Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 20, 2020

Don't Try This Trick At Home...Or Anywhere...Ever

This reality would be true of anyone, Prophet, Priest, Pastor or Parishioner who put their faith before their common sense. I do suspect that COG ministers will not be exhibiting this kind of faith personally when called out to anoint the sick, who then shall be made well.

I suspect they will opt for the standard "anointed cloth" based on "

New International Version
...so that even handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured and the evil spirits left them."
Acts 19 :12

...but I never personally found that to be effective or work either and know of none who did personally. I also found the "handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched HIM" were cultish and probably ranked along side Paul's claims to have gone to the Third Heaven and hallucinated a calling from Jesus to go from persecutor to Apostle skipping student in between. But that's just me. 

Italy’s virus kills priests who bless the dying

"They come to bless those suffering the most from the novel coronavirus. And then, more and more often, Italy’s priests die themselves.
The diocese of Bergamo northeast of Milan appears to have been ravaged the most by the stealth killer.
At least 10 of its priests have died of COVID-19, the Catholic daily Avvenire reported Thursday.
The deaths, whether of priests or members of their communities, are “so numerous that it is difficult to count”, the paper wrote.
Five more fatalities were registered in the city of Parma. Still more virus-related deaths emerged among priests in Brescia, Cremona and the northern industrial hub of Milan itself.
All these parishes are clustered in Italy’s north, the virus’s target from the day the Catholic country’s first death was reported four weeks ago.
More than 3,400 Italians have died from the virus since then.
Italy has taken over the grim title of being the global epicentre of the pandemic from China, where COVID-19 was first reported in late December.
– Dying more than doctors –
Like doctors, Italy’s priests come in contact with the disease’s most serious cases.
And like doctors, priests are known to congregate among themselves in close quarters, creating the perfect conditions for contagion."
A count by Italy’s ANSA news agency on Thursday put the number of medics killed by the disease at 13.
Figures reported by Italian media suggest the death toll among priests is higher. At least 18 priests have been reported killed."


  1. Most of those who have died in Italy from the Corona virus were the elderly and those with a variety of other medical conditions. How about the whole truth rather than cherry picking facts. So typical of (ex)ministers.

  2. I do not believe that God has ever surrendered his decision making power to ceremony. Ceremony is then an entreaty and not like an on-off switch with an engineered outcome. And there are many ways of making requests to God, including coming boldly before the throne of grace without ceremony. And making a request of God does not preclude taking common sense measures. James 5:15 and the surrounding scriptures clearly embed this ritual request for healing in the will of God. My view as a Christian lay person.

  3. On the other hand...look what getting anointed did for Bob Thiel.

  4. I believe anointed cloths are only good up to Evangelist Rank should one get two of them, by accident stuck together, and seeking a job upgrade as a bonus benefit.

  5. It appears that society wants ANOINTED TOILET PAPER, rather than cloths!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Most of those who have died in Italy from the Corona virus were the elderly and those with a variety of other medical conditions. How about the whole truth rather than cherry picking facts. So typical of (ex)ministers.

    We're not in Italy. 20 to 35% of current coronovirus cases are age 20 to 44. How about you disconnect your shallow connection to your church and minister projections and grow up. You're a week or so behind the curve.

  7. Dennis,
    Did you read 8.02 AM comment without your glasses? I posted about virus deaths in Italy.

  8. The how about the whole truth?, cherry picking and. "so typical of (ex) ministers caught my attention.


  9. “A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” -- Psalm 91:7

    People in western societies appear to have become extremely arrogant and godless in recent times. They seem to think that they can do any evil thing they want to and get away with it. Of course, that was always the attitude of evilutionists.

    Now, many Catholics and Protestants and even Jews support things like the LGBTQ agenda and abortion, not to mention all the usual sins. People who supposedly believe in the Bible are actually utterly opposed to it in actual practice.

    The current COVID-19 virus PANDEMIC might humble some of these people a little bit.


  10. To those who think they know it all.
    A 23 year old athletic Italian footballer died this week of the killer virus.
    A 27 year old new mother died of this week of the virus after showing no signs before giving birth.

  11. In the Italian culture, people often kiss as a greeting, and right on the mouth, as opposed to hugging or shaking hands.

    Over the oast week, I've greeted my customers with "Yo! Air-shake!" and have imitated a handshake. It's a way of injecting some humor into the situation as opposed to becoming aloof and impersonal.


  12. Dennis
    You start your article about God protecting Christians, then give details about dying priests. It comes across as an attack on the Bible. Most Italians who have died from the virus are the elderly. God doesn't necessarily protect Christians from illnesses related to old age, including death itself. You left this out.
    Alternatively, please enlighten us as to why you posted about dying Catholic priests?

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You start your article about God protecting Christians, then give details about dying priests. It comes across as an attack on the Bible.

    I see the confusion. My mistake, I apologize for the missing word "not" in the thought intended. I have heard this scripture used to assure Christians not to worry, God would protect them. This is not literally so and never has been either now or in history when the reality of such things such as what is going on now with Covid-19. I have illustrated what some pastor types are telling their people in direct opposition to the common sense advice now given by both government and the medical community. The reality that this is not true for is the scripture quoted. It is not wise to assume it is true in "faith". The example is that of Priests but could be anyone going into harms way thinking they were supernaturally protected which they are not.

    It should read.

    "This reality would NOT be true of anyone, Prophet, Priest, Pastor or Parishioner who put their faith before their common sense. I do suspect that COG ministers will not be exhibiting this kind of faith personally when called out to anoint the sick, who then shall be made well.'
