Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 1, 2019

Dave Pack: It's Hard to Be Humble

If Elijah's (My) commission is stopped, God said he would destroy the earth!


  1. We’d be better off destroyed than we would be if we submitted to the ACOG king of tyrants!


  2. Byker, those who have submitted to him are already destroyed, emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc.

  3. No Dave you are not Elijah, Moses. the two witnesses, or anyone else. You are David Pack, narcissist psychopath. In a few years or less you will die a natural death or be put into a 24 hour care facility with expensive room and board.

  4. "I have Elijah's own personality, I think like Teddy Roosevelt, like David, like Joshua, maybe even Moses I guess, possibly Satan...maybe David Koresh or Jim Jones..."

  5. Dave Pack, via his pack of lies, said: "If Elijah's (My) commission is stopped, God said he would destroy the earth!"

    Malachi 4:Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:

    :6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

    The disciples learned, something Dave Pack cannot comprehend at this time, John the Baptist was the one who came in the spirit and power of Elijah. Christ said so. Done deal!

    Has the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD arrived yet? No!

    Dave Pack can die and his work stop today and God will not destroy the earth!

    Time will tell...


  6. Thank you for keeping the spotlight on the corruptions going on with the splinters. I share this information with other COG members I see so they know what is going on. They wouldn't read this blog, but I do.

    Unfortunately, the video no longer plays, but based on the preview it looks recent. :(

  7. Great point, 1:25! I guess that makes me a retrophet, meaning that I told the future after it actually happened. LOL!


  8. "We’d be better off destroyed than we would be if we submitted to the ACOG king of tyrants!"

    And that is coming from Trotsky the neocon? What hypocrisy.

    1. “Trotsky the neocon”.

      LOL, you should hang out at

      Hah! Are you Dan?


  9. "I have Elijah's own personality, I think like Teddy Roosevelt, like David, like Joshua, maybe even Moses... and possibly NORMAN BATES"
