Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 8, 2019

LCG: When will members repent and stop trying to find ways around the teachings of the ministry?

As usual, the Living Church of God members can not seem to do anything right.  There is always something wrong that they need to correct.  They need to immediately stop arguing scriptures and stop trying to find ways around doing the things the ministry command.  Unless they stop this they will NOT be able to rule as KING over the rest of humanity!

It’s a Matter of Heart: The Bible reveals that God looks on the heart (1 Samuel 16:7) and that David was chosen to be king because God saw that David was “a man after My own heart” (Acts 13:22). But what exactly did God see in David’s heart? God saw that David was a person “who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22). God saw that David was teachable and that he “loved” God’s law and meditated on it daily so he could learn God’s mind and gain God’s perspective (Psalm 119:97105). David did not argue with the Scriptures or look for ways to get around instructions that God clearly revealed in His word (Psalm 119:161827). David praised God with his whole heart (Psalm 119:1–2), and he repented wholeheartedly when he realized that he was wrong (Psalm 51). This is why David will reign as king over the children of Israel in the Kingdom of God (Ezekiel 34:23). If our thoughts, words, and actions reflect what God is looking for, we will be given the opportunity to reign with Jesus Christ and with David in the coming Kingdom (Matthew 19:28–29Revelation 5:10). The Bible reveals that our reward will be based on what is in our heart!
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. A 'profitable Sabbath' is one NOT spent in a acog church.

  2. David did not argue with the Scriptures or look for ways to get around instructions that God clearly revealed in His word (Psalm 119:16, 18, 27).

    Douglas, on the other hand, argues with much of the New Testament, and wants today's Christians to bind themselves to practices that the Jerusalem conference (Acts 15) declared were not required of Gentiles. This is why Douglas is so desperate to get around Acts 15 by holding on to BI, because if he can convince you that you are an Israelite he hopes he can enslave you to the very same requirements that Christ freed you from. Douglas hates the truth that as a spiritual Israelite you can eat all the pork you like (the trichinosis is your fault, however, if you get it), and can worship on Sunday while eating shrimp and lobster and keeping your foreskin intact the way God made it.

  3. Doug really belongs in UCG, not LCG. Maybe Weston and Kubik could arrange a trade, with Doug going to UCG in exchange for Jelly becoming an LCG presenter?

  4. At least Doug did not bring in belief on or in Jesus into this mix. That would be really confusing! Things were always more simple under the Law.

  5. It is a "matter of the heart"...


  6. If our thoughts, words, and actions reflect what God is looking for, we will be given the opportunity to reign with Jesus Christ and with David in the coming Kingdom (Matthew 19:28–29; Revelation 5:10).

    David was a great guy, other than that whole business of the murder of Uriah. Most human beings live their whole lives without murdering anybody, but David is not only in that tiny group of "men who are murderers" but is also in the even tinier group of "God's favorite buddies ever." Weird, but there it is.

    Still, however great David was, Jesus Christ is infinitely greater. Not only was Christ sinless; he was actually God in the flesh. Doug's equating the two is worrisome, to say the least. Isn't it enough to be ruling with Jesus Christ? Apparently not for Doug! It's even more special to be ruling with Jesus Christ AND David! What an insult to Jesus Christ!

  7. 1:32 said

    Still, however great David was, Jesus Christ is infinitely greater. Not only was Christ sinless; he was actually God in the flesh.

    No He wasn't, according to scripture.

    1. 4:21 So where’s your proof from scripture then that Christ wasn’t infinitely greater than David, wasn’t sinless or wasn’t God in the flesh?

  8. David and Bat Sheba's baby was a type of the Messiah. The baby was sinless and without spot or wrinkle. Ok, maybe a bit wrinkled but then died for their sins. Evidently only Dad, and not the baby was a person after God's own heart.

  9. Anonymous said...

    David and Bat Sheba's baby was a type of the Messiah. The baby was sinless and without spot or wrinkle. Ok, maybe a bit wrinkled but then died for their sins. Evidently only Dad, and not the baby was a person after God's own heart.
    November 8, 2019 at 5:05 PM

    No he wasn't, according to scripture.

