Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Dear Dave: Practice Makes Perfect

Greetings Dave

We understand that you will , no doubt, have a tremendous part in the rebuilding of The Third Temple, According to Ezekiel's Visions. Outstanding!  You also are hopeful that you will be asked about whether to start the animal sacrifices. We KNOW you will be consulted in these matters!  You go boy! 

The day will come when we can all say, "We knew him personally!"  

At any rate, we're going to ask that you at least practice a bit in building the Temple and suggest you invest in this excellent Third Temple Kit , complete with real Hebrew words on the box!  It will give you a sense of your growing power and influence in Israel right in the comfort of your own Religious Compound. With all your building experience to date, you can decide if you wish to alter the original design as in-visioned by Ezekiel. He won't care. He's dead!  The Rabbis in Jerusalem will love your ideas by then and will be hanging on every word you utter on all things prophetic and theological. I bet they come to rue the day they ever even bothered with their Rabbinic educations and wish to YHVH they had met you much sooner in their ignorant Jewish  lives. 

Cheaper than a plane ticket!

If need be and to get you ramped up, you can start by assembling Solomon's Temple or at least assign your Council of 16 the task to familiarize them with it and agree wholeheartedly with the changes you will no doubt seek their approval on coming soon Third Temple Once they approve as well it will be a piece of Unleavened Bread to sell your changes to the Rabbis of Jerusalem..  They have well advised  you with cautionary diligence in the past  and no doubt will not let you down now. 

As long as we're at it, there is an excellent Balsa Wood kit of the Ark of the Covenant that you can study for possible ideas should you wish to change anything with it. Even comes unpainted just for fun and you can add or delete commandments as you like on the blank Tablets provided!  

Once you get the hang of it you can upgrade to the Lego Model or give them as gifts to your Council of 16!

There is even a kit that teaches the consequences of opening the Ark without PERMISSION!

There are inexpensive ways for the Council to practice transport and hands off as well!

But again, we ask neither you nor any of the Council open it to look inside. Been there, Done that!

Personally, I suggest a Third Temple kick off party to keep it light hearted and able to win over the hearts and minds of the most gullible or skeptical of members who no doubt will be gyrating in their seats once they see all that you have predicted for yourself actually coming to pass. 

May I suggest Ark of the Covenant Rice Crispy Treats?

Remember, only hold them by the pretzel!

All the best! All Jerusalem awaits your coming!!!

But be careful...

The Jerusalem Syndrome is a term used to describe a mental phenomenon whereby visitors to Jerusalem develop religious delusions, believing that they may be God or a famous person from the Bible. Such individuals have believed themselves to be famous Biblical people such as John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, the Virgin Mary, or even the Messiah. The syndrome only affects members of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, with Jews and Christians comprising the majority of cases. The theory was developed by Dr. Yair Bar-El, a former director of the Kfar Shaul Mental Health Center in Jerusalem, which has claimed to treat an average of one to two Jerusalem Syndrome patients per month. …..
There have, of course, been many cases in which patients developed Jerusalem Syndrome not because of an intense religious experience, but due to a preexisting mental disorder. One man who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia developed Jerusalem Syndrome while in the U.S., and traveled to Jerusalem as a result. He was an American bodybuilder who believed himself to be Samson, the Biblical strongman. He traveled to Jerusalem on a delusional holy mission to move part of the Western Wall. Some speculate that David Koresh, the fallen cult leader of the Branch Davidians, had a Messiah complex caused, in part, by a trip to Jerusalem.
While many in the medical community are skeptical of Jerusalem Syndrome's legitimacy, many take it seriously, nowhere more so than in Jerusalem. Tourist guides, security personnel and doctors in Jerusalem all keep a watch for the symptoms of Jerusalem Syndrome. Once a person suffering from symptoms has reached the stage of wrapping themselves in white bed sheets and proselytizing in the desert, many doctors are trained to play along with the delusions, so as not to further agitate the patient. With the help of time, medical care, and drugs, the delusion often wears off.
(Wise Geek)


  1. I'm looking forward to a real article, like the anticipated one by Dave's son.

  2. Dennis - this is alarming - what if Dave goes and thinks he is the Virgin Mary.

  3. TLA, you have nothing to worry about. Armstrongism is a religion that belongs to a particular time in American history, a time before Rosie the Riveter and women's emancipation. Despite its elaborate prophetic detail, HWA's scheme never relied on identifying the end-time Deborah. There would be an end-time Elijah, but not an end-time Miriam or Bathsheba. Abraham is of utmost importance, but neither Sarah nor Hagar matter a bit in the Armstrong scheme of things.

    Dave is more likely to identify as El or Ba'al than as a mere woman from his Bible.

