Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, December 23, 2019

Cultish to Feature Expose on Herbert Armstrong and the Church of God

Cultish has scheduled a program on exposing Herbert Armstrong and Armstrongism.  They have done recent exposes on Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, and Mormonism.

With the rise of several aberrant Church of God leaders over the last 20 years and who have serious mental health issues, it has become important to expose these charlatans for the liars they are.  It will be interesting to see how they deal with Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Gerald Weston, Bob Thiel, Ron Weinland and the other self-appointed frauds that are destroying the lives of thousands of COG members around the world.

Here is just small sampling of some the topics In 2020 we want engage if we can reach our year end goal of 25k. ⁣
This will allow us to fund and support our research team going into next yeah so they can laser focus in on creating weekly podcast, video and blog content for the following topics that many of you have asked us to talk about! ⁣

-The Hebrew Roots Movement⁣

-7th Day Adventists⁣

-The Passion Translation⁣


-Herbert Armstrong and The Worldwide church of God⁣

-Another Cultish/Sheologians Crossover⁣

-Reiki Energy Healing⁣

-An in-depth series exploring all the origins of yoga ðŸ§˜‍♀️ up and to it’s current and present forms ⁣

-The world Mission Society Church of God⁣
(The Mother God Cult) ⁣

-The Manson Family: A Cultish True Crime Story⁣

-William Brahnam ⁣

And much much more⁣

Thank you all for listening and supporting and sharing our content this past year and participating in these conversations and please consider supporting us so this type of program can continue! ⁣

Please help us now hit our year end goal of 25k by donating here 


  1. Maybe "CULTISH" should promote "COMMON", like Dave Pack does, for funding! ;-)

  2. I subscribed to the Cultish podcast, but once I started listening I realized there was a “pastor “ on the program to help explain the Scriptures properly. I instantly lost all interest. One the podcasts about the WCG come out I may try to endure it again.

  3. once I started listening I realized there was a “pastor “ on the program to help explain the Scriptures properly. I instantly lost all interest.

    ALL have strayed from the true worship and bound themselves up in cults, except for the noble few who realize that when they worship Je-Zeus they are in fact worshipping the true King of the Gods and the Lord of Mount Olympus!

  4. I think whoever posted this should make it clearer that this is in fact a Christian organization that is doing the "exposing," which (I guess) to many of the non-religious people on this blog, seems a little hypocritical...

    I was going to donate, but when I read their Christian blurb about "being deceived by a false Christ, false Gospel, and unbiblical worldviews," I backed out.
