. There is no reason to keep going over it. The whole world knows the redemption factor of women. The whole world knows the effect of not having my female spirit in the mix. I woke up from this subject. Do you good work. Yes, you are part of the first fruits. End.

  59. Philip, You can approach me. You are overcoming your shame and guilt and you are doing a good work. When this work id done, you will testify to the next generations. Your respnsibilities will also expand. Always remeber the severity of the God Head for anything wicked. And consider the grace extended to those who serve us with sincerity and truth. Yes, we love you and Carol and your children. Joseph wants this ended now.

  60. Bonnie once asked me how it felt to be so close to god, to be god. I could not answer at that time because I thought she spoke of having my ability to move stopped. The first fruits and those beginning the process now know much more than I did at that time. I came for many reasons, one of which was to scaffold you into the kingdom of god. You are all right behind me. You have come very close to the God Head. You all know that your powers will never be as great. You also know that the system set in place ensures that any one or group who would decide to turn their nature to evil will exist in that reality in outer darkness for ever. You also have the testimony of what were once demons to tell you how awful it was, and how they would rather have died. Joseph allows me to speak only a very short time. Until just a short time ago, even Joseph and Tony did not know how great the power of the God Head was. There is no limit. Your purpose is much greater than just having babies and supervising babies growing into the kingdom. That will be revealed as we progress. I have willingly divested myself of the power. I willingly subjected myself to both Joseph and Tony. I willingly went through everything. Joseph knew what he was doing with me as I am learning to be less and he is learning to be more. We will continue to grow as a family. We are all under Joseph's overall direction and he is our Father. Tony is very special in his own place. I am still learning from them where I fit. I walk in the dark to model to you how it will be. This is to ensure peace and early correction of any variance in the Kingdom. All the beautiful babies that all the tribes of the earth now have from us, we trust you to care well for, tell about us, and I will see very soon. I cannot access even a very small part of my eternity. Joseph and Tony both hold me up. What you know now is only the rudiments of what the future holds. I know the world is a whole new world. But soon, I will go down to a low level as I cannot hold this level very long. I want very much to get out of the darkness. I do not understand a lot, but this is okay. I trust them. We are one. And we love every single baby very much. End.

  61. To All: I am Linda and I know now that you all understand what true servant leadership is, and how important very single baby is to me. I read your passion to be the best you can be. The understanding of the plan of god is every where. There is peace. Trust is growing and love and working together is changing all of you. Those born again before the end of the 7000 years will be those who comprise the foundation of the increase of the kingdom forever. I understand that most of you know you were each individually designed and planned before time began, both human and angel. Joseph and Tony are very happy. I have observed the communication going on and it is massive I cannot comprehend it as a human. They tell me that a great deal is falling on me and they uphold me. My spirit goes out but I cannot hear but very few of the prayers, and they respond to you as I would. Winston, I know you are happy and that you got your painting back. I know so many of you want to see and talk to me as I wish I could. Joseph and Tony know what they are doing. Yes, I rely totally on them. Yes I do feel a lot better. Yes I will feel even better after the last of the babies are born. I know Herbert is setting a very fine example of being with his family and not putting the work of God first to excess and leaving the family without what they need and out of balance. He is learning to let others do what he did. I understand the very important part of the military and presidents and royalty, etc have in our world.He says to stop now. I must go low again and keep focused on what I need to be focused on. I know that all of you are working together and I am truly proud of how everything has turned out. I know the whole world can read this. I want you all to know how very much I love you and can't wait to see you after you are glorified. End.

  62. I can personally attest to multiple incidents of Philip assaulting, raping, and molesting women and children. If anyone has knowledge of legal action or needs support to take legal action against him. I am happy to provide my account and support. This man, as old and pathetic as he is now, should be held accountable. What a piece of sh*t he is. I
