Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, August 1, 2019

God's Most Highly Favored Prophet Is Now The Worlds Most Knowledgable Scientist

Only in Armstrongism can we produce so many blithering idiots.  Bwana Bob Theil is no more a legitimate scientist than he is a prophet or end-time leader of "God's" church.
COGwriterAs a scientist, I have long known that proponents of evolution treat the subject more like a religious view than a scientific theory. This is somewhat also what the Ben Stein movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed revealed years ago (see Ben Stein’s Expelled).
Evolution is not scientific.
Bwana Scifi Bob then goes on to quote an article about a Yale scientist who stopped believing in evolution.

His next comment was this:
Sadly, society has been infested with the false religion of evolution. 
A more accurate comment should have been made:
Sadly, soceity has been infested with the false religion of Armstrongism. 


  1. As a scientist...

    Is being a scientist compatible with claiming to be a prophet?
    Sure, Bob has education and experience in science, and can call himself a scientist.
    And his observation that some proponents of Darwinian evolution treat it as "religion not science" can be applied to his own speculations, such as BI.

  2. Bob says: " I have long known that proponents of evolution treat the subject more like a religious view than a scientific theory."

    An oft repeated fantasy by religion. When people believe in scientific discoveries, they don't have 'faith' in the claim, they have faith in the scientific process knowing full well that they can go verify it for themselves and the facts of the matter are repeatable.

    One can have all the religious faith humanly possible, so as to remove mountains, however there is no evidence anyone ever has done this, and still not be able to prove a thing about the gods and what they require or the tales of their exploits.. Religious faith is not something one needs to prove. It Is "the substance of what we hope is true, based on absolutely no evidence that it is true" Hebrews 11:1 "The Just shall live by faith, not repeatable proof.

    While Bible God may say "prove me no herewith" and that the "invisible things of the creation are clearly seen...so that they are without excuse" etc, in our times all this is better explained by the scientific method based on repeatable facts of a matter. Invisible things are never clealy seen except through the eyes of faith.

    Religion is faith based. Good science (and there is bad science too just as there is very bad religion) is evidence based. It is just that simple.

    The Church thought a booklet "The Seven Proofs of God" would prove God. It proved nothing. Dave Pack spent hours with his proving creationism and debunking evolution. He made a fool out of himself outside of his small circle of the faith-fulled. In the real world of science his religious views on it all crashed and burned quickly.

    "He that comes to God MUST BELIEVE that He is...." Heb 11:6. That's religion. Science and the findings of the evolution of all life, including humans is not a must believe venture. But it is a repeatable proven fact in the relevant fields of study.

    Good science done well grows in it's understanding, adds new knowledge to every scientific topic it studies and rejects that which does not hold up to the scrutiny of the scientific method and the facts. The Hoax of Piltdown Man was uncovered and rejected by scientists not religionists. Religion is static and all speaking the same thing is more important than speaking the correct thing.

    Honest religion (such a thing?) always has had to yield to science and apologize for it's thousands of years old ignore-ance, whereas science has never had to apologize to the Church for anything. One should see the pattern in this.

    Dr Bob is a scientist in exactly the same way he is a doctor and should he, as Dave Pack foolishly did, expose his views, both in his view of evolution and homeopathy, to scientific peer review, he'd not survive the experience. Even his doctoring requires faith.
    If homeopathy were true our tap water would cure us of every known ailment having all manner of drug memory in it.

    Should all human memory vanish, critically thinking humans would rediscover the truth of the sciences all over again. Religion would recover in ways unlike anything in the past.

    And now a word from "yeah but" I am sure.

  3. The only sin that is not forgivable in scripture is the sin of unbelief it seems. That should tell us something right there.

    And now a few words from your favorite guy, Aron.

    "You can believe whatever you like. As long as you admit that it is a belief, you don't have to defend it. But if you assert your belief as a statement of fact, then you do have to defend it! Stating anything as definitely true when there is insufficient evidence to back it –is dishonest. Making such positive proclamations without any evidence at all is a matter of faith. And promising in advance to forever defend an unsupportable a priori preference even against an avalanche of evidence against it -is apologetics, which is all creation science really is"

    "Every religion claims to believe as they do because of reason, education, or intelligence given by their god in revelation. But whether they admit it or not, all of them are assuming their preferred conclusions on faith, and this would still be true even if all of their gods exist. Believe as hard as you want to. But convincing yourself however firmly still can't change the reality of things. Seeing is believing. But seeing isn't knowing. Believing isn't knowing. Subjective convictions are meaningless in science, and eyewitness testimony is the least reliable form of evidence."