  10. apparently he thinks the ministry is infallible.

  11. In reading some of the comments posted here I am puzzled at the purpose of the original posting. It appears that the original statement assumes that Douglas S Winnal has no right to quote the truth because it tells the congregation that he believes they are not living it. If the people in the congregation do not understand the truth of the word and whole heartedly live in harmony with it they should be examining their beliefs and seek God's help to adjust their life accordingly. Of course I may be missing something. ASB

  12. What occurs to me is that in most cases, there is a natural diminishment of intensity that tracks with time spent in any sort of human activity. And, that is unless the activity is alive and ever expanding in such a way as to make it constantly interesting. Perhaps that is why God used the Big Bang, but that is another topic for another day. In a way, HWA appears to have had the normal human progression covered by his teaching on Philadelphian and Laodicean attitudes, but the boogeyman that he warned against through those old stereotypes seems to be in full bloom at this point in time.

    Back in the late '60s, and early '70s, it was very easy for some to maintain a sense of urgency, because we all "knew" that the drain plug for Planet Earth was going to be pulled in 1972, and the "pool" would be totally drained by 1975. The only safe place was the Armstrong swamp, as ugly and dirty and smelly as it might have been. Of course, later, we became further aware of the depths of the sewage, and the swamp gas it brought into our lives, but right up until 1972, we were mostly living in an apocalyptic Camelot, eagerly anticipating the end, and the validation of our group.

    I can't even begin to fathom what it must be like in LCG and the other ACOGS today. It appears that the diminishment which I described in the first paragraph has led to an even more Kafkaesque state of existence. You can almost understand why a David Pack, a Ron Weinland, a Gerald Flurry, or even a Rod Meredith would be compelled to attempt to infuse vitality into such a dead movement through assorted bizarre but new teachings. The Tkaches at least can be forgiven for attempting normalcy as an antidote, although God only knows why they would poison their new direction by retaining HWA's deceptiveness and "my way or the highway" church governance.

    It is simply amazing to me that HWA's Sardis era is still today displaying much more health and vitality than either his Philadelphia or Laodicean eras. As Neil Young once quipped, "Better to burn out than to fade away". Alas, the Armstrong movement has indeed faded.


  13. David committed adultery, killed the cuckolded husband, faked insanity, kept household idols (used by his wife to fake him lying in bed), disobeyed biblical command against numbering Israel, ate sacred bread reserved for the priests, and lied to the priests about his journey causing their deaths for aiding and abetting him.
    The Bible records the good and bad about most of its heroes, leaving us scratching our heads.
    What is forgivable and what is not?
    Saul in comparison did not seems so bad.
    There is a prophesy in Genesis 49 that Judah would produce the ruler - so why was Saul, a Benjamite, the first king? Was he predestined to fail? Or was this prophecy written after David's rule to back up his kingship?
    Some scholars believe the earliest books of the Bible were written well after Moses' time.
    As Dennis has written before - prophecy after the fact - much easier to forecast the past.

    I prophesy that we will have a Democrat who turned Republican be President from 1980 to 1988 and another for Democrat who turned Republican will be elected President in 2016.
    My crystal ball is a little cloudy on whether he will have a second term, and if he does, will it be in the white house or a less inviting place.

  14. I've been trying to get down
    To the HEART of the matter
    But my will gets weak
    And my friends seem to scatter
    But I think it's about...

    --Wes White

  15. Dr. Winnail might want to repent of assuming King David wrote Psalm 119. He's nowhere identified there as the author.

  16. "argue with the scriptures..?" This blog wouldn't exist if the ministers didn't argue with the scriptures. As a group, the ministers put themselves above the law. As usual it's the fox talking to the chickens since without a responsible segment, the church wouldn't exist, and with a responsible segment, the church predators would have no victims.
    'Don't argue with the scriptures' is the church breeding victims.
