Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dave Pack: The Most Learned Man In History!

Dang!  This has to cause major butthurt for Bwana Bob Thiel who believes he is the most persecuted and learned man in the church today, who knows EVERYTHING about Church of God history, Fatima, Catholicism, CERN, prophecy, law-keeping, Trolls, doctrine, the Bible, and other piles of non-important facts that Christians do not need to worry about.


  1. "I have studied more than any man in history and learned less than anyone, ever." I think this is what he meant to say.

  2. The mindful action of a member of the RCG is always presented with a choice. To listen to such bold statements such as this and many others that are even more presumptuous, the mind either lazily and excitedly embraces such bravado and fawns over the man or it cringes at the absurdity of an inconvenient boast that tries to enhance a narrative.

    Wrong is always right in the RCG because after all, as Mr. Pack has said many times; "Peter got it all wrong, Paul got it all wrong, and James got it all wrong".

    So there is no sequential workable schematic to a viable end in the RCG. It doesent matter how many sermons it takes to explain his gospel that members are required to believe, the workable path to a conclusion is wrought with many errors.

    Would anybody hire Dave Pack to fix their automibile? With a mindset that error is an allowable step in the process of the fix, what would be the end result of that automobile?

    My local junkyard is paying .07 a pound for non-running cars. What is Dave Pack's gospel worth?

  3. Dave and the other splinter leaders have doctorates in the art of self exaltation.
    Dave could write the book 'Self exaltation for dummies.'

  4. All hype and no substance! Dave self-promotes, but where is his great and powerful work??? It simply doesn't exist! Honestly? It's not just Dave or Bwana Bob, it doesn't exist for any of the ACOGs. It's all a nostalgia act, Baby Blue! Tme and date stamp expired long time ago and is on the killin' floor.


  5. Studying prophecy for 50 years is one thing.

    But didn't Jesus say, "By their FRUIT you shall know them"? Not their overflowing-with-Scripture brains?

    1. What good does it do to study prophecy for fifty years if you consistently get everything about it wrong? You’d think it would finally dawn on these charlatans that the system which raised and taught them simply had no clue.


  6. He says he's been sniffing it out for 50 years, it must have been 50 years of glue sniffing. No rational person would even conceive of the stuff he's coming up with.

  7. This is Dave Pack
    Are you anxious that you haven't qualified for the kingdom? Not a problem. Just send me all your money, and I will put in a good word for you on judgment day.
    Do you live in fear of the lake of fire, the weeping and gnashing of teeth thingy? Not as problem. Just send me your money (every last penny) and I will whisper in Christ's ear that you are a good person.
    Do you fear that some family member/s or relative/s have failed to qualify for the kingdom? Again, not as problem. I will personally put in a good word for them. After all, I am one of Gods ministers. He really esteems my opinions.
    And don't let those riff raff dissidents on Banned deceive you otherwise. Offerings covers a multitude of sins. So give me all your money.

    PS, All my contributors will get bigger and better wings in the resurrection.
