Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, April 27, 2020

PCG: Takes 1.1 Million Dollars In Taxpayers Money Through CARES Act And Then Brags About It

Just when you think the vermin that run various Churches of God cannot get any sicker, along comes this. There needs to be a public outcry to force these sick people into returning the money so that legitimate small business can pay their employees.  No Church fo God deserves this money when their entire income is made up of forced tithing. They offer no goods to the public that deserves to be supported by taxpayers.

Froma reader here:
Philadelphia Church of God
The coronavirus lockdown is reducing the income of all churches, but PCG’s treasurer Andrew Locher was able to announce on April 25th that, under the recently passed CARES Act, the PCG had received a loan of $1,100,000 from the government (i.e. the American taxpayers).
He said that the money will not have to be paid back if the church follows the government’s rules – which it will. 
He likened the receipt of the money to the day when Egypt was spoiled by the Hebrew people. 
Does this mean that the financial oppression on its members can be reduced? No – “don’t let down on your financial offerings, on your obedience to God’s financial laws ... step out in faith, do your part, show your faith by your works, and give generously to God’s Work, and He will bless us like we can’t even imagine.”


  1. Au contraire! Weston and Kubik and Kilough will now be upset at their own CFO-types who neglected to grab their share of the free money. Or did they grab it, too, but not foolishly announce it?

  2. That $1,100,000 is paid for by American taxpayers, including American members of the PCG.

    Any PCG member who tithes on pre-tax income should now feel free to deduct from his 2020 tithe the small proportion of his taxes that went to PCG.

  3. Looks like this buys 200 hours of flight time on Flurry's Gulfstream Jet. From a reference site:

    The total annual budget for flying a Gulfstream IV private jet 200 hours per year is approximately $1,398,875

  4. Is there anything the IRS can do to get this money back from this vile cult?

  5. If there is anything shady, or illegal going on in the process that led to PCG receiving this money, let us hope that they get caught and are held accountable for retuning the money.

    Are the feds subsidizing all of the churches? This is the first church I've heard of receiving any taxpayer funds related to Covid 19.


  6. Needs some verification before we all jump conclusions.

    1. It's true. Heard it myself. $1.1 million. Don't understand how they are eligible. This is so wrong.

  7. "Paid by American taxpayers?" I doubt it. Rather, it will be put on the nations credit card of $23 trillion plus. And this sum will never be paid back, ie, the creditors will be shafted. Where's the Christian morality in accepting this "free" money?

    The PCG frequently condemns the nation living beyond it's means, then goes and grabs this unearned money. Please explain.

  8. The lock-down is retarded.

  9. Benjamin often seems to be on dope.

  10. How many hundreds of church people have died from the virus? Anybody know?

  11. The government was broke BEFORE this hysterical spending began!

  12. they berate other COGs of being Laodiceans, but they don't even think that this $1.1 million is made possible in part of taxes paid by those people. PCG is shameless when it comes to money, most especially thick-skinned and has the gall when asking it from their members. i just wish there's a way for this site & ESN and others to reach their fooled mailing list.

    and, no, they will never reveal or announce even if any member is infected by the virus. it removes their mask of being invulnerable or losing God's protection, thereby losing their credibility as the "true" Church of God. it'd be ironic if That Prophet himself gets it. but then, he isolates himself from the masses even before the virus that it'll be a stretch.

  13. Anon 700 Needs some verification before we all jump conclusions.

    Yes, after all, this is a peer-reviewed, moderated blog, not Fox News.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    The government was broke BEFORE this hysterical spending began!

    April 27, 2020 at 10:45 PM

    Was it? I keep hearing that from people but...

    The U.S. GDP is about $23 trillion annually. The National debt is about $25 trillion. Now if you take into account the value of all property in the U.S. which according to this site is about $225 trillion, are we really that bankrupt?


