Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Spiritual Extortion

Ambassdor College Correspondance Course Lesson 7, 1955

submitted by SHT


  1. Still can't believe I fell for that manipulation. A fool and his money is easily separated....boy was I a fool.

  2. I can see how this works for a tiny young nation surrounded by the Syrian, Assyrian, Egyptian, Hittite empires. One would need unity in all especially loyalty. Religion or a common philosophy is a huge factor in this.

    It is true, if not for this strange adherence to their deity this people would have been non existant a long time ago.

    Unity however produces wealth and paradoxically an atractive prize to conquer.

    As for HWA. I can see how people can differ in the interpretation of when the robbing of god starts and when their family suffers. That takes a level of education and maturity otherwise one is left to the interpretations and wiles of our (thought) leaders, politicians, captains of industry.


  3. I don't see how you can read all this old armstrong generated trash day after day.
    It is so sad that people still buy into this bullshit printed half a century ago by a con man.


  4. Yes, you must set aside 10% for the corpulent-californian-epicurean, and an additional fund for booze to stay medicated to cope with the stresses of the Armstrong-doomsday-Cult.

    Never seen so many alcoholics as in the Armstrong-doomsday-Cult!

  5. So much for God loves a cheerful giver. More like a fearful giver if you go buy these standards.

  6. If this was still in the past that would be one thing, but the splinters, especially the Restored church is taking this to the next level. It isn't in the past, they are still promoting and actually demand it in the form of common. They will call a person's house and send emails wanting to know when they can get the money and not just once either. They did ours just this year.

  7. That is Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong to you!!!!
    When did they take his name off their ads and admonitions?
    Looked extremely pretentious to have everything coming directly to him.

  8. Will a man rob God?--- After all that blustering, it looks like HWA did indeed do so!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. If you got hood-winked into that, you have nobody to blame but yourself! HWA didn't twist your arm and force you to join. When I first read that literature I could tell by the wording that it was a cult. Now, if you got out, stop your bitching & get on with your life!

    1. There were some that were not so fortunate as You, some actually were borned into or grew up in those Churches it wasn't there choice but there parents choice.

  11. I rarely find anything positive that I can honestly say about growing up in WCG and attending Ambassador College. There is one thing I can share. It was not unlike growing up in a communist country or a violent country, in that it has given me a greater appreciation for the freedoms and blessings that we so often take for granted living in the USA.



  12. Anonymous on November 30, 2018 at 7:27 AM said...“If this was still in the past that would be one thing, but the splinters, especially the Restored church is taking this to the next level. It isn't in the past, they are still promoting and actually demand it in the form of common. They will call a person's house and send emails wanting to know when they can get the money and not just once either. They did ours just this year.”

    David C. Pack is a vicious false prophet and his Restored Church is a satanic fraud.

    David Pack started off by claiming to be HWA's successor so he could attract HWA's followers and their money. David Pack originally wrote that the understanding that HWA was the Elijah who had restored all things was a great wall of defence against doctrinal heresy.

    Now, David Pack teaches that he--and not HWA--is the prophesied Elijah who gets to “restore all things.” One “proof” out of David Pack's “130 PROOFS” was that Klepto-Dave had “restored” a “common” theft scam. All the money goes to David Pack's projects, and none of it gets distributed to any poor people. Everyone in the RCG will eventually be not only poor, but destitute. The ABSOLUTE PROOF of this is that Pack-of-lies said that handing over everything to him would not leave them destitute.

    HWA's understanding of prophecy is long forgotten in the RCG as David Pack continues to make up nonsense as he goes along with his “first dominion” series of fiction. David Pack had previously correctly called Ronald Weinland a “writer of fiction.” At the time, it sounded like an insult, but now it looks like David Pack was actually jealous and wanted to be an even bigger fiction fibber.

  13. "Will a man rob from God?" Yes! And the biggest thief was Herbert Armstrong!

  14. 10.29 PM
    "Herb didn't twist your arm and force you to join?" That's debatable. In my books, terror religion is definitely twisting peoples arms.

  15. 11.49 AM
    Its obvious by his fruits that Dave Pack has waved the white flag, surrendering the quest for entry into Gods kingdom. Believing that he has nothing to lose, makes him a dangerous dude.
    People aren't usually favorably inclined towards other people succeeding in areas where they themselves have failed.

    1. E’zacktly! David Pack has all the subtlety of the proverbial test fart in the elevator!

