Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 30, 2018

It was all about the wine!

Ambassdor College Correspondance Course  LSN 6, 1955 

Drink Up!
submitted by SHT


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WHAT??? NO Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer in the KOG???

  3. Scripture does not say that Jesus was known for His moderation in eating and drinking. People around Jesus perceived Him to be a glutton and a drunkard. We know from Scripture that He chose to eat and drink with gluttons and drunkards; He didn't shoo them away. Nor did He say or do anything to change people's perception that He was not moderate in His eating and drinking. The idea that Jesus did drink alcohol but only did so in "moderation" (whatever that means) is entirely an interpolation of human reasoning into the text.

  4. "I became a raging alcoholic because of that damned cult."

    How so?

  5. It seems to me that Jesus was merely ACCUSED of being a drunkard and glutton, by the usual suspects, the Pharisees.

  6. The idea that Jesus did drink alcohol but only did so in "moderation" (whatever that means) is entirely an interpolation of human reasoning into the text.

    It is based on other scriptures that urge moderation. But that should be obvious. I have a hard time taking comments like yours seriously. Who do you think you will fool?

  7. 11.51 AM
    Very funny Troll-Guy.

  8. I don't think 1:03PM is reading carefully. 11:51AM is partially correct, as it is true that many people perceived Jesus to be of similar character to the wine-bibbers and gluttons with whom He was happy to associate. Strangely, Jesus didn't do anything to correct people's mis-perceptions, which tells us that he didn't care what other people thought. Compare this to the ACOGs, which depend almost entirely on conforming to what other people think of your behavior.

    No, Jesus wasn't a glutton or drunkard. Yes, He seemed happier to be (mis)associated with gluttons and drunkards than to be associated with Pharisees.

  9. Connie: A toast to you...with that "nectar of the gods" as my used to call it only for me
    it's Pabst Blue Ribbon too.

  10. 11:51

    Completely true.

    And the moment he was offered water he immediately turned it into wine.

    Btw accompanying the fish, would that have been white wine or red wine?

    The roman governor was widely misunderstood when he ordered "report at the pallate". Some interpretations state that it is latin for palace other commentaries interpret this as "feast and be merry". Difficult!

