Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Dave Pack the Home-breaker: You Will Have to Lose Your Wife or Husband in the Restored Church of God


  1. Dave wants it all... at no cost to himself, of course...

  2. I have often likened Dave Pack to Pepe le Pew. He is completely incapable of perceiving his own intrinsic offensiveness.


  3. I remember listening to one of Mr. Pack's older sermons on marriage and divorce and was shocked about his defense for the sanctity of marriage using biblical scripture alone. The conclusion for the listener was there was only one reason for divorce and that didn't have to be a reason.

    As the years progressed and the love of money increased, the quick dismissal and dissolution of marriages involving member/non-member marriages became shocking to me. Prior to this there was a horrible bias towards and a onerous conditional prerequisite for non-member mates to join in church activities.

    When Mr. Pack's fantastical mind thought the whole world needed to know "who I am" and his declaration that "there would be not one month going forward where this work would not increase", the days of optional obedience to "Common" was over in a heartbeat. What followed was the bulldozing aside of any obstacles that might hinder the transfer of all of a members assets unto him doing business as "the church".

    When the terminologies of a "christian" organization change to the point where married individuals are considered obstacles and members are considered monetary assets and the church is nothing but a treasury then what classification of terminology should apply to the leader of that organization?

    When the Son of Man walked the face of the earth some 2000 years ago exposing the attributes of the Kingdom of God, the most he asked of anyone was to forsake all that they have and follow me or sell all and give to the poor. When the Apostles went forward after the death of Jesus Christ and believing it was the end time, there is no recorded record of the demand from the church membership of all that they possessed and there was no example or decree to the membership that they can't stay with their wife or husband and that both of these was the "price" of salvation.

    Mr. Pack not content to wait on the Father and Jesus Christ to give good gifts, he has decided to take for himself what has not been given and to fill himself up with multiple biblical titles and to build for himself a Solomon type kingdom as a backdrop to his thinking of taking over the whole world by the edge of sword.

    By his own words and actions, Mr. Pack has declared that any impediments to his treasury or himself must be killed. So it is, deserters be damned and marriages be damned and enemies be damned and the world be damned.

  4. Dave is selling entrance into the kingdom. It's stated under the table. It's a form of communication that Herb and his minister minions mastered.

  5. To sum it up it's nothing but unabashed, in your face extortion, hiding under the umbrella of separation
    of church & state.

  6. He should spend his time watching Gunsmoke on Youtube. A lot of people would be safer.
