Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, February 4, 2019

Shame On Us For Blaming Men for Being Men (aka Abusive COG Leaders)

Below is a comment that came in this afternoon.  Apparently, it is wrong for us to point out the abusive actions of various COG leaders because they are just being men who are prone to mistakes.  It is OK for them to treat members like crap, they are only doing it for our good and besides, it's in their fallible nature. SO PLEASE EVERYONE!  STOP CRITICIZING THEM!

It is all YOUR problem that you were part of the church.  You all lacked faith, discernment, understanding and above all were NOT converted!  SHAME ON YOU!  You have no reverence in your lives for God's holy men or the church.

The church never hurt you, you hurt yourself!  It is all your fault!  You made the choice to be abused.
I feel sorry for this site owner, wasting his life blaming God for men being men, blaming Mr. HWA for what men have done to his legacy. No one forced anyone against their will to do anything. Are you also blaming your Mum and Dad for having you? Nobody forced them to have you did they. Is your lack of Faith, understanding, discernment and lack of conversion and godless works due to non reverence and lack of godly fear now make you and expert on your so-called Armstrongism. Who hurt you so much that you ruin your life in this way; was it not you, yourself, for your choices that you had made that you now blame others for and have become an accuser of God because of your total ignorance of the things of God and human nature. Who told you, you were naked! Take note oh wise one, if you had lived in the NT era and all the Apostles had died and Christ had not yet returned, you would have done the same as you do now, for such is your character trait; accusatory, self righteous, carnal, bitter and obviously an ignoramus of the things of God, having never been truly called of God, but a plant, fifth columnist, a sleeper agent of Satan having waited for the right time to be released to do your destructive work on the the True Church of God; not the cogs but the truly called out ones in whom dwells the Holy Spirit that are scattered in the winds of whom are only known by God Himself. You demand perfection from everyone else except yourself, as you regard yourself the saviour of the dubbed, taking delight in those who you believe you liberated from bondage, and being energised by those who agree with you in tearing apart Mr. Armstrong and attacking fallible men. Yes, I know individuals like you, and I know you, above all men to be pitied. I know also you will not post this comment, as others like you have not posted them, for you are all cowards. So, I dare you to post this comment if you are truly sincere. For I myself boast of my calling under Mr. HWA, through whom God dragged me out of the mire and has since been full of blessings in every way, with all goodness lacking nothing physically and spiritually as my family and I walk in the WAY of Christ, full of Faith, Hope, trust, patience and Love of God and all His ways and for His purpose and plan for the salvation of all humanity, starting with the first fruits, which you will obviously not be partaker of it. 
with great sorrow for you


  1. Methinks we have a troll here...

  2. I expected to get to the end of the diatribe and to notice that the writer had signed off with a different screen name: “BCM” it means “brainwashed cult member”.

    Whatever version of the Kool Aid he or she drank must have been particularly debillitating to the frontal lobe of the brain!


  3. I have to agree with the comment. To spend your life blaming others...on a daily basis, is sad. It must mean you have no meaning to your own life, and feel the need x years later to still find the need to blame others, or bring down those who believe in God. What a sad little life you lead, to have made this your life. Sounds like humans, always trying to find someone else to blame, instead of finding a way to move on. Yes, i know you will comment on seeing this post a short sighted, or a troll...but that is what you do isnt it?!? You can't let it go. Do you sit at your computer 24/7 waiting to pounce on anyone or any comment made? Do you still live in your parents basement, or have a job? Or do you see this as your job? Lol. Get a meaningful life!

  4. Another 'to pass moral judgment is the greatest sin' comment. This is why the TV program 'Operation Repo' was relatively popular. The format of its segments were:
    1. They would depict immoral/childish behavior by actors.
    2. Then cut away to a repossessor who verbally affirmed the portrayed wrong behavior.
    3. Standing up to the bullying/immoral behavior.
    4. Cutting back to the repossessor who would verbally passed moral judgment on the
    witnessed wrong behavior.
    So this program chartered to people who are abused and/or punished for perceiving and passing moral judgment on the criminal behavior in front of them. The popular TV program 'Cops' has a similar benefit.

    People have a right and responsibility to pass moral judgment on others behavior. It's implicit in 'beware of wolves in sheep's clothing,' and 'if your brother sins against you, rebuke him.' Without the self protection inherent in passing moral judgment, one will be robbed of ones life. It's literally a life or death issue.

