Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 11, 2019

We Have Less Than One Year Left Till Tribulation Begins

If there is anything on your bucket list that you want to do before the Germans come over and put you in concentration camps, you had better do it now!  According to the official Church of God Chief Pharisee, the end is to come before the end of 2019.  Or maybe 2020.  Or 2021, or 2022, or 2023, or 2024, 0r 2025, or 2026, or....you can get your bags packed so you can head off to Pella with the Chief Pharisee so he can make your 3 1/2 years there a living hell.

Chief Pharisee and official bastardizer of the law, James Malm has this prophecy for 2019:

At this time all events are lining up for the 42 month great tribulation to begin at the end of 2019, or if things go slowly at the end of 2020.  
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to call an election with a polling date in late May.  The logic is that there will soon be a general war and he can use the Independence Day festivities to celebrate the defeat of Israel’s enemies and generate an election result giving him a strong mandate to control the Trump Middle East Peace Process.  
This year the Israeli Independence Day by the modern Rabbinic Calendar is May 9 2019 or by the internationally used Papal Calendar May 14th.  
If Bibi gets his way there will be war in early 2019 followed by elections in late May or June. 
Once the confusion of war has settled and new governments have been set up, the Trump Peace Initiative will be unveiled.  US and International officials have been working very hard consulting parties throughout the entire region to put together a peace deal.  This deal is actually a completed basic peace deal which would be put in place with more advanced issues to be discussed according to a rigid time table.   Whether the miracle worker is set up in the Vatican in late 2019 and the tribulation begins at the end of the year or takes another year will depend on God’s will.  
While acknowledging that things could go slowly and take another year, I have no choice except to do everything possible to prepare the brethren in case this does indeed come in 2019.


  1. You would think an event so important to any Deity and to humans could more succinctly expressed as "Hey humans...I am coming back on October 7th, 2021 at 12 Noon Jersalem Time. Please watch your favorite news station so that every eye can see me."

    But oh no. It has to be expressed in code or as a puzzle that needs to be solved properly or you miss out. Not only will you miss out, but by the time thousands of prophets, priests and kings render their own puzzle and code solving solutions one will pretty much have long ago fallen into the category of "observer, known by the faithful as scoffers. "Things which must shortly come to pass and Behold I come quickly" dragged out for thousands of years as the faithful refuse to admit the Book of Revelation is a failed first century prophecy meant for THEM not US. All the scriptures about days being far spent and time is short were for THEM not US. They were mistaken.

    Paul even realized his mistake and simply left the scene pleased with his performance in life and knowing he had it made in some way some day. You'd think he would have at least apologized to those folk whose marriages he disrupted or the couples he told it was better to remain unmarried, like himself, because of the times they were living in.

    If Paul wrote I Corinthians 13, which does not sound like him unless he had a major change of his cold self righteous heart, that should have been his hallmark contribution to religion. The Churches of God would do well to also think about that because the Jesus they can't quite pin down but are just sure he means THEM is not coming in their lifetime or ever. Best to switch to going to heaven upon death and the satisfaction that one can get from believing their detractors will go to Hell. It just feels better.

  2. Or, did it begin at 10:00 AM, Friday, Jan 20, 2017, Washington DC time???

    Is it possible that the 2008 bail out of the US equivalents of the oligarchs (as the other classes suffered the brunt of the great recession) gave rise to the wave of populism which got Donald Trump elected? Could the bailouts have simply caused structural problems in the world economy, postponing the expungement of debt which normally accompanies a depresion? Is debt greater and more catastrophic in the present than it was back in 2008?

    The issues in my second paragraph are being speculated upon by some financial commentators. Political analysts have observed that financial meltdown, accompanied by a wave of populism is what gave rise to the conditions in the Axis countries leading up to World War II.

    I don’t believe in the Armstrong prophecy mold because there is an abundance of factual material which render it impossible. That doesn’t necessarily mean that everything will always be hunky dory, with no occasional rough patches. The laws of probability still do exist, and it is best to be like the Boy Scouts, always prepared. Better to save your resources for you and your family rather than giving them to Malm, Thiel, Weinland, Pack, Flurry, LCG, UCG, or the COGaWA.


  3. It's not just Malm who is missing the mark. Look at the most recent LCG sermon:

    Was Jesus Married?