    Now consider this. If you make $60,000 a year, every year, and have a mortgage of $80,000 yet your house is worth $600,000 are you bankrupt?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't believe we should be that far in debt as a nation, personally I'm not, I have about $800,000 net worth, (yes I'm bragging considering I grew up from 2 years old to 27 years old in a cult that demanded over 20% of my income, and I'm from WV) but I really think the National debt is overrated.

    Just sayin'!


  15. eh, the problem is not PCG, the problem is a government that hands out money to whoever asks...

    The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

    Alexis de Tocqueville

  16. I would not want to comment on this until it has been verified. It does seem somewhat contrived for this audience. But I am reminded of something an AC graduate once told me. He asked me what I had learned in my two years of working on the AC campus. I came up with some of the platitudes. Then he offered: "What you learned is that 'Nothing that the WCG does will ever surprise you.'" The truth of this statement rang like a bell. This principle applies, in my experience, even more to the menagerie of splinter groups. So if this turns out to be true, I will be stoical.

  17. I am against our tax dollars going to subsidize a religious organization. It's especially dismaying when this is being done for a cult that does not practice with its members many of the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, such as freedom of speech, due process, and the right to appeal. Also, PCG has preached the downfall of the USA from the day they started, and now that the nation is in trouble, they apply for relief?

    Don't get me wrong, I do believe that this is a national emergency which for our continued existence, the feds should throw money at. But, I also believe that the programs should be administrated more efficiently than what is being reported in the media, so that the funds go to the right people. I also believe that although we as a nation can handle the additional debt this time, the consequences might be an increase in interest rates which will reverberate through the economy. This has been warned about by fiscal conservatives such as Ross Perot, Rand Paul, and many of the nation's top economists.

    As for the protesters in the streets, I understand their frustration. They want (and need) to work. However, if we open prematurely, and there is a second wave of this virus, everything we have already done, all the sacrifices are down the rathole, and a second major bailout will be our death knell.


  18. If there were hundreds in the COGs that died it would be far beyond the likely probability. Probability would say around 5 in the U.S. Considering there are few in the NYC area and other metros probably closer to 2 or 3.

  19. Oh come on Earl.

    Statistically it should be between 40 and 150 for the entire acog community.

    But to be fair I only know of 3 Covid deaths in one of the splinters so far.

    But if it strikes, traditionally virus strikes harder in close knit (religious) communities.

    COG's have the advantage of knowledge of old testament quarantine laws and practices, but that won't help them if they allign with Dr Trumps snake oil medical advice.


  20. The last numbers I saw showed that 52% of American fatalities are in NYC.

  21. Since PCOG doesn't believe in military service and has repeatedly has no belief in accountability or open book accounting, they should be forced to return the money. Maybe Gerald can open his own Irish Distillery or brewery to make his favorite drink "Petra Stout"

  22. There are still many factors which are unknown or highly variable. I'd love to see a study, as an example, of the rates of infection and deaths of observant Seventh Day Adventists. SDA's are typically used as a "clean" group, useful as a basis for comparison with the general public, since as a group they do not smoke, and so many are vegetarians.

    Much is being said regarding antibodies and immunity. I'm hearing speculative stats regarding the rate of infection actually having been much higher than initially reported, this based on blood tests which are now more widespread. If true, this brings the actual death rate down substantially. The implications in this are that many more have been infected, have experienced mild or zero symptoms, have recovered, and have time-related immunity. The fly in the ointment of that theory is that since this is a new virus, are the hopes for immunity even realistic? Using AIDS as a counter example, you can't develop resistance to HIV by screwing people who are infected! Herd immunity does not work with the virus which causes AIDS.

    The ACOG members have a mixture of factors which would both raise and lower their vulnerability to Covid 19. Good news is that most do not smoke. However, some are defying social distancing. Many are not under the regular care of a physician. Members of the more extreme groups run themselves down with excessive "volunteer" work for the cult. Some, whose means would enable them to live in better neighborhoods actually live poor lifestyles because of their leaders' financial demands. Some take risks, believing that they have special protection.

