Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 23, 2019

EXCLUSIVE: David C. Pack's Land Grab with the Widow's Mite

Let's enjoy a quick read of the booklet The Real Truth according to the Medina County Auditor! https://www.medinacountyauditor.org/property-search.htm 

RCG members have been giving "common" for years. This was to allow the church to "give the gospel to the poor." But did that happen?

Look at the many millions the Restored Church of God has spent to purchase their 100+ acres. Then there is the many more millions they have spent on buildings. How much more would tax valuation data be missing in money spent to build gardens, barns, buildings, houses, paths, roads, ponds, horses, etc.. 

Will this insanity ever stop? 

from an RCG source


  1. What a travesty. And I Love how the older homes are worth less now than when purchased...

  2. Keep in mind that tax appraisal districts have different valuation methods from one district to the next. Often the appraised value is far less than the market value, depending on each state's property tax methods. The actual market value of all this real estate could be WAY more than what is shown in this document.

  3. This just makes me sick. I personally know of 4 children who paid for this when their father gave away their inheritance to this thief. An inheritance that was handed down from the grandparents. They had no say in it and neither did anyone else.

  4. I wonder how many of these were bought outright , versus bought with a loan.

    I suspect that they were bought with bank financing of some sort. If cash flow ever gets bad enough for Packs group,
    then there would be the potential for repossession . I predict that will happen someday, especially if Pack is demised, which surely would end the "magic spell" and hypnosis he has on his contributors.

  5. Father in heaven, my kingdom is here!

    I will do my own will, no thanks to yours!

    We don't need your daily bread we eat the meals of royalty!

    Forgive us for making debtors of thy flock, how else would I build my kingdom!

    Lead us from ever thinking we are less than any splinter organization and delivers us from dog walkers on our grass!

    For it is mine kingdom and mine glory for ever!

    A parody that might not be too far from the truth. The one missing intent of Mr. Pack's run to purchase land and build build build buildings and then build houses and then purchase many houses when "we" only have a hand full of years left, escaped me for a period of time.

    The word play during this time was benign to the mind, "the banks are paying for it all", "we will not pay for all this because we will be "taken" in a few short years". "The houses that we are purchasing are going to make the church money".

    The church audience had peace of mind that it was all "no risk" and that God wanted a face to his short but great end time work. It wasn't long until the full on assault of the RCG membership began. The requirement of "Common" for salvation, the requirement of fundraising with a almost doubled goal each year. The requirement to keep Holy Day offering envelops unsealed until after the Offertory. The requirement to send in all Tithe of Tithe by May of each year. The requirement that all collected Holy Day offerings had to be sent in next day. The requirement for members to "steal" household assets of non members - marriages be damned. The requirement that no member of the RCG can retire under threat were all quickly implemented upon a reeling membership who had no idea what was to hit them.

    All of this is for the supposed benefit of the poor. The supposed poor that were somewhere out there asking the Father in heaven daily, thy kingdom come.

    As the membership of the RCG grew more poor by the day and the poor of the world endured the daily fight just to eat, someone - one man, grew more rich every day and in many ways.

    Little did the membership of the RCG or the poor of world know, a self declared apostle was embarking on a 6+ year, 200+ sermon quest to define himself with almost all of the biblical titles and prophetic tasks possible followed by the phrase I will. Of course a man now rich with biblical titles and intent would have to be known some how. That would happen when in his own words he said "there will have to be a worldwide announcement of who I AM".

    Now so rich in his own mind and belief that he is the most indispensable man on earth, it was easy for him to declare that all of the poor splinter members would come back with their raided treasuries, tithes and offerings and give it unto him. It was also easy to declare the Jews the world over would be made poor by God by forcing them to give Mr. Pack trillions of dollars to build the third temple.

    As one can plainly see, there is no intent to give anything to the poor. This is all about everyone being made poor so one man can get money and be made rich and gain world adulation.

    The campus paradise as an example of the Kingdom is unattainable for most living now and for most who will enter Mr. Pack's 1st Dominion replete with a man of sin ravaging the world followed by the "swift witness" "man clothed in linen" Mr. Pack himself who has declared he will murder 2 1/2 million Jews and multiple millions of (enemies) people on earth.

    The widows mite, "Common", campus paradise, world riches and all of it just for the poor?

