Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 1, 2019

Dave Pack: The Bible Has Been Unlocked To Me And I know EXACTLY What is Going to Happen! My Top Ministers Back Me Upon This!

If you need more proof that Dave Pack is a lying fraud, then listen to this!

The fact that his top group of men backs him up on this shows how spiritually and morally degenerate these men have actually become.  Deep down some of them have to know Dave is a lying fraud and yet they publicly support him. Hundreds and hundreds of his prophecies have literally failed and yet they do not have the balls to take a stand and call him a liar.  They see how members are being treated by Dave and stand there and do NOTHING!


  1. Being one of Dave Pack's yes-men is simple. They just have to go along with everything Dave says, and when all his prophetic guesses totally fail, just agree with Dave that there was no way that anyone could have ever possibly seen where “they” were wrong. Then, totally agree with Dave that his next prophetic guess is obviously right beyond any doubt. If they keep this up, they keep their paycheck for a little longer. Well, except for when Dave cuts back their paycheck a little bit to help start-fund another one of his super-duper initiatives.

    The more Dave Pack mangles and tortures biblical prophecy, the more tightly sealed and solidly locked up the Bible becomes to him so that he cannot understand any of it at all.

    Demon-possessed false prophets like Dave Pack are really starting to make everything look very bad. If the world ever does try to snuff out the so-called COGs, it might be partly because the leaders got a reputation for being such a bunch of crazy, lying, stealing, raging demoniacs, and because the members got a reputation for being attracted to demoniacs and supporting them.

  2. Dave Pack and Commie Girl must be identical twins.

  3. Remember, he has a whole new set of yes men since his failed prophecy a few years back. They all think the same as the others though.

    1. Yes, almost all the former yes men (16) have abandoned ship. A couple of the original non-thinkers remain, but likely not too much longer. I could be wrong though. Everyone has been replaced by a new batch of yes men. I was one of the originals, (sad to say), who fled soon after the original 3 whoever's were supposed to die 5 years ago. Now, life is good for my family and me in the real world.

  4. How sad to be one of Davey's cuckold , castrated, feminized , yes men. At least HWA rewarded his toadies with a pretty good "golden handcuffs" arrangement, with a 2019 equivalent $250k a year gig. Guys like Hoeh, McNair , Meredith etc. from the original days, did alright under the HWA wealth confiscation/redistribution system, as long as they kissed up.

    I doubt that Pack has the same perks for his pussy whipped inner circle though.

  5. As my buddy Ronald Weinland would say...


  6. Dave and his hirelings would say anything to keep the revenue stream flowing.

    His flock needs to wake up. Have they not read the many warnings given by Yahshua/Christ as to false ministers that would arise in the last generation? I have found that when one leaves these groups that one's spiritual knowledge increases much faster than even the ministers left behind.

    To his remaining members, I say, walk away while you can. Read the entire chapter of Zech.11 which explains HWA's true self and what is to happen to modern day Armstrong followers. Come out of her, My people.

  7. Church of God Gurus, Apostles so called and Elijahs are always unlocking, finding the key to, revealing at last, never before understooding and claiming that God's puzzle has been solved. But of course, " "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints," (1 Cor. 14:33).

    Good thing for that...

  8. Religious or regular fixation on knowing the future is unhealthy. And look how wrong both have been. What happened to the flying cars that everyone was supposed to be driving by the 1960s? Who could have predicted the internet or smart phones?

    All this 'unlocking' of scriptures and "revealing" of the future assumes and reinforces the common Christian belief that God is a control freak, and we are his puppets. Yet in 1Samuel 12:17, God called Israel asking for a king, a great evil. Yet even Saul and other kings didn't go through their citizens cupboards. Prior to this, they had a type of republic, with the bible as their constitution, with a Judge and elders settling legal disputes. No "administering of Gods government" here. Adults were treated as adults rather than children.
    Those who believe that Christ will establish a Borg society, using His "rod of iron" are sadly mistaken.

  9. We should not be too harsh in our judgment of these people. After all, half of all White people and most all evangelical Christians support a pathetically narcissistic man who lies incessantly and without art. We could make an argument that these Armstrongists are not so different from a huge swathe of their fellow Americans in their paradoxical and absurd devotions.

    This does not justify them but it does place their behavior in context within the American scene. It does not mean they should not be opposed. It just says they are not unique in their perfidy.

  10. There is always going to be some Torquemada somewhere who believes and teaches that instead of learning the obvious lesson of 1972-75, one can revise and tweek Armstrongism to discern the "truth" of the end time, and whip a small group of elite into shape to "qualify" to escape the wrath of Satan and/or that of members of the Deity. The susceptible who succumb to this teaching are said to have the Holy Spirit, but to be in daily danger and jeopardy of losing "it" and falling away. A perverted risk-benefit equation is imposed, and basically controls and ruins their lives.


  11. Well who'd have thought Jesus is returning to OHIO - 'the Opioid state'?

    Did you know Pack's 'Jesus-Square' garden can be seen from space!?

    Would've thought Jesus would return to occupy APPLE HQ Flying Saucer Bldg?

