Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fake COG Prophet Publishes 8 Points On Why He Is The Best COG Ever To Exist

One thing the Church of God lacked in so many of its leaders were ministers with a sense of humor.  Many were so tightly wound up that you wonder how they ever went to the bathroom.  Occasionally we heard sermons injected with humor which was a fresh twist over the constipated Debbie-downer sermons we were subjected to most times.

Those days are now over!  Praise God and pass the offering plate, Bwana Bob Thiel is here to entertain us with the best list of proofs on why he has the most superfantabulous church in the 21st century. Dave Pack was seen whimpering, yet again, in his formal gardens over this humiliating situation.

God's most favorite end-time church leader is so superfantabulous that God had to doubly bless him and send him into several dream states where his mind regurgitated one of the silliest COG claims ever!

The Great Bwana has published a hilarious list of pointa as to why his personality cult is different than all of the other COG's.

Apparently, one of his potential converts had been church hopping through various Churches of God due to the fact she cannot make a decision on her own as to who might be doing what is right.  As usual, she needs someone to tell her how to believe.

Bwana Bob writes:
  • Someone who attended with RCG, then CGG, and also LCG telephoned me and asked me how CCOG differed from the other COGs.
Bwana Bob then drew up a list, and then was so insecure in what he wrote that he had to consult with his 2 ministers in Europe and a few of those in Africa.
  • After telling her several reasons, I put together a list and had it reviewed by CCOG ministers in Europe and Africa. Here is a partial list:
Get your popcorn ready and a beer for the entertainment that is to come.
  • We are more biblically-focused. Our sermons tend to contain more scriptures than others–enough so that our English online sermons have truly helped fulfill Matthew 28:19-20–we have taught all that the New Testament records that Jesus taught (proof can be seen in a sermon listing of the Gospels, etc. with links at COGWriter.com).
Seriously?  Just because someone spouts hundreds of scriptures in a sermon that covers 30-40 different topics does NOT prove Bwana is more biblically focused!  Nor, does have a huge list of sermons on the Gospels instead of what they actually profess, still does not make one's cult as biblically focused.
  • We also read the entire ‘book of the law’ every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles as instructed in Deuteronomy 31:10-13We also read the entire ‘book of the law’ every seven years at the Feast of Tabernacles.
Well, whoop-dee-do! During Herbert Armstong's reign, we had to hand-write out the entire book.  Other COG splinter groups, like the legalistic Pharisee James Malm do the exact same thing.

Those that seem to have turned their backs on Jesus feel the need to place the emphasis on the law nowadays.
  • We have more information in more languages in order to fulfill the commissions of Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20 to reach the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and other teachings.
Bwana Bob, like most of the other self-appointed COG guru's, has no gospel message that humanity needs to hear.  When the crap that he fosters off as gospel is so totally devoid of anything that centers upon Jesus, there is no gospel message worthwhile.
  • Many teachings are restored in more detail. 
Considering NOTHING was ever lost, to begin with, there are no teachings than have been revealed other than extra-biblical crap that no one needs to worry about.
  • We were the first group in the 21st century to boldly, and more accurately, teach why God made anything including humans. Which is: God made what He did so that eternity would be better and that God made humans so each who ultimately accept Him, in their own way, will help make eternity better (it is not clear if the other COG’s teach this yet).
Well of course none of them teach this because it is not true.

  • We post more accurate information online on prophecy and world events (for example, which shows we are serious about Jesus’ admonition to watch (Mark 13:37) and warn.
Never has the Church of God seen a bigger liar than we have in Bwana Bob.  Form his self-appointment and the lies about his double blessing to how moronic prophecy predictions, it has been a train wreck from the start.

Bwana Bob is so in tune with his god that he is INCAPABLE of having prophetic errors!  That statement alone makes him a liar.

  • We do not have the prophetic errors that many teach, which (unless they change) will prevent them from knowing when the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) will start until it is basically too late.
Bwana Bob claims to be the fastest growing COG out there.  He has less than a hundred followers in all the English speaking countries of the entire world, while most of his "converts" are professional Sabbatarian church hoppers who are constantly searching for the next convenient white savior to give them more laptops and money.  Besides, there is another Church of God who claims to add way more African members that Bwana Bob does.  Sadly, this is another idiotic splinter cult of Armstrongism run by deranged Wade Cox.
  • We are the fastest growing xWCG church in the 21st century.
Bwana Bob still is trying to "prove" he is legitimate because had some dreams after a night of eating bad sushi.  He believes that just because some mentally disturbed woman in the Southern Hemisphere dreamed a dream about Bwana Bob that this also legitimizes him.  Of course, he tries to lend credibility to the dreams by claiming Loma did the same thing when she dreamed up the Church of God.

