Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 8, 2018

While HWA Was Globetrotting, and was receiving 1, 2, 3T, offerings, and about to open the Auditorium.

Worldwide News 5/28/73
submitted by SHT

I remember in the 1970's collecting newspapers, selling orange and cashing in soda pop bottles in order to send money in to build Herbert's monument.  Even worse was selling those hideous 10 Commandments wall plaques! 

Through all of this Herbert was globetrotting talking about a "strong hand from someplace" while we all struggled to live normal lives after sending in so much of our money.


  1. What I always found strange was that he used that term "unseen hand from somewhere" never really mentioning the Father or Christ to these world leaders. I have wonder why he seemed ashamed to mention them directly. Mathew 10:33 If you deny Me before men I will deny you before my Father. Jonah he was not, he ( HWA ) did do some good he did spread the gospel mostly through tv and radio. But like most men he started squandering tithes and offerings on a life style of a millionaire. Why is it they lose sight of their original goals and become seduced by a rich and famous type of life style?

  2. 3.20 AM
    There's such a thing as diplomatic protocol. Which is why HWA used his "strong hand from somewhere" phrase. The audience knew he what he meant. I'm no fan of Herb, but there was nothing wrong with him using discretion.

  3. Anonymous 3:20
    His original goal was not to spread the gospel. His original goal was to use religion to get rich (successful). He never did spread the gospel. What he spread was anti-Christ and was a control-freak tyrant. He used and twisted scripture for his own gain. The true gospel was never preached.

  4. @3.20 AM

    If I am not mistaken, this phrase "unseen hand from somewhere" was taken from a quote by some world leader in the fifties during the Cold War when nuclear war was imminent and this leader said that if the world would be saved from this holocaust, then it needed "a strong hand from somewhere" to save mankind.

    HWA's "1975 In Prophecy" was also entitled as such from future predictions by scientists in the fifties of what the world could expect by 1975 in terms of scientific discoveries and inventions. HWA being the trained copy writer in advertising made a catchy title for this booklet to give his infamous prophetic twist of what to expect in 1975.

    HWA had a way of coming out with titles that are both appealing and attention grabbing such as "Why Were You Born?", Just What Do You Mean...?" "The World Tomorrow - What Will It Be Like" and so on.

  5. Why is it many of these cogs want to build some edifice to show how wonderful they are?

  6. 7:47

    HWA took it from a Time magazine article.

    The phrase "unseen hand" is not unknown to people schooled at the highest institutions of worldly education. Especially not for those who studied economics.

    As a matter of fact at our latest high school reunion my mates suddenly started talking with gusto about "the unseen hand". I was shell shocked untill I realized they were talking about our teacher trying to get the basics through.

    I'm 100 percent sure World Leaders got the message, although they might have thought he was an ambassador for the American Empire speaking about Mutual Assured Destruction concepts and the power of the American economic juggernaut enforcing free trade through its foreign policy arm the United Nations.


    1. The economist, Adam Smith, used the term of an unseen hand guiding the free market place in his 1776 classic, "the Wealth of Nations" although he described it as an invisible hand.


  7. Herbert might have gotten the title for “1975 in Prophecy” from scientists prediction of what we could expect by 1975. However, the church was taught by ministers that 1972 would begin the tribulation and 1975 at Trumpets would herald the return of Christ. I don’t remember if Herbert actually preached this but he never squelched it. Richard Plache taught it in class at AC. We were given a full page handout showing the revival of the Holy Roman Empire. Two 19 year time cyles destruction of the temple and then 2 19 year time cycles from Herberts beginning to preach till 1975. It was taught and preached and us gullible students believed it. This was 1967 or 1968

  8. The strong hand from somewhere could have been Satan.

  9. If one does not think this man was greedy just look at the treasures he bought. This man lost his mind to satan.

  10. A strong hand from somewhere needs to smack bob theil upside his head.


  11. So much about money and so little about Jesus and Faith.

  12. I believe Tarzan to be a wise and practical man. Both wise in the ways of the world and the laws of the jungle. An occultist and an economist.

    Kuddos to Jane and as an economist, watch the grey stock.


  13. Thank you, NCK.

    Yes, the grey stock is carefully being watched.

