Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 12, 2019

PCG: Lil' Stevie to the rescue!

Gerald Flurry's declining health due to heart problems and other health issues is causing Flurry to being Lil"Stevie, the heir apparent and top "evangelist" of the Philadelphia Church of God, home from his escapades in England.  Lil "Stevie hightailed it to England once they bought Edstone House in order to start another mini-me college dedicated to Herb Armstrong.

Wayne Turgeon, one of the more despised men in PCG is heading off to monitor the campus in England while Lil'Stevie performs his duties. Students should be prepared for the heavy arm of legalism to come pounding down on them before too long.

After the recent epic failure of Flurry traveling  Israel where even he did not know why he was there, and the drop in income that PCG is suffering under, Lil'Steveie will be assuming the public face of the personal appearance campaigns.

With the boondoggle personal jet and the millions being dumped on coconuts in Armstrong Auditorium, PCG is struggle to stay afoot.  Lil Stevie is being looked at to inspire members to give more and to lead the public into joining as co-workers or to become members where their tithe money will quickly be sucked out of them.

It remains to be seen which direction the Philadelphia Church of God will go when Gerald dies.


  1. If they wish to be of service to God and man, they should disband.


  2. How do you think Steve feels about inheriting the leadership of PCG? Might he feel like he was about to inherit the leadership position of The People's Temple just before their mass suicide/murder? Why doesn't Steve make a deal with another offshoot of the WCG, one that is in reasonably better financial shape. He defects and takes some people with him in return for a position as "evangelist" and guaranteed salary for a set number of years. He should think to himself, "What would Stanley Rader do?" Didn't he get a contract for a salary of about $250K for ten years?

  3. Would like to ask . . .

    What happened to the promise and expectation that The Work, version Flurry, would continually prosper because they follow, exactly, everything ol' Herbert taught? (A claim made to me when I encountered a Flurryite, who'd been a friend, some years ago, after my breaking free from Armstrong slavery.)

    Also, anyone there ready to admit that it's all a sham and a deception, whereby the "ministry" can live in luxurious surroundings and have all the liquor they desire? Can't help wondering if there isn't SOMEONE there who's figured that out, admitted that to himself, but is so afraid of surrendering the comforts he has that's he's determined to go on living that lie. Great life, eh?

  4. "It remains to be seen which direction the Philadelphia Church of God will go when Gerald dies."

    The only direction possible...down


  5. Would like to ask . . .

    Didn't you just hit the nail on the head... the same could be said for RCG, etc... amazing how many stay. Some people must see thru the smoke and mirrors, but as you said, are way to comfortable to leave, just continue to pray and pay, and hope that God will work it all out. (Or, just maybe, God is not with those organizations?)

  6. If people are in these groups, especially the hard liners like PCG and RCG, just for a social club. Why don't they at least join a splinter with more perks? IE; larger congregations, more Feast sites, able to retire and at least keep 70 percent of your money, etc...

  7. As a general rule, I’ve always found ways to extract what I needed or wanted from the various circumstances in which I found myself throughout the years. Unfortunately, you cannot do that in Armstrongism without resorting to deception. In most cases, there is no such thing as negotiating with the ministry. Also, just imagine telling a minister that your attorney had advised you not to do such and such, because it would be against your best interests. Just based on those two factors alone, it is best not to be a part of any of these groups.


  8. Attorneys providing counsel to those of even limited means in Armstrongism would result in their having more happiness and dollars.

  9. 6.33 AM
    Often it's not that simple, especially if one has family members in these groups.

    Isn't it interesting that it's 'worldly' technology that's allowing certain ideas to be more readily spread, rather than these groups tithe money. It's cheap smart phones that has enabled hundreds of millions of poor people in countries such as India to connect to the web.

  10. Nepotism never seems to work out in the Bible, and it certainly has not been successful in the COGs either. Even in the secular business world, wealth is nearly always dissipated by the third or fourth generation. Entropy rules!

    1. Which nepotism are you refering to? The priesthood and kings were all born into their roles. Unlike the Flurries who are not Levites or royalty.

  11. Without this last end work by the LOAMMI group, all of God's people would all end up like Sodom and Gomorrah. Everyone will be wiped out completely! Thankfully, God raised up these Gentiles who are doing God's last end short work. They are symbolized by LOAMMI and they are called today by the name, ARK OF GOD FOUNDATION or simply the REMEMBRANCERS.