    The big problem right now is that it's too early in the process to know what is really going on, because many skilled and powerful orators are competing to seize or establish the narrative. As LaRochefoucauld said,

    "Sincere enthusiasm is the only orator who always persuades. It is like an art the rules of which never fail; the simplest man with enthusiasm persuades better than the most eloquent with none."

    That's what I'm talking about when I refer to the talking heads and their cliches. Sadly, we have not reached the point to where we get past the cliches. We're on our way, but haven't reached it yet.


  23. RSK
    It was Benjamin Franklin.

    Who owns the $225 trillion in real estate, and will it really be sold to repay the debt? And sold to who? The Chinese?

  24. YouTube has a video on the virus entitled "Doctor destroys media Covid 19 narrative."
    The video points out remaining indoors weakens peoples immune system. This is because the immune system requires constant exposure to bacteria and non lethal viruses to maintain its effectiveness. Immunology 101. The two doctors point out that the latest public data on the virus shows it to be no deadlier than the normal flu.

  25. Anon 3:21 PM, there is a lot wrong with PCG, but it's actually a very balanced group in its approach to alcohol. GRF has talked and written fairly openly about his problems with alcohol, and he professes to have had no alcohol other than at Passover-time for many years. He has written articles to members reminding them to respect members' consciences and health preferences about the use of alcohol. In this he compares favorably to Rod Meredith, who was contemptuous of teetotalers.

  26. BB wrote:

    I'm hearing speculative stats regarding the rate of infection actually having been much higher than initially reported, this based on blood tests which are now more widespread.

    I've looked closely at two of those studies that were done on West Coast communities. They're intriguing, but they both have issues. In particularly, the failure rate of the tests is so high that in one study the "already have antibodies" numbers are mostly within the range of the tests' failure rate, which means they might not be statistically significant at all.

    Additionally, you wrote of "time-related immunity" but there are already reports of some "recovered" COVID-19 patients becoming re-infected. It's entirely possible that COVID-19 will give way to COVID-20 and COVID-21, each requiring its own annual vaccine to stay ahead of the virus' many mutations. We just don't know yet.

  27. nck,
    Around 1 in 6000 people in the U.S. have died. A lot of the COG members are outside the U.S. Do you think there are more than 30,000 COG members in the U.S. (in the larger 5 organizations) and outside of NYC and the larger metro areas C19 has a smaller mortality rate. An estimate. I've only heard of 1. Your statistical number of 150 seems to be off by a power of 10.

  28. I'd ask why a COG needs a million-dollar federal government loan.

    But I know why. I've read this blog. Planes and auditoriums need to be paid off.

    I suspect PCG could pull out the excuse that HWA borrowed money before Holy Days, then repaid the loans after offerings came in. But that was borrowing from banks, not Uncle Sam.

    I brought this up in a Bible study group, and a minister recalled Proverbs 22:7 - "The borrower is servant to the lender."

    Would PCG be doing this if Barack Obama was President?

  29. The borrower is servant to the lender. So is GF serving the government?

  30. I died of covid19 and went to heaven. Right now I'm learning to play the harp while watching NFL reruns and training for St Peter's foot ball team. Don't worry about covid. It's fun up here.

    I have not seen any of the Armstrong's or WCG ministers.

  31. There are some really bad additional possibilities, 6:29. Microscopic droplets staying in suspension in mid air for up to two hours make transmission by air increasingly a possibility. That may be why the situation is so bad in areas like NYC where the population density is at an intolerable level. NYC is like a factory farm for people!

    Plus, the virus can survive for up to an hour at 140 degrees F, so it may not retreat during the summer months as was initially theorized.

    I really wouldn't wish the virus on anyone, but I believe it is a fortunate coincidence that one of the leaders of the protests contracted it, because that very effectively demonstrated the dangers and foolishness of those protests, and hopefully will have a chilling effect on further stupidity. I know that many people quit shaking hands after Prince Charles was photographed shaking hands, chastised in the press, and subsequently tested positive.

