Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Dave Pack: Living Church of God is "utterly of the devil"

I listen to the deceiver leading the Living Church of God. This is a VICIOUS, EVIL, MURDEROUS, BLASPHEMING group of liars that have a certain power over God's people. They are utterly of the devil. They have taught doctrines of demons.

The leaders of the splinters are ENEMIES of the living Jesus Christ. They are a murderous evil group.

Wolves are not circling outside the big organizations. The worst ones are leaving them (Bob Thiel, James Malm) These men have brought a different Jesus and are doing a different work, falsely labeled "God's Work."

Way over a billion dollars has been stolen from the living God by these groups.


  1. 1. Dave is right about this.
    2. Takes one to know one.

  2. Dave says that his enemies are "enemies of the living Jesus Christ."

    He's coming closer and closer to his big reveal: "David Christ, Superstar!"

  3. Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black.

  4. And the reason is always about the money! Money that he thinks should have gone to him so he could build more roads, buy trees and whatever else he is doing these days on his compound ! He really hates Living because they their women wear pants and makeup! Women can actually make their own decisions- he thinks that awful!

  5. Very good blog post. I definitely appreciate this site.
    Keep it up!

  6. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black? What hypocrisy....typical...to be expected
    what else but??? not surprising to say the least.

  7. well you know....people always accuse you of being what they are.

  8. I have been shocked to see that nobody seems to care that the Living Church of God has been influenced by the government of communist China. That sounds like a bizarre accusation, but it is true. LCG evangelist Stuart Wachowicz is an agent of the Chinese government, having led the China-funded Confucius Institute in his Canadian hometown, and having signed an agreement in which he promised not to damage the national interests of China. He is more beholden to China than to Canada or LCG.

    Do you think this has no influence on LCG overall? Just read Dr. Doug Winnail's recent article in which he pretty much says that Chinese economic and political growth is in line with end-time Bible prophecy: China's New Silk Road

    It serves China's propaganda interests very nicely if Americans are taught to expect China to rise while America falls. But it doesn't serve LCG well for one of its evangelists to benefit from China's rise.

  9. You are listening to the autobiography of David Pack.

  10. Dave is just continuing the Herb church tradition of exalting the church and ministers by demeaning everybody else. For instance, when Stephen Hawking died, rather than honoring the man for his accomplishments, despite his great disability, all we got was 'but he didn't believe in God.' They defrauded the man.

    They all claim that they alone are the true church, with the other splinters being phonies. So they all do it to some degree. Daves broken the gentleman's understanding of not going too far.

    It smells of desperation on Dave's part. Perhaps he's hemorrhaging members.

  11. Looking for some sort of true church amongst the splinters is like comparison shopping for diarrhea.

    However, what struck me as I read Dave's words was "And they say that we are bitter and full of hatred!"

    From what I understand, when Global split up, Rod Meredith got the lion's share of the membership, and Dave Pack was left with the rest. Ever since, he's not been able to comprehend his natural place in the pecking order, and this has made him very bitter, and destructive. People whom Dave most likely sees as his lesser contemporaries have inherited a larger splinter operation than he will ever have, and it is tearing him up inside. Of course he is going to attack them.

    Throughout history, there have been many examples of people with tremendous ego who also had the talent to back up that ego, and to do some really remarkable things. Dave is not one of them.


  12. Never thought I'd say I'm in agreement with Pack. But he is correct on this.

    It's most probably his true calling to speak like this but his ego and love of money has taken him off track.
    Dave Pack sounds in his element here. He does not pull his punches. Many would shock themselves by agreeing with him about the Wolves ain't circling the Church their, well established with power, inside the Church.

    Less yourself Dave, more saying it how it is.

  13. In the real world, if you have a great product or service, you actually diminish your own credibility by attacking and trying to degrade or humiliate the competition. It actually becomes a distraction from what you are offering, and may even encourage the "buyer" to take a look at those competing products.

    Have something that is unique, is true and works, and you will have plenty of people who will want to sign on, in any arena of human endeavor. This is why it is silly when they have wrinkle cream advertisements, or ads for "natural testosterone" boosters on tv. If that stuff really worked, then they would not ever need to advertise EVER, and in fact, there would be lines around the block waiting to buy , all from just "word of mouth".

    Pack makes and has made, some huge claims. Way worse than any infomercial you will ever see. IF... Pack was the Elijah, then all he would have to do is have someone come back from the verifiable dead. If he was a prophet, then his prediction that 3 COG leaders would all die in the same specific month and year, (as he prophesied a few years ago) would have come true. Or that all the splinters were soon to come to his cult in a short time etc.

