Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 3, 2020

Miserable COG Zealot Can't Wait For A Christmas Shopping Frenzy To Usher In Tribulation

Another day in paradise and another dumb prediction by a fake Church of God false prophet who spends his days bowing to the altar of Moses:

02 April: FEMA orders 100,000 body bags to be delivered as soon as possible, as fears grow of a huge spike in Covid-19 deaths in the US. 
Even if this epidemic eases by July, if restrictions are loosened over the summer the public will throw caution to the winds and congregate in great crowds in celebration of the supposed end of the plague and to satiate a Christmas shopping frenzy in December.  Millions will be exposed to the disease and a few weeks later – especially if the tribulation is beginning, which seems very possible – there could be an exponential explosion of sickness with tens of millions sick and potentially many millions dying. James Malm
"if" "seems" "could": the typical catchphrases that these prophets of doom attached to their predictions to take any blame off their shoulders if the predictions fail to happen, which they will.


  1. I "joke" prophesied several years ago that the tribulation began with the inauguration of President Trump, just to put a burr on the butts of those who saw the Donald as a sort of quasi-Messiah. Of course I was joking at that time (perhaps with a valid point), and still am, but consider this. Armstrongism has always preached a 7 year tribulation, with the church going into their place of safety for the last 3-1/2 years. If my joke timeline is correct (it isn't!), shouldn't they all be getting their Petra packs for the much anticipated event in June?


  2. But it's ok when you lot live in hope of the COG landscape dying out ? Do two wrongs make a right.

  3. Painful truth

    This talk about "prepping and petra" gives an entirely new perspective on the

    AMMO-nites as original occupants.


  4. "But it's ok when you lot live in hope of the COG landscape dying out ? Do two wrongs make a right." —Anonymous, 9:50AM

    "Some say we have gone too far in defense of our peculiar institution. But has the Union not also gone too far in seeking it's abolition? Do two wrongs make a right?" —Jefferson Davis, 1861

    You say "COG landscape dying out" like that would be a bad thing.

    That's kind of like referring to the abolition of slavery like it was a bad thing.

    When evil disappears, how is that not a moral good?

    So, not seeing the second wrong here...

    1. I say what you define as evil is questionable. What does God hate?

    2. Its not always worth arguing for a COG teaching here. Irrational argument abound. They will scream that you aren't saved by keeping the law but instead by grace.

      Even if you say "I know and I agree with you" they will still yell that you are wrong. I grew up in the church and never heard it taught you are saved any other way than grace of God. But many people blindly hate all religion.

      Go look up UCG/COGWA traching on salvation. None of they say any different now than in the past.

      Thete is so much evil about the COGs and yet they attack the COGs on a point they are simply wrong about.

      No matter the argument they will just say whatever they want regardless of the truth.

  5. Very astute observation - focusing on the language that they use to provide themselves deniability. The problem is that most of their audience (the membership of their particular organization) actually believe this stuff is going to unfold in the way that their leader has prophesied! Moreover, many of them find themselves subconsciously rooting for things to work out the way that they have been predicted to work out. Unfortunately, for the majority of them, the let down and disappointment which they will inevitably experience does not discredit the person who made the prediction (because they can always point to if, could be, seems, etc.).

  6. "... especially if the tribulation is beginning, which seems very possible … "

    This guy may be a good candidate for the Annual William Miller 1844 Failed Prophecy Classic award (aka, "The Bill"). The competition is keen and the list is crowded this year. At any moment there could be a statement by another contender that could change everybody's odds. My advice - the statement above would garner more points if the "if" were dropped - maybe replaced with "since".

  7. There is a big difference in hoping for the demise of something that has deceived and harmed folks and hoping for the success of a guess that is based on a wrong understanding and misinterpretation of prophecy and current events.

  8. I say what you define as evil is questionable. What does God hate?

    For one thing, God hates amputees. He is on record healing cancer, heart disease, blindness, diabetes, halitosis, and the heartbreak of psoriasis. But he has never, not even ONCE, healed an amputee. So, either "healings" are in fact not God-ordained but are instead associated with the wondrous workings of the human body, or else we must come to the shocking conclusion: GOD HATES AMPUTEES!


  9. "If my joke timeline is correct (it isn't!), shouldn't they all be getting their Petra packs for the much anticipated event in June?"

    @ Byker Bob, I don't know about you folks in the USA but if the churches here in the "Great White North" aka Canada have to flee to Petra well they're out of luck as most if not all Canadian airlines are not flying to international locations due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    So maybe they'll have to flee to the arctic or the Canadian Rockies if they can survive the brutal winters or the polar bears, grizzly bears, wolf packs and cougars for three and a half years. Perhaps they can camp out on the front lawn of the nation's capital Parliament Hill? Just hope the Royal Canadian Mounted Police don't round them up and send them off to Germany to put them into the anti-Christ's concentration camps.


  10. A resurgence of COVID-19 in the fall is indeed possible, if you listen to Dr. Fauci.

    But the way some state governors are talking, we may stay sheltered in place all spring and summer.

  11. No Anon 4:00 Bold print person. God hates liars and those who bare false witness and those who are swift to do evil.
    Do good not evil.

  12. Bare [sic] false witness? lol

  13. Lay the false witnesses bare! Expose 'em
