Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 11, 2019

Gerald Flurry: The book that the whole world will soon be reading

In 2010, the Philadelphia Church of God published a book about Herbert Armstrong and his prophecies, all of which Flurry claims have come true. 

The very first chapter in the book claims "Decades of accuracy in global forecasting"

"The result was amazing. The sheer number of prophetic statements made by Mr. Armstrong and his editorial team, and their accuracy, will astound you. This booklet is by no means exhaustive. But it does pretty well encapsulate what the Plain Truth was about for more than 50 years."

"He Was Right will make your hair stand on end! But it will also build your faith as you read, study, and master it. You will know that God is bringing to pass exactly what He said He would."
"Revelation 1:1 says, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John.” God the Father gave this revelation to show His servants what is going to happen. He gave it to Christ, and Christ gave it to an angel, and that angel gave it to God’s man. In this end time, Mr. Armstrong received that revelation. 
Think about the fact that God the Father revealed this truth! What would happen if we didn’t show the world all that the Father has shown us? Receiving this revelation is an honor and a responsibility!"
This book has now taken its place right up there next to Mystery of the Ages as required reading for PCG members.  This book is so important that they need to memorize it.  Your faith depends upon it.  Um, NO!
"Ninety-five percent of God’s people have turned their back on God. They have said, “We’re not going to show the world this revelation—we want to be part of the world instead!” What is God going to do with those people?  
And what does God think of those precious few who will stand up and show the world what He has shown them? I encourage you to read He Was Right and really get it in your mind and memory. It will build your faith! 
It won’t be long before the whole world is reading that booklet. 
Forget Jesus, but memorize and inculcate another idiotic PCG book. Typical Armstrongism.

You can also read about the many prophecies of Herbert Armstrong, Meredith, Waterhouse, Hoeh and others here.


  1. If they are so successful in their predictions , then why not just start a Hedge Fund, and make BILLIONS from it all!

    Eliminates that annoying begging for money spiel forever!

  2. Flurry is no stupider or more deluded than millions of others who cherry-pick. Of, course HWA was right. It's all just common sense. No need to listen to the opposition. We know they are evil. We just know.

  3. As if we needed another lesson to drive the point home, how do you spell cult zombie?


  4. Is Gerry trying to look like Genghis Khan?? What the hell! He looks like shit.

  5. So the book is called 'He was right' and to be upheld on the same level as scripture?
    An add on to the book of Revelation?
    What is it exactly? A collection of various plain truth news exerts?

  6. As I recall, even in 1984, HWA claimed that Ethiopia rather than Iran was the king of the South. Considering Herbs over 100 failed prophesys, there could be a book called He Was Wrong.

  7. Someone better remind Flurry that HWA never, as I remember, had a beard. In his quest to try to be just like HWA he better shave it off or his followers might leave him.

  8. Anyone who stumbles across “He Was Right” and actually reads it in the future will see it as being “camp”. It has become the religious equivalent of “Reefer Madness”, or a religious version of some of the Ed Wood movies, and therefore, an object of humor.

    Herbert Armstrong, and his version of a great disappointment, will be treated by history in much the same way as William Miller. Isn’t that wonderful?


  9. Off topic, but why was the Ron Dart update post written by the Dart relative taken down?


  10. The executors attorney recommended it. So I did it for her.

  11. Replies
    1. Are they implying that our Banned community is influential on the opinions of ACOG members? Who could have ever guessed such a thing?



  12. BB.....yes! That’s the hilarious part about this entire blog! They can’t stand their nefarious actions being exposed in a manner that years ago would have been kept secret. Why else would arid Meredith publicly tell his members not to read or participate here. Now a large portion of the viewership is from LCG.

  13. Here is the new DAVE PACK Video Listen to the end For the most OUTRAGEOUS STATEMENT OF EGO
    You have never heard. Please Share.


    1. The attitudes President Trump promotes in his role as a tone-setter have clearly impacted and emboldened ultra-conservative groups such as the ACOGs and their leaders.

      I have a problem with this type of escalation. It’s not as if the ACOGs were democracies to begin with, so further devolution to a worse state there is hardly surprising. But, if holding the federal government hostage for a leader to obtain something that the majority of American citizens are clearly against, then democracy as we know it is finished.


  14. PCG needs a monitored internet like China and North Korea. This way they can keep out embarrassing truth and opinions.

  15. Herbert W Armstrong declared that parsnips were fit to eat. He actually claimed they weren't just healthful, but also tasted good.

    He was wrong. Anybody who ever heard him say that should have known at once that his pronouncements could not be trusted. And this Flurry character has the audacity to write a whole book about how he was right.

  16. It never says that it's higher than Mystery of the Ages, It just sounds like it is. GF is saying that the book is very important, not more important than Mystery of the ages or scripture. In fact, he encourages us to memorize scriptures, so there is no way that this book is more important than the Bible.


  17. Gerald R. Flurry has said that the PCG's so-called “ministers” must lead PCG members to “magnify” his office, which he says “is really God's office.” Some people might be wondering, “Just who does That Runt think he is?” Well, check out some of these titles that he gave himself:

    01. That Prophet
    02. Malachi
    03. The Knocker
    04. Joel
    05. Watchman
    06. Teacher of Righteousness
    07. Elisha
    08. Lawgiver
    09. King
    10. Ambassador
    11. A Voice
    12. Zechariah
    13. Counselor
    14. Micah
    15. Breaker
    16. Habakkuk
    17. Ezekiel
    18. God's Chief Ruler
    19. Amos
    20. Eliakim
    21. Father
    22. The Elder
    23. Obadiah
    24. Messenger
    25. The Nail in a Sure Place
    26. Joshua