    So Pack, quit your sniveling, and whiney bull crap about the imagined competition. Ron Dart used to say... "Big Claims require Big Evidence". So either perform or do the right thing... which is QUIT and RETIRE!

  14. From what I understand, when Global split up, Rod Meredith got the lion's share of the membership, and Dave Pack was left with the rest.

    Byker, you don't understand quite correctly. It went even worse than that for SuperDave.

    When Rod Meredith refused to accept church government and ran off to form his own personality cult, he took approximately 80 percent of Global's membership with him. At first, Dave thought that without RCM around he would be the power behind the throne, flattering and manipulating the buffoonish Raymond McNair into doing his bidding. When that didn't work out, and Dave was caught politicking in other pastors' areas, Global fired him. Most of Dave's Ohio members stayed with him, but around the country he got just a few scattered members from a few congregations. He left Global with no more than 300 members.

    Another detail Dave doesn't like to share is that he had a lot to do with why UCG's startup was so successful. Almost from the start of his time in Global, HQ kept getting reports of Dave's abusive conduct toward members. True to form, Rod Meredith backed Dave in every conflict. Before 1995, however, members didn't have many other good options, so many either put up with Dave or even kept tithing to Global while staying at home, because they liked RCM's emphasis on the first commission.

    That all changed when UCG formed. Suddenly, members had a credible alternative to putting up with Dave's abusive conduct, and Global's growth screeched to a halt. If Dave had been a servant leader, a loving pastor and helper of the brethren's joy, rather than a small bully backed by big bully RCM, GCG would have had much stronger growth and might have avoided its 1998 financial crisis. Instead, Global gained a reputation as "the church that thinks Dave Pack's conduct is OK" and thousands chose UCG instead.

  15. The problem with Global was the government was controlled by very few people - none of which I was personally impressed by.
    When Rod left to form Living, the choice was to go with Living or go elsewhere - UCG was the best of the worst, so Living it was.
    At the local level, the pastor in charge is really the difference.
    I can imagine the culture shock going from Gerald Weston to Dennis. Some people probably loved it, and from Dennis' account - some people hated it - especially the local leaders.
    When I left Living, the thought of going to UCG or COGWA turned my stomach. The smaller groups are too scattered.
    This is why I decided to explore other options, and also look at the Bible and DNA related science more closely.
    It is discomforting and humbling going from a position of knowing everything to realizing you really don't know that much.

  16. Of all people to accuse others of lying and stealing, when he is the biggest one of them, is outrageous.

    In ancient times, this piece of crap would be stoned.


  17. Kindly allow me to try to save you from wasting your time listening to literally hundreds of hours of noise in the RCG, and from reading literally thousands of pages of literature in the RCG, and from giving virtually everything you have to the RCG. Here is the fast, easy, free way to acquire the life-saving knowledge you need. The life you save may be your own.

    klepto-Dave Pack-of-lies

    Targeted HWA's old True Believers.
    Left them deceived, betrayed, burned out, and destitute.
    Yelled and spit a lot.
    Lied like Satan.
    Stole everything in sight.

    Helpful reminder: The false prophets came only to lie, steal, destroy, and kill. They are not your friends. They are not nice.

  18. Seems to me that D.P. has this age old affliction of constipation of the brain & diarhea of
    the mouth. Or "filet of sole" (foot in his mouth).

  19. Anon 4:30 your last word in your comment (nice) reminds of what Lil Abners mammy always said.
    it's better doing good than evil. Why? because its NICER. :-)

  20. Let's face it, Steven Hawking was a scum. He was was a physicist and should have stayed with that, but he used his fame and authority to speak about the things he knew nothing about, and all that because as an atheist he hated God.

  21. as an atheist he hated God.

    Do you hate the 53rd state of the United States? It doesn't exist, so how could you hate it?

    Do you hate Donald Trump's seventh child? It doesn't exist, so how could you hate it?

    An atheist, by definition, cannot hate God. Apparently, though, the feeling isn't mutual, as most religions insist that God hates atheists.

  22. When I read 3:45’s cliche, I googled “Stephen Hawking and God”. The quotations which I found indicate that Hawking did not hate God. He did not make defamatory statements about God. Paraphrasing him, he indicated that once science finds the answer to everything, the answers will approximate who and what God is. He also further explained that he did not see this God as being a personal being with whom one could have a relationship.

    Some of the stupid cliches we were taught seem to persist for years. Like the one about scientists becoming scientists because they hate God.


  23. 3.45 PM
    Can you please offer some evidence of your accusation that Stephen Hawkings hated God.
    Just because this is a 'dissident site,' doesn't mean that it's OK to throw around accusations willy-nilly.