  12. Bradford Schleifer, Edward Winkfield, Andrew Holecomb, James Habboush, Greg Kaidannek, and other new "FALSE" ministers, need to heed the bible above man! These men have their head stuck so far up Dave Packs ass they cannot see the light of day. They drank the kool-aid, they are GONE! Chaff tossed to and fro by the winds of FALSE DOCTRINE. They are the embodiment of the book of JUDE. WOLVES in sheep clothing. White Sepulchers, If i could i would implicate the names of all the others but there are so many new ministers in this revolving door that is RCG. The turn over rate for staff, membership and ministers is unlike anything i have ever seen. Im convinced Pack uses sorcery over these men or that they are being influenced by Packs demonic spirit.

    Anybody with common damn sense could listen to a sermon from Pack's looney prophecies series and tell you it sounds like a chapters ripped straight outta harry potter. From humans having a glow and being able to fly on angels, to supernatural healing and killing people who disobey with your mouth. From living in a golden giant mansion on a hill in Jerusalem to being able to hear peoples thoughts, walking thru walls, escaping riots who try to kill you, traveling with the speed of thought, having power over people, and on and and on.

    Pack has made sure that as he has elevated himself thru prophecy taking on new titles that he would be careful to tantalize the membership with perks they too could receive if they divested themselves of all they've earned their whole life and give it to him.

    Sounds a lot like paying for salvation that catholics used to do. No BODY. I mean NOT A single person in RCG can explain to you the prophecy even if they had verbatim notes...Because it is so fouled up and tangled that it is truly the Mystery of Babylon that wacko packo speaks about other churches being.

    RCG is much like the occult, they speak of supernatural wonders and miracles and weird stuff and are fixated on it to the degree SIMON MAGUS WAS TRYING TO PURCHASE the Holy Spirit.

    Humble works in RCG is serving pack and working on his campus on your Sundays and helping his yes men with all their needs including house moves, shoveling, mowing lawns, volunteering selling stuff, nothing ever for the members who are suppose to have all things common with their ministers who ohh by the way lease the latest vehicles and wear the best suits and tell their wives not to speak when they ought not and most obey the man like Sarah did to Abraham calling him MASTER...

    IF RCG is a foreshadow of God's Government which i believe IT IS NOT but these days I COULD BE WRONG, but if it is, i will make sure that i run and dive HEAD FIRST into the lake of fire because i cannot see the LOVE in this type of government and i cannot see free will respected.

    RCG SAYS YOU HAVE FREE WILL BUT they try to control almost every aspect of your life, your hairstyle, whether or not you can have a beard, your family situation, marriage and dating, your clothes, how you even walk, ive gotten corrected for walking too slow i wasn't walking with enough purpose or fast enough, i was corrected for my lack of participation in helping in HQ.

    I stopped helping bring food in for potlucks, singing in the choir and asked for a break from helping setup the halls on Fridays, setting up Saturdays and breaking down, and coming in again on Sundays to volunteer with moves or campus work because i was physically tired and had no time to rest and study on top of working in RCG 5 days a week, doing outside things for rcg including spokesman club...(another expense). It was too much, how could anyone spend time with family or talk too family? I was told that pulling back on all this would damage me spiritually and also make me to comfortable with not wanting to come back and help.

  13. WHAT are you F%$^ing kidding me. I will never put my mental stability, physical body, emotions ever beneath me for the sake of a man who does not blink as he lambasts the staff as being stupid and green and unable to take care of a goldfish let alone a cat (his words). He made fun of one of his staff members because the staff member got a callus and asked another minister why he got that, so he ridiculed the guy in a staff meeting as having never worked hard enough in life to get a callus and had to ask someone about it because it was bleeding.

    EXCUSE ME!!! in the LAODICEAN ERA not every had the stellar damn upbringing PACK had. We are not the Children of a puzzle makers and military men and encyclopedia owners and we are not the direct Descendant of King David. We are children born in single parent homes, whove been sexualized from an early age, abused, left for dead, never taught how to make our beds, handle our finances, taught to clean up after ourselves, know proper etiquette, we had devices put into our hands from an early age, when to shitty schools, fought to survive, ate off snap benefits, recipients of welfare, low income, inundated with this current culture, WE DID NOT HAVE THE STELLAR UPBRINGING, not everyone gets that PACK!

    I could never see that man as the embodiment of a Christ who healed a man who laid rotting on the street unable to walk, or who fed the hungry did not feed himself first, who flipped the tables in the temples because the House of God was being boiled down to a house of merchandise, who explicitly said we are the temples of the holy spirit, stones of God, pillars, the salt of the earth, his workmanship, his clay, and on and on and on.

  14. "We should not be too harsh in our judgment of these people. After all, half of all White people and most all evangelical Christians support a pathetically narcissistic man who lies incessantly and without art."

    Smokin' Joe Camel- I think you're onto something, NEO!

    Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say...

  15. Half of all white people did not vote for anyone - Trump may have had about 30% of the eligible white voters. Hillary was terrible too - some of the Trump vote was an anti- Hillary vote.
    We really need a good third party alternative.
    Hey - maybe Dave Pack will run?

    1. I didn’t vote. I realized that whomever we elected was going to be the absolute worst president in the history of the USA, and that in this case, there wasn’t even a lesser of two evils.