    Gotta wait for time to tell. Many uncertainties and unknowns.


  32. Earl.

    I would say there could be 25.000 plus around the world. (You estimated US numbers, I did the "wider community"). BB mentioned variables and deviations. For instance I'm not sure if Acog community reflects standard population for the USA. Perhaps older constituency with higher likelyhood to suffer? Other deviations would be those on "compounds" (PCG), cities (RCG), heartland (CGI garner ted).

    Anyway. Mine is not a numbers game. I'm just warning the elderly to maintain social distancing for a while.

    My only interest in this topic is the separation between church and state and my concern for the USA to turn into Iran step by step.

    I also find it interesting to read mainstream articles reflecting thoughts on "the Jubilee."

    I would expect COG members to invest in hedgefunds going short on the American Economy and benefit in some ways from their philosophy. Since I have a positive outlook on life HWA's prophecies on the RISE of the Beast Power as an economic juggernaut, convinced me at a young age to go LONG on European stocks.


  33. km
    Who owns the $225 trillion in real estate, and will it really be sold to repay the debt? And sold to who? The Chinese?

    April 28, 2020 at 5:37 PM

    Obviously my point went way over your head. Go back to my example of a person making $60k a year with an $80k mortagage. The numbers are very similar percentage wise to the U.S. $23 trillion GDP with a $25 trillion national debt.

    If the person making $60k had an $80k mortgage would he be expected to sell his $600k house before he'd not be considered bankrupt? That's just stupid.

    Who owns the $225 trillion? We all do. We are the U.S.

    Do you think that you have no part in the $25 trillion debt? If you do, you are a... (I won't go there)

    Again, I'd prefer the country not having a debt at all, but calling us bankrupt because we have a debt about equal with our GDP is just plain ignorant. Especially knowing that a good portion of our debt we actually owe ourselves, borrowing from SSI and all that. No, I'm not saying I condone that but I don't go to the extreme of thinking it makes us bankrupt. Which is the point that I was initially addressing.

    Personally I'm amazed that we're only $25 trillion in debt as many times as we've saved most of the world, financed rebuilding, not to mention the lazy bums we have here on welfare. (ok, I mentioned it) I just want to point out, since BB has been engaged in a discussion with a selfish acog dude, that I'm 100% in favor of helping those who are unable to help themselves. Whether that be just temporarily to get back on their feet or permanently for the legitimately disabled. I do agree however, as I'd bet that BB does, that we have been taken advantage of as a nation, and we're hated by many, in some cases for good reason, but because of jealousy in a lot of cases too.

    I know that the point will again fly over your head.



  34. Gerald Flurry will TAKE whatever he can GET.

  35. Km

    You are right on debt on the national level. However you are dead wrong on international economics, the position of the dollar, its relation to oil and WHO actually benefits MOST from the current world system. The central actor of course. This is not the topic to explain international political economics Re Gilpin et all.

    Just saying.


  36. The selfish ACOG dude is trying to get away with the same form of argumentation that we were taught to use against Christmas parties and birthday parties. And that is that some people get carried away, abusing and debauching the situation (in the case of Christmas and birthdays, with excessive alcohol and illicit sex). And, of course in COGdom, they extrapolate these events into the main, compelling aspect of every Christmas party, or every birthday party.

    By the way, this is not a thread hijack. We have been commenting on how PCG is abusing and exploiting the CARES Act. And, we have done it the right way, laying the blame on one isolated organization which has made a dubious claim on the financial resources of the act. We have not attacked CARES itself (which is actually helping some of my customers in their survival efforts). Thinking objectively, the posters above realize that Flurry's misuse of the program does not constitute a reason to tar and feather and abandon the program itself.

