Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 11, 2018

To All Considering Joining David C Pack's Restored Church of God


  1. Great, we live in the era of disclosure, consumer rights, package labeling and transparency.

    Anyone joining up with Pack , or just plain taking a look at his stuff, NEEDS to know the FULL STORY and RISKS!

  2. But he's similar to Herb. Herb kept telling his followers to let go of their natural rights, while Dave is telling his followers to let go of all their property. Peas in a bod.

    He deserves the lake of fire. I question whether he will even weep and gnash his teeth, since he has had such a long time to acclimatise himself to his fate.

  3. His Regurgitated church of g*d is pure evil! I happen to know someone who attends his Memphis congregation and he walks & talks like a mindless, brain-dead drone.

  4. Does anyone know how many are left in this group and how many new members have actually come in since the "common" teaching?

  5. Connie,

    As far as package labeling, its interesting to find out what's in the products we buy that doesn't, by law,have to be put on the package. I just found out about a name brand orange juice!

  6. How low can one go? Wow!!! Isn't there a law he's breaking? You know, a law of the U.S. government, like extortion, coersion, harrassment, something like that? That is just plain rediculous! Yeah, we fell for that s**t too. What a scam!

  7. Any one seeking to join D. Pack & consortium needs his/her head EXAMINED. Especially IF
    he/she spent enough time& effort "check him /them out. Sad to say but I know of at least one
    person that claims to be "impressed" w/his (lies) teachings. And at least one marriage of 24
    years dumped down the crapper because of his $ grabbing theology. Pleasing (cheating gd'kids
    out of their inheritance to do so)-by his DAMNABLE doctrine of NO (pay him)Common=NO Salva-
    tion! And his lawyer/stooge is just as culpable. I'm still furious at this...too close to home
    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............................:-( :-( :--(

  8. It is EXTORTION!! Fits the dictionary definition to a exactly. Don't need a PHD in any field
    to determine that. Even a elementary school kid can figure that out.
    Very thankful I found that out comparetivelly early in the "game" & quit.

  9. The question was asked: Anonymous Dumbhead said...
    Does anyone know how many are left in this group and how many new members have actually come in since the "common" teaching?

    To answer that, you have to consider that most all of the the new members come in to his church not knowing anything about the "common" doctrine. This is a doctrine that isn't revealed to a new or prospective member right away.

    Dave Pack's church is slowly growing and there is two reasons why. First of all, they loosened the standards for entrance or attaining fellowship. They coupled that change with a major increase of "if you want to contact a minister or attend church" advertisements in there magazines and videos. The second reason for growth is money. All this extorted "common" money can now be funneled into advertising because the building of buildings and houses and the acquiring of houses has been mostly complete.

    Don't underestimate Dave Pack - he is a shrewd man and having well studied the HWA model he knows an ever growing large presence in TV, the internet, and print grows many new members who not only give a base 14-24% percent of their annual income to him, most of them will be scared into giving all they have.

    Dave Pack has always talked about and craved what he calls "super-funding". This first real big "super-funding" was going to happen when he said that God was going to compel by the threat of death, all the men that were in control of all the splinter treasuries to bring him the millions of dollars that they had in store during the Elul 29 event that he prophesied about. The next real big "super-funding" moment would come according to him, when he would build the third temple and God would compel the Jews by the threat of death the world over to bring him TRILLIONS of dollars to fund the building of the temple. Both of these events have not happened so Mr. Pack is content on compelling by the threat of spiritual death each new member one by one to give him all that they have.

  10. Many years back, I red Dave's government booklet. What stood out was that he strongly implied that 'church government' had the right to lord it over members faith. He kept repeating over and over something like 'the truth is handed down by Dave to his ministers, who in turn hand it down to members.' There was no mention of 'proving all things.'
    It's the ACOGs favorite deceitful ploy. Imply a falsehood, then use the 'magic' of repetition to crash members mental barriers, brainwashing the victims into accepting the lie.
    Once members accept being lorded over, members property becomes Daves property.

  11. Interesting how Packs common doctrine parallels the Roman Catholic church selling indulgences. Supposedly it purchased exemptions from punishment for sins committed.
    So like a snake oil salesman, he's selling 'bottles' of eternal life. The cost? All your wealth. It's only tap water folks.

  12. Pack is the worse of the worse.

    His entire outlook is based on what can he now say to get people to send him money. He worships money. He lies for money. All his time is spent drumming up more reasons for stupid people to give more, and more, and more. It never stops.

  13. As the daughter of someone following Pack, I can’t tell you how evil this guy is if he’s even remotely in his right mind. I know my mom is no longer in her right mind. She’s getting rid of her stuff, has gone missing several times wandering alone in the desert- often needing to be rescued by police because she has no idea where she is.. she is super paranoid, is constantly trying to get to Israel, believes in conspiracies. A bunch of sh-t she never would have been doing when we attended WCG as a family. She’s gone seriously down hill, and this religious crap has made it so much worse. It her idiot husband won’t take her to get help. She’s basically like Joe Sr’s wife who used to go wandering around Pasadena half out of her damn mind.

  14. But he is a mentally ill person! The statement he made about the old couple that dropped dead in church? Are you kidding me? That's something you use to scare a child, because anyone in their right mind can see through a tactic like that. Oh, excuse me, most of those folks are not in their right mind at least not anymore. It sickens me, it literally sickens me that he can get away with this. In some ways it's far worse than WCG, he is a desperate crazy man!

