Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, December 23, 2019

Whatever Your Reason for the Season...

... and as we wrap up another year hear at BannedHWA together, I'd like to wish you all a safe and restful holiday. 

Thank you for sharing all your experiences and views on our common experience and no matter where your journey through it all has taken you, I wish you a positive acceptance of the experience, a grateful appreciation for lessons learned in life and a kind heart through it all. 

I can only speak for myself, but I've learned a lot along the way this year with all your observations and shared experiences.

Nothing's for Nothing


  1. Merry Xmas to all my readers.

  2. Thanks for this blog. I am always most interested in hearing about DCP insanity.

  3. I still can't get into the spirit of Christmas, but I can now reply Merry Christmas and participate in a work Christmas gift exchange.
    I hope all you COGers participating in your winter week activities enjoy a merry Christmas even though you don't use the name.
    At least this is one thing the COGers and most people observing Christmas do the same - they leave Christ out of it - but have a good time anyway.

    1. If you’re gonna say the WFW is Xmas and Xmas is Saturnalia you might as well say Hanukkah is Saturnalia too (to be consistent) and in fact any group celebrating a holiday at this time of year is really a version of the pagan Saturnalia. Of course just cause you think or say it’s so doesn’t make it so. Similarities aren’t proof of connections.

  4. Hope you all enjoy your holidays.


  5. As a business man, and not one of the retailers who profits from the holidays, I've always realized that Christmas and New Years pose an interruption to business. They really shake things up. These holidays also fall towards the end of the tax year, so many entrepreneurs are acquiring new equipment, and there is a rat race to get it installed for them and their work force trained. All within compressed work weeks.

    But, then again, didn't Jesus, who is being commemorated, come to interrupt man's natural routine? To show us what is really important?

    Or, there's always that classic line spoken by one of the surfer dudes in the the classic cult movie "Phantom of the Paradise" "Carburetors, man! That's what life is all about!" (Google that quote, and watch on Youtube)

    Happy Holidays, or just have a nice day, everyone!


  6. TLA I see that you've never been to a Winter Weekend if you think Christ is left out. Can you spell judgemental?

  7. Whatever Your Reason for the Season
    It is interesting to see comments regarding "Christmas". The things associated with Christmas in todays culture in USA is far different that my personal history and many of my ancestors. The only thing my grandparents did on Christmas eve was go to the meeting house used for worship and hear the biblical message of the birth of Christ and maybe sing a song along with prayer. Christmas may have included a family dinner but there were few gifts due to hard times, Depend on who in the family was at our house the men might go rabbit hunting. There were no trees or lights. There were no radios or TV's. There was no Santa with jingle bells. I did get a BB gun when I was about 9 years old. As you can see it was not hard for me give up the way the world celebrated Christmas in 1958 when my wife were baptized and started attending radio church of God festivals. Even though we no longer attend any church congregation our view of Christmas is the simple recognition of the birth of Christ and the faith, hope, and love it represents. ASB
