Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 13, 2020

COGWA Shuts Down Services

From Doug Horchak:
Dear Pastors,
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak has proven to be an extremely fluid situation, with circumstances changing by the hour. Taking all things into consideration, we (the Church administration team) have decided to ask all of our U.S. pastors to cancel meeting for Sabbath services tomorrow, March 14. 
We realize this is very short notice. However, out of concern for the safety of the brethren—and given the mounting number of emergency declarations and restrictions from an increasing number of state and local governments throughout the country—we feel it is best to ask all of our U.S. congregations to cancel Sabbath services tomorrow.
Some of our pastors are already reporting local restrictions on meetings. For example, many area schools are being shut and our services are being canceled anyway. Various counties are also restricting meetings effective today. There are reports that President Trump will be declaring a national emergency this afternoon. This will further restrict our ability to hold services.
Given that we will not hold services in local congregations, we ask that all of you pastors to be sure to forward the “Statement From the Church on the Coronavirus” (sent to you yesterday) to members of your congregations via email.
The administration team will meet again on Monday, March 16, to further discuss the ongoing impact of the coronavirus outbreak and how it will affect our church services in the weeks that follow. From this meeting, we will develop further guidance and recommendations for all of our pastors early next week about the following Sabbaths, upcoming Passover and holy days.

Sabbath webcast: 

In lieu of local congregational services, we will be webcasting a live Sabbath message tomorrow, March 14. Doug Horchak and Jim Franks will be giving the messages. The webcast will be available on the COGWA.TV website and will begin at 2 p.m. Central Daylight Time. Information concerning how to connect to the webcast will come to you later today.
We appreciate the patience and cooperation of our ministry and members as we work to give guidance and direction during this unique and uncertain time!


  1. This comes only one week after a COGWA pastor urged members NOT to be fearful of the coronavirus.

    (Language warning might be in order for the first few minutes.)

    Not sure what this means for a big regional COGWA prom Saturday night.

  2. The majority of the people in the COG's have little or no faith in God. They trust in church leaders, others in their OWN group, some family members, (especially, if they are in the same COG organization, doctors, surgeons, and obviously themselves).
