Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Third Tithe: The Church of God Con Game

The demand in the Churches of God over tithing has created huge nightmares for members and a steady stream of income for the leaders in charge.  Most of these men have never worked an honest day of sweat-producing,  callous forming work in their lives, so having someone else support them is always the best choice.  Can you imagine Gerald Flurry, Gerald Weston, Bob Thiel, James Malm and others ever seen sweating?  Apostles NEVER sweat!

The church has always hit back at those that claim it demands three tithes from its members and is always quick to point out that a second tithe is for the members themselves to travel to various sites for annual fall celebrations.  But this quick to remind members that the church demands that members tithe upon that money and then expects them to give any remaining money leftover to the church.

And then there is the most misused and fraudulent tithe the church demanded, third tithe, money that was supposed to go to the fatherless, widows and needy. If you combined all 400 some of the COG's still in existence, you would be hard pressed to count on two hands how many orphans the church has ever helped in 80 some years!  It is only slightly better for the widows.  The church was very reluctant to help widows in the church and when they did the women had to go through lots of hoops and major ass-kissing in order to get a mere pittance.  Stories of how widows in the church were never helped by the church have been circulating on Facebook and elsewhere over the past few months.  The cold-hearted callousness of ministers and church leaders in making up excuses as to why they would not help are appalling to read.

When I say 3rd tithe was misused, it is not an accident.  Ambassador Reports and others have long reported stories about how ministers and church leaders dipped into 3rd tithe to remodel their homes and for other expenses.  When I came to Pasadena it was widely known that Rod Meredith had dipped into the 3rd tithe fund when he wanted his home on Waverly Drive remodeled.

In “Twisted Teachings on Tithing” AR wrote:  “The purpose of the third tithe fund is to help the fatherless, the widows, and the needy—at least that's what members have been told.  It's sad to say, but the third tithe fund [in 1976] would be many millions of dollars larger than it presently is if the Armstrongs hadn't secretly authorized using its funds to buy jet fuel, to furnish and redecorate high-ranking ministers' homes, and to pay ministers' salaries.  Somehow using this third tithe ‘poor fund’ for these things—when there's not enough money to help the needy church widows—seems like a ‘Robin Hood in reverse’—robbing the poor to give to the rich (AR #2, p. 17).  

Holly Ruiz, who was married for 18 years to Enrique Ruiz, director of the Mexico City office of the Worldwide Church of God, told Mary Jones the following about third tithe in “Southern Exposure”: “RUIZ:  I remember one time when Enrique wanted to buy $1,000 worth of dining room furniture, he asked Garner Ted for the money.  Well, Ted told him to simply take it out of Third Tithe funds. [Editor: WCG members were led to believe that the Third Tithe Fund was used solely to help widows, orphans, & the poor.]“JONES:  Was the whole house furnished with Third Tithe funds?“RUIZ:  I believe so.”  (AR #2, p. 32)
In “Fleecing the Flock” John Trechak wrote that he had a large stack of approved and signed Ambassador College purchase orders (PO’s) from one of AR’s sources showing money spent totally from third tithe (AR #2, p. 61).  Here are a few samples:
P. O. #
D. Apartian
Furniture, carpets
Ron Dart
Appliances, drapery
Ron Dart
All furnishings
The article further reported that on two occasions in 1974 a tape recorder caught Garner Ted Armstrong actually admitting to fellow ministers that third tithe funds were being used for purposes other than the sustenance of the widows and orphans of the church.  Notice his words:  "...it is true that massive segments of third tithe as it built up in the balances of this work were used both for ministerial homes and for ministerial salaries."  (Garner Ted Armstrong, ministerial conference, Jan. 3, 1974.)  "But you know it [third tithe] is still being used for your salaries.  It's still being used for church homes." (Garner Ted Armstrong, ministerial conference, May 7, 1974.)  (See AR #2, p. 61.)
Third tithe funds were used for the jets, but who authorized it?  According to one Ted Armstrong statement, it was Albert J. Portune.  According to Albert J. Portune, it was Herbert W. Armstrong.  In February 1974 evangelist David Antion commented on this at a meeting in Richmond, Virginia:  “About that time Al [Portune] had a conscience problem and he just went to Mr. [Herbert] Armstrong and said, ‘Do we have to use third tithe?  That doesn't look good.  It's bad.  It's not right to use the third tithe fund to fly jets and pay for all that fuel.'" (See “Fleecing the Flock,” AR #2, p. 61.)  
Yet when reading this, certain church members still claim the church is the most ethical church ever to exist on earth since the original 1st century Christians came into existence.  They stumble all over themselves trying to claim the actions of the  men in charge were not that bad and that they were practicing "1st century Christianity." 

There were lots of members who caught on to the abuse of 3rd tithe and started giving it directly to widows and needy they knew that were in need.