Because of that, Bwana Bob's personalty cult is the ONLY true Philadelphia splinter group out there today.
  • Like the start of the Philadelphian era was preceded by a dream from God given to a woman, the official 21st century start of the remnant of that era was also preceded by a dream from God given to a woman–furthermore several associated with CCOG have had confirmed dreams. We are not just one of scores of COG groups, but the only international Philadelphian organization and the leader of the Philadelphian remnant that God is using to go through doors He opens (Revelation 3:7-8) for the fulfillment of Matthew 24:14, Romans 11:25, etc. in the final phase of the work.
If Herbert Armstrong were alive today, Bwana Bob's ass would be kicked out the door so fast that his head would spin.  The boot imprint would be permanent!


  1. So then if I decide to start a new COG and give more scriptures per sermon than CCOG does and read the entire law not only at the FOT but also at the FUB and if I provide even more information in even more languages and detail exactly why God made humans and finally provide more accurate information on false prophets than what CCOG or any other COG does this now make my COG solely different and the one and only true Church of God?

    Bob Thiel is living in fantasy land if that was the answer he gave this woman. The question of "what makes you different" is something all of the COG's are and have been hearing from prospective members. Dave Pack bemoaned this same question over and over again. He told the church "we can't sustain any growth having to answer this question daily". Dave Pack then went and did something about and it was big. He went on a 7 year sermon series putting himself at the center of everything in his newly defined gospel. Poor HWA was classified as not to have been allowed by God to understand all of this new gospel because it was the wrong time for anyone to know that the true gospel couldn't be understood until the last days and it was the wrong time to understand that a mere local church pastor would be the centerpiece of this new/old/original gospel message.

    The spirit of a sound mind is missing in these men and it is clearly evident. They all want it both ways. They wan't to claim they are attached to HWA and his teachings but they all continue to try to outlandishly profligate a message of their authenticity and by extension their authority to establish doctrine which contradicts HWA in every way possible.

    That Bob Thiel had to conjure up this answer at this point in time means he is nowhere near the bigger boys in COG land. The other COG's have been hearing this same question for many years on a regular basis and it sounds like poor Bob just now got this question asked of him by one person. My question to him would be: did this lady embrace fully his eight point answer and join his church? If not, he could go on a 8 year sermon series making himself and his prophecies the centerpiece of the gospel and thereby distancing himself from at least one competing COG.

  2. Absolutely none of this should be necessary.

    One thing I have noticed about Boppity Bob is that he continually thinks he has to prove his "worth" in the realm of statistics. None of this should be necessary - the philosophy should be "Shut up and let your actions do your talking". He spends so much time trying to legitimize the illegitimate that his inculcation is unintelligible!

    Bippity Boppity Bob's Boisterous Babbling Best Be Bumped By Believers because Bippity Boppity Bob's Babbling Becomes Boiled Burnt Bologna. (How's that for a tongue twister for Bob's Spokesman Club???)

    Seriously, I don't understand how anyone takes him seriously. His arm flailings alone are borderline scary! LOL

  3. There are leaders whose skill set equips them to preside over small scale operations, and then there are visionaries who have big, expansive personalities that lend themselves to the operation of huge organizations.

    The reason why the perennial smaller guys generally don’t ever become big is that they are incapable of delegating both responsibility, and the authority to run with it. Their egos and insecurities won’t allow this. It is why Dave Pack can never appoint and retain even the good managers he sometimes stumbles across. “My way or the highway” becomes a glass ceiling for his organization. Bob Thiel has a long way to go before he even rises to Dave’s level.

    There are so many people who believe that God entirely supplies the power and skillset to people who aspire to become spiritual leaders. I believe that God takes, augments, and uses people’s natural abilities, meaning that you’ve got to have something useable there to start with. Part of the wannabe leaders’ misconception is based on HWA having always hammered home the idea that the WCG was all due to God, when in fact it was a bogus religion pretty much all orchestrated by HWA’s mega-mogul type personality. Now some people think that anyone can do it. Bummer and harsh lessons ahead for them!


  4. These words I copied below are all valid English words, but don't make any sense.

    •We were the first group in the 21st century to boldly, and more accurately, teach why God made anything including humans. Which is: God made what He did so that eternity would be better and that God made humans so each who ultimately accept Him, in their own way, will help make eternity better (it is not clear if the other COG’s teach this yet).

    Bob - I don't think any other COG wants to "teach" this.

