Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wade Mohammed Cox Prophetic Timeline Starting in 2024

If you thought the batshit crazy prophets of the Church of God could not get any crazier, then check out Wade Mohammad Cox.

Besides dreaming up idiotic reasons as to why the Koran and Mohammad are central to Church of God beliefs, this dingy guy sinks further into the depths of prediction addiction.  Mohammad Cox, like James Malm, Bob Thiel and the rest of the false prophets of Armstrongism is doomed to failure.   Cox is about as dumb as Neville Stevens was when he made these same kind of outlandish predictions. Neville Sevens has faded into complete oblivion just like Mohammad Cox will.

The Restoration Begins
After the Feast of Tabernacles in 2024 the lands are then reorganised to allocate for the Treble Harvest of 2025.  The early harvest for Passover 2025 which is the Barley Harvest in the Northern Hemisphere is prepared. The food system is planned for and the world gets back under the Laws of God and the plenty that follows keeping those laws.

In the year 2025 the Treble Harvest will occur for the declaration of the Jubilee year from Atonement 2026 to Atonement 2027 when all nations and lands will be restored.

From 2025 there will never again be years where the servants of God under the Messiah will ever see hunger except where they wilfully disobey God.  No nation will be in want except where they failed to send their servants to Jerusalem at Tabernacles and failed to keep the Sabbaths, New Moons and Feasts and Holy Days of God.  The Islam of God will be the one true faith of the One True God and the false systems of Hadithic Islam and pseudo-Christianity and all false religion will be stamped out.

The system at Jerusalem will commence the healing of the nations and the regrowth of sea life from the rivers of Jerusalem from under the Temple Mount and the city and the trees planted along the rivers.

The Sabbath Year of 2026 will see the Nations come to be reorganised with the Jubilee year commence at Atonement 2026 and continue to Atonement 2027.

From Tabernacles 2027 the Laws of God will see the nations allocated their inheritance by tribes and nations under the supervision of the elect in both the spiritual host and the earthly priesthood. This is in effect the beginning of the Restoration of Ezekiel’s Temple and is run and controlled under the priesthood of Melchisdek at Jerusalem and all around the world.

After the Feast of Tabernacles 2027 preparation will begin for the Millennial Harvest at Passover 2028 (see The Golden Jubilee (No. 300)).

The rest of the world that is left alive will keep the Laws of God for the next thousand years or twenty Jubilees. At the end of the thousand years of his imprisonment Satan will be released again and the last war of the end will occur.   That will be for the short period from 3023-3024 before the Treble harvest of 3025 and the Sabbath and Jubilee years of 3026 and 3027. 

In 3027 the Second Resurrection of the Dead will occur and the world will be resurrected to the Second Resurrection of the Dead and the Great White Throne Judgment (No. 143B). The hundred years of the Second Resurrection of the Dead will occur from 3028 to 3127.                       

In 3127 the entire judgment will be completed and those that refuse to repent will be allowed to die and their bodies will be cremated in the Lake of Fire.

All those who have succeeded and found acceptable to God will be translated into Spirit beings and join the Heavenly Host as the City of God (No. 180).  

God will then come to the earth with the heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of us all, and we will rule the universe. Our tasks then can only be guessed at as we see through a glass darkly in our human forms.  The Wars of Amalek Part III: Armageddon and the Vials of the Wrath of God


  1. P-uterus maximus! What a stinker. But what’s cool about Cox is that I’ll probably be out of here by the time his crap is supposed to kick in

  2. Bob, since (as far as we know) Cox is a guy, I'd instead say, "Penis maximus! What a stinker.", because he's such a dick.
    Plus, he actually thinks he's a character in one of the greatest and best-selling spiritual books of all time. (Harry Potter and the Odor of the Penis.)

    It's like Cox took the Zager and Evans apocalyptic song, "In the Year 2525", and sprinkled it with some 'Herbie-n-Mohammad' magic dust.


  3. Cox, Pack, Flurry, Weinland, Malm, Thiel etc are all examples of how the Prophecy-Haunted of religion can go off the rails while being on the wrong track to begin with. Nothing in the future is known. Prophecy is a bogus attempt to know the unknowable. It is tale weaving to comfort ourselves but in the end is of no comfort at all. The present is all we actually have and the "future" never really comes. It is just another present moment that arrived.

    The religiously distracted have been hearing the voices of the gods, casting lots, bones and dice, consulting mediums and oracles and moaning about "why art thou so afar off?" for millennia. If ever there was an example of wasting the precious time of life of both themselves and their seat gyrating groupies, it is to be found in these men and their kind.

  4. It is good to have these prophecies. At least we know for a 100% what will not happen.

  5. All of the ACOG cults have an unhealthy obsession with prophecy.

  6. It’s always redundant when you allow another layer of arbitrary authority to creep into your life. The fact is there are already so many entities in place that want to take the spectre of your future and use it to manipulate your behavior. Thinking about it more deeply, that is so prevalent that it has become nearly impossible to live in and enjoy the present. Some of the arbitrary proscriptions are much better rooted in fact than the prophetic affectations of Armstrongism. Don’t smoke, cut down on red meat, and practice fiscal responsibility are examples of much more solid planning for long-term existence than pay your tithes to us and let us intrude into your life and dominate you so you can come to the place of safety with us.

    Being an Armstrongite was always so much like being a disciple of Soren Kierkegard, or being Goth. One of the past participants in Armstrongism and some of these boards even authored a cartoon called “Doomsday Girl”.

  7. Cox calls himself an "EVANGELIST". A rearrangement of the letters of Evangelist reveals "Evil's Agent" !!

  8. He does a good job of dangling the carrot in front of his followers. In substance, the carrot to obey him rather than God.

  9. Nothing can equal screwing up one's head like religion. Not even communism...but then what do
    I know?? just a "peon"-think I mispelled that....should've been...pee'd on?

  10. Is this the day? Is this the beginning of the end? There is no time to wonder. No time to ask why is it happening, why is it finally happening. There is time only for fear, for the piercing pain of panic. Do we pray? Or do we merely run now & pray later? Will there be a later? Or is this the day?