    Of all the possible topics one might address to help one become more Christ-like, the question of Jesus' marriage is pretty much at the bottom of the list. We know that many if not all of the Apostles were married, and we know that Jewish tradition more or less required that a teacher like Jesus should be married. We know that there are several credible texts, outside the canonical Gospels, that portray Jesus as a married man. And yet, we simply don't know the answer.

    Of course, you won't get any of that from LCG's shallow and facile sermon, which doesn't do justice to either side of the argument. Furthermore, the answer doesn't even matter if our goal is to be more Christlike in our conduct. It's just one more doctrinal detail that ACOGgers can use to feel superior to the unenlightened, not much different than what Malm and Thiel do for their followers.

  4. I advise Malm to read the highly rated book, "How Britain Initiated Both World Wars" by Nick Kollerstrom. You can get it for about $10 on Amazon. That will put an end to his prophecies.

  5. "Uploaded on Jan 2, 2019
    Sermon by Mr. Dexter Wakefield (dve1059). The Living Church of God practices original Christianity and bases its beliefs on the Holy Bible, the inspired Word of God. Our doctrines and traditions have their roots in the Worldwide Church of God under the leadership of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, who in 1952, ordained Roderick C. Meredith as an Evangelist. In 2016, Dr. Meredith appointed Gerald E. Weston (our Presiding Evangelist) as his successor."

    Original Christianity - do they really practice it?
    Based on Acts and the Epistles, I don't think so - not even close.
    I would like to see a COG go through the Bible and relate every belief to chapter and verse, and then also explain why they do not keep the rest of the Bible - in detail.

  6. Maybe the ones who feel superior are the ones who read (if they even read them, which I doubt) the so-called credible texts outside the gospels.

    1. I have read those texts, as many of the works of the Antenicene Fathers as I could find in English, and the complete works of Josephus. I don’t feel any level of superiority for having done that any more than I would for having read Shakespeare.

      The canonized texts, though not perfect, are of a completely different level of quality from the ones that didn’t make the cut. Even the Deuterocanonicals or Apocrypha (part of the Septuagint) are of higher quality and credibility than the Gnostic texts.


  7. Anonymous 7:53 AM wrote:

    Maybe the ones who feel superior are the ones who read (if they even read them, which I doubt) the so-called credible texts outside the gospels.

    Do you mean the ones like Herman Hoeh, who cherry-picked from Josephus and Church Fathers, Maccabees, and other sources to find what are now ACOG prooftexts that are used to disprove mainstream Christianity? Very good!

  8. I can guarantee that at the end of 2019 and 2020 that not one thing this lying pig has said will have happened. Malm is just as big a liar as Thiel, Meredith and all the others.

  9. Here's what I wish that Malm's followers to do.

    Write down, specifically, the exact words and prophecies that James is telling you to believe. Use a calender. Highlight the time-frames. Then, WHEN he changes and revises his predictions, highlight the NEW timeframes in a different color. And repeat this, over and over again. Sometimes you need to see these things visually.

    First, I can tell you, barring unfortunate happenstances, that you will have at least five colors in the next five years. Minimum.

    Secondly, I can absolutely guarantee you that the more you chase after his predictions the more you will never catch them.

    Thirdly, I can absolutely assure you that not one of his predictions will EVER come to pass. It will not happen in any manner as he is predicting.

    Fourth. If you stay with this man's teachings - AFTER you have the evidence right in front of you of his failures, then you are following a false prophet, knowingly, and willingly. His "knowledge" is only fueled by speculation on already debunked and failed hypotheses and a good dose of hyperbole. Many already have accumulated such evidence, but ignore it on the fear that "he might be right.... this time." They get sucked into a never-ending trap.

    He thinks he is "warning" the brethren. The only "Warning" the brethren need is the words of Jesus Christ especially concerning false prophets, itching ears, and deceivers.

  10. Zager and Evans, were a one hit wonder group back in the 1960s. Their song "In the Year 2525" has been more accurate than those of the "wannabe cog prophets". According to the song , God comes back by the year 7510. Lyrics below...

