Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Victims of Kevin Owen Dean Encouraged to Contact US Marshal's Office

He is guilty of molesting a raping many, many young girls at the Y.O.U camp in ORR, Minnesota where he essentially an "all action pass". Anyone who he abused should get into contact with the US Marshall's office. We need to fight these pedophiles you prey on and ruin young girl's lives. 

He molested me at 14, raped my sister at 16 and had an ongoing "relationship" with my other sister for years- starting when she was about 15. She had Stockholm syndrome and "fell in love with him". He impregnated her at age 16 and made her get an abortion. 

I have reached out to the US Marshall's office. 

He needs to pay for his crimes.


  1. What’s up with the Marshalls’ Office? Did Kevin Dean end up in WITSEC instead of prison?


  2. Wow.

    Let's see if we have our own "catholic scandal" at hand or if these are (excruciatingly horrible) individual cases largely out of the realm of organized religion or anything pertaining to organizational responsibility in minnesota.

    At least Vernon Howell had the decency to legally ask for parental consent and legally wed a girl of 14 in Texas.

    I am really glad that the times have changed insofar that the dirty hypocrites are not making documentaries anymore on "The Lewinsky Scandal" or "Monica - gate" but that improved understanding makes for documentaries called "The Clinton Affair."

    ANY interview or question asked to Monica or Late Night show jokesabout Lewinsky were ALL aimed to destroy Monica and are from a contemporary viewpoint distasteful to watch and incredibly hypocrite and mysogynistic.

    It is a horrible cultural mistake in the weaving pattern of the upbringing of the american male to have allowed this thing to continue.

    Apart from any mental disabilities of people who were raised in less than sufficient circumstance.

    On the one hand my hope is that not many more people will come forward, on the other hand I do hope that ALL victims will speak out against a perpetrator.


  3. NO2HWA, Did someone else write this? Not clear if an Anon. person submitted
    Is there contact info for US Marshall's office?

  4. Were there possibly others involved later, in his finding young mothers with vulnerable children?

  5. Odd that it was mentioned to contact the Marshals office. Wouldn't it fall under a more local jurisdiction, like local sheriffs, or this some kind of "class action" type of thing?

  6. "Did someone else write this?"

    What a question. If course someone else wrote it unless Gary got molested by KD at camp.

  7. This seems like a most important story.

    Hope to read comments from ministers or former ministers who have information or just helpful advice or thoughts. It has seemed in the past that they close ranks and protect each other. (Applies to some members as well, not to single out any group.)

    This person was indicted; it would be sad to think the many other, then-children might not have full support to come forward and report.

    To FBI? US Marshall? If other countries, would another agency be investigating?

  8. Anon 8:32
    I am not sure I understand what is being requested. My understanding is that Kevin was convicted of multiple sex crimes. I believe he was sentenced to 40:years in prison. If anyone has been molested by him they should go to the authorities. I am not sure if the Federal Marshals is the proper place, but if not they would direct the person to the proper place.
    I have known Kevin since he was in Imperial Schools. I never had dealings with him til summer camp in the 80’s. I saw him driving away from camp one day. He appeared to be the only one in the car. That was until he was about 50 yards down the road then his secretary, Missy, popped up. Draw your own conclusions. Kevin had a small private radio station broadcast locally to the camp. I was not impressed with some of the off color suggestive comments he would make.
    I am shocked that has been convicted of numerous sex crimes. I am not completely surprised but never less it makes me sad to read about what has happened to multiple young girls. Any person, minister, member or who ever should be reported to the police. Any girl that has been molested should be protected and encouraged to go to the police.

  9. Dean was a prolific pedophile. Any of his victims can and should go to a local Mashall's office or any Police department and share their story. They will know who to contact. Dean molested scores of girls at Imperial and at summer camps. The stores have floated around for decades as to his nasty deeds.

    1. Trust me, do as suggested, contact the US Marshalls office. He has charged & multiple states, and was arrested in Mexico. Crossing state lines makes them federal offenses. Going on the lamb, out of the country where the US Marshall's finally caught up with him.

