Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, May 31, 2019

14 people describe what it is like to grow up in cults..including WCG

They put me in a room for three days without food. They wanted me to confess my sins. I didn't know what to say, so I just came out with every doubt about the group I’d ever had. I made strange noises because I thought that’s what they wanted, but I was worrying, "What happens if they’re the wrong noises?"
People Who Grew Up In Cults Describe What Their Childhoods Were Like  
The media covers and occasionally sensationalizes cults, but few news outlets know much about the children who grow up in cults. Not every cult member experiences the horror and raids depicted on TV. Of course, there are challenges, and each day can bring a multitude of concerns that other children don't typically face. And people who were once in cults share their experiences more often than one might imagine.
Many of their stories refer to the disorientating nature of their childhood - many survivors reportedly had to deal with violence, nonsensical teachings, and debilitating rules. Each cult seems to have had their own ways of destroying a young person's spirit, but each group also appears to have wanted the same result: a brainwashed follower without autonomy. 

Click the above link and you will see a Worldwide Church of God story in the article.


  1. GTA was a mess, and certainly very accountable for his actions.

    HOWEVER- one has to wonder what it was like growing up in the home of a narcissistic sociopath, that was even sexually abusing his sister on a regular basis.

    Flurry has definitely groomed his son for succession, and fortunately, Dave Packs family has fled from his kookiness.

  2. yeah, i grew up in the cog in the 60s and 70s and in restrospect i wouldnt have had it any other way...

    c f ben yochanan