    "A theory, is a body of knowledge, that is supportive of, and explanative of facts. Scientific laws are included within a theory, facts are included within a theory, that's why you have the theory of evolution, the theory of gravity, the theory of relativity. There is no concept in creationism, which meets any of the qualifications of a scientific theory, none. You have no facts, you have no laws, you have no evidence, you have no explanative power. All you have, is whatever science can't explain, you pretend you can."

    and too...while scripture defines a fool as one who says in heart there is no God. Outside of scripture a fool is defined as one who too readily accepts improbable assertions from questionable sources on insufficient evidence.

  4. "COGwriterAs a scientist, I have long known that proponents of evolution treat the subject more like a religious view than a scientific theory. This is somewhat also what the Ben Stein movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed revealed years ago (see Ben Stein’s Expelled).
    Evolution is not scientific."

    This ranks right up there as one of the most ignorant statements of fact that has ever come out of the mouth a Church of God adherent.

    The study and hard work of proving evolution is science. Homeopathy is a faith based water religion that might be related to the "placebo effect" but is a dangerous form of self care in real medical needs. The tenants of homeopathy are ridiculous in the extreme and while one who believes in it may be very sincere in that belief, it does not hold up to scrutiny in the real world of "prove it".

    Both Bob's profession and religious outlooks are faith based. Even in my own profession of Therapeutic Massage there are BS claims, "we push around a lot of toxins" "Be sure to drinks lots of water after", "Pushing on this place in your foot will help your heart", etc but I know them well.

    I recently took 18 hours of Reiki for my CEU requirements. I don't subscribe to Reiki anymore than I do to Reflexology but it was relaxing, it was a quiet meditative weekend with nice people of open minds. That's why I went. I make no claims for it. When teaching massage I held a session on the fraudulent pitfalls of massage. "Ionic Foot Detox" was one. All bullshit. "Ear Candling". All both dangerous and bullshit. So in all fields there are questionable beliefs but good science as in the above will put them on the run an only those who simply need to believe in it do or those that see a profit to selling it to others who do find it attractive. But it still is not true.

    In class I did a legit ear candling with a student and put another ear candle in a coffee cup and burned it. After unrolling the remants I asked the class to tell me which one was in the ear and which in the cup. You could tell no difference as the wax in each was candle wax and should all that be in one's ear they'd be deaf. Bad science. Still the class was divided between those who saw the evidence and said "well how about that" and those that said they still believed in it.

    In every class when I got to the part of "We have 12 pairs of ribs. Ten pair attached to the sternum and two pairs of floating ribs." Then I'd wait and it was always a female student. "But men have one less right?" But that's the South.

  5. Dennis,

    Bob is a naturopath, not a homeopath. He's crazy, but please don't mislabel his craziness.

  6. Very informative comments Dennis. Thanks! I enjoyed reading them.

  7. I knew you folks would jump on that as soon as I saw it...lol...but he's got you on the evolution debate.

    no clear thinking person can believe we came from pond scum....intelligent design is it, but then, that would admit the existence of God.

  8. Diehl stated:

    "While Bible God may say "prove me no herewith" and that the "invisible things of the creation are clearly seen...so that they are without excuse" etc, in our times all this is better explained by the scientific method based on repeatable facts of a matter. Invisible things are never clealy seen except through the eyes of faith."

    The scientific method confines itself to the material realm. It does not delve into the concept of Being for instance. It presumes Being as a part of its baseline. While it delves into the concept of human consciousness, so far its showing has been poor. Mechanistic materialism is just not up to it. Just like Romans 1:20 said.

    Diehl stated further:

    "Religion is faith based. Good science (and there is bad science too just as there is very bad religion) is evidence based. It is just that simple."

    The fact that religion is faith based does not mean it is without evidence in the physical realm. Human consciousness is no doubt classed as a physical phenomenon by materialists. But materialists have no credible explanation for its origin. (They do have a collection of imaginative and presuppositional scenarios.) Their reliance on Darwinian natural selection just doesn't cut it. Evolution is valid for physical human development but it hits a wall with human consciousness.

    While atheists like to wrap themselves in the mantle of science, science is limited to materialism and does not even claim to extend itself into the profound metaphysics of human existence. Materialist atheism's asserted association with science is just an attempt to be credible by association.

  9. 537 Thanks! My roomy in Portland was at Naturopath school for his doctorate and homeopathy was a part of it. But correct , he was becoming a Naturopathic Dr.