  10. He skipped bail and fled the country. That lobbed this into federal jurisdiction. His multiple sex crimes committed across state lines also adds a federal aspect to this case.

  11. To July 25, 2019 at 8:26 AM

    502 AM was my unfortunate comment. I didn't mean to offend... just looking for attribution as someone wrote their experience and advice. Was just looking for 'Anon' or submitted anonymously, and was confused.

    Was really wishing there was also an editor suggestion as to where to find emotional support, because reporting something like that would be traumatizing and take great courage, especially if one's been threatened.

    Have known men in the church who were molested as small children and traumatized for life. One committed suicide. Only heard awful facts when there were indictments.

    Not saying it meant anything, but someone did say Dean had a picture of her little boy, which she found disturbing (that was posted here somewhere.)

    It helps to imagine at least maybe the police could send someone to a counselor or support... they're not likely to find much from the church. Just horrifying and so sad.

  12. The story of WCGs never seems to end. If the authorities ever looked at COGWA especially in Roanoke, they might find some really nasty things that have been buried for a long time. The presanant leadership there has no incentive to rock the boat, he wants he can collect his pension. The bible says let your light shine but that's the last thing they want to happen in Roanoke.

  13. Well, he may be about to get some "jailhouse justice" since child molesters are usually looked upon as the lowest level criminal by other inmates. Unfortunately it seems as if Worldwide was rife with predators.

  14. "Unfortunately it seems as if Worldwide was rife with predators."

    All groups have the same potential. The world is a terrible place. Don't assume your group is safe or you are liable to not protect your kids or others from simple complacency.

    If you need proof if this look no further than the Catholic church.

  15. As has been pointed out to you numerous times, this NOT a blog about the Catholic Church abuse scandal. There are tens of thousands of blogs and websites that address that subject. This is a blog about Armstrongism and the Church of God movement. If you need proof of that then you need to not look any further than your local Church of God.. Kevin Dean is just the tip of the iceberg.

  16. "This is a blog about Armstrongism and the Church of God movement. "

    Not completely true. It seems to be a blog about atheism too.

  17. In the so called "world" , I never dated a gal who had been molested by their father.

    The first to women I ever dated "in the church" had both been severely molested by their church member fathers. In both cases, the girls were barely teens when it happened, and it continued on a regular basis. Both of the fathers were a couple of the most self righteous and judgmental assholes I have ever known in the organization BTW. Both committing the most egregious of sins, and yet severely judging folks who had small faults!

  18. We were always taught that of course bad things happen in “Christian Churches falsely so-called” because they didn’t have the truth. Supposedly, they read their Bibles and deliberately failed to see or teach “the truth” (HWA’s interpretations) that was plainly there. The fact that we were “God’s True Church” was supposed to make us different, not susceptible to the bad behavior and sin of “the world’s churches”.

    Considering that, I just find it a little disingenuous that now that the horrible sins of our own little stinkhole are plainly known, revisionists say, “Oh but the same things happen in the Catholic Church.” Somehow we never hear it acknowledged that there are some exemplary Catholics who put Armstrongites to shame. Instead there is the game of comparing worse to bad, and somehow arriving at good. Anything to justify and continue on a false path.


    1. Just like the David Defense----he did terrible things but was called a man after God's own heart. WCG was in its own way as bad or worse than other religious organizations, as are the COGs still in business. I wish my duped parents had known about HWA's incest and failed prophecies before they were hooked.

  19. 2:34, if you're so concerned about what's happening in Roanoke, why don't you call the police? Their non-emergency number is (540) 344-6681.

  20. The US Marshall's office may have been tasked with doing a pre-sentencing report to the judge. Since Kevin Dean was sentenced in May, this sounds like old news.

    Kevin was sentenced to 20 years in prison followed by probation. Even with time off for good behavior he will be in his mid-80s before he is released from prison, if he lives that long.

  21. @BB

    Its not revisionist... Its just true. The Catholic church and HWA's church had and have lots of pedophiles. If you heard people deny it before they were lying or ignorant. If you here it now it is just true.

    Revisionism would be to try and say there never was any perverts in the church.
