Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gerald Weston Continues His Debbie-Downer Singsong

Where would the Church of God be today without all of the miserable leaders who have to continually find something wrong with the world around them?  Beauty and awesome things surround them and all they can see is death and damnation.  

These kinds of men thrive well in the COG culture which looks with eager anticipation on seeing all their enemies and detractors destroyed so that they and they alone can enjoy Petra as they prepare to be "gods" in the sad little world they see coming.  So many of these church leaders take great delight in their graphic depictions of the death and destruction they want to see reign down from heaven above.

Whether it is Bwana Bob and his endless tales of Catholic/Mayan nonsense or the legalistic grace killing bullshit of James Malm, the craziness knows no end to the fantasies they dream up.

Living Church of God's "my god is going to SPANK the world" Roderick C. Meredith was the king of the bully pulpit in the COG.  Never have we seen a man who was so giddy at seeing humanity destroyed than we saw in Meredith.  From parents eating their children to women being raped and hung up on meat hooks, to Germans bashing babies heads against the ground, the death and destruction flowed forth in an almost orgasmic state of ecstasy from his lips. Meredith's eyes would glaze over as he pounded the podium and shouted his end-time blasphemies.  The more bloody and graphic he could get the more turned on he got.

Today in 2019, that legacy carries on in Living Church of God with Gerald Weston.  Gerald is the "Debbie-downer" of the Church of God.  Everything in his world is awful and evil and filled with more sex than Hugh Hefner ever experienced!

In the latest issue (July/August) of the Tomorrow's World, Weston has an article up titled: 


You wont find any rainbows and cotton candy here, just Brexit, angry Germans, and angry Beast, and the world order collapsing.

The world order as we have known it for the last 75 years is breaking down. Consider the British exit from the European Union, a body already in crisis economically and politically. Right-wing groups are rising in Hungary, Poland, and Italy. The U.S. is pressuring Germany and Europe to increase their military spending—something that did not work out very well for the world the last two times it happened. The right-wing nationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD) is now the third-largest political party in Germany. Nations are turning inward, and this trend is no longer on the fringe, but is becoming mainstream. Where is it leading?
The Bible foretells of a resurrected “beast” power that will rise in Europe. (For more on this, read our booklet The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-Coming Reality?) The end of this age will come suddenly and (for most) unexpectedly, yet those who are watching will not be caught unaware (1 Thessalonians 5:1–4). Our world is going morally and financially bankrupt “gradually”—the “suddenly” will soon follow. How many of us will recall the experience of the 1930s generation? Historian Kagan observed (as I quoted in the previous issue of this magazine), “They learned, and we have now forgotten, that when things start to go wrong, they can go very wrong very quickly, that once a world order breaks down, the worst qualities of humanity emerge from under the rocks and run wild” (p. 24).
Living Church of God is morally and financially bankrupt in their fake "christian" actions. The corruption spread from Worldwide Church of God through Meredith, Davis, Ames, and others as they jumped ship into Global and later into Living Church of God. The moral cesspool of Armstrongism that still exists in LCG. UCG. CCOG, RCG, PCG, COGWA, and Malmism, put the things going wrong in the world to shame.

These men whine and bellyache on why their message no longer attracts people. The more they are ignored the more angry and bitter they become.

They are so miserable in this life that they can fidn no joy. Can you image spending 3 1/2 years in Petra with these yokels?  Or even worse, an eternity in the kingdom as they play gods!

The hot licking flames of the lake of fire sound better!


  1. NO2HWA you are being kinda hard on LCG
    They only have 5 messages they know.
    1. Revival of Holy Roman Empire
    2. SEX
    3. Beast of Revelation
    4. SEX
    5. Great tribulation, beast of Revelation, Germany taking us captive,
    Rinse and repeat. Change the above to 2 messages

  2. Weston's message, when boiled down to its basics, is the same as every other ACOG and "professing Christian" ministry.

    "God is all-powerful, but He needs your money. If you send that money to us, God may decide not to burn you."

    Sure, the ACOGs don't preach eternal hell-fire like traditional Christians, but they warn that you'll burn in the Tribulation instead, and ultimately in the Lake of Fire.

