Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

LCG Men To Be Taught How to Be More of a Man's Man

Proper masculinity has always been the obsessive topic of Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God. The men of the church never seem to be masculine enough for the current administrations.  They need to constantly be reeducated yearly on how to be a man's man.
Apparently, the current state of affairs in LCG and the madness that abounds in the church is leading to this decision to reeducation the men on how to be more manly men and heads of their households.

Introductory Session: 
“Men, Masculinity, and Madness: The Current State of Affairs”

No other Church of God could have picked a more appropriately named site to hold this mini-conference than LCG.

Blowing Rock Conference Center in Blowing Rock, North Carolina. 

Calling all men! If you’d like to spend a weekend learning more about God’s way of life and building bonds of brotherhood with your fellow men from around the country, then register now for the Men’s Training Camp in Blowing Rock, North Carolina. The Men’s Training Camp will begin on the evening of Friday, August 23, and conclude at noon on Sunday, August 25. Men from the age of 16 through 100 are welcome (in fact, we’d even welcome you if you are over 100)!


  1. Rod McNair and Scott Winnail are definitely mad for masculine men!

  2. The price is only $81.00 and includes bunk accommodations, meals, and, of course, challenging education.

    Good on them for admitting that the price includes bunk. Lots of bunk. It's a shame that they plan to challenge education, though.

  3. thank goodness for grammatical notations! snicker, snicker

  4. For anyone who wants to go but can’t because they have something better to do like watch Netflix or save money, allow me to summarize the instruction you’ll hear at Camp Blowhard:

    1) Strong Male Leadership- You’re a man therefore you must lead. It’s God’s design that you lead your family or if you’re single be looked upon as a leader in your local church. Women need you to lead. They don’t know how.

    2) Don’t be a sissy. There’s nothing wrong with being a male. Don’t listen to society. If you’re a man be masculine. Eat meat. Train your body.

    3) Be in the world but not of it. This world is assaulting our males. We are being turned into what the liberal left feminist agenda wants in staggering numbers. We must rally to be more like the patriarchs. (Without the polygamy and concubines of course)

  5. When has Scott Winnail and Rod McNair ever had on a pair of WORK boots? When has ANY LCG leader ever had on a pair of WORK boots?

  6. I doubt if delicate Weston, Winnail and McNair have ever had any callouses on their hands. They are the last people I need to be telling me how to be a man.

  7. As the quintessential rebel, my entire life has been spent avoiding and thwarting arbitrary authority and manipulation. Leadership in Armstrongism is not purely leadership. It generally slips into a low grade, tactless, illogical manipulation situation for which the members have no recourse or due process. I've also attempted to avoid being a manipulator. It's difficult, considering our shared bogus background. But, freedom, and clarity beckon. Without freedom, one cannot truly act upon one's conscience. I love the old bumper sticker that read "Question Authority". Only when we do that can we become conscious of all of the people who try to take control of our lives and situations.

    There is nothing so special about any particular ACOG that should cause members to allow "leaders" to usurp their lives.


  8. Brings back memories of how my first wife always denounced me as not being a man. After divorcing me, she looked in vain for some goose stepping Neanderthal and died a lonely death of cancer several years ago now. I instinctively followed the example of my father who was a strong man but no overbearing dictator. Thankfully, that damn church didn't warp me into a lumbering narcissistic dictator.

  9. In WCG and almost most of the COGs the ministers are the de facto spiritual leaders in most COG homes. A simple test of this is for the husband to state something contrary to what the organization/minister believes and see how fast the wife's confidence in the husband is removed.

    1. Happened to me too.I was never as good as many of the single guys in the church and my wife dumped me for one of them. I was passed up for secretary of spokesman Club for a single man less qualified than me. I think it was because he was much more faithful in paying"God's ten percent than was I

  10. Question Authority!

    Just like Abraham did, and Moses did. I'm sure there are more but that suffices!

    If there is anyone who hasn't questioned God yet, well...


  11. "The price is only $81.00 and includes bunk accommodations, meals, and, of course, challenging education. "

    Sounds a wee bit too cozy. I recommend sleeping with "one eye open" !! ;-)

  12. All church men should have to do two years in the Russian army so they can learn to be men.

    D-Day was on the 6th day of the 6th month, and, so I'm told, the 6th hour. Conspiratorial types would say that comes to 666.

