Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Oh Noes!!!!!!! Satanists Keep Birthdays!

The official Church of God self-appointed know-it-all is taking time out of his busy Feast schedule to breathlessly screech that Satantanst keep birthdays and celebrate Halloween!  Oh, noes!!!!!!!

Birthdays and Halloween are major holidays for Satanists

The self-appointed liar of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" then goes on to claim that the Church of Satan considers birthdays one of the three most important days they celebrate.

So what!  Satanists wear pants, wear shoes, eat hamburgers and pizza, wear jewelry and rings and breathe the same air we do.  Does that make all of these things wrong too?

Bwana Bob Thiel gets his pharisaical knickers all in a twist over the most idiotic and mundane things imaginable that no follower of Jesus ever needs to worry about.

This is a list of some of his latest idiocy that never talks about Jesus.  It is easier to deflect people's attention to small worthless subjects than write about grace, justification, mercy, resurrection, and being freed from the law.

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  1. I have a simple issue with birthdays... They are not taught by God or Jesus anywhere. Therefore you only have human logic to decide to keep them or not.

    My tests in life with my family were that birthdays are a quasi worship festival of one person. Once you stop keeping them for awhile you see how bizarre and selfish the whole process is.

    Instead just give your kids gifts when ever you want. Raise them to be righteous and good and selfless.

    For adults that want other people to fawn over them for a day... Well this seems like narccisism.

  2. James Malm tambien se enfada cuando hablan de Jesus

  3. Only Jesus was allowed expensive gifts and angelic hymns for his birthday. Otherwise they are only good for beheading days and a reminder the day of our own death is much more to celebrate than our birth

  4. Bob and the other splinters reject celebrating birthdays because they reject self esteem. A member that is mentally healthy by possessing self esteem, self confidence, poise, wisdom, good thinking skills etc, is difficult to control. So like murderer Satan, they have reverted to crippling members minds in order to gain power and superiority over them. Hence the ministers routinely hit members with the bully ploy of "you're dirt and deserve to be treated like dirt, and you need to be lorded over for your own good"
    God makes plain that murderers and liars won't be in the kingdom, but this hasn't deterred these ministers.

  5. Birthday: a day to reflect on ones life and for giving thanks.

    A point never considered by the armstrongites.

  6. Parents, rather than the child, should celebrate the child's birth -- after all, they did all the work. What did the kid do?

    COG media has always been on fringe topics, and with Bob's shotgun approach he goes far and wide for material. I think he should spruce up his presentation style, make his posts brief with far fewer links at the bottom. And he should strive for quality, not quantity!

  7. And Bob usually puts up an article on HWA's birthday, with a picture of him wearing the pagan medal the Emperor of Japan gave him.

  8. A birthday celebration? *gasp!* Someone, somewhere, might be having UN-SANCTIONED FUN!?

    They simply didn't want people to enjoy any special days outside of the ones the church gives you. It's only to maintain social control, and secondarily HWA didn't like the idea of anyone ever being feted for any reason except for him. Like most COG policies, all the pagan-association BS is just a flimsy excuse made up after the fact to satisfy Herb's inclinations.

  9. Nobody reflects on their life on their birthday and nobody gives thanks on their birthday. It's just another excuse to party.

  10. What make the medal from Japan pagan? Just because it came from Japan?

    What is worse than pagan is the ANTI-CHRIST star of david (which represents the number 666 as well as the victory of Lucifer over God in the garden of Eden) that Herb was fond of wearing.

  11. Whatever happened to the idea that the birth of a child is one of the most joyous of occasions and should be celebrated every year to commemorate that joy and to let the said child know that he/she is loved and celebrated that he/she exists??

  12. Anonymous said...
    Nobody reflects on their life on their birthday and nobody gives thanks on their birthday. It's just another excuse to party.

    October 17, 2019 at 11:52 AM

    Wrong. It is a time to evaluate where you have been going, and your goal as to where you want to be. I happen not to be the ungrateful type.

  13. Why does anyone need an excuse to party. It's your life, so just do it. The Puritan killjoys can go eat cake.

  14. The whole 'no birthdays' thing is just another piece of crap that herbie stole from the JW's.

  15. Anonymous:

    Nobody reflects on their life on their birthday and nobody gives thanks on their birthday. It's just another excuse to party.

    October 17, 2019 at 11:52 AM


    Today I am reflecting on the fact that since my previous birthday I am one year closer to the end of my life. No celebration, no regrets. It's just the way things are.

  16. What make the medal from Japan pagan?

    It has pagan symbolism, which Bob finds in almost everything. This Painful Truth article may help.

  17. Anonymous 11:21 AM said:

    "A birthday celebration? *gasp!* Someone, somewhere, might be having UN-SANCTIONED FUN!? They simply didn't want people to enjoy any special days outside of the ones the church gives you. It's only to maintain social control, and secondarily HWA didn't like the idea of anyone ever being feted for any reason except for him. Like most COG policies, all the pagan-association BS is just a flimsy excuse made up after the fact to satisfy Herb's inclinations."

    I'm thinking this way too. I know a few families who are still devout Armstrongists--one was disfellowshipped decades ago from the WCG!--who don't really celebrate anything (birthdays, public holidays, etc) unless of course it's the Feast of Tabernacles!

    I remember reading a WCG pamphlet teaching against birthdays decades ago. As I recall the main reason for this teaching was the executions of the baker by Pharaoh and John the Baptist by Herod on their respective birthdays. Much later I learned this was equivalent to superstition. Following this logic we wouldn't keep Passover either since Christ was murdered on that day or keep any festive days at all for that matter on which tragedies have occurred! The "plain truth" is that nowhere in the Bible does God prohibit birthday celebrations.