    The selfish ACOG member on the other thread seems to feel that because a small percentage of people do not appreciate charity, and are perennial abusers or become dependent, that all charity is bad and should be abandoned in favor of "he who does not work shall not eat".
    The problem with lifting that statement from proper context and making it into a universal paradigm is that not all people are even capable of working, But, Armstrongism certainly has had a long history of lifting other sayings from context to justify selfishness (like "let the dead bury the dead) ignoring the entire lesson of the good Samaritan. HWA did not understand or accept any sort of balance unless it directly benefited him. Now some are stuck with selfishness for life.


  37. No one seems to be making the connection, so here goes. The secular world is following the WCOG in becoming tyrannical. This is most significant for the Anglo-Saxons, since it is contrary to their history. The corona virus being the excuse given, rather than Christ returning "in 3-5 short years."

    This parallel suggests that America will soon fragment, and be a shadow of it's former economic and military self. The United States of America will become a bunch of insignificant third world banana republics. Just like today's ACOGs.

  38. Nck, dead wrong in your opinion my friend, just in your opinion. 😁


  39. Km
    I studied my Robert Gilpin km with good grades. Just aiding a friend. Love you man. I have no opinions. Just opinionated at times.


  40. Two important words that I know nck understands: Reserve Currency. That designation is based on strength and trust, because of its status as an international safe haven. To have more accurate theory behind his concept of national economic security, km needs to include the dollar's continuing status as preferred reserve currency. It is potentially a huge modifier.

    Also, if the tyranny guy is referring to quarantine, business shutdown, and shelter in place as violations of our founding documents and loss in freedom, he's a fool who has bought into hysteria. As a nation, we have endured temporary restrictions for the greater good numerous times in the past, the vast majority of citizens were observant and all were considered patriotic for being so. You can't control a virus which is measurable for its presence, and unknown in its virulence without administering some restrictions. People who defy or fight the temporary restraints need to be warned, then incarcerated following a second offense. If while incarcerated they get exposed to the virus and end up dying, we've simply cleaned up the gene pool. If the protesters are allowed to get out of hand, martial law will be required to bring everything back in control.

    Trump's best chance in getting reelected is to kick Mike Pence to the curb and name Dr. Fauci as his running mate.

  41. Nck, you know that I'm probably as much or more opinionated than you. Plus I'm a confessed asshole when I want to be. I find the anonymous tough man on this blog hilarious. He's a coward!


  42. Oh come on people, I wasn't doing a thesis on economic theory. Someone said the U.S. was bankrupt and I just showed how stupid that claim was. With a casual comment on how much we've spent on two world wars and many other smaller wars which admittedly were mostly to keep the oil flowing, whether good or bad I'm not going there. Adding a comment about how many lazy welfare bums we have, I'd be willing to bet we have more than the rest of the world. WV is full of them!


  43. The virus is a farce. It's just a bad flu. The media are lying. Full stop. Only fools who never look below the surface fall for this crap.

  44. The USA is like Yugoslavia before it broke apart. But, it will break apart also.

  45. The media used to say 20% who get covid will die. The actual death rate, according to one study, is 0.1%. Countries loaded with fools are losing business to those who are run by more level headed journalists.

  46. 1.09 PM
    You obviously haven't watched the YouTube video "Doctor destroys media Covid 19 narrative." As it points out, enough scientific data has been collected in the past 6 weeks to prove that the corona virus is no deadlier than the normal flu.
    This video had over 4 million hits, was taken down by YouTube, then put back under this harder to find title.

    There's a conspiracy to use this virus to change the world as we know it, so no, things will never get back to the way they were. This is a power grab by all those in power worldwide, and thieves do not return what they steal.
    I hope I am wrong, but that's what the evident, together with human history points to.

  47. Km
    I've spent too much time fighting the notion that the USA "saved the world", "was taken advantage of" and the implication that "others have been lazy" to not respond to my pet peeves on this blog.