    Of extreme necessity, the split up of the PCG needs to happen. The true spiritual Jews must be extracted from spiritual Babylon or else, God will have to bring an end to the Church like the way He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. For sure, the prophesied Church split will happen. The question now is, are you ready to make the right decision when it finally happens? Who will you follow when it happens? Will you join the JEZREEL of today in leaving the PCG as he follows God's lead? Or have you become so attached now to Stephen Flurry and his fellows that you will become part of the LORUHAMAHgroup whom God will have no more mercy and destroy?


    1. I can’t look into the arkofthecovenant .. I’ve seen Indiana Jones and I can’t end up like those Nazis

  12. Anyway. I hope all is well with the elections in the Philipines.

    Take care during the monsoon and all these storms lately.

    I have a friend who retired there on one if the islands with his new wife.

    Trying to save ocean life.

    Loruhamma? Is that the local city council of Quezon? Anyway, I love the peoples of the South Pacific.

    "Begin the Beguine" my grandmas favorite!


  13. The Ark of the Covenant group act as if PCG is the only group of "true believers" on the COG scene. This is typical of many who have left PCG. They somehow think that PCG is the only group who have ever done anything. And that PCG is the only true church that somehow has gotten off track. This is because so many PCG members have been cut-off from reality for so many years.

    Get your heads out of your a**ses! Their are probably about 700 splinters from the original WCG. Many are doing some kind of work. Most members of PCG are so far gone spiritually that they need to repent (to even be part of Laodicea). They follow a false prophet who thinks he is God.

  14. that ark of the covenant group is more than delusional, headed by two former PCG members - Nicanor Antonio / Philip Nadela, who thinks they're the 2 Witnesses. they started in 2014. shouldn't these be dead now? 3 1/2 years of ministry only, remember?

  15. Anon 2:12, "more than delusional"- you are being kind.

  16. Anon 9:28
    Nepotism is more the giving of favors and positions to family members. I suppose this is a little different from being born into a position. But still, the Lord told ancient israel they would be a kingdom of priests, but when the Levites were the only ones that supported Moses when He came down from Sinai that was transferred to the Levites. So, the Levitical Priesthood was not the original ideal. The Kings were not what the Lord wanted for His old covenant people either as He worked through the Judges system. Might be strange to consider, but D Trump would have been considered top 3 or so of the Kings of Israel.


  17. jim on May 14, 2019 at 6:18 A.M. said...“Might be strange to consider, but D Trump would have been considered top 3 or so of the Kings of Israel.”

    Yes, President Trump is rich, heavenly blessed, worldly wise, and loves beautiful women. Sort of like Solomon. Now, President Trump just needs to help rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.


  18. Gerald R. Flurry: A Lying Fraud From The Very Beginning Of The PCG

    Little splinter groups from the PCG that think Gerald Flurry was originally God's man when he started his PCG splinter group but that he somehow went bad at some later time do not realize that he was actually a lying fraud from the very beginning. It was not necessary to wait until Gerald Flurry later began to claim that he, rather than Jesus, was “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18:18-19 that everyone had to listen to or else God would be mad at them.

    Gerald Flurry started off his PCG splinter group by plagiarizing and revising a copy of The Letter to Laodicea that Jules Dervaes had written and sent to him and hundreds of other WCG ministers. Gerald Flurry renamed it Malachi's Message and claimed that it had been “delivered by a mighty angel” and that it was the “little scroll” mentioned in the book of Revelation. This is what the PCG was built upon.

    Herbert W. Armstrong had written in his Autobiography and in his last book called Mystery of the Ages that preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God was the “true purpose” and the “very purpose” of the church. This was the Great Commission that Jesus had given to his chosen apostles (not prophets). HWA said that the preaching of the true gospel had been suppressed for about 1900 years until the Worldwide Church of God had been given an “open door” to preach it to the world as a witness to all nations before the end of the age would come.

    Significantly, one of the very first things that Gerald Flurry did was to say that HWA had already preached the gospel, as if it was now over and done with. Gerald Flurry said in Malachi's Message that with a new church era comes a “new commission” to “warn the Laodiceans.” Thus, Gerald Flurry once again suppressed the preaching of the gospel. In actual practice, “warning the Laodiceans” means refusing even to talk to other former WCG people or to have anything to do with them. This extends to breaking up families and friendships with anyone who could warn PCG members about the dirty tricks that Gerald Flurry is playing on their minds.
