Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Atmospheric Nonesense

"Wet weather and hurricanes are SOMETIMES used by God for judgment and correction. Hurricanes are consistent with prophecy"

"While many in the media believe that climate change is the cause, and to a degree it is, they fail to understand that behaviors that many in the West are promoting are factors.

God uses weather for various reasons, including to show people that this world will change.
Also to remind people that they need to change.

Hurricane Dorian is consistent with the following that Jesus foretold:
8 And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows. (Mark 13:8)

Major hurricanes are troubling. We are in the beginning of sorrows.
Weather events should serve as a wake-up call to all for repentance."

Wet weather?
  How Wet?
   Which times Bob?  

NO, a thousand times NO!  Bronze Age ignorance of weather and the gods behind them is not the explanation for weather, not then and certainly not today.  

No God uses seasonal weather to try to get our attention. Of if  it did or humans made up stories that suggested it did, , it never worked and is just more evidence that the gods are weak indeed and lousy communicators.

Of anything, hurricanes and deadly weather drives humans away from a God that would not hear their prayers for deliverance. Unanswered cries for help destroy faith, not build it. 

Gods were the ancient answer to the question "Wow..that was  a lot of wind and rain. ! What was that loud boom?  Did you see that flash?  Is that God?"  
"Why yes it is."

It was the same as when our parents told us thunder was God bowling....

An earthly story with a ridiculous heavenly meaning!

The people who wrote about the weather and the reasons for it in the Old Testament were concerned about Baal, the storm god of the day and Israel's tendency to want to go back and worship Baal.  YHVH was in fierce competition with Baal and eventually won over the hearts and minds of the Israelites through the various tales in Judges and Samuel, and took over the attributes of Baal.  However, neither 'god' is, in reality, the god over weather trying to convince humans to believe. 

" Baal was a western Semitic god of storms and the skies whose worship in Egypt was established by the 18th Dynasty. By 1400 B.C., he was an important god to the Canaanites and was mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as a competitor with God for the affections of the Israelites."

Bob, if you believe weather is a function of the gods, then you must admit you believe Baal has a part in it just as much as YHVH. While YHVH gets Baals attributes, the real Baal, who was just as real to Israel as YHVH nees to get some press too. 
However, both are ficticious with regard to weather. I know you can't admit that because it is such a part of your story and message to all humankind, but it is true nonetheless. 
You're a Bronze Age Weatherman.

Remember Bob the last time I told you that you were mistaken in your prophetic ramblings. You noted:

"Dennis Diehl, and many others, have ignored and/or despised the following instructions as to how to understand doctrine:
9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: (Isaiah 28:9-10, KJV)"

And do you recall how I proved to you that Isaiah 28:9-10 is NOT a scripture on how to study the Bible with this commentary on the actual context and meaning?  Of course not!


Do you remember your response?
Me either.

You, and every other Church of God minister are badly mistaken to quote Isaiah 28 as a way one is expected to study the Bible and find truth.  Herbert Armstrong never got it right either.

You, like all other COG ministers, self appointed or otherwise never admit to being mistaken, often as you are. 

And so it is with weather and prophecy.

I forced myself to watch your video on Hurricanes and Prophecy
It is simply ignorance on display.   Nature has not gone crazy. Nature is nature responding to the conditions that arise to  everything from human stupidity to climate change. Weather has taken out humans since humans evolved and have existed. We live on an active planet in a violent solar system as part of ever bubbling and broiling Universe.

And the "Prophet" Amos relating mold and mildew to God's judgment is simply the ignorance of Amos on display  as well and a reflection of too many lonely nights herding sheep

You are wrong. Totally and completely wrong in using Old Testament scriptures to explain, for your own outdated and ignorant religious motives what is the natural outcome of conditions in the atmosphere and seasons of the year on this planet. Weather may indeed get "worse" over time but the reasons are not because your god is angry at being ignored and is desperately "TRYING" to get human attention.  SHOW UP GOD! That will get their attention. But cut out all the Middlemen who are confused, self absorbed, mistaken, ignorant and misinformed.  

Bob, you truly are the classic definition of being piously convicted and yet marginally informed.
And in short, it does not matter what the Bible says about weather. The Bible itself and it's actual Priestly authors were wrong about the origins and meaning of weather. 

So keep your powder dry. It's a wet world of weather out there!