The Church of God has always revolved around money and devised countless ways to bilk members out of hard-earned money:

1st tithe

2nd tithe
3rd tithe
Tithe of the tithe
Excess 2nd tithe
Holy day offerings
Special offerings from member letters
Special offerings from co-worker letters
Building fund
First fruit offerings
(I am sure there are others I have forgotten)

It is no wonder modern-day crooks in the COG, like Thiel, Malm, Pack, Flurry, Weinland, Weston, Kubik, Franks and others, still, demand of their followers that they tithe. Their little man-made organizations would dissolve. Plus, they fail to let their followers that tithing is NOT a new covenant demand. But since when has ever following the new covenant ever been a high priority!

As the bigger Churches of God continue to be bloated by more and more people on payroll, less and less money is going into proclaiming their "gospel witness" to the world.  There is, after all, one priority on the mind of all of the top COG leaders, and it is this:


  1. Early on in my church tenure I worked in real estate and was approached one day by a 17 year old girl holding an infant looking for an apartment because her parents kicked her out of their house. She had nothing and being that I was in my 3rd tithes year and got paid later that day I figured I would just give her the amount that I was going to send in to Pasadena. I gave a quick call to the minister to verify if that was okay and he said no it wasn't because I was not able to discern if a person was truly in need.

    Two years later as a member of the widow helpers crew, we were tasked with moving a widow from a very nice small house she rented, unto a very big house. Wondering why,l asked a crew member who said she wants the bigger house to store all of her junk and the church was paying for it. Two weeks later the same woman purchased a used car with 3rd tithes funds. The motor and transmission didn't make it a week so the church now had to pay to replace those. 7000 dollars into a 1000 dollar car.

    Men determining need and wants with other people's money. Third tithe for jet fuel was appropriate because the gospel was being preached to the widow. Drapes and furniture in high ranking ministers homes is appropriate because the widow would be invited over some night and couldn't see old and out of date furnishings.

    My minister from way back was right, It is all about discernment. Discernment with a bias,and discernment with the knowledge that the 3rd tithe fund is a never ending buffet to partake of because all the functions of the church in some way or another reach the widow and fatherless.


  2. “Pastor Ron decided to quit beating around the bush: Your tithe is crucial to my retirement plans.”

    Faster Dave Pack cuts to the chase: Send in EVERYTHING YOU HAVE to ME, MYSELF, and I--“or no salvation if you don't.”


  3. The Ron Dart Story

    Born to spend at least US$45,000.00 (in 1969 dollars) of third tithe money on his furnishings, appliances, and drapery.

    Born to rebel along with Teddy the Dink against HWA.

    Born to ditch Teddy the Dink in order to start his own income stream.

    Born to lose.

    Born to die.

  4. Al Portune, who was pressured out for practicing fiduciary responsibility in his role as treasurer/finance of the WCG, protested to HWA that third tithe was designated contributions for a specific cause.

    Armstrong then "whipped up" the idea that it also could be used for the "Levite", so then suddenly, ministers were now "Levites" and third tithe could be used on themselves, including HWAs luxurious jet, complete with gold handles and gold leaf ceiling.

    I have always wondered what became of Portune , and I hope he went on to have a happy and productive life.

  5. This is why some people now give Third Tithe directly to people in need - whether they're in the church or not.

    I know a church member who provided it for a man standing outside a supermarket, saying he needed new sneakers. Even took him to the mall to try them on.

  6. Try and get any help from these greedy dogs that are a bunch of cold hearted uncaring hucksters in the pulpit. Cogwa is the worst of these because they pretend to help people, especially in Africa. They spend a few bucks there and tell the whole what they do. But try and get help from them here in America sorry you don't qualify. The stingy ministers that stand up every Sabbath and say what good things they are doing. They never give details as just what they do to help people here because they can't when they do nothing oh wait they could fudge the truth, now that would never happen. We have here in Roanoke one of the biggest flim-flam man sense Brit Taylor who is now the treasurer of Cogwa. He must have done such a good job fleecing the flock that they put the fox in charge of the chicken coup.

    1. COGWA no longer requires 3rd tithe because of welfare/Social Security programs which take a heavy toll on salaries. Therefore. those in need must first apply to government programs and then make a request to the local pastor. First tithe is used where necessary. Mr. Armstrong long ago made third tithe voluntary in Europe/UK because of all the social programs but COGWA has extended this policy to the US as well.

  7. I used to attend with a little cog group out west in Eugene, Oregon. Not only did they do 3rd tithe, the head pastor claimed that whatever you did not spend of your 2nd tithe at the feast, it needed to be sent into the Church. This was followed with what you could and could not spend your 2nd T on at the feast. Ironically it did not leave you enjoying yourself to much, so hey, you'll have some money left to send the Church. These men find every avenue they can distort to bilk people out of their hard earned and saved money every year. It is no wonder there are so many former people who have left these groups being fed up to the shoulders with this nonsense.

  8. To be frank I haven’t donated any money to any COG since I left UCG a few years ago now. I don’t believe in tithing money. I believe if someone (eg homeless, sick) asked me for money and I was able I’d give it to them. I believe all Christians are “priests” so there’s no one who the tithe would go to today. Besides the tithe was never money to begin with—it was animals and plants. I also don’t believe in a priestly class (ie clergy vs layman). I believe all Christian “ministers” should have a secular job to support them and their family. All Christian men should be able to give sermons to the congregation. Whatever freewill donations are collected by the group should be given to the poor, homeless and sick in the community. Thus, no money going to a private business HQ for the wannabe popes to pocket themselves.