    1. But it wasn't planned that way Anon 12:15.
      D-Day was meant to happen on the 5th day but the weather delayed them.
      You can read it many different ways.
      D-Day beach troop landings really went on for days and they called them D-Day+1 D-Day +10

  13. Well, it certainly is an awesome location and facility for sure. LCG probably will have their "And Wives, See That You Submit To Your Husbands" conference at the Big Boy near the Charlotte Airport.

  14. I doubt if delicate Weston, Winnail and McNair have ever had any callouses on their hands.

    McNair slaughters cows. And marriages. And the faith of innocent (now former) believers caught up in inquisitions brought on by his self-serving spies.

  15. Notice that the work boots in the LCG promotional photo are completely unused, pristine, not a scuff or dirt mark on them!

    1. When I worked construction, I wore my workboots until they practically fell off my feet. Almost had to get rid of one pair prematurely because of a little accident with a skunk.

      These days, I may be laying around on one customer’s floor to work on their equipment, and then next call be in the company president’s office. Dress Wranglers (black or navy) and a dress shirt work best for the broad spectrum of my work, but for high dollar sales calls or trade shows, dress slacks and a shirt and tie do the job. You don’t even want to know what I look like sometimes in my garage working on my hobby vehicles! There are cleaner homeless people panhandling by the freeway exits!

      Could I teach one of the classes for LCG? It would definitely be authentic!


  16. My ex thought that to be a man, he had to get married, father children, train me how to be a wife (his words) and ridicule me every single day. I was to obey without question, defend him even when he was wrong, and be silent. I was to always order the cheapest thing on the menu (when eating out) even when said item made me sick, and later on I was to work outside the home, cook dinner, clean house and homeschool the kids. On top of that he was totally emotionally unavailable. He made it clear to me that he married me for convenience, the wedding rings were fake (made sure I knew that) and his fake love letters while engaged “were just lines”. That’s partly why he’s my ex. I won’t go into the rest. As far as I know he is still an Armstrong worshipper and we are “dead” to him.

    1. Sorry for that experience 3:37. I can’t imagine what kind of suffering you endured. I hope your life and that of your children has been more joyful without that asshat in it.

      Those strong male “leaders” are bullies and the worst of our gender.

  17. Man, to teach them manliness taught at a place named "Blowing Rock". Ironic to say the least.

  18. Man, to teach them manliness taught at a place named "Blowing Rock". Ironic to say the least.

    The late Dibar Apartian would have approved, and might even have appropriated this as pre-marital preparation for the French brethren!

  19. This location tops even PCG's favorite, Robbers Cave Park in Oklahoma.

  20. If the detractors are right that cog's are behind the times, then I would expect the classes to be about the "david beckham 1990's style", including shaven chest hair, what tattoos should cover what arm and colognes for the occassion. That would truly be "Victorian".

    Blowing Rock. Is that the venue for ladies night or just an allusion to the chinamen railroad builders teaching the Israelites "How the West was really won?"

    "Won" no pun intended.


  21. So the guys are supposed to be like passive school boys in front of their minister, but real men in every other situation.. An obvious contradiction. And to be expected with a ministry that doesn't really believe in a firm reality, and often demands that its members fake reality. It's all bully morality plastered over with mis-appied bible verses.

    Sad to hear that actor Rutger Hauer has passed away. He shined in Blade Runner.

  22. The railroad helped, but the trappers, cattlemen, and settlers won the west.

  23. @ 3:46 AM, you are right. LCG women are taught that they must submit to their husbands, as long as the husband submits to the ministry. More than once, an LCG woman has gotten the upper hand in her marriage by telling falsehoods to the minister. LCG operates by the law of the jungle animal pack, where the juniors are taught to be submissive to their seniors, but are encouraged to keep their juniors in submission by their own aggressive ("manly") behavior.

  24. Re: "The railroad helped, but the trappers, cattlemen, and settlers won the west."

    I thought it a good time for a shout out to the chinamen.

