Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 17, 2019

UCG: To Disagree With Them Is To Disagree with God

The cultic mindset is still alive in the United Church of God.  Remember in days gone by how far too many in the ministry said that if you disagreed with them, you then are disagreeing with God? Well, in 2019 that idiocy is still alive and well.  Apparently, when given the chance to reinvent themselves 20 some years ago they decided it was still important to still act like jerks.

This was on a facebook page, part of a longer post that is not included here.  This was written by a high ranking man in UCG that responded to a UCG member respectfully disagreeing with his comments on immigration.


  1. I recall similar lines such as 'if you don't agree, you are calling God a liar.' It's bully behavior.
    Christ showed the greatest respect for intellectual independence in His dealings with others. God enforced the separation of church and state by turning king Uzziah into a leper for taking on priestly duties - 2Chron 26.21. My favorite is God talking with Jonah in the last few verses in that book. God used no pressure/coercion, only reasoning.

    Life is intellectual independence.

  2. @2.52 PM,

    With all the "dos" and "donts" in the Bible aka "either you are with me or you are not" what "intellectual independence" are you talking about? Or is "intellectual independence" a form of free moral agency as promoted by HWA?

  3. 6.52 PM
    A psychopathic trait is the desire to control other peoples mental processes. In fact, psychopaphs secretly feel that they own others, and hence have a right to possess them. You seem to either agree with psychopaths or are sympathetic with their attitudes.
    Dictionaries define ownership as control. So does the Bible, 'can't I do what I want with my own money ' Matthew 20.15. It's the mind that controls everything. Which is why life is intellectual independence. Which is why a lustful ministry give themselves the perk of controlling members minds. The tones in their voices, and their verbal mental gymnastics is proof that they know that what they are doing is immoral.

    Lastly consider that there is not one example in the Bible, from cover to cover, of God ever making a decision for another person. Why? Because to do so is murder.

  4. So, I guess the UCG would not be praising the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily to see if what the leaders said was true. It's interesting how C of G leaders cherry pick passages to support their views.

  5. 11:01 pm "baptists do the same thing." you are like a broken record, always trying to deflect the conversation away from COG hypocrisy. This is a COG blog, not a Baptist blog.

  6. Well, it seems this blog has once again stung the COG. Vic Kubik had this to say in his latest letter:

    "First, our mindset should rise above human politics. On Facebook and other social media people may “endorse” candidates and encourage people to vote and support them. As employees, elders, and members, we must be careful what we post on social media. We are seen as representatives of the United Church of God and our words impact the church’s reputation! If we’re not careful, we can inadvertently pass on dubious statistics or semi-facts. Those actions are noticed. Those words can negatively change perceptions of the church and what we believe. Further, it is easy to find posts that brag about American heritage, with the post authors apparently blissfully unaware that (apart from Native Americans) every single American citizen alive today has some tie (past or current) to an immigrant story or family coming to the United States."

  7. The corporate COG cults are still alive in 2019 but are dying a slow death. Theyare in good company with other mind-control cults such as the Mormons, JWs, Amish, Mennonites, etc. It's just a matter of time before most brethren have no man or organization to lean on except for Almighty God Himself!

  8. would you please provide a link to this facebook post? Thank you