  5. That’s the typical response of an abuser.

    What about those that were born into the acog cults? They had no choice. Yes, they were forced to attend those hellish sermons until they were old enough to leave.

    You claim to be the firstfruits, judging people here not to be a part of. God chooses His people individually, not corporately. You have no right to make judgements only God can make.

    Hwa was a fraud. His fruits show that to be true. His minions are also frauds.

  6. For I myself boast of my calling under Mr. HWA, through whom God dragged me out of the mire and has since been full of blessings in every way, with all goodness lacking nothing physically and spiritually

    So you're one of those Laodiceans, eh?

  7. I agree of much of the post. This site does serve some purpose of revealing the continued cultish behavior of Pack, Flurry etc. But I never drank the cool aid and knew almost 50 years ago that WWG had flawed leadership. GTA was sent to Colorado to fly his new plane his Dad gave to work on his repentance. Herbert was idolized and his sycophants who were more than happy to suck up to him. I was an "outsider" and only stayed because of the truth of many Bible doctrines that have never been disproved here (despite claims to the contrary).
    The Sabbath, Holy Days plan of salvation, the God Family, Immortal soul, not going to Heaven or burning forever in Hell are all still not understood by mainstream Christianity. I appreciate that I no longer pray to a dead women or saints with halos. Or pray for dead relatives suffering in Purgatory.
    Yes, HWA and GTA were not Christ like, so learn from that bad example and not live in a root of bitterness the rest of your life. It's not spiritually or physically healthy.

  8. There is always a few people that will think they're happy as they starve to death too.

    1. And there will always be those who think he/she is happy while defaming the character of others.

    2. Agreed. The comment is some blatant posturing from the weird contingency, a make believe fantasy that HWA was actually who and what he represented himself as being, as opposed to having been a spiritual Bernie Madoff. There’s just too much evidence to the contrary against HWA at this late date in history.

      As to nobody being able to disprove the basic doctrines, I would reply to the commenter, “Yeah, right. In your mind!” He or she doesn’t realize that they allowed HWA to define the criteria for truth for them.

      People just can’t bring themselves to the realization that they centered their entire lives on a fraud. Everybody seems to want to save at least something from that waste, even those who simply shrug and go “Oh well. That bad experience made me who and what I am today.”


    3. It made you a mad and crazy man...(who if you think they are mad and evil), puts you in that same category. GET OVER IT.

    4. It made you a mad and crazy man...(who if you think they are mad and evil), puts you in that same category. GET OVER IT.

  9. 6.49 AM
    My Bible says the 'root of bitterness' is departing from God. Bitterness is a involuntary emotion, a reaction to being abused or harmed. So why condemn bitterness? Because bitterness is a moral assessment, and the greatest sin is to pass moral judgment. I pointed this out in my 5.04 AM comment.

    People sometimes have a rare medical condition that robs them of the ability to experience pain. They don't live very long because they don't realise that they are injured. This is also why lepers lose body parts. The virus destroys nerve endings, which destroys the ability to experience pain and hence detect injury.
    Demanding that others not pass moral judgment is as death sentence for the victim. People guilty of this monstrous sin automatically qualify for the lake of fire. Their just desert!

  10. God is a God of justice. There has not been justice served in many of the abuses that have occurred (and are continuing) in many COGS.

    The poster is either ignorant of the many horrific injustices and tragedies that the COG has and is responsible for , including breaking up marriages under D&R, or having even children and others die because of its anti-Doctor stances in the past. The financial abuses amount to literally BILLIONS of dollars stolen, when considering time value of money over the decades.

    The poster is a classic "Victim Blamer". It is a classic identified psychology and state of mind.

    Victims of a crime or abuse had done something to set themselves up for their tragedy? Victim-blaming doesn’t have to involve accusing survivors of directly causing their own misfortune. It can involve the simple thought that you would have been more careful, implying that the tragedy was at least partially their fault.

    The tendency to blame the victim shouldn't be something to be proud of, of course. It marginalizes the survivor, minimizes the criminal act, and makes people less likely to come forward and report what has happened to them. For these reasons, it’s important to understand the psychological roots of victim-blaming, so we can help prevent it.

  11. "No one forced anyone against their will to do anything."

    Yeah, but they tricked us with lies and by with-holding information.

    If someone tricks you into quick-sand ... don't say you were forced.