Warm Regards
"Apostate Former WCG Minister"
Dennis Diehl

PS  I tried not to take this personally while flying to South Carolina to see the kids.  I thought maybe it was not just a cloud and a stern and rude, yet effective,  rebuke from the Cloud God.  But in  a few minutes, it was just a cloud.  :)


  1. Re your picture, Dennis:

    What you have there in a field of "Cumulus Congestus" is a turkey tower. It was a cloud attempting to break the capping inversion but didn't quite make it. :)

    "Turkey tower is a slang term for a narrow, individual towering cloud from a small cumulus cloud which develops and suddenly falls apart.[6] Sudden development of turkey towers could signify the breaking or weakening of a capping inversion.[7]"

    As you well know, it wasn't giving you the finger. It was just trying to make a storm and didn't have enough oomph to do it yet. ;)

  2. i saw a similar "cloud" scenario emanating from a nuclear power plant last week...

    the book of Revelation is clear: God will destroy they what destroy the earth...it is we, under the influence of satan, for the love of money, that have upset the delicate balance of nature...

    c f ben yochanan

    please stop censoring me...

  3. Would Bob deny that God sometimes uses flatulence for judgment and correction?

  4. LOL @ the flip-off cloud! How do you do these things, DD?

    I was out the other night on the bike enjoying the half hour or so of time prior to an electrical storm moving directly overhead. Visibility was incredible, and I got a panoramic view of hundreds of lightning strikes. In terms of a spectacle, it was right up there with Laserium in the planetarium at Griffith Park Observatory. The music for the ride, of course, was provided by the exhaust pipes. Almost as good a sound as some vintage Ted Nugent!


  5. By the way, I'd like to remind all the folks down in Florida and in the Bahamas that unless Dorian can be absolutely proven by the objective and honest scientists who were hired by the oil and coal companies to have been caused by mankind, you should not take any precautions against the possible damages it could inflict! No boarding up windows, filling sand bags, or hoarding water! You should ignore the hurricane, and pretend it does't exist! This is a really good time to support the party!



  6. RE: Hurricane Dorian now spinning in circles and going nowhere.

    Breaking Israel News

    Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) prayed in Israel that his state will not get hit by any hurricanes this year reported Fox News.

    DeSantis revealed on Monday that he observed the Jewish tradition of placing a piece of paper with a written out prayer in between the cracks at the Western Wall in Jerusalem during his May visit to the Jewish state. The Western Wall was the retaining wall of the Temple Mount.

    “Good Lord, spare us hurricanes this year,” the governor of the Storm Prone state said he wrote on the note.


  7. Byker Bob said...
    LOL @ the flip-off cloud! How do you do these things, DD?

    I seem to have an eye for quirky things. That really was the view out the window my last trip in March to see the boys and decide it was time to move back to SC.

    I love thunder, lightening and wind storms as well. Even the cloudy/rain season, and it was long, in Oregon was more calming and relaxing to me. Too much sunshine is like too much information!

  8. SHT noted:
    "As you well know, it wasn't giving you the finger. It was just trying to make a storm and didn't have enough oomph to do it yet. ;) "

    Thanks for the info. I did not know it was a kind of cloud breaking away from the mother cloud. I should have known! It was a splinter cloud!

    CFBY You need to lighten up and try to restrain yourself from assigning meaning where there is none. What gets censored?

  9. Got a chuckle out of this one. Please keep up your contributions.

  10. As I've pontificated before, a prophet warns people in advance, not tell them afterward why they were punished. Bob is good at taking any natural disaster in California and making an a posteriori prediction, e.g., "the drought/fire/flood was due to LGBTQ legislation".
    Mark Armstrong, a climate change denier without a cause, let it slip years ago that his grudge was that government adherence to various climate mitigation agreements would reduce his carbon footprint - that would mean no more gas guzzling muscle cars!

  11. Hoss said...
    As I've pontificated before, a prophet warns people in advance, not tell them afterward why they were punished. Bob is good at taking any natural disaster in California and making an a posteriori prediction, e.g., "the drought/fire/flood was due to LGBTQ legislation".

    Also, Biblical "Prophecy", and personally I don't believe anyone can know what is coming tomorrow much less forever into the future, is mainly for the people/generation/stresses of the times in which it uttered.

