Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Oh Noes!!!!!!! Middle East Conflict To Break Out By Mid February!!!!!!! So says unemployed COG Prophet

My OTHER favorite Church of God prophet has been busily parked at his kitchen table cranking out new books, making videos by his pretend "fireside" and uttering prophecies about the impending doom to hit humanity, particularly those living in mythological British Israel nations and those who happen to be part of the various Churches of God. No matter how hard he tries, he still cannot get his little kitchen-based ministry off the ground so that he receives a steady income stream.  Unable to claim miraculous dreams and double blessing, like my other favorite prophet does, he struggles along hoping that someone will buy one of his books or heed his message and send him some desperately needed money.

The problem that Chief Pharisee James Malm faces is that most COG members are sick and tired of the lying false prophets in their midst.  They are tired of sending money to unemployed wanna-a-be's, and especially tired of those who bastardize the law making it more important than grace.

While subject to various military and political calculations there is good reason to expect the general regional Middle East war to begin in mid to late February.  I plan to begin recording now with the first program to be about the imminent conflict and its purpose and aftermath to be published on 24 Jan, just ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day on Jan 27th.  
That one News Prophecy program is scheduled to be followed up by a series “From Sinai to Jesus” about the reason for the captivities and covering the remarkable fulfilled prophecies of the rebuilding of the temple and city and the inter testament history up to the ministry of Christ.
It does not take a talking jackass to tell us that there is trouble in the Mideast right now, but it has nothing to do with the prophetic belching done by Church of God liars right now.


  1. I predict that there will be deaths from non natural causes in the middle east, between now and the middle of Feb.

    I used the" MAGIC 8 BALL" for my information source.

  2. In other news, water is wet, and no, it didn't take divine inspiration to figure that one out either.

    Even when these lying prophets manage to predict the predictable, they're still not right, because they claim to be conduits of information from the spirit realm, and they're not.

  3. Nothing sexually excites the COG Brethren as much as Middle East conflict, particularly when it involves the beloved USA (whose presence over there I still don't understand...how would Americans react if Sweden invaded Iraq Cuz Weapons of Mass Destruction...oh, right. Black Gold...must keep region stable...the Black Gold must flow so we can get fresh fruit year round and all the shit we order on Amazon Prime...etc etc). I can imagine the mingled fear and heavy panting coming this Sabbath as corpulent white dudes in their somber suits say I Told You So. Fingers will point. Jowls will shake. Faith will be confirmed. Tithes will flow.

    Paul Ray

  4. Malm says on 08/01/20 that:

    "The main contributor [an important COG person] to the “UCG Calendar Chaos” article just mentioned this to me this morning..."

    The "main contributor"? Nowhere in this article does he mention the work was mostly not his own. Once again he takes the credit for others work and passes it off as his own. He would be wise to heed Jer. 23:30 which says, "'Therefore,' says the LORD, 'I am against these prophets who steal messages from each other and claim they are from Me.'" (NLT)

  5. The main contributor an important COG person.

    Aaron Dean