    (hear song here) https://youtu.be/aMY-GZYAyIU

    In the year 2525, if man is still alive
    If woman can survive, they may find
    In the year 3535
    Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie
    Everything you think, do and say
    Is in the pill you took today
    In the year 4545
    You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes
    You won't find a thing to chew
    Nobody's gonna look at you
    In the year 5555
    Your arms hangin' limp at your sides
    Your legs got nothin' to do
    Some machine's doin' that for you
    In the year 6565
    You won't need no husband, won't need no wife
    You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too
    From the bottom of a long glass tube
    In the year 7510
    If God's a coming, He oughta make it by then
    Maybe He'll look around Himself and say
    Guess it's time for the judgment day
    In the year 8510
    God is gonna shake His mighty head
    He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been
    Or tear it down, and start again
    In the year 9595
    I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive
    He's taken everything this old earth can give
    And he ain't put back nothing
    Now it's been ten thousand years
    Man has cried a billion tears
    For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through
    But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight
    So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday

  11. The Bible explicitly states that the date of Christ's Return was classified. It is a group of men, Millerites, who are trying to second guess God what God concealed for whatever benefit they think might accrue. That just may be an act of rebellion.

    I still believe that David Koresh deserves the prize, posthumously, for Best Millerite Prophet. These guys are just pikers compared to him. Vernon Howell actually prophesied something that happened. A claim that none of the other Millerite prophets can claim.

    I am old enough to remember the Great Disappointment of 1972. Les McCollough, in his sermon in the Field House the first Sabbath in January 1972, stated that he should begin with the question "Why are we here?" (This was his standard opening line for holy day sermons adapted to the fact that we had not fled for Petra.) I wonder if anybody mentions any of this in the Ambassador Bible Center classes.

  12. After James Malm wrote that, Israel set April 9 as its election date. Only days before Passover!

  13. People believe a lot of crazy shit. They know the media are full of crap so they look for alternatives, often in the wrong places.

  14. Speaking of Koresh, it is highly instructive to listen to the video on David Koresh by William Luther Pierce.

  15. How can anyone today take seriously the idea that God was working in a special way with a man who would publish the following?

    HWA getting it wrong in 1940

    To his credit, HWA in 1940 wrote that Armageddon must be "at least three or four years away" because Italy had not yet entered the war. But when you read HWA's articles written before the end of WWII, he makes it clear that it is not merely his personal belief that the Allies would lose the war, but rather that it is what the Bible teaches.

    Again, would God work through such confusion?

  16. just as big a liar as Thiel, Meredith and all the others

    At least Bob Thiel doesn't set end-time dates -- he just gives his opinion on why every other COG leader's date is wrong!
    He does come up with a lot of speculations, and any time-frame has a lot of wiggle-room...

  17. Read the very early stuff by HWA. As I recall, he was still preaching the Trinity after his "conversion".

  18. This is just my opinion but it makes sense. The reason why it’s classified is because each of us does not know the day or the hour that we die. When we die, that is the time “when Jesus comes” for us individually.

    All these false prophets (profits) act like we will never die a physical death and be alive “when Jesus comes” after all hell breaks loose.

    Personally, I could go to Jesus tomorrow for all I know, or last another twenty years (I hope not).


  19. Astonishing to see how amazingly stupid people like 3:10 are.

    HWA is 100 percent accurate in his april 1940 article, especially the part where he predicts 3 years in advance the fact that the USA WILL for sure enter the war effort while the british expeditionary force is still.grounded om dunkirk.

    In am reminded by the stupidest article on the moronic painful truth website attacking a similar article by HWA where the imbecile writer tries to paint hwa wrong, citing a 1939 article predicting the german invasion in ukraine where hwa cites the german plans and maps that are on his desk again more than 2 years before the actual attack on ukraine. Also already in 1933 hwa warns about a japanese attack on the west coast 9 years before an actual torpedo was fired by a japanese empire submarine om santa monica.

    You people have no clue.


  20. Nck - good joke! Armageddon in 4 years from 1940!
    Lucky me - I was born in the Millennium.

  21. TLA

    Unfortunately I cannot find what you wrote.

    Since I only post facts I will as a friendly gesture acknowledge that the USA did not turn into a dictatorship.

    Instead the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor prompted the USA to raise the largest democratic, volunteer army in history since Sparta.

    In that sense Japan fulfilled hwas 1933 prediction and in another sense saved the day for armageddon. Although the folk at Iwo Jima would not agree, they have seen armageddon.

    What matters is that the strategic vision of hwa is spot in. 3 years before Rommels africa corps pushed for jerusalem. If only hitler had not pursued the grand attack on russia, which was on hwas desk in 1939 rommel would have beaten the british in egypt.

    The entire premiss of all hwas writings and work is centered on getting an inward looking and war weary usa involved in international affairs.