    You expressed amazement noticing "the USA had prospered still". I referred to Robert Gilpin who does not speak of "oil wars" at all. Its simply the place of the dollar in the system that HWA worked for as an agent (visiting most leaders and discuss "the solutions to make deserts glow with water by accepting" the way of give"......... through alliance in the dollar system Putin and the Chinese are trying to collapse.


  48. @6:14 ~ That lying Satanic video is part of a conspiracy to kill off as much of humanity as possible. It's to make the gullible like you ignore the real danger like what's happening in New York, and to make you think that everything is safe and normal. Whoever made it is responsible for all the people who die because they believe it.

  49. Covid 19 has resulted from a designer virus intended to wipe out about half the world population as a solution to global warming since big money wasn't listening to the scientists. It was carefully released just in advance of flu season to mask it. The CIA uncovered the plot, brought in scientists to confirm and analyze it, and they ended up exposing it just in a nick of time. Why do you think Donald Trump suddenly reversed himself? All the experts around the world knew what steps they'd have to take to blunt the impact, and started shutting everything down. This was a shock to the developers of the virus. They knew communist countries could shut down, but never guessed that democracies would have the will and unity to do it also. The global effort has been so successful that the conspirators are now running scared and have turned to counter measures. They are behind all the protesters, and have launched propaganda like the you tube video to make people believe that the virus is harmless.

    I'm thinking 6:14 is probably some ignorant southern Illinois redneck who is a sucker for any stupid conspiracy theory. It's a fact that it's the dumber splinters that are acting as if Covid is a hoax. Trump would not have sacrificed the certainty of reelection if the virus was a hoax.

  50. BTW I really love the discussion between 8:01 and 6:14.

    It proves that on either side of a debate (elements in) the government can employ conspiracy theorists or practicists and blame the outcome on either one of them while steering clear. (and of course deny involvement or dissolvesn organisation)

    Kinda what happened how the KGB used the Bulgarian intelligence services to employ a turkish fanatic to take pope John 2 out........ or some rumor jfk, anyway either that or 8:01 is being "a Greek unto the Greek, to get a message across. As wierd as his statement is, he is on the side of "the sane" judging.

    Interesting in light of "75 years of liberation" celebrated in swaths of the world. Liberation from what?

    There seems to be a dichotomy in man. Accepting grants from the Egyptians. Is that how Tkach Jr influenced Trump to just get those folk a ticket all or is he still going to expell them?

    I guess pcg is not a blue state.

    I would love to hear "painful truths" opinion on the fighting blue and red senators and governors who speak about "us" and "them" while speaking of New York countrymen who funded their states for decades and now plea for aid. And California and Texas contemplating secession. Have you changed your opinion on the EU seeing the divisive garbage coming from US politicians under duress of a "mere" virus?


  51. Nck, I can't figure out if you're pissed at me or what.

    The lazy bums that I mentioned were U.S. citizens, not the world.

    Should I apologize for the U.S. saving the world and prospering still? I won't! ☺

    I don't recall saying that Gilpin spoke of oil wars, did I write something while in an unconscious state? Very possible. 😉

    BTW, my 2:35pm post wasn't written to you. If it was I'd have placed your initials first as I did in my 2:27pm post to you, and this one.

    Don't worry, if the E.U. attacks nations that exit, we'll be here/there to save your asses, and we'll most likely still prosper. 😇



  52. How America Saved the World!



  53. HWA an agent? That is funny Nck.


  54. Km

    I am not pissed at you. I used your comment to make a larger point. I extrapolated your national remarks to the international sphere. No offense. I'm here to share, hardly personal ever.

    Yes HWA was an agent.... As in "authorized to represent"....

    No one visits world leaders without a debriefing. Read the old magazines. When HWA returns..... Stan hopped of early for business in Washington. When HWA left Brussels for Paris when Nakasone dropped in at the OECD, Stan left 2 hours before the GII on a commercial flight to Paris.

    Anyway the US ambassador to Syria admitted HWA representing the USA in ways he never could.