  15. Salvation/eternal life is a gift from God! No one at any time can BUY this for him/herself! Remember Simon in Acts 8? If you believe this falsehood of "give common or else no salvation for you", you are believing a double lie and make God and His Word out to be liars. Wake up!

  16. I personally have been severely effected by this nonsense. Apparently the man can't read, Ananias and his wife died because of the lies, I wish the Holy Spirit would do the same to him for his lies and the harm he has caused, the families and marriages broken up. Second, it was never a "command", where in the hell does he come up with such BS? These people don't wake up, I'm not sure they can anymore, at least the one I know doesn't seem to be able to. I sometimes truly wish the FBI would investigate these groups, if anyone else did what they do, they'd go to prison.

  17. Sad to say again but there are those yet "buying" into Pack's "pack of shit". Amazing how a person can sell a pile of shit by "convincing the buyer" it's not shit but that "anoint your
    eyes salve" to "truth". his version, of course. Gotta get my "puke bucket" out.
    all Packs' shit is making me "nauseouse"(so sick can't even spell it right) again. :-I

  18. Nothing new under the sun.

    The love of money is the root of all evil.

  19. Ananias and his wife died because they lied to God in prayer. He's banking on people not knowing their bible, or only having a Mickey Mouse understanding. He's also exploiting the habit of trusting your teachers, a habit that lingers on from peoples school days.
    The definition of a confidence man is one who defrauds another by persuading them to hand over their property. At the turn of the twentieth century, police departments had a special unit dedicated to this type of crime.

  20. The planet Earth is a speck of dust, remote and alone in the void. There are powers in the universe inscrutable & profound. Fear cannot save us. Rage cannot save us. We must see the stranger in a new light, the light of understanding. And to achieve this, we must begin to understand ourselves and each other.

  21. Isn't the understanding ourselves and others thingy from Sun Tzu?

  22. Contact the fbi and local law enforcement and the media with your concerns about his con I have. If enough people make the same complaint maybe some action will be taken to shut him down. He has hurt me and my family. Need your help. Take action please.

  23. RCG: Masochists only need apply. Normal people who ask questions or demand accountability are undesirable.


  24. David C. Pack was actually, unfortunately, shockingly right about some things. For example, Pack once complained about some former WCG members who had followed one of the other false prophets. Pack then said that some people cannot tell the difference between a true servant of God and a raging false prophet. Considering that hundreds of people have now been done in by raging Dave the demoniac, he does appear to have been absolutely right about some people's complete lack of discernment. Specifically, Pack's own followers appear to have done worse than most other people in this regard.

    I don't totally blame all those who got tricked and swindled by David Pack. How could decent, sincere people ever have known that David Pack was, to use one of his own phrases, more cunning and deceitful than most could imagine? Pack started off by claiming that he had been fired from both the WCG and then the GCG splinter group for standing up for the truth. Pack claimed to have gotten into trouble many times solely over issues of standing up for the truth. Pack never even hinted that any of it was ever over him being a complete butt-hole. When Pack started his RCG splinter group, he said he was concerned about precision of doctrine and was going to faithfully restore and teach everything that HWA had taught at the time of his death on January 16, 1986. Pack even re-wrote a bunch of church literature in his own words, and (very interestingly in light of future developments) assured everyone that the Devil would not have him go to that much work and trouble just so he could go bad in the end.

    David Pack once correctly accused one of the other failed false prophets of being a writer of fiction. Pack then immediately started to write his own August 31, 2013 prophetic work of fiction, which has failed ever since. Pack once correctly accused one of the other false leaders of totally forgetting everything that HWA had taught about prophecy. How could anyone have known that Pack himself would then also totally forget everything and start making up months of insane prophetic noise about a “First Dominion” and other nonsense? Pack correctly accused other ministers of vomiting on their hearers. Now, Pack himself cannot stop puking uncontrollably all over everyone. And Pack's previous yelling and spitting was bad enough.

    How could anyone have known that David Pack would soon want not only all their regularly required tithes and offerings, but also building fund donations, and would go on to want continual fundraising from them, and would eventually hit them with his new “common” teaching that they had to hand over their houses, retirement plans, savings, possessions, etc., or no salvation if they don't? How could they have known that Pack would later delete his own book that proved that HWA was the Elijah, so that Pack could promote himself to the office of Elijah and have the power to change, delete, and make up doctrines? How could they have known that Pack would later delete another one of his own booklets that proved that Jesus was the prophet mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18-19, so Pack could promote himself to the office of “That Prophet”?

    David Pack started off pretending to be just a humble minister who was standing up for the truth. Then Pack just had to be an apostle, and then Joshua the High Priest, and then Elijah the Prophet, and then “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19. Will Pack soon come out and reveal that he is the second coming of Jesus Christ?

    One of the serious problems with demon-inspired psychopaths like klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies is that his followers never really know what all crazy ideas the raging kook will come up with in the future after his followers have invested (actually worse than wasted) so much of their time and money that it is hard for them to admit that it was all a big, big, BIG mistake and walk away with nothing left but the clothes they are wearing.

  25. 1:51PM Anonymous, Well Said...

    .. there were warning signs, not easy to spot that Dave was not a True Minister. . .

    In talking to various former RCG members

    Conversations with former HQ employees of his, describing his
    totally unconverted and ungodly behavior. Cheating them out of earned pay,
    lie after lie. Dishonest use of Tithes. Uncontrolled temper outbursts,