    Roosevelt would have approved of hwas writings way before pearl harbor.

    Hwa never knew who "opened" the doors for him so "miraculously" for his worldwide media work that was always alligned with "the hidden hand." And as most humans do, if people have no explanations they atribute it to god.


    1. Nck, I would suggest that you furnish all of this information to Stephen Flurry for the sequel to the book “He Was Right”.


  22. Hi BB,

    You think there will be a sequel?

    I think I'll leave the information on the painful truth and on here.

    Since you mention it. Interesting how HWA seems to condemn Churchill's "undemocratic" (imperialistic as we call it today) taking of "consular" responsibilities. While Churchill features so prominently as a "watchman' in pcg literature.

    In the same vein hwa and stanley rader produced a book to exonerate the king of the belgians from churchills condemnation that the king had abandoned the british corps at the beginning of WWI.

    My guess is that HWA did not even know that Raders support of the King was contrary to Churchills opinion. But hey, HWA was of course extremely enlightened and a champion of american democracy as the article 3:10 posted shows and clearly in condemnation of british imperialism. HWA NEVER published something contrary to the State Department opinion. That is my entire thesis as to whom he served.


    1. Those who believe as you do, nck, generally also opine that the government “owned” HWA because he was as bad or worse than Axis Sally or Tokyo Rose in his WW-II radio broadcasts, and should have been prosecuted. So, did the CIA, FBI, or State Department co-opt, use, and even fund him? That would be, of course, yet another conspiracy theory.

      Wouldn’t it just be a gas if this were actually true, and if the leaders of all the successor ACOGs didn’t know it, and none of them had such help, and therefore could in no way replicate the growth and success of HWA? Fits the ol’ time and date stamp theory.

      Disclaimer for humorless attackers: This is intended as jokeful speculation, for entertainment purposes only. You see, I have my joke strap on, and apparently one or some of you don’t!


  23. BB

    You are making fun of my entire thesis.

    Although I have said over and over that the underfunded CIA used HWA funding in preparation of the bay of pigs invasion. (radio swan) and other CIA radio stations. NOT the other way around.

    This is not jokeful speculation. HWA said very clearly that "the Work" had been done. In 1980 Stan Rader said that there would be no successor of HWA. In 1989 the Berlin Wall and the Soviet empire fell and all was history.

    HWA was another Charlie Wilson and some of the Texan lady patrons were Julia Roberts.


  24. Replies
    1. This stuff all gets terribly silly, nck. It’s not you, so please don’t think that I’m singling you out. I only do that to trolls and the slug. HWA, left the dead ol’ Sardis COG-7 to start a splinter and become the end time apostle. He may have claimed to have finished the work (Great Commision) of having preached the gospel in every corner of the earth, but there are mainstream Christian groups who keep track of nations around the earth where Christ was never preached, and they’re working on their checklist and making sure they’ve got it covered. To my knowledge, we never accurately tracked that.

      Also, from COGdom we have some new “apostles” who have risen up, claiming to be HWA’s successors, and claiming to have received further revelation from God, and to be finishing the work. Their antics are hilarious, of course.

      HWA’s empire has been shattered and emasculated. If he had been correct in stating that he had finished the work, we’d all now be in the Kingdom, or heaven, in hell or waiting for T-lof. So, something went terribly wrong! God didn’t bless the Bay of Pigs operation, and He didn’t validate HWA by sending Jesus back to us on HWA’s timeline, even if we are forgiving and generous and count that timeline as being HWA’s lifespan instead of 1975. As for Rader, did you actually accept his ordination as Evangelist?


  25. Ok I'll leave it for now.

    "As for Rader, did you actually accept his ordination as Evangelist?"

    At the time I accepted the "title"for high ranking officials in the modern hierarchy. And Rader was indeed instrumental in a lot of activities regarding the corporation.

    I must add that in my opnion an evangelist must also actively and personally preach the (a) gospel to (new) converts instead of only be involved in administrative duties.

    I do hold a personal opinion that I only accept people carrying the title of a duke if they indeed had served in some capacity of the armed forces, I have also told barrons in their face that the title only holds importance if they have some land or real estate to show for and of course command the loyalty of the people who live on that land or serve under the command of a duke. I had no problem with NATO secretary general Robertson being bestowed the title of "Lord".


  26. Hurry!Jobs manufacturing meat hooks in Germany are now available !