    The US ambassador to Japan did not know how it came to pass that a US citizen was invited by the emperor personally when he alone and HWA were summoned.

    But the nice part is HWA admitted to not knowing...... and I have shared the reason many times on this blog. That's why I drew the analogy with the Pope's assasin who did not have a clue that he was an instrument or agent for the KGB.

    Don't take it personally when I use comments to initiate my pet peeves.

    It's not funny when Stan Rader addresses the entire military and political leadership of the Philippines at the largest military base. That is the intelligence network at your service. I am not funny. Just majoring in the minors, I ching. The man on the high castle.


  55. HWA an agent

    Nothing would surprise me, I think he did have some agency connections as an anti-communist informer. On the other side, he apparently tried to join the Mafia but his standards weren't high enough. See the Ambassador Report for details.

  56. The only reason that HWA had any world recognition is because of our tithe money that he dished out like candy.

  57. To be clear. My main point is that people do not need to know they are an agent. Money and underfunded agencies.. well take a look at Charlie Wilson's war for entertainment. HWA had more than money that was dished out. It paid regular fees to underfunded radio stations getting a message out to Cuba, Eastern block. Western American culture transitioning Europe over radio Luxembourg and connections like a snowball in an age that was at (cold) war.

    But most importantly he carried the message of the man at the high castle. That the empire that owned all the goodies would continue under the name and protection of the American empire and this the Anglo empire would continue and the slaves out to understand who their masters were or "an invisible hand" (free trade) would strike them or "no flesh would be saved" despite our (Japanese and American) "technological progress", while "Assyria" should remain occupied (which it did until 1992).

    Just follow the GII trail and read up on Israeli-South African nuclear weapons exchange during cold War, Japanese oil dependency and the GII carrying Samurai class to the Gulf States, and the notion that the USA did not pay at all but gained from the 1st invasion of Iraq while Japan paid most, the largest recipients of "American aid" and HWA'S close personal relations with their leaders like Sadat, Jordan etc and this only a hint for appetizer.


  58. More money for GF to fuel his jet and pay for his college named for an incestrios false prophet But continue to pay your tithes and reap "God's financial blessings

  59. Nck, you'd make a great fiction writer. You have some strange ideas, if you'd just practice making your ideas more comprehensive. You could compete with Clive Cussler.

  60. 8:43

    Yeah. At literature programs during interviews authors get asked "what part is fiction and what is real".

    That is never asked on this blog since everything I post is verifiable fact, albeit filtered through Georgetown eyes and therefore arranged in order comprehensible for real Ambassadors.

    Ok Clive did attend Pasadena college. So far the similarity.

    All the dots are facts, I just string the dots different from the Behind the Work film producers in a narrative as how the elites would receive a yelling American yelling official Pentagon Mutual Assured Destruction policy at them and not smug culties believing hwa brings them the gospel.

    I saw the GII landing and officials asking my friends father if they should open the gates to the tarmac offering a motorcade. A couple of years later when Tkach descended on the same airport heaven and earth had to be moved to stop customs searching the suitcases of the party. This is was when I realized that the Work was decomissioned.


  61. Note the last initial, 8:43. I finally figured out his identity. That is Nicholas King, Stephen King's younger brother!


  62. April 29, 2020 at 1:09 PM wrote:"People who defy or fight the temporary restraints need to be warned, then incarcerated following a second offense. If while incarcerated they get exposed to the virus and end up dying, we've simply cleaned up the gene pool."

    Ok,...but the Democrats will just let them back out on the street like they did with the felons who were already in prison. Then again, maybe the Democrats wouldn't apply that to the freedom loving protesters because of.....health and safety???

    Hhmm...death from all causes goes down while deaths form covid19 goes up according to this Provisional Death Counts of Coronavirus disease 2019 report.


  63. 5:00pm Sometimes in order to understand stats one must use their seldom used brain cells. Did you ever think that the reason death by all causes has gone down is because of sheltering in place? Not as many people on the road and such? Yes, fascinating to not very bright people.