  18. Let's not forget that Herb would go to a restaurant with friends to celebrate his birthday. But I've been told that was somehow OK, since the event was sombre. Yeah sure. One standard for the big people, another for the little people. Not only that, they also give themselves the right to this double standard.

  19. This whole birthday thing with the churches/splinters is just a bunch of crock. I am told that I can't have a birthday because Jesus didn't celebrate his, where is the proof of this, I don't find it. How do we know He didn't? Not every event/moment is recorded, He never drove a car or flew in an airplane, so these people who say they can't do something because Jesus didn't do it is also a bunch of BS. All it is, is a reason to deny another person a bit of happiness and joy from their life. I was happy to have had my kids, I celebrated their birthdays even when I went to church, I never saw any reason not to. Sometimes the celebration isn't about the person whose birthday it is, but about the ones around them and the joy they get from making another person happy and letting them know that they are happier and life is better just because that person is a part of it. They need to get off their high horses and join the human race. Joy is supposed to be one of the fruits of the spirit, so when a person is robbed of it, what does that say about the person doing the robbing?

    Something bad has happened on every day of the year by someone in some place, does that mean everyone has to pay for it? I think not.

  20. But somehow Thanksgiving, the Fourth of July, weddings, wedding anniversaries, gender reveal events, Memorial Day and so on are all celebrated lavishly and ridiculously by some people at some time or another. Hell, the FOT wasn't referred to as the "the feast of booze" just for humor in those pre-Feast sermons. Someone will always try too hard. But somehow the COGs got fixated only on birthdays. I don't think they were applying their faux-Puritanism very evenly.

  21. Unfortunately, Armstrongism has always suffered from terminal anal congestion. It would be much healthier if everyone could just learn to blow all of this stuff out, and achieve a whole new equillibrium.


  22. Besides the Jewish holy days I celebrate...
    *birthdays (mine and others)
    *wedding anniversaries
    *father’s and mother’s day
    *national holidays
    Even those days pooh poohed by Armstrongism I’ll get together with family/friends like *New Years, *Easter, *Halloween, *Xmas (even though I don’t personally celebrate these days).
    And it’s not coz of narcissism, idolatry, paganism or other claptrap some old miserable fool now long dead know-it-all party-pooper says it’s coz. It’s coz of love. Love of my God. Love of my family. Love of my friends. Love of my country. Love of my community. Love of my life! So any occasion for a celebration will do me! I say get busy living or get busy dying y’all! Here’s to living and loving the life God’s given us to the very full! πŸ₯° πŸ₯³πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚ 🍰 🎁 πŸŽ‰ 🍾🍻

  23. Anyone can claim they love god. Jesus warned about them he said their hearts are far from them.

    The more people claim they do things for Jesus the more apparent that its not true.

    Birthdays are not for Jesus. They are self centered parties for one person. Consider how God designed parties, he invited everyone.

  24. Just because Satanists celebrate birthdays doesn't mean it's wrong or sin to celebrate birthdays. That's a complete and total fallacy! Also, Jews can and do celebrate birthdays My best friend growing up was Jewish and had birthday parties!

    Also, any celebration (birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day, queen's birthday, independence day, etc) will inherently be narrowed down to a single subject (individual, institution, nation, deity etc.) and thus on the surface be seen as “selfish” so it's illogical and inconsistent to say birthdays are sin as the focus is solely on a single individual. And frankly speaking from personal experience helping other organize their birthdays or on occasion for myself I can attest to the fact that the focus of the birthday person is rarely on themselves and much more likely to be on their guests and making sure they have an enjoyable and memorable experience.

  25. You can make any sort of made up celebration you want. You can celebrate Tuesdays. So why does everyone so desire to celebrate birthdays?

    Because they are self centered. They are a celebration of pride just like all national holidays. God wanted him to be cebrated not the nation of Israel.

    God says he resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

    All celebrations that are not centered on god are centered on man.

  26. From an ex-WCGer website...




    I couldn't agree more!

    Obsessing about and banning birthdays is as he puts it "not logical" and "fanatically cultish!"

    Ironically HWA wanted others to focus on no one but him (he was an "apostle", a "prophet", the "Elijah to come", one of the "2 witnesses" etc) and his version of "God" giving money to him and his corporation throughout the year at every church holy day so he could buy himself big and expensive presents!

    Talk about selfishness!!!

  27. HWA wanted to be celebrated. And everyone who celebrates themselves or helps others celebrate themselves is just as narcissistic.

    Give it what ever label you want.

    1. Anonymous said...
      HWA wanted to be celebrated. And everyone who celebrates themselves or helps others celebrate themselves is just as narcissistic.

      Give it what ever label you want.

      October 21, 2019 at 12:56 AM
      It sure gotta be depressing to have your miserable ass around then if you can’t see the value of celebrating anyone or anything. Condolences to everyone who’s had the sorry pleasure of ever meeting or knowing you!

  28. "freed from the law" you say.

    I guess you missed this:

    Matthew 19:17
    So He said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”

    John 14:21
    He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.”

  29. "freed from the law"

    I question whether Gary even knows what being "freed from the law" even means. It has nothing to do with the old Mt. Sinai covenant. Why would we need to be "freed" from something we were never a party to?

    However, if God's law has existed from the garden, and every one of us have broken it, the law demands our death. Remember, "The wages of sin is death"?

    To be freed from the law means to be set free from that death sentence. Are we now free to break God's law any time we want since we're now under grace and not under the law's authority?

    Paul answered that perfectly!

  30. Excellent explanation of "freed from the law".

    Bill P