  4. Thanks for the humor, Dennis.

  5. So when is Pack-A-Doodle-Do going to imagine himself as Isaac and offer himself as a sacrifice up on the Temple Mount?

    Better yet, when is he going to be beaten with stripes, humiliated and hung on a cross to pay for the sins of mankind?

    I wouldn't count on it!

  6. TLA we'll have to build him a shrine and learn blessed virgin Mary chants

  7. Unfortunately Dave pack wouldn't look twice at the 179.99 temple kit because he would have to purchase that with his own money. Instead he proclaims that God will compel by the threat of death the Jews the world over to bring him TRILLIONS of dollars to build the real one. And anyhow, who needs a practice temple kit when he is the prophesied one of Rev. 11:1-2 to arise with a standard of measurement that will forever immortalize his name with the final temple.

    Dr. Dennis Diehl you have misdiagnosed Mr. Pack as suffering from Jerusalem syndrome. All the symptoms are clearly seen to indicate conclusively, that Mr. Pack suffers solely from the I-AM syndrome.

    And now the reason for the haste in pronouncing the start of all the end time events in prophecy is because there are no more biblical titles or prophetic fulfillment's to attach his name (I AM) to.

    Now learn the parable of the fig tree; when the branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So likewise when you see all these things, know that it (I AM) is near, even at the doors. The much anticipated worldwide announcement of "WHO I AM" can be equated to the putting forth of leaves from the olive tree this coming spring.

    Don't let the look of the tender leaf pass everyone by this Spring without thinking about the imminent worldwide announcement of his royalty Sir David C. Pack "I AM".

  8. Like HWA before him, Dave is going to be another example of “He who dies with the most toys wins.” He’ll leave behind a smaller scale mystery and mess than HWA, but don’t wait for him to be repudiated by ignominious failure. Even Weinerdude hasn’t completely faded to that level quite yet, in spite of having made worse mistakes.


  9. I think some in the "Dave Pack Condemnation Industry" would be disappointed to see him go. It must be more fun to make fun of him than to actually destroy an old friend.

  10. "for ages 9-99" - for the Noah's Ark kit, they'll need to make that "for ages 9-999".

  11. The propensity for stupid thinking becomes ingrained in peoples’ minds after years in Armstrongism. Long after Dave is gone, there are going to be “bent” people left in his wake as his legacy.

    I was pretty naive when I first became involved in the so-called dissident forums nearly twenty years ago. I received a wakeup call when one of the ladies on a forum emailed me privately (I had left myself vulnerable by publishing one of my email addresses) to share the “truths” presented by David Icke. He was the dude supposedly with the ability to see and detect alien lizard beings who were living in the outward guise of our fellow humans. I had to ask myself, “Am I actually expected to carry on a real conversation with someone who believes this crap as if she were a rational person?”

    Soon thereafter, I encountered another individual who believed that President W had engineered 9/11. It’s not as if I hadn’t been exposed to this sort of thing before, because different of my customers had tried to recruit me to various organizations following Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Oklahoma City bombing. They didn’t realize that in the cult my parents had dragged me into, we were forced to adopt weird theories and schools of thought, or that I had spent much of the past recovery decades just attempting to normalize. It had never occurred to me that some of our former brethren actually preferred to be weirdos, but, that is indeed part of the continuing damage that Armstrongism has inflicted. And to these former brethren, if you won’t consider that influential people are actually lizards, or that Hitler was right because the Jews are controlling and ruining everything, or that white people have the highest IQ’s, then you are just not open-minded.

    Not everyone wants to be normal or to conduct a balanced life. There are some who believe that in affecting a weird or counter personna, they appear to be enlightened and intelligent. One time being taken in by such people is enough to last several lifetimes. If David Pack’s congregation simply tried to achieve a state of normalcy, he would lose all influence over them. HWA was quite correct when he stated that you must guard what comes into your mind. Somehow, most never realized that it was he against whom we should have guarded our minds!


  12. I never hear so-called "white supremacists" say whites are the smartest. What they say is that blacks are behind and Asians are ahead.

  13. "Ark of the Covenant Rice Crispy Treats"
    Now I gotta clean clean the coffee off my computer screen!
    Thanks Dennis

  14. I would like to extend a hand of friendship to our despicable racist participators.

    To meet halfway, without compromising my personal values, I too, like you believe that all black people are equal.


  15. Instead of listening to what liars say about "white supremacists" why not listen to the biggest "white supremacist" of all himself, David Duke? Just listen to a few of his free broadcasts for yourself instead of getting it filtered through liars in the media and ignorant dupes in the general public. That is the fair and rational thing to do, and the intelligent thing to do. And that is what those who lie about him fear you will do.

  16. Oh yeah. The Wikipedia article on David Duke is a real scream. Enough to induce severe vomiting. The guy should be in a facility for the criminally insane.