    Good you mention the real man Cowboys. (Who John Ford forgot to mention were very often black, and not because of the sun.) Also in the John Ford movies everyone speaks American :-) fluently.........while in my opinion the most spoken phrase must have been: "what, what are you saying, I don't understand, you silly norwegian".
    If I'm in a good mood I will do a shout out to the saloon ladies and calamity jane too.

    Re: "Sad to hear that actor Rutger Hauer has passed away."
    I believe I saw "Ladyhawke" at SEP 1985 in a private setting.
    I agree on Rutger. A real man should not be phased by finding a finger between his french fries.


  25. Haha. "and women"

    Most trappers were french or anglo-saxon and yes some blacks. Cattlemen were mostly anglo-saxon and some Spanish...cowboys were white, spanish, mexican, and black. Now the settlers were mainly white if not in the deep Southwest or Western coast.

    Here's to your good mood and a hearty masculine shout out to the saloon ladies and calamity Jane.

  26. Jim.
    I have related the Church of God "1870" history in the Dakotas. One of the old church ladies would not cease the habit of smoking a pipe. It just occured to me that Calamity Jane gave birth to old bill hickock's kid the same year in the Dakotas.

    I'm pretty sure the Church Lady and Calamity might have shared a moment in the General Store acquiring some ammo.

    Of course the church journal warned against the vice of visiting the ice skating rink (why is another interesting story I saw explained in a documentary), so I am not sure if any social or potluck was ever organized to be able to see the Buffalo Bill show.

    HWA was born just a decade after the last cattle war. (cattle drivers versus barbed wire farmers)

    Church of God had churches in the Oklahoma territories aswell. That is when the Daltons would flee into the territories as a place of safety and did not expect to find Malachis message at Robbers Cave.


  27. I'd like to know where you get all these documentaries. HWA started a cattle war when he demanded that his Cattlemen members keep their cows within fences rather than free ranging. He felt that some of the free range cattlemen may not be honest about their increase and not pay appropriate tithes. Some of the fence loving cattlemen and farmers built ever tighter and tighter fences around their cattle to insure there would be no fudging on the increase. Most of them became deacons and elders.
    The free range cattlemen resisted this. But some, gave in, built fences and naturally started raising sheep. The others found delight in poking holes in the fences which really PO'ed HWA because some of the cattle got out and the increase was much smaller. There was nothing to do but disfellowship these free range cattlemen. They were angry at first because they had never needed the fences before. They tore down a few fences around their neighbors' cattle for a while but realized that most of the properties were now cross-fenced elaborately.
    The free range cattlemen bid them adieu, went to a local church where they had regular hoedowns pitching in sides of their own beef. Occasionally, some of Annie Oakley's charming nieces would attend.
    Their fence-loving neighbors continued building fences and now felt quite safe from the free rangers. It took a long time to get to church navigating their way through all that fencing; oh, but they loved it so!

  28. Jim.
    Finally an analogy I can understand. I don't do the city slicker stuff about ancient finds in rivers. Real manly man cross rivers. They don't talk about it. :-)

    Like in "Meek's cut off"
    Spoiler alert: The women don't talk much.

    "Open Range" Excellent movie about the cattle wars. Just years before the beloved apostle decreed peace through the Americana gift of a Stubing Longhorn.

    The COG history in the 1870's Dakotas and Territories is preserved in journals and personal memories on the internet.

    "Skating rink" Academic studies on the social development of rural areas on the 1890's are available, but I saw it in a documentary too. I usually watch Americana during the holiday season.

    Like how the American song book is incredibly jewish. And the writers of the most popular christmas song of all time do not make mention of decked trees or saviors, just snow.

    Later of course we took our revenge by trapping the singer in the pit of the auditorium.

    Anyway. I'd need to git myself some apple pie by one of the Oakley cousins.

    Only a modest piece. Lest the girl thinks I' m in love and I have ro hanf my saddle on a tree to settle.

    "All my exes live in Texas" as the SEP ski crew used to sing.


    1. Cue up some Miranda Lambert. It’s Friday night and we need to hear “Gunpowder and Lead”!


  29. Yeah.

    A manly man will for sure like both kinds of music. Country AND Western!