  64. Amazing! Sheltering in place is the cure for everything! Ban roads and cars too! We just learned that it can save even more lives. Too much traffic, too many people! Quarantine for Mother Earth now, until we change the temperature!

    Kidding aside, I was implying that the governments lax guidlines for classifying covid deaths, which has actually been done without lab test confirmation, could be a big part of the discrepancy.


  65. Healthy white people do not die of covid, so there is no reason for Trump to delay the start up.

    The elderly should applaud the young people for the sacrifices they made for them the past 6 weeks.


  66. Healthy white people do not die of covid

    True. Obesity, however, is one of the major co-morbidities for COVID-19. Because of this, about 25 percent of American adult whites are in the high-risk category for serious COVID-19 symptoms.

  67. I don't know why I didn't think of it before as I've been frustrated with the lack of info on those hospitalized with covid, but Nck should have some insight as he is or was in NYC and probably would make sure to find out.

    So, Nck, what have you surmised from the hospitalized data and perhaps word on the street? Why was NYC hit so badly? It seems the subways don't explain it. Have you insight into victims under 65 being in close contact. It doesn't seem like the black incidence rate is drastically out of whack statistically, though elevated, or am I wrong about that?
    I know there are generally more immuno compromised people in NYC (apparently 125,000 are on HIV medication).
    Housing costs resulting in close living quarters, even among professionals?
    I'm sure you have your theories...

  68. The USA IS bankrupt:

    Its debt has has exceeded 100% of GDP.
    The record for sicko countries in this category is not good!

    Also the GDP is not as good as it seems - a lot of waste - military - and is subject to severe contraction.

    Not only that, but the deficit spending is accelerating!

    And mentioning of 'total national assets' is a red-herring as this wealth is largely inaccessible for liquidating debt.

  69. Is this Chinese credit rating service the only one telling the truth on US economic state?


  70. "Paid by American taxpayers?" I doubt it. Rather, it will be put on the nations credit card of $23 trillion plus. And this sum will never be paid back, ie, the creditors will be shafted. Where's the Christian morality in accepting this "free" money?

    The PCG frequently condemns the nation living beyond it's means, then goes and grabs this unearned money. Please explain.
    7:48 PM

    This comment nails it perfectly.
    Shame on PCG-cult for taking Gov-check-writing-Funny-money which expediting US-debt-default.

  71. 12:54
    I just saw your question.

    It is easy. No theories. A) Covid is transmitted through contact. B) It kills people with severe health problems (like old people)

    Lots of VISITORS from all over the world, lots of taxis, lots of theaters, lots of everything.


  72. Btw
    A Japanese clip is going viral. It shows a Japanese experiment in a buffet restaurant. One person is the "coughed in hand" person with invisible paint on one hand.

    With half an hour all 30 people in the restaurant are "infected" with paint on all hands, cutlery, in their faces.

    No conspiracy theories here. Just human behavior.


  73. Just wanted to hear your thoughts Nck. When I alluded to "your theories" I didn't mean it as pejorative or in the realm of conspiracy. I have my own theories that are generally just linked to the falibilities of man, not conspiracy theories.

  74. 11:09

    Its not that the virus looks at one's passport to look up "age" or "living quarters".

    It just is. (It does not "live".)

    Depending on one's health one has a better chance to get better sooner.

    What is more interesting is the data coming in on extra symptoms. Like blood clotting, loss of smell, loss of taste, lung damage, kidney failure etc

    Just to counter the "flu" people.

    It's not up to doctors to count the economic cost. That is up to elected representative officials who should inform and protect the people appropriately. And "the people" is larger than subgroups I understand that. It's a difficult wager but leaders should be able to communicate, act and lead and command authority and acceptance for imopular measures through knowledge or at least make decisions based on both the will of the people and the greater good. They should radiate that resolve instead of catering to petty games.

