Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dave Pack: Am I A False Prophet?


  1. Have David Pack's prophecies ever come to pass? No, he has a 0% success rate. He is a false prophet. In the OT false prophets were put to death.

  2. "In the OT false prophets were put to death"
    Actually no, or they pretty much would all be dead

  3. From Wikipedia: “In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine being, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people. The message that the prophet conveys is called a prophecy.”

    Cue Led Zeppelin’s “Communication Breakdown”. Obviously, David Pack has a serious communication problem with God. Dave inspires fear, but nothing ever happens. So, his followers who give their all end up waiting for the proverbial broken clock to be right.


  4. "I have studied prophecy more than any man that has ever lived". That is a pretty bold statement from a man that has had a complete discernment and prediction failure.

    Mr. Pack, it is time to put up your titled self and your intentions to the whole world or shut up. It has been four years since Mr. Pack declared that he was Elijah - that Prophet and all the splinters that are seeking Elijah, await his presence and delverence.

    The original Elijah came onto the seen out of know where and did great miracles while the second Elijah came not even answering the Jews who he was. Mr. Pack declared to himself first and then his wife on a Wednesday morning some four years ago that he was the Elijah to restore all things and all Ohio has not descended upon Wadsworth to hear his words let alone the whole world.

    It has been my experience that, when a person in my prescense continually states just who they are, that person is almost always a complete fraud. Dave Pack has epitomized what fraud is in all ways, and anyone who doesn't agree with his fraudulent ways, will be according to him, hunted down and slayed by the edge of the sword.

  5. According to Robert Hare, the head of the team that developed the widely used Psychopathy Checklist, psychopaths have a narcissistic and incredibly inflated view of their own importance and self-worth. They have huge egos. They're self-centered to an incredible degree.

    As Hare writes, they have "a truly astounding egocentricity and sense of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe, justified in living according to their own rules."

    Yet while they love to talk about huge goals ... they typically have no idea of what it takes to achieve them. And definitely don't have a plan for how to achieve them.

    Which is why successful people don't tend to talk about their goals; successful people talk about their plans, processes, and routines. They talk about how they'll get to where they're going.

    Unlike psychopaths, who act like they're already there.

  6. Q: did God speak through Balaam's ass? Does "He" do the same today? you might say so but with more than one "ass" today. And which"god"? Q: who might be the head or top of that list"ass"?
    Dave Pack would surely be a top contender for that "honor". Take your pick of the remaining
    wannabes "asses".Bro's then let all of them "bray" together as they all do it so elequently.....heeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!

  7. "I have studied prophecy more than any man that has ever lived"

    Does that include Mayan, Catholic and Chinese prophecy? If not, Bob Thiel may challenge that claim!

    I used to listen to Dave's sermons; if you could ignore the occasional shouting, they had great soporific value.
    As for content, I'm wondering which of the sermons was the equivalent of a television "jump the shark" episode. After that point, I found the audio of Bob's sermons were far better than Dave's for inducing slumber...

  8. "I have studied prophesy more than any man that has ever lived."

    Marketing, marketing, marketing. It's like AC being "Gods college," teaching students "how to live," and Herbs church being the "Philadelphian church."
    Forget about the real world, forget about working long and hard. Marketing alone will grant a person the desires of their heart.
    To some people, marketing is a false idol.

  9. How about his book "AMERICA and BRITAIN in Prophecy"? What does "America" refer to? North America? excluding Mexico? excluding Canada which "is really ethnically a different Israelite tribe"? Is this all part of the lost true gospel? Who will believe this nonsense? Cue sound of crickets at his much vaunted 'Mail Processing Center'....

  10. @ 5:11 AM, you haven't been paying attention. Ephraim and Manasseh were together in the British Isles, yet somehow Manasseh sorted itself to the United States... but then, somehow, Ephraim sorted itself out of Manasseh and fled to Canada. Now, the USA is somehow Manasseh, even though more in the USA have Assyrian ancestry (German) than British, while today's actual Assyrians (in Syria and nearby) have no genetic or historical tie to these supposed German Assyrians.

    If you can believe all of that, it's only a tiny and easy leap to believing that Dave Pack is whoever he says he is this week.

  11. @8:00- Ssshhhh! They have a new set of conspiracy theories to explain away the logic and facts contained in your first paragraph, so that their Armstrong fabrications can remain true. Like for instance, did you know that the Jews of today aren’t really the Jews? Did you know that drinking alcohol, or too much sun can alter your dna so that tests cause you to appear to be of a different haplotype? Did you know that regardless of the Samaritanized condition of our melting pots, God still considers our nations to be Anglo Saxon? And the classic, how could any other nations possibly resemble the ancient prophecies regarding Manasseh and Ephraim?

    Nearly 50 years after the fact, people still obey the tyrants and give them all of their blessings, because they believe that time will yet catch up to the hands of the broken HWA prophecy clock.


  12. the Jews of today aren’t really the Jews

    No serious person denies that the Sephardic Jews of today aren't essentially identical to one strain of first century Jews. Even the Ashkenazim share DNA that connects them to first century Jews, though that DNA is well mixed with other Central European DNA.

    1. The conspiratorialists of whom I was speaking are saying that the Jews were supplanted by the Turkish Khazars. Flabbergasting, considering the belief that the Jews were the designated preservers of the oracles.


  13. To think that the Bible speaks about God, His wonderful character and works, about Jesus, His love and goodness, about the Holy Spirit and His holy fruits, about the Christian life and privileges, about the New Heaven and the New Earth and the blessedness that expects us there... And ALL this guy is talking is about himself!!! How can his followers take that, from week to week, month to month, year to year?!?!

  14. 8.00 AM
    God would have been involved in separating out Manasseh from Ephraim, and sending the Manasseh's to the north American continent. As the Big Boss Man said, is anything too hard for God? You say, yes, God says no. Whom should I believe? All these end time mockers. As our John keeps telling us, time will tell.

  15. Time has told - in fact it is yelling!!! DNA shows British Israelism is as false as the flat Earth theory
