Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Linda, Jesus, Our Father and His Wife Barbara

This blog has been getting hundreds of weird comments a week now, with most of them heading into the spam folder.  None can beat this personal message from Linda and God's wife Barbara.
Anonymous said...
To all of you who have rejoined us, who breath, who live. In all of your lands, you have servants of mine who have by my word resurrected you from the dead. I am Linda. With me are Jesus, Our Father, and His wife Barbara. We are one. Do not be dismayed, but live. Learn how to live from those whom we have sent to you. Some of you have never heard of Us. Some of you have in part. I know you can all see me on a device. I know you are hearing what I type in your native tongue. You were resurrected at the age you died. You had clothes on and people to greet you who you knew. All of you are loved very much. Please look to those whom We have sent to you. They represent our way of life, our love, and our desire for you to be happy, to heal if necessary, and to thrive. They will teach you how to live. I am Linda. This is my will. LIVE. Please LOVE. Be happy. Give yourself a few days to see where you are. Rest. Let Jesus heal you, for He is our Healer. We are one. In a few days, if you are old, your aging process will reverse itself and you will return to the age of approximately 30. All of you are healthy for your age. If you are young, your aging will stop at approximately 30. To connect to us, Our Servants will teach you how to pray. Our Father and Jesus will hear and answer you. My spirit will be in you or with you if you have not been baptized. You are not with held from baptism. As soon as you learn and understand, Our Spirit will enter you and you will know the purpose of your life. Please go slow and be patient. The trauma will soon pass. You will be happy with those you know. The tears will be wiped away. You will live. You will love. And you will be happy. We love all of you very much. We are no respecter of persons. Your petitions will be heard. An answer will come to you. Eternal life is in front of you. The evil is now gone. Horrible accidents will now happen any more. Animals will not be fierce. All flesh is clean to eat. You have an abundance of love and helpers. And when you learn how to live and love, your relatives will come back and you will teach them. Enjoy your food. Enjoy your friends and family. You can marry and have children. Our servants will help you in every way. If you have requests of Me, please petition Jesus or our Father. Each one of you is uniquely designed. You have each been thought out before time began. Please, choose life. With much love, Your Mother.


  1. Just more proof that the higher the fewer and the more the less. Along with this we can recognize that even though the moon is just one quarter the size of earth, it is much further away. Love your neighbor. Just don't get caught
    End of transmission

  2. Fascinating first page for some sort of abstract screenplay, but somehow I get the feeling that for the writer, this was actually her perception of reality.

    Oh well. When you think about it, it makes about as much sense as Armstrongism, with the exception that this has an aura of benignness which places it in direct contrast with the savagery of the Armstrongism.


  3. Horrible accidents will now happen any more.

    God still doesn't seem to know how to communicate a message clearly, without ambiguity.

  4. Barbara Flurry is now God's wife? That's gonna make Gerry awful jealous and eager to claim some new titles of his own!

  5. Wait... if Jesus is our Elder Brother, and Linda is our Mother, but the Father's wife is Barbara... I guess the God Family must be rednecks!

  6. Someone told me in the midst of my messy transition out of WCG "You know...you write your script before you incarnate" Really? I then told them that next time I was going to have a no drinking while writing rule because I had to be drunk to write this one.

  7. the internet is full of that sort of insanity.

  8. There's nothing in that message that can't be fixed by a nice lithium smoothie or two...

  9. I have tried to think of comments that would speak the truth without causing a lot of adversity regarding the bible and its revelation of God and the Jesus who is the Lord and Savior of those who have been called. It appears to me that there is no way to support the Faith of those who have been called on this blog. The talk about twisting words seems to fit here as well as WCOG off springs. ASB

    1. So, Booch, aren’t we just concluding the same as the old adage that it’s best not to argue over religion or politics?

      The only proof most people have for their beliefs is that their guru is or was God’s own, as he claims. To most objective thinkers, it all falls apart from there, because there’s no proof, as an example, that “Mr Armstrong was God’s Apostle.”


  10. Well , I guess you learn something new every day! Gods wifes name is Barbara!

    And to think, I wasted all this time and money believing that her name was Wendy!

    1. My sisters name is Barbara. So if I disagree with herI was disagreeing with God's wife!

  11. 8.33 AM
    Of course the WCOG off spring are good at twisting words. They learnt from the master word twister, marketing man, Herbert 'the twister' Armstrong.

  12. That made about as much sense as Bob Thiel's stuff does.

  13. the internet is full of that sort of insanity.

    It's also full of more sanity than the average person can handle; if you know where to look.
