Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Roderick C Meredith Memorial Library Is Now Open! Woo Hoo!

Americans have been privileged to have access to numerous Presidential Libraries of past Presidents and now there is an even more spectacular library available to the world!

Welcome to the world's greatest library ever to be offered to the world and especially to the Church of God. Religious scholars will be flocked to examine this astounding library of the most sacred writings ever written!  You too can learn about gay sex, hetero sex, transvestites, boxing, Leona McNair, banishment to Hawaii, how to die in an LCG church service, how to remain sinless after baptism, and many more fun topics.
Roderick C Meredith Memorial Library
The mission of the University Library is to provide professional library and information sciences services to help meet the information needs of Living University students, faculty and staff and the Living Church of God international headquarters workforce by acquiring and providing access to materials in appropriate formats and in sufficient quantity, depth and diversity to support teaching, learning and basic research, and by preserving the textual tradition of the Living Church of God and its antecedent fellowships both in print and in electronic forms in an Archive and Special Collections Repository. 
To fulfill this mission the University Library endeavors:

  • To provide the facilities, services, and support in an aesthetically pleasing learning environment enabling students, faculty and staff access to adequate library collections as well as to other learning/information resources consistent with its educational, research and public service endeavors;
  • To serve the Living Church of God by preserving its textual tradition both in print and in electronic forms, for the current educational needs of faculty and students and for the future;
  • To address the library support needs of the Living Church of God international headquarters workforce;
  • To maintain a professional and/or paraprofessional staff sufficient to render point-of-use assistance, bibliographic instruction and personal reference services; and
  • To provide its patrons with a contemporary theology reference collection and services.
The foregoing requires the University Library:
  • To acquire and maintain adequate and appropriate print, non-print and electronic resources that support the University’s general education and specialized content courses leading to its certificate, diploma and degree programs;
  • To provide a comprehensive system of services designed to facilitate effective student study, research, and scholastic achievement;
  • To support teaching and instruction, strengthen faculty access to relevant materials in their fields of specialization and meet the information needs of the Living Church of God headquarters workforce;
  • To serve as an international depository, through its Archive and Special Collections Repository, for historical documents pertaining to the nearly 2,000-year history of the Churches of God;
  • To develop a special collection of the literature of the Living Church of God and its antecedent fellowships; and
  • To provide professional library and information sciences services in an aesthetically pleasing learning environment conducive to study and research, and which enables the University to fulfill its obligations to students, faculty, and staff relative to the overall institutional mission and purpose.


  1. *To indoctrinate and idolize

  2. “To serve as an international depository...for historical documents pertaining to the nearly 2,000-year history of the Churches of God”

    I’m sorry, but I didn’t know the lineal history of the churches “of God” so-called extended over two millennia!

    The only Christian institution I’m aware of with a lineal history dating back millennia is the Church of Rome (c. 2nd century AD at least). If they’re being honest the COG is less than 200 years old. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

  3. 1:14, the Orthodox Church is easily as old as the Church of Rome.

  4. Who will be assigned to put this library together and to be the director? Whoever is chosen will be given the message that their career in the LCG is OVER. To be assigned to this task would be like being sent off to Bricket Wood, a form of exile. Imagine spending your days sitting in a library that is seldom, if ever, visited by anyone. It would be like working in one of those Christian Science Reading Rooms. Anyone remember those? Roderick Meredith would understand this concept. He was sent off into exile to both Hawaii and Bricket Wood.

  5. "Someone please correct me if I’m wrong."

    The Syriac, Egyptian and Armenian Churches extend way back before The Church of Rome centrally organized under "The Bishop of Rome." When one travels through the Levant you'd see church buildings dating back to 300 AD. NOT in Rome.

    After the fall of Constantinople, "Rome" moved to Kiev. (3rd Rome) and from there to Moscow.
    Many 19th century renovations of orthodox churches in for instance Cyprus are sponsored by the Tzar.

    Now. The Egyptian Christian Churches had close contact with the Irish.

    Hence the monastic system and monastic myths on ancient princessess from the Levant marrying Irish princes and morevoer "sages" who travelled from Egypt through Spain to Ireland to teach the tribes.

    They of course held fast to the Saturday Sabbath until the Synod of Whitby and the Irish Church was brought under the authority of the Bishop of Rome. From there Western Europe was Christianized from the British Isles NOT FROM ROME.


  6. I hope the new Library carries his more insightful and helpful research articles. Such as, the ancient Pharaohs really worshiped Jesus Christ and exercise will stop boys from turning Queer.

  7. Im proud to announce...


    It features all the creators and contributors of BANNED , and...

    To provide the at home facilities, services, and support in your own aesthetically pleasing learning environment enabling students, faculty and staff access to adequate library collections as well as to other learning/information resources consistent with its educational, research and public service endeavors;

  8. 6.01 AM
    And Rods exile to Hawaii and Bricket Woods didn't change him. Anyone notice that he had "gayish" eyes, ie, wide open eyes that gay men typically have.

  9. 8:27

    I had heard of "irish eyes".
    In looking for a snarky comment I learned that "Meredith" is actually Welsh, for pompuous lord. Suddenly makes me wonder why you don't identify by name.


  10. I take it they renamed a bathroom after the hack?

  11. Is there a special masturbation and homosexuality section to this library? As we all remember, these topics were abundantly covered in all of Meredith's sermons and articles! Some of us used to refer to him as "Og, the King of 'bation".

  12. May I please check out the book on how to roll in the burmuda grass with Billy?

  13. This is man worship in all it's glory. Desperate times.

  14. I wonder if they will selve and store his intensive collection of S&M porn at the library? Ot would be a shame if all that 'research' Rod did on that subkect should go to waste.