    •Like the start of the Philadelphian era was preceded by a dream from God given to a woman, the official 21st century start of the remnant of that era was also preceded by a dream from God given to a woman–furthermore several associated with CCOG have had confirmed dreams.

    I have dreams too - I guess they are confirmed dreams because when I wake up, the events I am dreaming about did not actually happen. Which is great, because sometimes my dreams are about mystery shows I have read or watched, and if they were real, they would be pretty scary, and I am pretty happy I did not do what I was dreaming.
    Yay for confirmed dreams!

    What do you mean about confirmed dreams? Did you find a Daniel to tell people what their dreams were? Pretty impressive if you did, but somehow I doubt it.

  5. I think Bob needs to take a good hard look at himself, his “church” and compare with 1 Corinthians 13. Maybe all the people and clergy in these Armstrong founded COGs need to do just that. Hopefully they’ll open their eyes to the “big little lies” they’ve been telling themselves and others about themselves and will end the fraud that is so much of these groups that are following their own “lying vanities” and man-made traditions rather than the pure and simple words of Jesus Christ.

  6. Well, at least Booby only had to use 8 points to prove his mental illness, whereas PACK had to use 145 sermons to prove his instability.

    Kudos to Booby for being much more succinct!

  7. BB, thanks. Now I know why I can't manage an organization, even a small one: I can't delegate authority. Simply not capable of it. I have to get somebody else to do it for me.

    1. Well, if you trace it back, RP, that seems to be the root of so many problems in Armstrong organizations. Higher ups delegate responsibilities, but not the authority to accomplish the responsibilities. They swoop down, jump in and pull the rug out from under the person they set up, and make him look like a fool or puppet to those below them. HWA did that to GTA all the time. It’s why Pack’s ball less board members are constantly turning over. Paper tigers all over the place.

      I don’t have anyone to delegate to either. And I’m glad. It’s my way of sidestepping the miserable example of authority learned in the FUBAR WCG. Better to be on my own than screwing up the lives of others.


  8. I love it when people get together and share thoughts.

    Great blog, continue the good work!

  9. What About The Truth said
    "So then if I decide to start a new COG and give more scriptures per sermon than CCOG does and read the entire law not only at the FOT but also at the FUB and if I provide even more information in even more languages and detail exactly why God made humans and finally provide more accurate information on false prophets than what CCOG or any other COG does this now make my COG solely different and the one and only true Church of God?"

    What? No, of course not. That would just prove how self-righteous you are. Bwana is the ONLY ONE who knows exactly what lengths to go to. Any less and you're a lazy, lackadaisical, Laodicean, any more and you're a pharisee of the pharisees.

    But of course, that's only if you ask Bwana Bob. If you ask Sex Therapist Malm instead, Bwana Bob is a lazy, lackadaisical, Laodicean, and Therapist Malm is the ONLY ONE who has guessed exactly right...

  10. SHT, July 27, 2019 at 6:36 PM, said something worth repeating: "...One thing I have noticed about Boppity Bob is that he continually thinks he has to prove his "worth" in the realm of statistics. None of this should be necessary - the philosophy should be "Shut up and let your actions do your talking". He spends so much time trying to legitimize the illegitimate that his inculcation is unintelligible!

    Bippity Boppity Bob's Boisterous Babbling Best Be Bumped By Believers because Bippity Boppity Bob's Babbling Becomes Boiled Burnt Bologna. (How's that for a tongue twister for Bob's Spokesman Club???)

    Seriously, I don't understand how anyone takes him seriously. His arm flailings alone are borderline scary! LOL..."
    And Jeremiah, a real prophet (unlike Bob Thiel), was inspired to say something that is worth repeating:

    "Behold, I [am] against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD." Jer 23:32

    Will Bob Thiel eventually admit: "I guess God really did strive to tell me something, but I paid no attention to Him or His words through His real prophets?"

    Time will tell...


  11. Begin with a Dream, close with a nightmare...

    Being different doesn't mean better - I tend bring that up when people compare cultures. He could compare videos: Other COGs have studios, CCOG has old curtains and crooked bookcases.

  12. We were the first group in the 21st century to boldly, and more accurately, teach why God made anything including humans. Which is: God made what He did so that eternity would be better and that God made humans so each who ultimately accept Him, in their own way, will help make eternity better (it is not clear if the other COG’s teach this yet).

    Does Bob not recognize the outright heresy, maybe even blasphemy, in his statement? It fails by several measures. Would Bob care to explain how the presence of Lucifer/Satan makes eternity better? How do bubonic plague and cancer and spina bifida make eternity better? You could solve some of the problems by acknowledging Satan as a co-creator with Christ, but if God is not the only creator you introduce other problems into your theology. Furthermore, if suffering is necessary to make eternity better, and suffering entered the world through sin, you have just elevated sin in your theology and created a kind of Zoroastrianism in the name of Christianity.

