Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Self-Appointed COG Prophecy "Experts" Have No Clothes!!!!!

Leave it to our good buddy Elijah Bwana Bob Thiel to post another hilarious story on his blog.  This self-appointed expert about prophecy also considers himself the ONLY expert about every known subject known to humanity.  No one else in the world knows as much as he does because he has "god" on his side, and as we all know, the god of the Church of God only reveals "truth" to self-appointed COG leaders.

Thus, it was another typical Saturday sermon for his African members that covered topics that none of them have any concern about. He covers everything from myths about the Exodus to knowing everything about gender identity and morality.  When ever you hear a Church of God minister talk about "morality" these days you had better run the other direction, considering how immoral COG leaders have been and some still are.

The ‘Experts’ Have No Clothes!In the 19th century, Hans Christian Anderson’s ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ was published. The story showed a willingness of people to overlook the obvious truth in order to fit in with the crowd. Are aspects of that story applicable now? Are the experts at Wikipedia and elsewhere who claim that the story of the exodus of the children out of Israel right that this is a myth or that the creation account in Genesis is a myth? What about the Solbe Temple Inscription and the Ipuwer papyrus? n Nobel prize winners be wrong? Have they intentionally overlook true science? What about the existence of Jesus or the accuracy of the Gospel writers? Can you prove that Jesus existed? What about the views of certain ‘experts’ about sexual identity and morality? Dr. Thiel addresses each of these points with facts that disagree with the consensus of anti-biblical experts. He explains that like the Emperor who had no clothes, when the majority claimed to see them, many modern experts are just as wrong and hence figuratively should be considered as having no clothes (of truth).

For over 80 some years now we have seen the willingness of Church of God members to overlook the lies and false prophecies of Church of God leaders and self-appointed upstarts like James Malm and Bob Thiel.  With eight decades of complete idiocy and thousands of false prophecies, these babbling idiots still continue to regurgitate their lies and false teachings upon gullible members. Their lies have left them naked and looking foolish.


  1. In their eyes it's not lies but marketing. They are following in the footsteps of master marketeer, HWA.

  2. There is not a single COG leader or prophet that deserves respect or honor as God's mouthpiece. Every single one of them are liars. I have wasted too many years of my life listening to these dicks tell me how things will be.

  3. Copied from the Bitter Bwana's site:

    n Nobel prize winners be wrong? Have they intentionally overlook true science?

    Has Bob overlooked true spelling and grammar? If God were inspiring Bwana Bob's utterances, surely He would inspire them to be delivered in proper English, or to really impress us He might give Bob the gift of tongues to prophesy in an African language.

  4. I always wondered what the unspoken and unwritten fallout was back in the day of Peter, James, John and Paul when their admonitions and rules for hanging in there because time was short was. I always saw it as not unlike what happened in WCG and other one man shows that think they know how it all is. Paul went from "and we shall be changed" to "I have fought a good fight...bye bye". That had to leave a sour taste in a lot of early followers who didn't marry or gave common etc when it was simply not necessary or true for them either.

  5. Running a COG can be profitable.
    LCG's 2018 financials show receivables of $3,865,771 up from 446,734. This includes an interesting royalties receivable of 2,217,393 up from zero.
    A huge jump in income from estate gifts (1,255,500 up from 136,062), and a very intriguing other revenue figure (2,615,998 up from 138,411). Did they sell or license the rights to Living University materials? If they did, who would be the buyer? PCG?
    Preaching the Gospel went down a few percent, but then it is really not the Gospel as in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, so all is good then.

    Any insiders who can let us know what the other revenue and royalty A/R are? Is my speculation correct?

  6. TLA wrote:

    Preaching the Gospel went down a few percent

    It went down to 34.2 percent. For all of LCG's bloviating about being the "spear point" of doing the Work, that's a scandalously low figure that Rod Meredith would never have tolerated. For years after LCG began, the Preaching the Gospel figure remained over 50 percent, and Rod cited this as proof of LCG's difference from other groups. Even during Rod's life, the figure never dropped below 40 percent. This year's figure should embarrass LCG and possibly cost it some members, if they aren't too spiritually asleep to notice or to care.

  7. Has Bob overlooked true spelling and grammar?

    Warning! Bob, if you are reading this, the following is supposed to be a joke. DO NOT take it seriously!

    Maybe he's avoiding spell check because it sounds demonic.

  8. Hoss, it seems that homonyms will be the undoing of Bob, ever since he first heard the old saying, "What's Mayan is mine, and what's yours is yours."

    1. Ya blew it 7:01!

      Corrected version: “What’s Mayan is mine, and what’s urine is yours.”

  9. Was Herbert Armstrong correct about a global conspiracy? Yeah, but it wasn't the Germans.

    The Trilateralists don't secretly rule the world, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) does that.
    -- WINSTON LORD, former Chairman of the CFR.

    What is important to dwell upon is the increasing evidence of a secret conspiracy throughout the world for the destruction of organized government and the letting loose of evil...prominent politicians, philosophers and soldiers are found at critical moments giving views of an absolutely non-moral description, which are not in accord with their behavior in ordinary life...it is here that the conspiracy of evil against humanity become recognizable.
    -- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, "The [blank] Peril", 6-19-20.

    The purpose is nothing less than to create a world system of control [i.e. a new world order] in private hands able to dominate [then totally control] the political system of each country and the world economy.
    -- CARROLL QUIGLEY, Prof. Georgetown U., Tragedy and Hope

    Mr. Speaker, it is a monstrous thing for this great nation to have its destiny presided over by a traitorous Federal Reserve System acting in secret with international usurers [money lenders].
    -- LOUIS T. McFADDEN, Chr. House Banking Committee, 6-10-32.

    Is it not possible that Herbert Armstrong could have knowingly been part of a global conspiracy? Could he have been evil enough? He bilked people out of money, he claimed to have had access to Communist materials given to only a very select few, he deceitfully plagiarized other people's works, and he reportedly raped his own daughter. Did he blame the Germans to draw attention away from the real conspiracy, because maybe he was a part of it?