  9. With today's high tax rates in the west, members are already effectively paying third tithe. If one looks at secular government expenditures, it's much more than 3% that goes to orphans and widows. The ACOGs are double dipping in demanding their members pay third tithe.
    Another point is that ministers are pathological extortionists. Ministers would only give out third tithe under condition that they be allowed to lord it over recipients faith, and that they blindly obey the minister. All stated under the table to avoid possible legal and publicity problems.

    There's other issues. If a widow has questioned doctrines, the minister can outright reject giving financial assistance. Purely on a Cain versus Abel attitude, ministers can reject assistance. Third tithe is a social safety net that should be impartially administered. Just like a insurance policy. But that's not the case in these splinters. One can give third tithe for decades, and be rejected for assistance on the whim of a minister. Third tithe was meant to be a two way street, like a insurance policy. Not a one way street.
    It gets even more complex. Considering the splintering and high turn over of members, why should younger people put into a fund that they cannot ever withdraw from? Where's the justice there?

  10. Discretionary funds. After more than 50 years my mother tithed to the degree we kids did without and when she needed help with FOOD, in her 80's, was told there wasn't any third tithe fund. Fracking tools, even the few elders I had liked. I will not even acknowledge their presence on the planet.

  11. I've wondered about Al Portune also. He put some stuff online several years back but that disappeared without a trace. I think he just didn't want the notoriety and attention. I think he'd be around ninety now, so he may be gone from the scene.

  12. 2.09 AM
    I'm not sure whose side you are on, According to your reasoning, I can use my third tithe to buy myself a new car since the widow cannot see me driving an "old and out of date" car.

  13. My elderly father, who gave tens of thousands of dollars to the church, served in all kinds of capacities, was told by Robin Webber that it had no money to help him, while he and his buddy cohorts (Dean May, John Kennedy, Viktor Kubik) were living lives of privileged self-righteous shits.

  14. Interesting 7:09.

    Yes. That was announced around the 18th of january 1986 as hwas last edict.

    Even HWA was able to see that most modern government programs through taxation beat 3rd tithe in a heart beat.

    Report has it that the USA prefers historical "church help" over a solid reeducation on the meaning of solidarity amongst a people.

    Therefore better vote for less gun control for personal defense at the next looting when an electric power system succumbs from snow or lack of funds.


  15. Stay tuned for the next installment in this series:

    "First Tithe: The Church of God Con Game"

  16. "...tithing is NOT a new covenant demand. "

    when I see that statement I know immediately that the person is clueless about the covenants.

    and yes, WCG misrepresented tithing, creating obligations that are not biblical.
    if people truly believed their bible over the man they would never get caught up in the tithing scandals (but then, I think those in the Church did follow the bible over the man....it's the man followers that get caught up in all of those unbiblical tithing demands)

  17. Whether to ease the burden of 3rd Tithe year or to keep up the cash flow, Dennis Luker, in a WCG sermon, proposed we send in a portion of 3rd tithe with each 1st tithe check. GTA, in an ICG sermon, said 3rd tithe was now handled by the government, so it wasn't necessary...

  18. For all the talk about tithing, HWA himself declared on his 1981 1040 Schedule A $46,589 for contributions, and an adjusted gross income of $421,052 (over one million dollars in today's dollars). In 1980, his gross income was 387,755 with only $37,427 in contributions. This is less than 10% of his gross declared as contributions. Ramona had an income in 81 of $38,308.
    How could he have spent all that money when so many of his expenses were covered by the church?

  19. 5:37, with all the fine churches in Roanoke (including my own), there is no need to attend a church that you hate. Why are you still there?

  20. Please don't tell Cowboy Joe.

    He thinks third tithe can be spent on ammo to shoot naughty widows, fatherless, and the needy who may try to come to one his BBQs.

  21. Dang! $45K for Ron Dart?
    IIRC, he slipped on his rug and hit his head, and that injury led to the end of his life.

    Apparently, that $45,000.00 didn't include a $5 non-slip mat for the small rug near his fireplace.

  22. to 550 am just what the are fine churches in Roanoke that keep the Sabbath besides the Adventist?

  23. 5.50 AM
    My experience is that all groups, be they secular or religious, demand their pound of flesh. This isn't obvious at first since they hide it, but demands start to be made.
    Beware joining any group.

  24. Concerning Al Portune, Sr., I think he went back into the heating and a/c business in southern California after leaving the wcg. He eventually retired around 1991. The last I heard, he was in an assisted living facility in the Escondido, CA area.

    I always found him to be a sincere and caring human being - one of the good guys, in my opinion.

    1. I agree, Glenn. And that’s even though he once sharply confronted me during our AC days. Believe it or not, I’d realized that he was different from most ot the others as a ten year old child. At our first Feast of Tabernacles, I walked up to the podium before services, and asked for and received his autograph.