    There is also the problem of how an action within time can make eternity better, as God Himself is outside of time. Unless Bob thinks of God as sort of a big Rod Meredith subordinate to the laws of time and space, and thinks that resurrected human beings will always be confined within the time-space continuum (it's gonna hurt when the universe eventually contracts!) rather than beyond time in eternity, any explanation of God making eternity "better" diminishes God in His present existence.

    Bob seems to fancy himself a theologian, but he is barely even a competent Bible-reader.

  13. Let's compare Bob with HWA.
    Both appear to be very insecure people.
    Both appear to have a deep seated sense of inferiority. HWA because of business failures and being a high school drop out and Bob because of inferior degrees.
    Both want to "be somebody" important.
    Both gave themselves titles (apostle, prophet, etc.)
    Both want to appear successful from the outside (AC campus, websites, etc.) but both are "empty suits."
    Both have a sense of self-importance and both will have little of lasting importance behind.
    Both seek the recognition and praise of others.

  14. God made humans so each who ultimately accept Him, in their own way, will help make eternity better

    Put another way: "Matthew 5:48 is wrong. God is imperfect, lacking certain qualities and attributes. This imperfect God cannot take on those missing qualities and attributes by Himself, which further underscores His imperfection. He can, however, create imperfect meatbodies who will improve on God Himself if they jump through the right hoops and convince God to give them the same immortality that He already has,"

    Confusion, your name is Bob.

  15. What ever happened to Cartoon Bob?

    I thought Bitter Bob said God opened the door of animation for the grossly misnamed Continuing Church of God. Yet, almost arrested for Sabbath keeping Bitter Bob Thiel fails to list this very important door opened by God in his Armstrong Church of God comparison.

    Whatever happened to Bob the Prophet?


    Quote of the Day - "A double minded Bob Thiel is unstable in all his ways" James 4:8

  16. This diatribe is so far off the grid, it makes Bob look like an ugly troll hiding under a bridge, waiting to devour anyone who comes close. He is so clueless! It just goes to prove that anyone can claim anything. All they need is for someone to believe him. Hmmm, sounds like the devil, doesn’t it?

  17. "Better to be on my own than screwing up the lives of others."

    Maybe that's why when I build a house I'd rather do all the work that I can myself. I know I'm ocd, it's in my genes but I guess WCG helped with that trait also.


  18. But, but, but he has a doctorate from India. Nuff said, he's the real deal. Elijah Theil.

  19. "as God Himself is outside of time."

    How so? Just because he doesn't age like us? That doesn't make him outside of time, it makes him uneffected by time. Big difference.

    Is God able to travel through time? Can he wrestle with Jacob while he's also forming Adam?

    All that outside of time is just philosophical gobbledygook.

    Personally I don't know how many members of "God" there are, two, three, ten, dozens, hundreds, ad infinitum, but let's say there are two as we were taught in the WCG. Let's assume, long before any physical matter was created they existed.

    Did they communicate with one another? If so, when one started communicating with the other, and then when he finished, from start to end is a period of time. Just because there's no Sun, moon, earth system to measure that time period doesn't mean that time didn't exist.

  20. Remember a WCG criticism of mainstream churches, "They forgot the message, and talk about the messenger"?
    How often does Bob and the other COG leaders neglect (their take on) the message, and emphasize the messenger (themselves)?

  21. Am guessing Bwana-Bob uses SAFARI Browser

  22. Hoss - they deceived us into thinking the message was not about the messenger. But this is the whole point of the message - the Gospels - that thru Jesus' sacrifice our sins are forgiven, and to learn how to live a good life, follow the example of the messenger.
    Of course, what Dennis might say - where are the miracles? Jesus servants are to do miracles, including healing.
    I remember hearing reasons why we do not see the miracles today. More like excuses.
    Where are the miracles?
    Where are the healings?
    Where are God's true servants today?
    Is it too much to ask for proof? Some of the psalms have similar unanswered questions.

  23. TLA - Yes, to become a Disciple, you really need to know everything about your Master.
    And the "Great Commission" is about making Disciples...

  24. TLA, July 28, 2019 at 8:07 PM , said: "...Hoss - they deceived us into thinking the message was not about the messenger. But this is the whole point of the message - the Gospels - that thru Jesus' sacrifice our sins are forgiven, and to learn how to live a good life, follow the example of the messenger..."

    In other words:

    "...For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:" I Corinthians 5:7


    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." 2 Cor 5:19


    Although time will tell...