  12. People just can’t bring themselves to the realization that they centered their entire lives on a fraud.

    Which is why you refuse to investigate so many things.

    1. Absolutely 12:45! I refuse to investigate obvious frauds.

      I cite my track record. Remember, I am the former atheist/agnostic who once believed that global climate change was junk science. I’ve also stood corrected by nck on a few occasions.

      Your problem with me is that you want me on your team, but that I consider the specific shit you want me to examine and embrace to be absolutely ridiculous, and unworthy of so much as a comment.

      So, there. Your nauseatingly repetitious taunt has been asked and answered for all to see, once again. Now, you no longer exist, so go away!


  13. Actually, I DO blame my parents for having me.

  14. BB 11:49 AM
    "As to nobody being able to disprove the basic doctrines, I would reply to the commenter, “Yeah, right. In your mind!” He or she doesn’t realize that they allowed HWA to define the criteria for truth for them."

    As usual, no logical or documented argument offered, just as when Dennis keeps acting like there's testable science to "prove" Evolution. Hate is not an argument. It's a cause of clouded judgment.
    8:43 AM
    "Bitterness is a involuntary emotion."
    Does anyone on this site actually believe that Bitterness is a involuntary emotion? Bitterness requires years of daily cultivation.

    1. Where have you been, 1:11? We’ve had so many discussions, so many facts brought out, and have put this to bed so many times over the past twenty years, and it’s only proven one thing. Culties want to continue being culties, and to be abused. I just don’t have the time any more. People deserve what they believe. Not my job to rescue them.


  15. Good comments, Tonto, and the bad conditions and symptoms you outlined are the direct and natural result of worshipping the law, making it one’s God, and placing it above love for God and love for fellow man. In Armstrongism, O/C treatment of the law, and inordinate glorification and fear of its human enforcers guaranteed that fellow humans would be disrespected, abused, and hurt.


  16. Anonymous 5:04 AM says, "People have a right and responsibility to pass moral judgment on others behavior."

    Without specific examples, this assertion is too broad, too vague. Consider these cases and say what moral judgement you would pass.

    1. A behavioral researcher flies into a rage because some of his lab animals misbehave. He hooks up a firehose and floods the whole lab, equipment and all. Except for one senescent male, one senescent female, and three breeding pairs, he drowns all the animals in the experiment. At the same time he also drowns all animals in the lab not part of the experiment, except for a few pairs preserved for breeding stock.

    2. An employer brags to his chief competitor about how completely loyal one of his employees is. The competitor says the guy wouldn't be so loyal if he were made to suffer. He claims he can flip him. The employer says "Let's make a bet on it. You go ahead and try." In successive attempts, the competitor bankrupts the employee, kills his children, and gives him painful lesions all over his body. The employee can't help wondering why he is being tortured so. He consults counselors, who dither over the problem for days without resolving the question. Finally the employer tells him "Don't question my judgement. After all, I AM the boss. Just get over it."

    3. The same employer tests another faithful employee by requiring him to kill his own beloved son. As the employee is about to make the fatal stroke, the employer sends a messenger to call the whole thing off and explain it was only a prank.

  17. 1.11 PM asks "Does anyone on this site believe that bitterness is a involuntary reaction?"

    Well, since he believes that truth is determined by majority vote, we should therefore all join the Catholic church or become Muslims.

  18. Retired Prof
    You have twisted and misrepresented the flood, Job, and Abraham in your post. God is not just a human employer. One example, your 'employer' is about to kill most of the Anglo Saxons. What a nasty 'man?' But as God, He is 'forcefully saying' to these people, "you have experienced death once, so if you don't want to experience it again, repent."
    God and human employers are galaxies apart.

  19. Tell me, how many hours a day to you rehearse being you! Or were you born that way? Your intellect and analytical skills are none existent, as proof is in you response to my comments above, having completely twisted what I had said. You are nothing but a mouth on a head. I was warned that you were *******, but stupid me had to find out for myself, as I gave you the benefit of doubt. So sad dude, so long.

    so sad for you


  20. I cannot believe what I have just read on some of the comments above; bizarre, disgusting and abusive comments, from individuals who have no idea what they are talking about and completely having no idea what the intent of my comment to Dennis was about. For the record, I am male, Greek, have an honors degree in applied physics, Grad diploma of education, diploma in computing/physics etc and Am not a troll but retired and a loving husband, father, brother, strong family man, teacher of God's wonderful love and truth about the salvation of the first fruits and all of humanity( for God is Love, your lack of understanding God Word and purpose does not change who and what God truly is, and that is LOVE above all else!) never abused anyone and never experienced abuse in the WWCOG, only when I came on this site have I experienced such hatred and abuse and distortion of what I had tried to convey.

    so sad for all of you who must have experienced some sort of trauma for you to be the way you are; bitter and hateful toward those who know God and His truth and have found peace.