    Prophets foresaw, though they often were mistaken, the near future so the troops would hang in there. NO ONE is inspired by idea that thousands of years into the future, this or that will finally come to pass and it's all good. Even today, as noted often, one takes prophecy personally for themselves and come up with all the shortlys, soons and just around the corners for THEM they can imagine. Then of course comes the let down. People die, the next generation arises and those given to such fantasies think it's all about them...until once again, it isn't.

    This is why the ENTIRE Book of Revelation is now a failed prophecy. Uttered in the summer of 69 or 70 AD to encourage the Jewish Christians to hang in there until Rome was destroyed by the Messiah etc, it simply failed. It is not about today or any time after that. I know this is not the standard view but that's because humans can't leave the damn book alone or accept it is not about them. There are no "of things which must shortly come to pass" or "behold I come quickly" lasting thousands of years into the future. That is simply hard to admit I know. Revelation is a take off on Daniel which was written to encourage Jews in Jerusalem to hang in during Maccabean times (160's BCE) It was not written in the actual time of any Daniel of the 6th Century BCE though the story was based on that supposed time.

    Isaiah 53 is all about ISRAEL of that time. It is clear from the context of Isaiah’s seventh chapter that the child born in Isaiah 7:14 is not Jesus or any future virgin birth. Rather, it is referring to the divine protection that King Ahaz and his people would enjoy during the Syro-Ephraimite War.

    Matthew used the story to make up his Virgin Birth story of Jesus. He misquotes it, leaves parts out that don't fit the story he wants to tell and makes it mean what it NEVER meant. He does this seven more times in his "Thus it was fulfilled.." story telling about Jesus birth of which neither he nor anyone else had the faintest idea about the when, where or how it actually happened. So he made it up. Luke did the same but neither man obviously read the other's story as they don't match in any way.

    Anyway, I would encourage COG types to rethink living in the unknowable future and get into the actual time they have in this life...NOW. Prediction Addiction and Prophecy is a trap that gives false hope as well as false information about the future which is unknowable like it or not.

    Hoss is absolutely correct. Bob Thiel "Re-dicts" and does not "Pre-dict anything. "Could it be?" and "Is this what the Bible predicts" is just a shallow ploy and a safe way to give a false impression about one's prophetic abilities, which are none in Bob's case.

  12. You mockers! The dinosaurs did not believe and they were all wiped out- except for the few left running the COGs.

  13. TLA It was a mere 12,900 years ago when the Clovis culture in North America was eradicated by a probably comet burst or impact on the ice sheet near Saginaw Bay, Michigan as the God of Clovis was endeavoring to try to get them to listen and repent. All over SC we find 500,000 "Carolina Bays" which are ice splatter impact craters, seen only from the air, to attest to just how serious God was in trying to get their attention. All the large animals, Mammoth, sabre tooth tigers, ground sloths etc were sacrificed and made extinct in a genuine, "that will show you Clovis people I mean business" outburst of love and compassion on the part of the Deity. Those were the days when God only would require a simple 'I'm sorry" for offenses. It was much later that without the shedding of blood, there is no atonement for sins. Why I have never figured out. "I'm really sorry" just fell out of favor and was considered not good enough I guess.

    However, they could not repent. They were annihilated in the impact and it's climate changing results which put North America back into an ice age for about 1000 years.

    Eventually Native Americans, originally from Siberia, repopulated and God sent Catholic Priests to win them over with cholera tainted blankets, whiskey and eventually the 7th Calvalry, which goofed up and themselves got annihilated. But God is good and his ways past understanding. No really, no one understands them :)

    Five times before man, God tried to get the attention of trilobites, then tetrapods and assorted others along the way. The eruptions of the Siberian Traps were a work of genius on the part of the Deity. The dinosaurs were the final test of the system that will be used in the great tribulation etc to once again, try to get humans to understand. I'm not hopeful.

    However, I've read the end of the story and we win! Or something like that.....

  14. @ Dennis,

    Yeah I have to agree with Byker Bob about the flip off looking cloud. It looks like a strong arm coming from somewhere giving us the finger.


  15. A Cat 1-3 hurricane is merely a hurricane. 4-5 is divine with a strong implication of trying to tell us something?

  16. Hey, Dennis: Has anyone blamed you for Hurricane Dorian? I can just imagine some old bitty proclaiming that God allowed the hurricane to hit South Carolina because Dennis Diehl moved back there! (LOL! We all know better!)