    Gerald Weston is a perfect leader for LCG, because he doesn't have any children. Most ministers in LCG are either watching their children drift away from their parents' faith, or are making arrangements for their children to get the biggest piece possible of the shrinking tithe-pie. Perceptive ministers are encouraging their smart children to go into lucrative "worldly" professions to survive the implosion of the church, even as they encourage the duller and more robotic ones to prepare for careers in the ministry where they can trade on their parents' and grandparents' legacies at least for another generation or two before the whole thing falls apart.

  3. I was thinking about going to LCG men’s camp on learning how to be a masculine man. But I would probably be sent home. Like Byker Bob I too have a little rebel in me. When I was about 12 I went to a Boy Scout camp. The scout master was teaching us how to build a few with twigs. He stretched a string about 10 inches above the ground and about 10 feet long. The first boy to build his fire under the string and burn the string into would win a prize. When we were told to begin the other boys ran to gather some twigs. I said to myself, that seems like a waste of time, so I reached in my pocket, produced a Zippo lighter, lit it and burned the string into. The scout leader was not impressed. So I was sent home, seems like I was a bad influence on the other boys.
    Probably would not be a good influence at LCG camp either

  4. I thought right-wing conservatives in power were basically dreams come true for them, no?

  5. Just as a matter of personal curiosity, I am wondering if Jerry Weston,or any of the other splinter "leaders" has ever done an HWA-style Two
    Trees type sermon. Armstrongism has been nothing more than a nostalgia act since HWA's death and the rejection of the Tkach corrections, so it would not surprise me in the least to know that someone would be doing Two Trees repeats. Weston would be the most likely candidate, because Flurry would modify the sermon by introducing Malachi's Message into the mix, and Pack would render it unrecognizable by interjecting numerous crackpot ideas of his own in the guise of "new knowledge that God had not yet revealed to Mr. Armstrong".


  6. Living and Weston need a mascot, sort of like JELLY or (from back in the day) BIG BEAK! LOL!


  7. Not scoffing or nuttin' like that so I'd just like to observe...

    The Day of the Lord
    5 But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, YOU have no need that I should write to YOU. 2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, das labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4 But YOU, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake YOU as a thief."

    was not written to US today but to them in Thessalonica. It was a mistaken view of the times in which THEY lived and is a bigger mistake to use it today as a motivator as if time was really short. Well, it is short for the Old Guard of the WCG traditions, but you get my drift.

  8. OMG JIM! I thought I was reading my own scouting adventures!

    YOU SAID: " When I was about 12 I went to a Boy Scout camp. The scout master was teaching us how to build a few with twigs. He stretched a string about 10 inches above the ground and about 10 feet long. The first boy to build his fire under the string and burn the string into would win a prize. When we were told to begin the other boys ran to gather some twigs. I said to myself, that seems like a waste of time, so I reached in my pocket, produced a Zippo lighter, lit it and burned the string into. The scout leader was not impressed. So I was sent home, seems like I was a bad influence on the other boys."

    Our troup had the SAME chore at a Jamboree . I looked at that set up the day before and thought we can break the 8 minute record if we just soak our wood overnight in kerosene. Which we did. We broke the record in a mere 8 seconds but suspicion about the wood burning like a rubber tire got us thrown out of the competition. The record stands to this day! lol

  9. Aw, heckfire, guys! I don’t want to share the rebellious things I did at SEP in Orr, because Gerald Bronkar was my counsellor. And, he was one of the good ones.


  10. Byker Bob, funny you should mention that...


  11. Living certainly seem to be not financially as affluent as they once were. In recent months I received an invitation to attend one of their outreach meetings. They had not bothered to pay for any mailing and I had to stump up the cost plus handling.
    Mercy me!, what would Rod Meredith have said.

  12. I think I'll move to Germany and get a job manufacturing meat hooks.Guess the market in headed for a big expansion. But wait! Haven't the COGs been saying that for the last 70;years or so?

  13. Have they had their LCG Spokesmens’ Club “How to Become a Neanderthal” weekend retreat yet?

    Over the past several weeks, everytime I have thought of that, somehow Miranda Lambert’s “Gunpowder and Lead” has popped into my head. Powerful song, and (heh heh) it’s on Youtube for all the LCG wives to enjoy!


  14. They had not bothered to pay for any mailing and I had to stump up the cost plus handling.

    The cost of being handled by an LCG minister can be tragically high.