  6. Something for consideration is: The cost for Mr. Pack and a couple of his most trusted men to be able to reside behind a gate probably came to $1,000,000 dollars or more.

    The gate was $60,000? I believe. The paved roadway in was $300,000? I guess. The cost to build the houses $600,000+? I guess.

    Somebody may have a more accurate figure. The gate amount was given in a sermon and an amount of $200,000 was given as a cost for part of the roadway.

    This is an example of the stark difference of men in the bible with a bulls-eye on them going directly into harms way to preach the gospel unto the poor and another man hiding behind what really becomes an expensive gate to give a mostly unheard gospel unto a worldwide population who has mostly have never heard of it.

  7. I was thinking that this wouldn't be quite so bad if they were using the land and buildings to accomplish good. But, it's just as bad to do bad to accomplish good as it is to do bad to accomplish bad. The well still ends up poisoned and cursed.

    How responsible are the mentally ill for their behavior?


  8. Hi all, this is Michael Jackson
    I'm in Gods waiting room, awaiting my judgment. I hope it's heaven and not hell.
    I see that my Neverland ranch has inspired Dave Pack to follow suit. I suggest he puts ducks in his pond, and goats in the barn area. A giraffe, with local government approval, would add to the personality to the compound. He might want to follow my example of a petting zoo, a ferris wheel and roller coaster as well. And not forgetting, a small gauge railway around the property.
    My property has just come back on the market for $31 million, so purchasing it would save Dave a lot of development time for his dream residence.
    Gotta go now. Many angels really enjoy my singing to them.

  9. using the land and buildings to accomplish good

    In the future, the new owners may do this, as one day the land and buildings will be sold off just like the WCG real estate.

  10. Is it legal for this non-prophet organization to spend the money on the houses and horses? How does that benefit the public? Is it legal to repeatedly claim that the end of the world as we know it is near and use fear to compel donors to give extraordinary amounts of money? This seems so wrong, does any agency or law enforcement have anything to do about it?

  11. 4:57

    Yes it is legal. Activities do not necessarily have to have a wide public benefit. Fear?? Greed?? This is what all causes of any type use for fund raising, and frankly how virtually everything in the universe is marketed.

    Included Non Taxable events are activities carried on primarily for the benefit of members, students, patients, officers, or employees . Doesn't seem right, but this is the law.


  12. Scientology bought an entire city in Florida.


  13. It's absurd and evil really. The temple service was destroyed and done away with. There was no indication given for a new physical "temple" or grounds...

  14. While the Apostle's put themselves in harm's way preaching the Gospel without fear, Pack has treated from the command to "go into all the world" and has hidden himself behind gates gates and walls never really reaching anyone at all. He is a coward in the greatest sense.

    Think about all the ways that's Jesus told the Apostle's to present themselves in the preaching of the Gospel and compare that to Pack.

    He doesn't bear the same fruits. He is just like all the televangelists and mega church pastors.

  15. @ 7:13 PM, let's not forget that Judas was also an Apostle. Maybe Dave Pack, and HWA before him, truly have displayed the fruit of an Apostle.

  16. Judas was a disciple, not yet an apostle!

  17. Judas was a disciple, not yet an apostle!

    Wrong! Look at Luke 6:13-16:

    And when day came, he called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he also named apostles: Simon, whom he named Peter, and his brother Andrew, and James, and John, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James son of Alphaeus, and Simon, who was called the Zealot, and Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.

    Scripture thus makes it clear that Jesus named Judas as an apostle, such that after his death the surviving eleven felt a need to replace him with Matthias.

  18. 7:38 said: “Judas was a disciple, not yet an apostle!”

    8:51 said: “ Wrong! Look at Luke 6:13-16:

    And when day came, he called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he also named apostles: Simon, whom he named Peter, and his brother Andrew, and James, and John, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James son of Alphaeus, and Simon, who was called the Zealot, and Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.

    Scripture thus makes it clear that Jesus named Judas as an apostle, such that after his death the surviving eleven felt a need to replace him with Matthias.”

    Following up on what 8:51 said. Look at Mark 6:7-13 too.
    “And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits; And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse: But be shod with sandals; and not put on two coats. And he said unto them, In what place soever ye enter into an house, there abide till ye depart from that place. And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. And they went out, and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them.”
    They were apostles sent by Christ during His ministry (cf. Luke 10:1-20).