  10. I have been reading Stephen Meyer who does a good job of laying out the case for intelligent design.
    I just started reading the Blind Watchmaker which makes out the case for evolution over "deep time".
    I plan to do a lot more reading on the evolutionists' case.
    Intelligent design does not require God - it just requires intelligent beings.
    Based on my studies so far - some of which are links from this blog, it is clear that the Bible is not an accurate history book - especially prior to the return from Babylon. Some of the older events are confirmed by archaeology - at least that the people existed.
    The worldwide flood - good link given on the physical impossibility of it.
    Adam and Eve - sounds more like a fable on why we have good and evil.
    The large numbers given in various accounts in the OT - I read a good article on why the large numbers were used and the similarities between the numbers and actual accounts.

  11. A man who claims to be both scientist and Biblical Prophet gives me pause😉

  12. No2 is right in that Thiel is no more a scientist than he is a prophet. Thiel proof-texts everything, even his anti-evolution stances. He only searches out things that fit his preconceived notions and uses those minority opinions as fact. Many of his comments are extremely juvenile in their methodology and overly simplistic. Thiel is not a well rounded, well researched or well-studied man. That is evident in his inability to stay on topic in any of his sermon videos. Quickly jumping to a new topic diverts his followers away from the fact that he has not done enough research on a topic. It has been pointed out here many times by many people as to how disjointed his sermons are. True biblical scholars who have a real education on their field of study and speak extensively on the one topic, make it so interesting that the hearer then wants to read up more on it. By the time you are a 1/3 of the way through a Thiel sermon, you want to find a gun and shoot yourself.

  13. INFESTED?!?!?

    Given the news of recent days, Dr. Thiel must be racist - only he hates all of society!

  14. There is a good reason people don't trust science. It's because science is often not science. Big banks fund think tanks that are paid to come up with scholarly excuses to justify whatever government policy the banks want carried out. Then they use the media to sell their fake science to the public. The Rockefeller banks bought controlling shares in some major media about 100 years ago. They were late to the party by hundreds of years since the media have long been owned by rich liars with political and social agendas. It's all about control. Money is power.

    The media also have CIA people working for them. Anderson cooper used to be with the CIA. There are plenty of others. They all have to sign non-disclosure agreements.

    This is not conspiracy "theory". There are facts from books by ex-journalists and former government workers.

    For starters, read "En Route to Global Occupation" by Gary H. Kah.

    How are people supposed to know what "experts" to believe when they are being lied to all the time?

  15. 12:51 said

    That's the whole point. The American people have been the target of psychological warfare, since 1963 at least, primarily by the CIA and its agents. Like former CIA Director William Casey once remarked in 1981: "We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

    This is why I personally choose to believe no one--individual or institution--in government, religion, medicine, academe, media, etc., completely. I do, however, choose to believe the Christian Bible from Genesis to Revelation completely as the inspired words of the living Creator of everything seen and unseen and Father of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is the core foundation of my understanding of the world around me and the timeless lens by which I define and interpret everything in life whether good or bad, true or false. The reason for this is because everything comes down to freedom of choice and faith, and everyone has the freedom to choose who or what they want to believe about anything and as a consequence acts according to that chosen faith. But, no one--except the immortal Creator--knows it all as we are mortal, finite creatures whose knowledge and experience reflects our own biases, prejudices and assumptions about those things we know or do not know or cannot know or more importantly do not like to know. Hence, consider the source always.

  16. 9:38

    I like a bit of good propaganda and an nice conspiracy.

    Spoiler alert:

    The Russian propaganda site Zero Hedge has an interesting theory on how British Israelism was used as an early 19th century British Intelligence Operation to manipulate the former American Colony into friendly relations as the dumb giant.

    Just as Israel is doing today through the NEOCONS with the US having no real geopolitical interests in the Middle East at all.

    And mostly as it was perpetrated by the CIA radiostations through the WTM broadcast funding upon the Mainland of Europe claiming the new allies were actually "cousins", transforming the entire culture of Europe through America's diabolical Rock Music. :-) Ward of Communism and Forge the American Empire.

    BTW: I like it as it is!

    Here's the article for some background on HWA's "Work" and an explanation for the propagation of its "Victorian" value system.



  17. Evolution is ridiculous. Anyone who has strained on engineering designs would comprehend that the higher plane of organic complexity would require a Master Designer.

    Dennis wouldn't be posting endless articles and lengthy posts attacking the existence of God if he was sincere in his professed beliefs. As the book of Nehemiah spells out, Christians have their enemies.

    1. So, are you implying that those endless articles are Dennis’ prayers? I mean, regarding the final outcome he hopes for?

  18. If nobody can be believed, then the people who came up with the bible can't be trusted either. It's better to believe nothing than to dogmatically select any one of the offerings on hand, and the bible is just one of the many offerings on hand.
