Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Dave Pack: Tell No Lies


  1. The Brethren: "Is there a proper blessing for Elijah Dave?"

    The Rabbi: "A blessing for the Elijah Dave? ,,,,Yes!....May God bless and keep Elijah Dave....far away from us"

  2. Any news on RCG; cash flow, attendance, new building plans, health issues, defections? Is the RCG got big to go broke before Dave dies of old age? What are his specific health issues?

  3. I am surprised that no one has put this guy down, for he is one greedy rabid dog.

  4. Daves "no common equals no salvation" statement is pure extortion.

  5. His arrogance and unabashed bragging about how special he thinks he is and has always been is what gets me. I don’t believe that he really believes the stuff that he puts out there. That makes him a fraud. And if he really does believe it, that makes him a psychopath. Actually, in his own special way, he is both. I would really love to see his scam empire come crashing down. But it looks like he has turned the RCG into a viable business and he’s growing it. Wonder what will become of the assets when he ceases to be the man in charge?

  6. Check out Google earth, looks like another 2 new large houses going up on campus. Someone must have given more common.

  7. Anon 6:32 AM wrote:

    Daves "no common equals no salvation" statement is pure extortion.

    Actually, Dave is doing us a favor. The God he preaches is such an evil being that I (like many others) would rather perish in the Lake of Fire than submit to such evil.

    Similarly, there were more than 2 billion human beings alive when HWA claimed that God started to use him as his unique mouthpiece to restore Christianity. Even if we assume that God for some reason had to work through an American adult male, there were 100 million people God could have chosen. God thought it important that Jesus be born from a virgin to reveal His truth; does it make any sense that He would He restore His truth using a daughter-raper as His instrument?

    To believe in HWA's teachings, you need to believe something like this: "God promises blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience, except that if you are important enough He will bless you for having sex with your daughter."

    Most ACOG leaders (of the larger groups, at least) know about HWA's incest, yet they continue with their ministries. Some may be completely cynical disbelievers who manipulate gullible people to gain a comfortable livelihood. If others, however, have rationalized away HWA's incest, who knows what sins they can self-justify while going on with their lives?

  8. I believe in Dave Pack's "common". Pack is a COMMON THIEF!

  9. Anon 8:38 AM wrote: Similarly, there were more than 2 billion human beings alive when HWA claimed that God started to use him as his unique mouthpiece to restore Christianity. Even if we assume that God for some reason had to work through an American adult male, there were 100 million people God could have chosen. God thought it important that Jesus be born from a virgin to reveal His truth; does it make any sense that He would He restore His truth using a daughter-raper as His instrument?

    That is a very strong point that you make and one that I have considered when looking at the conduct of COG leader A, B, C, D, and E. The fine line dynamic of God working with or not with a specific person based upon detrimental conduct is something that is left to God alone. If you look at biblical examples - King David for one. This is an example where the leader of the Kingdom coveted his neighbors' wife and committed adultery with her and conspired to have her husband killed. That conduct didn't cause him being put to death under the terms of the law, nor did it cause him to lose his kingship during his physical life, nor will it cause him to lose his eternal life and kingship over Israel in the reconstituted Kingdom. The example of the disciple Peter denying Jesus Christ three times didn't cause his loss of Apostleship nor his eternal life or the privilege to sit on a throne over one of the tribes of Israel in the reconstituted Kingdom.

    Did HWA qualify to carry on after the end of the incestuous relationship? Does Dave Pack qualify to carry on with his continuing conduct? Or does COG leader ABCDE qualify to carry on with their conduct? The easy answer is NO to continued abhorrent conduct period! Dave Pack for one and not the only one, continues to walk and talk on the wrong side of the line of truth because he like many of the others, do not care whether they are right or wrong because as Mr. Pack himself has said himself; "all the Apostles got it wrong".

    When men, such as David Pack believe in their minds or teach directly or indirectly in "The Primacy of Peter", the consequence is a man far from repentance or humility to truthfully carry on before God. The COG kingdom right now is far too full of men practicing what they "ought not" before spirit begotten people.

    The world is full of people prospering by criminal means. Dave Pack's church is growing because he is intelligent when it comes to religious business plans. His business plan is a hybrid plan that incorporates HWA's thee tithes plus offerings or no eternal life with his (Dave Pack's) "Common" doctrine of giving all that you have or no eternal life added to borrowing as much money as possible from banks because he believes he won't have to pay it back when the Kingdom comes SOON all under the guise of giving his (Dave Pack's) gospel unto the poor.

    Dave Pack has and continues to build his physical millennial kingdom. Hopefully the members of the COGs and others can build their spiritual kingdoms in the presence or apart from the physical stench emanating out of the greater COGs.

  10. Barf time once more..............................

  11. There was a report that just after HWA died, an institutionalized man suddenly shouted out that he was Herbert W Armstrong and that he was going to hell. If Pack wants to stand beside HWA then I guess we know where he is going as well. Christ said to give to the poor, Pack doesn't look poor to me, his house isn't burned, flooded or flattened, he looks like he has plenty to eat, clean crisp clothes that look good. I wonder if a tornado ripping apart his little compound would change the tune a little. Probably not.
