Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Dave Pack: What Will Happen If You Leave The Church


  1. What I fail to understand about this Pack clip, is ---what difference does it make if you understand speculative prophecy or not? Or is you "know" when Jesus is coming back or not.

    There is little that I can do about it one way or another! None of us are players on the world stage. As Christians we should be living life every day as one, relying on the mercy and forgiveness of Christ, and using to the Holy Spirit to overcome and grow as people.

    Whether you have Packs "gnosticism" or not is frankly very irrelevant to the process and "what will be, will be" .

  2. Actually, when I and my family left good things happened one after another, after another after another. Sure leaving was the most difficult thing we have ever done in life by far, and there were struggles for sure, but once the mind breaks free from all the ignorant bronze age nonsense, however slow the process, real happiness emerges. Cheers to life and doing one's own thinking.

  3. If one leaves Pack's group, or any of the other groups, they will then be free to let the Spirit guide and lead them in the direction that is best for them. It hurts to watch someone you care for continue to be chained in the cage, too afraid to come out into the light. Sometimes it is all you can do to not just walk away and leave them.

  4. “You’ll have great questions and no answers.”


    I’ll take the mystery over the mystery religion(s) and the great questions over the pre programmed answers. I’ve always found the questions more satisfactory the answers in existential matters.

    It’s ok not to know. The uncertainty might be frightening but an unflinching “this is the truth” mentality which rejects science, logic, and reason is far more terrifying.

  5. 5:33

    I couldn't agree more, my family and I also left RCG, it has been one of the best things to ever happen in my life so far! As far as gaining peace of mind and sanity goes, should have left long before...