    Photonic (that is actually my name in english)

  21. I DARE whomever wrote that comment to post their real name!

    Kevin McMillen


  22. Photonic,

    Why tell only the victims of the FALSE prophets to keep quiet? Why not try telling the FALSE prophets to shut up and keep quiet too? FALSE prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack are still doing evil to this very day. They should be exposed and warned about so others do not have to learn the truth about them the long, hard, expensive way. Why not learn from the past and from other people's experiences? This warning message can save people from being deceived, robbed, betrayed, and left destitute by the FALSE prophets. Why would anyone see former WCG people and others being viciously scammed by Satan's FALSE prophets and say nothing about it? People can be warned about what is happening so they can simply avoid all the evil and any resulting bitterness that would come from it. Then they can just laugh at Gerald “That Runt of Bitterness” Flurry, and at kelpto-Dave the Pack of Bitterness.

  23. Hm, I get it, Photonic. "Photon" is the Greek root for "light." If we name you with a Latin root instead, we get "Lucifer."

  24. Photon Dude:

    Giving you the benefit of doubt, you may not have realized how you came off in your original comments. You swooped in from nowhere, and admonished and corrected us from an Armstrongish perspective. You launched an attack. Once you do that, nobody cares whether you are a loving husband and father, what degrees you have, or what your profession might be. Honestly? We didn't feel the love.

    Armstrongism employed what is known as undue influence to gain control of most of our lives. We repented before God, were baptized, and then gradually things we had not signed up for began being added after the fact, all as we were reminded that via baptism, we were now accountable, and getting second opinions or turning back meant certain eternal death in the lake of fire, possibly also enduring torture at the hands of the Germans along the way. It was not a primrose path, and we did not have the control over the situation that you described. The members of the Armstrong cult are trapped in an evil authoritarian system which is both toxic and soul killing, exploited, deprived of their Constitutional rights, exploited, and lied to about prophecy. We here are simply people who at some point realized what had been done to us and took back control. How can you chide us for "willingly" allowing what was done to us, and then in the next breath chastise us for belatedly taking back control and warning others? That makes no sense at all!

    What sort of reaction would you have expected? Figuratively, you walked into an NAACP meeting and called us all the "N" word.

  25. Dear Photonic:

    In response to your supposed impressive resume'...
    Luke 18:9-14 New International Version (NIV)

    The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
    9 To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else, Jesus told this parable: 10 “Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

    13 “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

    14 “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

  26. Photonic:

    You pop up in here with guns blazing and make all kinds of asinine allegations which are totally inaccurate and ignorant and then you pitch a fit when people question you and your rotten attitude. There are several on here who disagree with some things but they disagree in a respectful manner and carry on conversations. You however just made an ass of yourself and now you are trying to toss the blame on us. Typical arrogant COG male.

  27. Photonic said:

    For I myself boast of my calling under Mr. HWA, through whom God dragged me out of the mire and has since been full of blessings in every way, with all goodness lacking nothing physically and spiritually as my family and I walk in the WAY of Christ, full of Faith, Hope, trust, patience and Love of God and all His ways and for His purpose and plan for the salvation of all humanity, starting with the first fruits, which you will obviously not be partaker of it.
    with great sorrow for you


    So, tell me, why are you bitching about the men on this site just being men?

    Sorry women but the question as formed seemed apropos.

    Kevin McMillen

  28. @Retired Prof: LOl!! Photonic == bringer of light == lucifer.

    If the bringer of light is defending HWA and all the others, then I am glad I am out of that COG mess.

    Oh, wait, we don't have the right to translate your name to other languages?

  29. Photon is angry with us, but what is he doing living in a country that is so corrupt, morally and physically bankrupt? Surely with all of his amazing education and experience he claims he is endowed with, he could find a better country to live in.

  30. Photonic is a pathological liar. Everything he says about himself is crap. It's all like a Hollywood script.
    Photonic is a troll. He reminds me of a morally sick relative.
